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[PKMN OPEN] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)

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The Oracle

[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)

Gold Pilot Extended
Escape Goat 2 playlist
Flare - Green Sun


⌠ Age and Experience. ⌡

Her eyes and feathers show evidence of old age.

Most of her life has been spent using her powers to protect others - foreseeing dangerous events in time to make preparations, or using psychic abilities to lend protection.​

⌠ Personality. ⌡

When she opts to remain quiet, the Xatu can give off a mysterious air.

When she does speak, it's clear that years of experience and visions have blessed her with wisdom and ethics. She speaks evenly, with forethought, rarely raising her voice. She can even come across as a caring old lady, concerning herself with everyone's well-being.

Occasionally, a smile will play across her oft-pensive face.

In fact, it's not unheard of for the old bird to prod others with teasing that only an old lady can get away with.​

[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)


⌠ Psychic Abilities. ⌡

Augury - Quetzalli has a vision that may depict past or future events.

Scrying - Quetzalli sees visions of what has happened to the target object/Pokémon in the past, or what may happen in the future.

Small Prophecies - Quetzalli glimpses a moment of the near future, and may use this knowledge in the near future to improve her reaction, her odds of survival, her accuracy, etc.

Mark of Vision - Quetzalli connects to another Pokémon's mind to perceive the world with their senses from their perspective.

Telekinesis - Quetzalli moves an object or Pokémon with her mind, causing them to "float."

Telepathy - Quetzalli projects her voice into other's minds. She can sometimes read thoughts as well.

Teleportation - Quetzalli disappears from one location and reappears in another, so long as she can accurately envision her destination (e.g. through previous memorization or line-of-sight).​

⌠ Combat Ability. ⌡

Lucky Chant - Quetzalli chants an incantation toward the sky, protecting her and her allies from critical hits for five rounds.

Confuse Ray - Quetzalli gains psychic access to her opponent's mind, crossing signals or forcing them to see strange mental images or illusions. This inflicts the Confused status condition.

Air Slash - Fluffed in one of two ways:
Quetzalli does a fly-by, zipping right by her opponent's side. As she passes, the edge of her wing inflicts a cut.
With each flap of Quetzalli's wings, a saw-like wave of energy shoots forth.

Psychic - Fluffed in one of two ways:
Quetzalli gains psychic access to her opponent's mind, and tricks their brain into experiencing debilitating pain even though they are under no bodily harm.
Quetzalli takes telekinetic hold of her opponent, forcing them to float in the air, then directs them in any direction she wishes, often with great speed toward a hard object.

Future Sight - Quetzalli glimpses a moment of the near future, of her opponent's movements. She aims not where her opponent is now, but where her opponent will be in the near future, lays a "trap," and waits a moment for said future to arrive.
On their post turn, when the opponent steps in this "trap," they are struck with a pinpointed high-power psychic attack, one that would be too difficult to accurately strike with without knowing exactly where to aim.
Since it is in their post, the opponent may fluff this attack as they like, so long as it is psychic and high-power (base power of 120). Some examples: A sharp pain in their head with a ringing of the ears. A diagonal slash through the air that appears from nowhere. A coloured blast of energy shooting up from the ground like so.

Magic Bounce - Quetzalli's ability allows her to psychically repel and reflect status moves. e.g. a move that would lower her defence, or put her to sleep.​

[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)

⌠ Background. ⌡

Whether it was in a tribe in the wilderness, or just around town, it's likely you've heard this rumour, murmured between Pokémon.
Whenever the topic of the uncertain future comes up, someone will inevitably bring it up...

Rumours of an old bird who lives by herself on a rocky cliff.

Rumours that she could see into the future with her right eye,
and into the past with her left.

Rumours that remain alive to this day.

These rumours were not unfounded. It seemed this old Xatu was gifted with abilities not only psychic, but precognitive. And she refuses to misuse such a gift - believing it is her duty to use the gift Mother Mew has given her to protect others.

Truthfully though, she was happy about the rumours. Most of them depicted her as a mysterious elderly bird with astounding precognitive abilities. Few knew her by name, but instead by the rumour.

And without those rumours, no one would know of her, would they? She would just be a lonely old lady letting her ability go to waste.

Members of tribes, lone-wolf Freefolk, or even brave or desperate Urban Pokémon would seek her out now and again, for her wisdom or for her talent of seeing events both past and future.

She is usually addressed as Oracle or The Oracle.
Those who know her well, use her real name.​

⌠ Childhood and Middle Age. ⌡

At the beginning of her life, Quetzalli was not a Freefolk, but an Urban.

As a child, Quetzalli often used her precognition to cheat. Schoolwork, games, what have you. Sneaking peeks into the future even as a young chick proved to be an advantage she would often use unfairly, during the folly of youth.

Only as an adult did her ability to look into the past materialize, and at this point she worked as a historian for the Keepers University. Quetzalli loved this job, it suited her so well and she found it very fulfilling. She worked together with a dear friend in the Artisans Club of said University, an artistic Dwebble who loved to carve. To this day, Quetzalli lives in a dome-shaped clay house carved by that Dwebble, and keeps many pots and sculptures made by her, to decorate said home.

But her temptation to cheat lingered, and she used it in the world of gambling. She was a clever bird, using her clairvoyance subtly to glimpse moments of the future of these gambling games, cheating the system in order to win. After being caught one too many times at each of the small gambling games around town, she was banned from each one. The Keepers University frowned upon this news, and asked her to resign. Quetzalli chose to change her lifestyle, becoming a Freefolk, a fortune teller and soothsayer for anyone who would visit.

She honed her craft during this time, and eventually, she was asked to see the future for a member of nobility, Jun Unfezant.
Telling him of his future is her biggest regret to this day.
As soon as she foretold a vision that disagreed with him - a vision of his defeat by the hands of a boy - Jun Unfezant went into a flurry, sending his warriors to kill this threat before it killed him. The casualities were heavy, and so is this memory on Quetzalli's mind.

Though Jun is now out of the picture, and Quetzalli lives on her own now, she is still wary of how others may react to her foretellings. She reminds herself she must always consider how any Pokémon may react and change the future, if she tells them what she has envisioned. She must act not only as a clairvoyant, but as a wise moral figure as well.​

[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)


⌠ Goals. ⌡

Thanks to encouragement from her Dwebble friend, Quetzalli seeks to leave her Freefolk way of life, leave her little dome-shaped home on the rocky cliffs, and re-enter Urban society. Naturally, this comes with a good deal of challenges. Many Urban Pokémon choose ignorance over education, leading to ugly misconceptions about the Xatu's precognitive abilities. Quetzalli is coming into this experience fully expecting to be a victim of discrimination, social exclusion, and social marginalization. And yes, she intends to fight it.

Even so. Quetzalli does not actively seek any Pokémon's defeat.
Ideally, she'd like to see peace between any two groups of conflict.

Protecting her "kin" is foremost on her mind, and if that means neutralizing a threat that looms in the near future, so be it.

She reminds herself she must always consider how any Pokémon may react and change the future, if she tells them what she has envisioned. She must act not only as a clairvoyant, but as a wise moral figure as well. Her decisions on how to react to the future that she's foreseen, may well end up changing the future.​

⌠ Religion and Spirituality. ⌡

Quetzalli subscribes to the Mewish faith, a belief that Mew is the Mother of all Pokémon (and that Arceus only created the universe, not its lifeforms).

This faith emphasizes nurturing, protection, peace, and to some extent learning.

Her religious demeanour: Somewhat tolerant, occasional expression of beliefs, rare conversion, humble attitude​

⌠ Hobbies and Handicaps. ⌡

Hobbies: Fortune telling (obviously), philosophizing, reading, storytelling,
music and art appreciation, antiques, and oddly enough, gambling.

Oddities: Superstition, exaggeration, and eavesdropping.

Handicaps: One of the most obvious handicaps Quetzalli has is her age. She's old. Old enough that her body can fail to keep up with young people. Her mind is exceptional, but time has taken its toll on her body.

She's also a bird, which means telekinesis is the only way she has to hold onto things, unless she uses her talons, which seems to be frowned upon by Urbans.

Speaking of. The Urbans frown at many things she does, and represents. Many Urban Pokémon choose ignorance over education, leading to ugly misconceptions about the Xatu's precognitive abilities. Oh yes, and did I mention the rumours going around about her? Not all of them are positive. Quetzalli is coming into this experience fully expecting to be a victim of discrimination, social exclusion, and social marginalization. And yes, she intends to fight it.

Finally... as wise as she is, she has not gotten over her temptation to use her visions to cheat.

⌠ Core Traits. ⌡

Primary motivators:

Peace, protection, understanding, wisdom
Calm, even-tempered
Hopeful, slightly optimist
Honest, responsible
Controlled, thoughtful
Warm, yet...

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Lead by Rain Mach

Pokemon 1
Species: Kirlia

Name: Rain Mach

: Female

: Young

Acting Freefolk or Urban
: An urban girl through and through. Rain hatched and grew up originally up in Verdanturff Town where she was raised by her foster parent, a Machamp. Rain's adoptive father wanted his little girl to grow up and develop her healing and cure moves, but Rain wanted nothing of that. Perhaps it was being raised by a Machamp or the fact that she lived in a part of town that was densely populated with fighting types, but Rain wanted to fight. Not just fight like a normal Ralts, no. She wanted to fight with her fists. At first, her foster father was worried about his Ralts. Since she was a girl, there wasn't a good chance of her excelling, if being good at all in full on hand-to-hand combat, but she surprised him! Whatever it was, Rain was a natural at using her fist to knock some heads. Well enough that he stopped trying to force Rain into taking Heal Pulse lessons (she always ran away when she could) and decided to train her himself and even teaching her one or two things as well. Soon enough, Rain asked her good ol' dad if she could move to Petalburg City. It took some (a lot of) convincing, but he finally allowed her to go on her own. She was still young, but he knew that Rain could fend for herself very easily.

Strengths: She can throw a punch and it will hurt. Not only does Rain have a knack for fist fighting, she was also trained by her foster father who was a Machamp. She has learned to watch her opponent's movements and adapt to their style . . . by throwing herself headfirst into the fray. Though she isn't the fastest Pokemon, Rain is quite agile and uses her flexibility to her advantage to get out of sticky situations and deal quick and sneaky attacks to her foes. Not to mention she has learned to master the art of teleportation, using it to her advantage in battle to get up close and personal or to get out of a tight spot quickly.

Her no holds brawl kind of fighting style stems from her brave/foolish attitude. Rain is not afraid to take on any challenge that stands in her way and will always find a way to win even if the outcome seems grim. She is hot headed, focused, and eager to throw a punch!

Weaknesses: That same brave attitude that serves her well is also her downfall. Rain has a short fuse, easily able to get angry and lose focus. She does strike harder when angered, but her attacks are less focused, not as refined. She also has low stamina, unable to take a whole lot of hits before falling to her defeat. Often times she'll push herself past her limits to keep going, but this leads to some bad repercussions later on. She also hates perverts with a passion, which causes her to lose focus as well.

Moveset: Teleport, Fire Punch, Double Team, Magical leaf, Psychic

Pokemon 2
Species: Poochyena

Name: Mei Feng

Gender: Female

Maturity: Child

Acting Freefolk or Urban: A true freefolk 'mon. Mei belonged to a big family of 9 brothers and sisters with herself being the youngest and therefore the one picked on the most. She became so irritated by all of the things her brothers and sisters did to her that she challenged them all to a battle and if she won, her parents would have to let her go and be on her own. They accepted, not expecting Mei to actually win, but she does! She spent the entire time before the battle watching her siblings, seeing how they fought and acted so that she had every possible chance to win. Her parents begrudgingly agreed to let her go and they watched her go. It didn't take long for her to bump into Rain and the two fought. It wasn't a short fight and the two became sort of friends as they began travelling together with Rain having an idea of forming a team . . .

Strengths: Mei is a strategist. She knows of her limitations and knows she is not the strongest or the fasted, so instead she tries to be the smartest. And with her Quick Feet ablity, she uses it to her advantage by allowing herself to become afflicted with a status (except for paralysis) so that she can be a bigger threat on the battle field. If she isn't strong enough to beat an opponent with her own strength she will find some way with her environment.

Weaknesses: Mei has a terrible personality. Thanks to her siblings treatment towards her she became very anti-social. Coupled with the fact that she is a freefolk Pokemon makes her very much a loner type and so she likes to keep with herself or with Rain and even then she can get annoyed by the Kirlia rather easy. She is also incredibly frail. She cannot take hit well. At all. Although she can think on a moment's notice, when she becomes backed into a corner her fight or flight instincts kick in, causing her to make very bad mistakes.

Moveset: Howl, Poison Fang, Sucker Punch, Sand-Attack, Taunt
Interesting, I like how the Poochyena is the strategist! The only thing I'm iffy about is the use of Teleport in battles. I opted against putting Teleport on my Kadabra. Teleport is a move used to escape battles, not to move around during them. As such, you could use Teleport in this RP to escape tricky situations and end a battle, or as a mode of transportation, but it would be a bit OP if you used it during battles to move around. Is that okay?

Adventure, does this mean you don't really have room on your team for others to join? I really liked the look of your team and was thinking of applying and having my character join your team.

Secondly, I'd like to ask how the social aspect of this RP is planned to function. For now, aside from the ability of Pokemon of player 1 to join player 2's team - an ability I'm not seeing anyone using yet, mind you - for now it actually looks like everyone would be isolated into their own teams.
Do you have any plans to encourage team 1 and team 2 to meet, socialize, do things together? I ask because I don't have much fun when all the players are not interacting with anyone except their own characters.

Character 1 of my SU is written up, but I would like to hear answers to these questions to help me know how to gear it.
My team personally has a kind of dark goal but it could be fun if another player's pokémon joined along the way and tried to fit in and uncover what they refuse to tell their new member (8 I would prefer to start with only my team members in the beginning though.

There is one team so far consisting of two players; did you read the SUs of the others?

I am indeed planning on giving plenty of opportunities for the teams to interact, or force them to even. I agree that when players don't interact, it's kind of unmotivating to post since there's not much RPing then ._.

As for your character Xatu...

Firstly, you didn't follow the character template I asked applicants to fill in, at all. As such, you missed giving your character strengths and weaknesses rather than some kind of general personality. Also, the Psychic Abilities you list for her (non-combat) are a bit OP tbh. It would be unfair and a bit too easy to powerplay if you had your character reading the others' minds, and it would be quite hard for you as a player to predict the future. I'd recommend following the SU template first and then adding extra parts to your SU on top of that if you want to, and also to stick to the battle abilities and use them out of battle if you want to make her do that. Telekinesis, for example, is a pokémon move, and if you want her to do that stuff, you should give her that battle move. If you really want your Xatu to have some sense of precognition and get visions or prophecies, then sure, because it's in Xatu's lore (: as long as it's only used in-battle if there's a move related to it, and as long as you don't use it against other players out of battle in ways they don't agree with.

Are my comments fair?
No, I understand what you mean about using teleport in battle. It could very well be used unfairly in battle by allowing the user a lot of quick and non-punishable cheap shots at an opponent and also be used to escape moves that would end a fight. I could say I'd have Rain use it sparingly, but I'm new here so my word can't really be taken. Would be awesome if it was, but I think switching Teleport with a different move could work. My only question is what should replace Teleport? My thoughts go to Lucky Chant or Growl since a Ralt's movepool isn't all that diverse when looking just at its level up moveset.
Firstly, you didn't follow the character template I asked applicants to fill in, at all. As such, you missed giving your character strengths and weaknesses rather than some kind of general personality.

That's true. I have my own way I like present Quetzalli's profile since it allows me to go more in-depth than templates from GMs tend to give me. I did, in fact, give her strengths and weaknesses if you care to read into the profile, especially the latter part (Oddities for example), it's simply not formatted in the way you suggested. I apologize if I didn't fit to your cookie cutter, no offense intended, but I do feel I've included all information you asked in my own design.

Basically: I do believe it's important to give characters weaknesses, but don't think it's kosher to just put a heading for them and lay them out, here they are. I prefer to mention them in the description alongside other traits.
I'd recommend following the SU template first and then adding extra parts to your SU on top of that if you want to.

...I see this is a sticking point for you. Will it be alright if I format my profile the way I have? Honestly, the only difference here is headings. Maturity, Freefolk/Urban, strengths, weaknesses, are all in there, plus my own additional waxing.
The Psychic Abilities you list for her (non-combat) are a bit OP tbh. It would be unfair and a bit too easy to powerplay if you had your character reading the others' minds. Stick to the battle abilities and use them out of battle if you want to make her do that. Telekinesis, for example, is a pokémon move, and if you want her to do that stuff, you should give her that battle move. If you really want your Xatu to have some sense of precognition and get visions or prophecies, then sure, because it's in Xatu's lore (: as long as it's only used in-battle if there's a move related to it, and as long as you don't use it against other players out of battle in ways they don't agree with.

That's a fair criticism. Would you tell me which psychic abilities you'd like to change, impose rules on, or have omitted?

Almost all psychic Pokemon display the ability to use telekinesis out of battle to manipulate everyday objects. Although this is a bit of a moot point since Psychic is indeed a move used in battle to telekinetically grab and throw if you use the anime as a reference point, so I have telekinesis covered there on both fronts.

Under telepathy, I wrote "Quetzalli projects her voice into other's minds. She can sometimes read thoughts as well." Shall we agree that the latter is only to be used on teammates, and non-teammates whenever either they, or the GM, imply it may be used for plot effect? Basically, if I get a narrative cue from either them or you? How does that sound?

As for Small Prophecies, and Illusionary Senses, is that just far too exploitable to be used in battle at all and may only be used out?
It would be quite hard for you as a player to predict the future.

As for Augury and Scrying and perhaps even Small Prophecies, from everything I've read on the subject, it's largely up to the GM's role to feed precognitive characters their clues, to tell them what they sense and see when they have a vision. What do you say?

I'm iffy about the use of Teleport in battles. I opted against putting Teleport on my Kadabra. Teleport is a move used to escape battles, not to move around during them. As such, you could use Teleport in this RP to escape tricky situations and end a battle, or as a mode of transportation, but it would be a bit OP if you used it during battles to move around. Is that okay?

I see I see! I thought we were going more for the anime's depiction of Teleport's move in battle. Perhaps I'll move Teleport from battle moves to Psychic abilities, then, and only use it out-of-battle as transportation. And still within the rules I've described, i.e. she can't teleport to someplace she doesn't know.

Perhaps I'll replace Teleport with Future Sight, or maybe Ominous Wind. How about we discuss how Future Sight might work in the context of an RP? Perhaps some variant on how it works in the manga?
[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)

My team personally has a kind of dark goal but it could be fun if another player's pokémon joined along the way and tried to fit in and uncover what they refuse to tell their new member (8 I would prefer to start with only my team members in the beginning though.

Well, that sounds like I would have no one to interact with in the beginning of the RP, so I guess not.
Should I form a team of my own by adding the aforementioned Dwebble as a traveling companion, or should I ask if others want a Xatu on their team? Or perhaps both.
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No, I understand what you mean about using teleport in battle. It could very well be used unfairly in battle by allowing the user a lot of quick and non-punishable cheap shots at an opponent and also be used to escape moves that would end a fight. I could say I'd have Rain use it sparingly, but I'm new here so my word can't really be taken. Would be awesome if it was, but I think switching Teleport with a different move could work. My only question is what should replace Teleport? My thoughts go to Lucky Chant or Growl since a Ralt's movepool isn't all that diverse when looking just at its level up moveset.
I suppose, in a way, it's a bit like using Protect or Double Team too. It's easy to powerplay but the RP will obviously be no fun if we're too good and avoid too much. So perhaps if we promise to use the move wisely, we can apply Teleport in battles too (: have it say it expels a lot of energy so we can't really spam it. I'll choose to take your word for it. Welcome to the RP~!
That's true. I have my own way I like present Quetzalli's profile since it allows me to go more in-depth than templates from GMs tend to give me. I did, in fact, give her strengths and weaknesses if you care to read into the profile, especially the latter part (Oddities for example), it's simply not formatted in the way you suggested. I apologize if I didn't fit to your cookie cutter, no offense intended, but I do feel I've included all information you asked in my own design.

Basically: I do believe it's important to give characters weaknesses, but don't think it's kosher to just put a heading for them and lay them out, here they are. I prefer to mention them in the description alongside other traits.

...I see this is a sticking point for you. Will it be alright if I format my profile the way I have? Honestly, the only difference here is headings. Maturity, Freefolk/Urban, strengths, weaknesses, are all in there, plus my own additional waxing.
"Oddities: Superstition, exaggeration, and eavesdropping." could definitely be expanded a little bit. I wanted to be able to compare the writers and characters easily by giving a sheet to fill in. If people add more on top of that, it's just a bonus. But alright then, you clearly prefer to do things your own way and not conform to a group standard.

That's a fair criticism. Would you tell me which psychic abilities you'd like to change, impose rules on, or have omitted?

Almost all psychic Pokemon display the ability to use telekinesis out of battle to manipulate everyday objects. Although this is a bit of a moot point since Psychic is indeed a move used in battle to telekinetically grab and throw if you use the anime as a reference point, so I have telekinesis covered there on both fronts.

Under telepathy, I wrote "Quetzalli projects her voice into other's minds. She can sometimes read thoughts as well." Shall we agree that the latter is only to be used on teammates, and non-teammates whenever either they, or the GM, imply it may be used for plot effect? Basically, if I get a narrative cue from either them or you? How does that sound?

As for Small Prophecies, and Illusionary Senses, is that just far too exploitable to be used in battle at all and may only be used out?

As for Augury and Scrying and perhaps even Small Prophecies, from everything I've read on the subject, it's largely up to the GM's role to feed precognitive characters their clues, to tell them what they sense and see when they have a vision. What do you say?
Basically, I don't want you to have unfair advantages over the other players and try to control their actions or choices in any way, or have your character know about things that only the GM should know or that nobody can know since it hasn't happened yet.

Projecting her thoughts into the minds of others isn't doing any harm, but reading the thoughts of others without the others knowingly sending her thoughts somehow, can be powerplaying. I don't mind how you do it with your teammates, but perhaps we can say that Quetzalli can read them because they're willing, while she can't read those unaware? And if you at some point feel like you really want to read somebody else's mind, you can agree with the other player beforehand in the OOC thread or via messages and it should be alright (:

Illusionary senses is typical for other pokémon, not for Xatu, so you should probably leave that out completely. Xatu's thing is seeing the past and future of objects and "its trainer" so its friends, I suppose. It's just hard to do in a RP where battling is a key thing. We can tread carefully and see how you can use it without Xatu seeming overpowered to the point that it ruins the RP experience for somebody? I mean, it still is Xatu's thing, so of course they would use it in battle if they could, logically. They're probably very physically fragile instead, then. Kind of like a Kadabra!

If you want to have a vision of something, confer with me here first, then. It's a bit tricky if actions of other players make that future not turn out to happen, you know?

I see I see! I thought we were going more for the anime's depiction of Teleport's move in battle. Perhaps I'll move Teleport from battle moves to Psychic abilities, then, and only use it out-of-battle as transportation. And still within the rules I've described, i.e. she can't teleport to someplace she doesn't know.

Perhaps I'll replace Teleport with Future Sight, or maybe Ominous Wind. How about we discuss how Future Sight might work in the context of an RP? Perhaps some variant on how it works in the manga?
[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)
I told Saiya that it would be okay to use Teleport in battle too now, if we say that it expels so much energy that a pokémon probably only wnats to use it when well rested (like, outside of battle) or as a last resort (in battle). Kind of like how Protect also couldn't be used much in succession. Besides, if your Xatu already has sensing the future, reading minds of others (or at least projecting), won't it be a bit superpowered to be able to Teleport as well? :P Future Sight sounds more interesting then, to be honest! When I've thought about how to use that move, I think the manga explanation works well. Maybe you won't need to narratively describe exactly where the future attack is placed, just that it is. That makes for some cool strategies (:

Well, that sounds like I would have no one to interact with in the beginning of the RP, so I guess not.
Should I form a team of my own by adding the aforementioned Dwebble as a traveling companion, or should I ask if others want a Xatu on their team? Or perhaps both.
Everybody will be able to interact in the beginning, should they choose to. You can ask Saiyakitsune or Ishymata if they'd want you to be on their team (or perhaps start the RP with Xatu approaching them about joining?) because then all teams except for one would start with three members~ Of course if you think you'd prefer to add the Dwebble, you can do that instead.

I'll stop procrastinating now and put up the IC so we can start (; I've just had a busy week. But I'm eager to RP!
Hey guys! I opened the RP thread now~ https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=9376315#9376315

Let me know if you have any questions. I hope we can at least make a few posts each a week c:
"Oddities: Superstition, exaggeration, and eavesdropping." could definitely be expanded a little bit. I wanted to be able to compare the writers and characters easily by giving a sheet to fill in. If people add more on top of that, it's just a bonus. But alright then, you clearly prefer to do things your own way and not conform to a group standard.

I'm adding a Handicaps section to her profile, to gather up what can be considered weaknesses from other areas of her profile. I'll probably end up repeating info, but hopefully it'll help make things more clear!
Basically, I don't want you to have unfair advantages over the other players and try to control their actions or choices in any way, or have your character know about things that only the GM should know or that nobody can know since it hasn't happened yet.

Projecting her thoughts into the minds of others isn't doing any harm, but reading the thoughts of others without the others knowingly sending her thoughts somehow, can be powerplaying. I don't mind how you do it with your teammates, but perhaps we can say that Quetzalli can read them because they're willing, while she can't read those unaware? And if you at some point feel like you really want to read somebody else's mind, you can agree with the other player beforehand in the OOC thread or via messages and it should be alright (:

That's fine. I'm just saying that other players, or you, can also leave me direct hints in their narration when they want Quetzalli to overhear them. Both that and OOC are fine.
Illusionary senses is typical for other pokémon, not for Xatu, so you should probably leave that out completely.
Illusionary Senses is removed from the list now.
If you want to have a vision of something, confer with me here first, then. It's a bit tricky if actions of other players make that future not turn out to happen, you know?

I mean yes, I can and will do that, but it would also be fun if you popped them on me IC whenever a tease at the future would make for a fun clue, at your own discretion. Basically, either of us could initiate. :3
Besides, if your Xatu already has sensing the future, reading minds of others (or at least projecting), won't it be a bit superpowered to be able to Teleport as well? :P

Are you saying you don't want me to be able to teleport out of battle either? I already moved it from battle ability to out of battle ability, just in case you didn't see. If that is still too much power then please let me know. (Keep in mind that she is unable to teleport to places she cannot envision via memory or line of sight.)
Future Sight sounds more interesting then, to be honest! When I've thought about how to use that move, I think the manga explanation works well. Maybe you won't need to narratively describe exactly where the future attack is placed, just that it is. That makes for some cool strategies (:

Alright, so instead of two turns later, we can use Future Sight like... this, perhaps?
Future Sight - Quetzalli glimpses a moment of the near future, of her opponent's movements. She aims not where her opponent is now, but where her opponent will be in the near future, lays a "trap," and waits a moment for said future to arrive.
On their post turn, when the opponent steps in this "trap," they are struck with a pinpointed high-power psychic attack, one that would be too difficult to accurately strike with without knowing exactly where to aim.
Since it is in their post, the opponent may fluff this attack as they like, so long as it is psychic and high-power (base power of 120). Some examples: A sharp pain in their head with a ringing of the ears. A diagonal slash through the air that appears from nowhere. A coloured blast of energy shooting up from the ground like so.

hmmm, alternatively, I could fluff it more like how it's read here, more literally
[PokeCommunity.com] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)

Like Quetzalli actually attacks the future. Is that too time-travely or is that more interesting than above?
Everybody will be able to interact in the beginning, should they choose to. You can ask Saiyakitsune or Ishymata if they'd want you to be on their team (or perhaps start the RP with Xatu approaching them about joining?) because then all teams except for one would start with three members~ Of course if you think you'd prefer to add the Dwebble, you can do that instead.
Hm, alright. Saiyakitsune, do you think this Xatu of mine would suit alongside your Kirlia and Poochyena? Or should I perhaps write up that sculpture-loving Dwebble character to pair with Quetzalli? Or both, honestly. I'll ping your notifications just in case.
Saiyakitsune said:
As a sidenote, Adventure/Red, did you enjoy the music I've picked out for Quetzalli? I see we borrowed from the same source. :3

Thanks for communicating so much with me! It's critical for a GM to do so, so I'm glad you are~
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Hm, alright. Saiyakitsune, do you think this Xatu of mine would suit alongside your Kirlia and Poochyena? Or should I perhaps write up that sculpture-loving Dwebble character to pair with Quetzalli? Or both, honestly. I'll ping your notifications just in case.

Sure, that sounds fine by me. How would you like for the three to meet? I'm down for just about anything right now since it is the very beginning of the RP. I'm sure since I would be the one controlling the team captain I should also be the first one to post? Lemme know how you would like Quetzalli to meet Rain and Mei so that I know what to post because right now I'm nervous at actually posting. :'D

And thank you Adventure/Red for welcoming me to this RP! I'll be sure to post regularly and not falter in my writing!
Posting here to notify that I removed Kupro. I PM'd you elaborating, Red. Still, really excited this is finally starting!
Sure, that sounds fine by me. How would you like for the three to meet? I'm down for just about anything right now since it is the very beginning of the RP. I'm sure since I would be the one controlling the team captain I should also be the first one to post? Lemme know how you would like Quetzalli to meet Rain and Mei so that I know what to post because right now I'm nervous at actually posting. :'D

I don't actually know that yet, nor have I been actually accepted into the RP, so you should just start how you'd like to start. Seeing your writing style might shed some light.

A tip for later: You can use the Edit button at the bottom right of your post to correct BBcode errors or typos or add on things. And in this case you can use it to delete a duplicate post, too.

Something's not right with that Chansey and Poochyena gif in IC room, Chibi. o.o
I don't actually know that yet, nor have I been actually accepted into the RP, so you should just start how you'd like to start. Seeing your writing style might shed some light.

A tip for later: You can use the Edit button at the bottom right of your post to correct BBcode errors or typos or add on things. And in this case you can use it to delete a duplicate post, too.

Something's not right with that Chansey and Poochyena gif in IC room, Chibi. o.o
If you have decided to be on Saiya's team, I'll accept Quetzalli now (: Welcome to the RP!

You can use Teleport if you wish, in or out of battle. But overdoing anything makes things uninteresting, so we'll try not to overdo the teleporting ^^

Hmm wrong with the gifs? I'll check it out.
Hmm wrong with the gifs? I'll check it out.

I think Oddball is just pointing out that they're of kinda low quality images, being big, pixely, and flickery. I can't tell where they're from given the URL, but my best guess is the Pokemon Wiki, which isn't really the best site for images. I happen to know a site with really good models, but I'm not sure if linking it would be considered advertising?
I think Oddball is just pointing out that they're of kinda low quality images, being big, pixely, and flickery. I can't tell where they're from given the URL, but my best guess is the Pokemon Wiki, which isn't really the best site for images. I happen to know a site with really good models, but I'm not sure if linking it would be considered advertising?
I see haha. I know a couple of good sites too, I was just hasty and grabbed gifs from google now.

And no, it wouldn't be advertising if it's part of our conversation (: what PC prefers to avoid is the kind of links that people post out of nowhere with the purpose of attracting people to other sites.
Ah, well, I just wanted to be sure! No sense in getting banned before I reach ten posts. If you have sites you're already familiar with I won't be redundant and link you to another one, but I'll keep that in mind for later. Thanks!
No problem, I appreciate your offer for help :D

So, I'd like to ask you all what your initial thoughts about the other teams and characters are so far! We haven't seen anybody in action yet, but what do you think you can expect from the others? (:
I believe I'll be making my first post sometime between today and tomorrow, as some stuff has come up. Quick question on Eobard's behalf, what kind of curse awaits in the Gym ruins? Because he might be itching to get some adventure going there, to the others' dismay
I believe I'll be making my first post sometime between today and tomorrow, as some stuff has come up. Quick question on Eobard's behalf, what kind of curse awaits in the Gym ruins? Because he might be itching to get some adventure going there, to the others' dismay
Mostly angry Freefolk ghosts. There used to be a Normal type gym there, aaaages ago. It got too powerful, the Freefolks thought and immune Ghost-types overrun it and razed it with their powers. Petalburg was nearly deserted for a while, until things rebuilt further away, leaving the gym ruins alone since some people believed it was tainted from the overwhelming ghostly attack so long ago.

At least that's somewhat the story I had in mind for it, haha. Unless you have more creative suggestions (:

I'd suggest we make our teams spot each other and maybe interact some, if you want. When everybody's gotten a feel for at least their own characters, we can say that they start moving (alone or together with some other team!) along route 104 near the beach and then through Petalburg Forest towards the first gym in Rustboro.
Well, my little Kirlia Rain made herself pretty noticeable with her first few words so I think she's the most approachable? Maybe? At the very least I'm sure it'd be hard for anyone near her to ignore the shout she made so there's something that can be done with that.
I was hoping when I mentioned the park being a popular spot for training that would be a good prompt for the whole cast to gather, but everyone seemed more interested in doing their own thing : /

Unfortunately Megido will have to take a hiatus for an indefinite amount of time, so Rhajat will mainly be an NPC for the time being until she's able to return. This also means I'm mostly powerless because Jax has no reason to leave the park and none of your characters are immediately noticeable to him, nor have they really given him a reason to approach them even if they were. I'll unfortunately have to wait until something sufficiently attention drawing happens or one of you comes to the park before I can post again.
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