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[PKMN OPEN] Team Spirit - where pokémon make the journey! (OOC)

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It's only going to be problematic if you make it problematic. I made my team based on what I felt was fitting for myself and them, not on some inventory of what the other players have chosen. I figured it wouldn't be an issue anyways since we have two Kirlias and almost had a Gallade on top of that.

Ok! I just wondered if they would be too similar in gimmick or clichés or abilities, you know what I mean.
Hi guys! I'm totally ok with you starting with 4 pokemon in a two player team. Having a Natu leading a Xatu would also be pretty cool, as long as you guys are ok with that and make them as different as you feel you want to.

I'm going abroad without a computer from Thursday to Tuesday so I'll get a post up tonight and then probably not any fancy long things until Wednesday next week o: Will only be on my phone and will be pretty busy, likely. Heads up!

We should let the teams and pokemon who want, interact in the park now, and then get ready for the trek through Petalburg Woods~
Ack, I'm sorry this has taken so long! I didn't account for school and homework being so time consuming when I promised I'd be done Wednesday. I did get one character done, however, and plan to finish the others as soon as I possibly can, but you'll have to be patient with me. Sorry : / I will be updating this post as characters are worked on. For now, Fennel alone will have to do.

@Red, duly noted!

@Oddball, if you think it's necessary we can discuss relations, though I think it would be easier and more natural to let these develop these IC? As for beginnings, I have a vague outline in my mind, though if you have any ideas feel free to shoot them my way!

Team name: Team Nachti
Team leader: Metino the Natu​
*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Species: Natu
Name: Metino Senkton
Gender: Male
Maturity: Adult
Acting Freefolk or Urban: Urban.
Moveset: Psychic, Night Shade, Giga Drain, Teleport, Confuse Ray

*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Species: Chesnaught
Name: Fennel Kastano
Gender: Male
Maturity: Adult
Acting Freefolk or Urban: Urban. Put bluntly, Fennel's early life was entirely average, if not a little dull. He grew up in the quiet suburbs of Hearthome, Sinnoh, the tranquil, and more importantly, stable atmosphere of the city attracting his parents who were emigrating from Kalos in search of greener pastures to raise their then newly hatched first born. Fennel himself could never have been called much of an extrovert, shy and skittish around new people and stimuli, content to spend most of his time aimlessly wandering the calm and uneventful streets around his home with a vague sort of curiosity. Not friendless or reviled like some of the more freefolk-esque Pokemon, Fennel did find himself spending quite a bit of time in quiet solitude nonetheless, and was perfectly happy in doing so. He was especially drawn to Amity Square, an enormous and exceptionally well-kept park in the middle of Hearthome that attracted Pokemon from all over the region. Despite the crowded nature of Amity Square being somewhat unappealing to him, as a Grass type he was naturally attracted to the vivid greenery that filled every inch of the park.

His life at home was similarly secluded and quiet. His parents worked as movers, an easy enough job for a pair of five and a half foot tall armadillo monsters. As such, their shifts were unpredictable in timing and length, and often there was only one at home, if either. Not absent to the point of neglect, though not the spitting image of "parents of the year," either. Unable to provide constant watch and care for their child, they decided to kill two birds with one stone and hire a private full time tutor that would not only teach him the essentials but also make sure their young child didn't accidentally kill himself in some convoluted way while their backs were turned (anything can happen, after all, when your closest neighbors can bend the world around them to their will with nothing but the force of their mind and ignite everything around them in a raging inferno because they were feeling a little pouty).

The tutor in question Fennel's parents ended up hiring was an… interesting character. A Natu of ambiguous age and even more ambiguous motives, but who worked for cheap and seemed to know more than the three of them combined. His name was Metino Senkton. At first the two made a poor team, Metino's distanced and near-robotic nature compounded by his riddle like dialect only widened the gap between him and a frustrated Fennel. After a few years, however, the Chespin slowly began to warm up to his mentor, albeit with some hesitation. The majority of his childhood was spent under this Natu's careful discipline, the more complex lessons going more or less over his head (Fighting types and their kin were, after all, not the most well known for their intellect) though almost everything he does know can be traced back these times with Metino.

By the time he was late into his middle stage as a Quilladin, Fennel had completed his homeschooling, though him and Metino kept close. For awhile, at least. The Natu continued to visit Fennel and would often accompany him on trips to the park, though his agenda remained mysterious as ever. After awhile he started to become spacey and distant around Fennel, and once he finally evolved into a Chesnaught and moved out of his parents house to pursue his own life goals—a sudden but quiet transition that went on with little fanfare, just as most things Fennel did—Metino stopped talking to him altogether and began disappearing for long periods of time with no explanation. Eventually he left and just didn't come back, and as far as fennel knew, that was the end of that. It stung that his long time friend and mentor would seemingly betray him like this, but unable to do anything about it, he had no choice but to continue life as normal, or at least, as normal as he could manage.

No longer a child with an excuse to rely on the support of his family, as well as recent abandonment by one of the most important people in his life, Fennel's otherwise uneventful and sheltered lifestyle took an unsteady turn. He wandered the city without aim, no home to call his own (it was, predictably, difficult finding an apartment that was both cheap and accommodated his large size) and trying to stay afloat as he took any odd job he could find. As stress piled on top of him, his skittish and introverted personality turned into something more neurotic and high-strung. Simply put, Fennel had become an absolute wreck. It only got worse, and who knew what would have become of the stranded Chesnaught had he not been picked back up by an unexpected pair.

The first of the two was, surprisingly enough, Metino. The Natu offered no explanation to his disappearance in spite of Fennel's furious questioning, lips sealed for reasons beyond Fennel's knowledge, although he did introduce him to his new partner: a freefolk Togepi, who could only barely speak broken fragments of Common, but seemed more than eager to learn about and integrate into urban life.

Metino explained that he had plans to form a battling team—a shock to Fennel, who had always understood his mentor was less than interested in anything even close to competitive battling. He was, at first, hesitant, not too fond of battling himself nor especially eager to put his faith back into the person he'd trusted so much only to be abandoned without explanation. However, with plenty of long talks, some child-like begging by Opal (who barely understood what a battle team was, but was more than ready to find out and jump headfirst into), and likely some extra "convincing" via Metino's natural psychic influence over Fennel, expanded by his recently added Fighting type, the duo were able to convince Fennel to take the soonest boat to Hoenn with them and take on the Evergrande League.

And so they did, and after a few weeks of preparing for the trip they made their way over to the archipelago and registered their team. Though they've seen limited success as of yet (taking on a gym leader at one point, though failing miserably) their training has progressed considerably since when they first started.​
Strengths: As one would expect from a Chesnaught, Fennel is essentially the Pokemon equivalent of a tank, able to take heavy blows without breaking a sweat and dish them back out just as hard. He is especially proficient with the large shields built into his arms, which he can extend individually and dual wield or bring together for a more sturdy build.

Although perhaps a bit more subtle and muted in him than most Chesnaught, Fennel still instinctively retains the trademark defensiveness of himself and others his species is well known for. It is most visible in him where Opal is concerned, who he sees as almost a sister figure, though he isn't apt to leave anyone in immediate danger if he senses a threat.​
Weaknesses: Physically, Fennel is the exact opposite of agile. Saddled with the enormous weight of his bulk and rendered stiff as a board by his shell—the only act of "finesse" he can perform being curling up into a ball—dodging proves difficult if not impossible for Fennel most of the time and he often has to rely on a defensive style rather than evasive. While not always an issue for a Pokemon who was built to stomach attacks, moves such as Fire Blast and Dazzling gleam can easily slice right through his defenses.

In addition, he is also notably unstable. Reserved and shy in his interactions, becoming paranoid and jumpy in more stressful situations, he can certainly be over defensive not just of himself but his allies. Not entirely unsocial, but has an obvious air of wariness and distrust about him, strangers may have to go to great lengths to prove that they're not secretly plotting to brutally murder him and his friends in their sleep or something equally ridiculous.​
Moveset: Needle Arm, Hammer Arm, Rollout, Take Down, Spiky Shield

*bulbagarden.net image removed*
Species: Togetic
Name: Opal
Gender: Female
Maturity: Young
Acting Freefolk or Urban: Freefolk. Practically a wild animal until the later parts of her life, Opal was born and raised in the vast, maze like woods of Eterna Forest. She never got a chance to meet either of her parents, whether she had been abandoned or stranded by more unfortunate circumstances never being made clear, though that was hardly a deterrent to the newly hatched Togepi. One can't miss what they never had, after all. Still, in spite of her blissfully ignorant glee about the world around her, this did nothing to stop her unfortunate circumstances. A species so weak and unremarkable that is was put in a class known as "baby Pokemon" and with no authority figures to guide her through life, the only reason she survived those first few years and beyond that can only be described as dumb luck. Fortunate enough to be born a Togepi, Opal had a sturdy shell to protect her from the elements and some of the more rowdy Pokemon who inhabited the forest with her, and could go through life without the need to learn how to forage, being able to subsist entirely on the positive emotions of other Pokemon, an easy enough task that only required following around any particularly happy Pokemon nearby (of course, they usually weren't too happy once they learned a toddler who could only speak broken bits of Common like "Hi" or "I like you" was stalking them around the forest, but that's besides the point). Were she any Pokemon besides Togepi, it's not a far stretch to say Opal would not have lived long at all, but, lucky for her, she wasn't!

For about two years she lived like this, maturing rapidly in the progress as she reached the full maturity possible for her current stage, though her mental development was obviously a bit behind on account of growing up with no one to call a parent outside of the occasional kind freefolk and any wild animals who would tolerate her presence. This never seemed to bother her, though, and she remained cheerful as ever. Unbeknownst to Opal however, things were not going to be like this for much longer.

It was just like any other day when she was confronted by a strange Pokemon, one she'd never seen in the woods before. It tried to talk to her using the strange sounds the other Pokemon did, the ones she only knew a few of, and then it tried to talk to her using words she'd never heard. It didn't lose interest like the other Pokemon did, though—if anything, it just got more prodding and interested. Eventually, the Pokemon started talking again, this time using sounds she could understand. The Pokemon explained that his name was Metino, a Natu whose psychic abilities allowed him to speak to even an illiterate Pokemon such as herself. He said he'd been looking for a Pokemon like her for a long time now, and that he'd teach her how to speak Common and introduce her to a far more civilized and friendly world than the deepest parts of Eterna Forest if she agreed to come with him and perform a "simple favor" for him later on. Not sure what any of this meant, but eager for company, she agreed without hesitation, and so Opal and this strange Metino Pokemon became a team.

It was a long and difficult learning process for her. Common was a… complicated language, to say the least, quite different from her usual, simple vocalizations of "pipi" or "tipi-ti." This was on top of adjusting to the urban world, specifically Eterna City, which was a far cry from the forest she'd grown up in. It wasn't all necessarily bad, though, and Opal was not without her simple pleasures in this new bustling environment. She had become especially enamored with the art of drawing. Metino seemed to think it was little more than a waste of time, but he didn't stop her, and before long she had become a proficient artist, scribbling down every little thing she could cram into her sketchbook.

After about a year, Opal not only learning the basics of communication during this time as well as getting a better understanding of urban life, but also finally getting a proper name to be called by, Metino made a sudden and unexpected announcement, finally revealing what the special favor he'd made Opal swear to when they first met: he was forming a battle team that he'd be taking to Hoenn, and he wanted Opal to come with him. Opal had heard of battle teams before, but only had a faint idea of what they actually did or what the point of them was. Still, Metino being the only parental figure in her life, she was not eager to lose him any time soon, and agreed. Before they could do anything, though, they apparently were going to need to talk with someone else over in Hearthome on the other side of the region.

When they arrived, Metino introduced her to a new Pokemon whose species she'd never seen before: a Chesnaught. His name was Fennel, and he seemed to know Metino, though seemed none too pleased to be face to face with the Natu again. Excited by the prospect of a new friend, however, Opal begged him to come with them no matter what their past was like, completely oblivious to Metino and Fennel's history. In the end, despite a great deal of reluctance on Fennel's part, he agreed, and a full team was formed. The next thing Opal knew they were on a boat to a brand new place called Hoenn, the excitement of which overwhelming her to the point that she managed to evolve into a Togetic while doing basic training on the ride.

When they got there, the team found themselves unable to agree on a name. It was Opal who had the spectacularly clever idea to combine their species names to form Team Nachti. Not what her teammates had in mind, but nobody argued against it, either, and so Team Nachti they were.​
Strengths: Friendly, upbeat, and always positive, Opal is a socializer through and through, even if this is mainly on account of being unaware of any sort of negativity around her. Although language barriers can prove problematic for her, anyone able to understand her and anyone she can understand she has no problem getting friendly with, whether or not they're actually interested in interacting with her. As a Pokemon who literally feeds on happiness, her aim is always to please, even to a fault at times.

She has a knack for art, and constant practice has allowed her to become excellent at drawing despite only having a pencil in her hands for about a year and a half. She has difficulty drawing from memory, but can replicate anything in front of her with surprising grace and efficiency. She carries a sketchbook and several pencils in a small tote bag with her at all times in the event she sees something she wants to draw, which is practically every other minute.

Although not the best battler, as a Togetic Opal naturally has good defensive capabilities. Able to take hits with relative ease and self sustaining during battle with Wish, she is much better at whittling down opponents slowly rather than outright crushing them, unlike her partners. There is also, of course, the nice bonus that comes with being able to fly.​
Weaknesses: Socially, Opal is beyond oblivious. Body language, hints, sarcasm, and other subtleties are entirely lost on her, and most of the time things have to be explicitly explained for her to understand. This is made worse by her poor grasp on Common, and she often misinterprets what is being told to her or simply doesn't understand at all, and can struggle to express her own feelings with words without Metino's help.

In battle her offensive capabilities are mediocre at best. Although she can take a few hits, it's not quite as easy for her to deal any damage herself.​
Moveset: Fairy Wind, Magical Leaf, Charm, Wish, Metronome​
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@Oddball, if you think it's necessary we can discuss relations, though I think it would be easier and more natural to let these develop these IC? As for beginnings, I have a vague outline in my mind, though if you have any ideas feel free to shoot them my way!

Interesting Chesnaught! Luckily enough, a little info about the two other members is in there too, even if those two are still under construction at the moment, especially allowing me to get an idea of your Natu.

I can only hope that our two psychic birds are not terribly redundant when it comes to battling together. You know, the opposite of diversity in moveset.

Do you intend our team to be together from the start, or meet in the roleplay?

I'd like to hear this vague outline of beginnings you mentioned.

Finally, do you have a preference of taking on a Xatu + a Dwebble, or just a Xatu? Should I write up the Dwebble character from Quetzalli's backstory or just leave it be as just Quetzalli alone? I wasn't sure which of those I wanted to do, myself.

Glad you like him! As for battling similarities, I had the same thoughts, though I tried to make him a bit different. Unfortunately, being limited to only one egg/tutor move made it difficult to work around Natu's disappointingly shallow lvl up move pool. Hopefully Metino's general lack of interest in battling and evasive strategies will make similar movesets less of an issue.

From an IC standpoint, I think it'd make the most sense for my three to meet you and possibly your Dwebble rather than starting together. If the Dwebble DOES tag along, this would allow us to start with a five person team which is a double edged sword in that A: it lets us both start with the maximum number of Pokemon, so neither of us have to alter our pre established teams very much in a way that might seem out of character, but B: it does seem a bit unfair to the other players? What do you think? I myself otherwise have no issue with Dwebble tagging along, but ultimately the choice is up to you.

As for my idea, I thought I would start with the team just sort of hanging out in Maren park or somewhere else if we need to, Metino and Fennel playing chess. Opal would be nearby, having just come back after stocking up on plenty of food for her teammates. Possible options I considered for sparking interaction is her seeing your character/s and being the friendly idiot she is walks right up and starts talking. Blah blah blah, shenanigans ensue, and some way or another you end up on our team. Just an outline right now.

ALSO, I hate to sound like a broken record but I am still really sorry about this taking so long. School, amirite?... Haha... heh... *nervous laughter*
Team name: (to be thought of later)

Ideas for a name: Destiny Bond? Extrasensory? Ancient Power? Future Sight?
Perhaps your characters haven't decided on a team name and Quetzalli lends suggestions such as these.

Unfortunately, being limited to only one egg/tutor move made it difficult to work around Natu's disappointingly shallow lvl up move pool. Hopefully Metino's general lack of interest in battling and evasive strategies will make similar movesets less of an issue.

Hm, you could change one of the moves he has in common with Quetzalli into Wish instead. Only a suggestion. For example, does one really need a team with two Confuse Rays, in a battle setting where they're not taking turns? I'm assuming we're not taking turns like in in the video game, at least. The GM never made mention about how league battles work.

From an IC standpoint, I think it'd make the most sense for my three to meet you and possibly your Dwebble rather than starting together. If the Dwebble DOES tag along, this would allow us to start with a five person team which is a double edged sword in that A: it lets us both start with the maximum number of Pokemon, so neither of us have to alter our pre established teams very much in a way that might seem out of character, but B: it does seem a bit unfair to the other players? What do you think? I myself otherwise have no issue with Dwebble tagging along, but ultimately the choice is up to you.

You know, I can't think of a good reason that the sculptor Dwebble would be big on battling, so maybe nevermind. Mind you, Quetzalli isn't big on battling either, but I can more reasonably see her taking part, either to help someone out, or if it is necessary to prove a point, or some third thing.

As for my idea, I thought I would start with the team just sort of hanging out in Maren park or somewhere else if we need to, Metino and Fennel playing chess. Opal would be nearby, having just come back after stocking up on plenty of food for her teammates. Possible options I considered for sparking interaction is her seeing your character/s and being the friendly idiot she is walks right up and starts talking. Blah blah blah, shenanigans ensue, and some way or another you end up on our team. Just an outline right now.

Well, one option is that one of our birds becomes somehow interested in the other, since it's not that common to find this species in the city.

Perhaps a more interesting hook than that: Quetzalli has set up a fortune-teller's place, in an attempt to get a foothold in the city. This could be as simple as perching in front of a fancy cloth on the ground with tarot cards on it, or as elaborate as having a tent. Your team passes by, and either the Togetic or Chesnaught is interested enough to request the whole team go visit.

We may also want a good reason that your team would ask Quetzalli to come with them: something she can bring to the table that they may need. And similarly, Quetzalli could share a view or a goal that the team has, motivating her to join - right now I don't really know what your team's goal is, though. Beyond the League, that is. At the moment I'm not sure what motive this Xatu character of mine would have for taking on the League at her age, aside from the admittedly flimsy reason of Urbans taking her kind more seriously and with less stereotyping. Ideas on both sides of this motive coin (both for your team and my bird) would be appreciated!

Developing these ideas that could solidify motivations for teaming up, may actually be advantageous to do NOW, since your other two members aren't yet set in stone.
Eyy I can finally cross Opal off the list. Two mons down, one to go.

Err, I'd really rather not name my team after a move. For now I think Nachti will do, though if I think of anything much better I may change it.

I really don't think it's going to be necessary to change a move. The ones I've chosen out of what I was given I've chosen because I felt they were the ones that fit his character best, and I don't think it'll be bad enough that I'll have to break his character and switch his moves up.

I'm sure Metino would take special interest in a Xatu, though I doubt after questioning her for a few minutes he'd want to stick around her, and would definitely object to her coming along, so something of at least decent importance is going to need to happen that would be a good reason for her to become a part of the team. As far as Fennel and Opal know, the team's only goal is to kick ass and get some sweet loot along the way as they try to beat the league. Metino has slightly more shady plans that I'll get to eventually, though it's unlikely he'd share them with anyone, especially a Xatu. It is difficult to think of a reason for a Pokemon that is not fond of conflict to join a team, a team that also happens to not only be fully capable of functioning without her, but also lead by a Pokemon who resents her : / At most I can think that as someone looking to get back into the swing of urban life, she would see a battling team as a good opportunity to jump right in, though that only applies to her. Is there any more urgent reasons she would join a team like team Nachti? I did not account for a Xatu joining when I mapped this out in my mind, so there's a lot that conflicts with Quetzalli joining, unfortunately. The most I can think of is a curious Opal asking if she can come along, though neither Fennel nor Metino take her pleading particularly seriously.
I'm sure Metino would take special interest in a Xatu, though I doubt after questioning her for a few minutes he'd want to stick around her, and would definitely object to her coming along, so something of at least decent importance is going to need to happen that would be a good reason for her to become a part of the team. As far as Fennel and Opal know, the team's only goal is to kick ass and get some sweet loot along the way as they try to beat the league. Metino has slightly more shady plans that I'll get to eventually, though it's unlikely he'd share them with anyone, especially a Xatu. It is difficult to think of a reason for a Pokemon that is not fond of conflict to join a team, a team that also happens to not only be fully capable of functioning without her, but also lead by a Pokemon who resents her : / At most I can think that as someone looking to get back into the swing of urban life, she would see a battling team as a good opportunity to jump right in, though that only applies to her. Is there any more urgent reasons she would join a team like team Nachti? I did not account for a Xatu joining when I mapped this out in my mind, so there's a lot that conflicts with Quetzalli joining, unfortunately. The most I can think of is a curious Opal asking if she can come along, though neither Fennel nor Metino take her pleading particularly seriously.

Ah. That certainly is a wealth of reasons why these characters don't mesh. I suppose Quetzalli won't be joining, then. That's a shame... I was hoping your characters would like Quetzalli, not resent her and see no reason to befriend her.
Came here to say I think I might be dropping out. IRL has been a bit hectic for me, and while this isn't usually a problem, general lack of input and interest from other players, as well as all the hiatuses going on, it's been impossible to get motivated to finish Metino, let alone continue posting in this thread. I am kinda disappointed, I really liked this team and I was very eager to use it, but I can't write when I can't write. Sorry.
Came here to say I think I might be dropping out. IRL has been a bit hectic for me, and while this isn't usually a problem, general lack of input and interest from other players, as well as all the hiatuses going on, it's been impossible to get motivated to finish Metino, let alone continue posting in this thread. I am kinda disappointed, I really liked this team and I was very eager to use it, but I can't write when I can't write. Sorry.
I'm sad to hear that. Hope to see you here again somewhere sometime! I have removed both you and Megido from the players list now.

Since I am still surveying and debating on the best way to insert my Xatu in this story - Nove, if it suits your interests, would your new SU character like to pair with Quetzalli? If she doesn't look like a good mesh with you that's fine, but I thought I would make the offer. After all, your writing style is interesting.
Do you think you can fit into one of the other teams, or would you like to make a team of two with the Dwebble and the Xatu maybe?

Do we still have room for more teams? If so I'll leave this here for an SU.

Seems we indeed have an opening! What characters did you have in mind? Excited to see!

I am finally back from my vacation now and shall make no more excuses (:
I'm sad to hear that. Hope to see you here again somewhere sometime! I have removed both you and Megido from the players list now.

Do you think you can fit into one of the other teams, or would you like to make a team of two with the Dwebble and the Xatu maybe?

Seems we indeed have an opening! What characters did you have in mind? Excited to see!

I am finally back from my vacation now and shall make no more excuses (:

I have decided to not make an SU for this RP, I have just been accepted into my first one ever and I would rather not try balancing two for the moment
I have decided to not make an SU for this RP, I have just been accepted into my first one ever and I would rather not try balancing two for the moment
I understand. Good luck with it! (:
Sounds good to me!

Er, no, I meant, do any of you think you'd want to recruit Quetzalli, and why.

I'm thinking of possibly including an Elgyem with Quetzalli, one who's from off-world or whose parents recently immigrated interplanetarily.
Or perhaps an Ivysaur aromatherapist.
Or just Quetzalli alone.

Unfortunately none of these character ideas have a great reason to go join a battle league. Um, GM Adventure, what are some possible alternative motives for a group of Pokemon to join the league? Just trying to collect ideas.
Er, no, I meant, do any of you think you'd want to recruit Quetzalli, and why.

I'm thinking of possibly including an Elgyem with Quetzalli, one who's from off-world or whose parents recently immigrated interplanetarily.
Or perhaps an Ivysaur aromatherapist.
Or just Quetzalli alone.

Unfortunately none of these character ideas have a great reason to go join a battle league. Um, GM Adventure, what are some possible alternative motives for a group of Pokemon to join the league? Just trying to collect ideas.
I'm not sure why you would like to create a battle team out of characters that don't have reasons to join the league. Could you not think up characters that would actually want to participate?
I'm not sure why you would like to create a battle team out of characters that don't have reasons to join the league. Could you not think up characters that would actually want to participate?

Oh, because as a roleplayer, I'm about story first. Battle isn't terribly important to me, not as much as interesting character interactions. There's obviously room for both in this roleplay world.
Hey Oddball! Since you still seem to be having trouble getting your characters into the RP, how about one or two of them tag along with Rain and Mei?
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