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Desmond J. Pichuzilla

Male ♂
GO Team
Do not display


Dedicated to Marina E. Silver

Hi Marina. It's me Pichuzilla, your best friend and pair. No one forgot about you Marina. I really miss you, and I remember when we first met. We've became really close friends since. We had a lot of fun in 2011, and it's unfortunate that we lost you. Even in 2017, we all still miss you. You are my best friend, and I sincerely regret not expressing my feelings and emotions when I found out from Blayze and Shayde what happened. I miss you so much. I don't know how to write down how I'm feeling properly, so please forgive me. You are the closest friend I ever had on PokeCommunity and even on the internet to this day.

R.I.P. Marina 7/10/2011

Me: How can Skitty and Wailord breed?
ShaQuL: "Don't ask, this question cannot be answered by a mere mortal like me."