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  • I never stated that the valley was silent, nor did Blue travel through a valley at all. If his senses were overwhelmed, then that would include his hearing. So obviously there was sound. It was white noise, through and through. (Please note that white noise is not characterized by static, but by many sounds that seemingly having no purpose eliciting a response from the person by merely hearing it)

    There's no argument going on, and I've stated in every single VM that I share in the blame.
    Okay. "White noise" is a lot of noise that overwhelms the senses and people simply don't care about it because of that. The constant barrage of snow, like the rain in Bradbury's "The Long Rain", is white noise in the sense it dulls his senses. And what emits white noise? The snow on a television screen. You simply didn't get it. Regardless of your education, the fact that you brought it up as a mistake suggests you didn't get it. That's okay. I don't hold it against you.

    And if you're "just not into me", that's fine, too. It's your problem that you'll have to live with.
    Sorry for the randomness, I dunno I guess you've stood out a bit as a member from what I've seen! Guess you've been here a while (or what seems like a while to me seeing as I haven't exactly been here for a very long time). Also thank you, I love poetry so I'm really doing what I can to help the section and same for Other Writing, it's a real pity how inactive they've been lately. They both derserve a little tlc & recognition in my opinion.
    I need nine adjectives, five adverbs, three nouns, three singular body parts (keep it clean, dear), a transitive verb, an animal, a prepositional phrase, and an extended metaphor.

    >:3 This is going to be epic, I tell you.

    And now that I found that macro post, prepare to be spammed with macros. I have a weakness to them.

    Found that macro. And Lovecraft! Who doesn't love Lovecraft?

    James Joyce's dirty letters. Who doesn't love those either? Special groping if I use lines from those seriously?
    ;o; *takes the hug and beats MS* I'd play with you two but I can't get online atm due to a broken computer.

    I'm taking 6 classes. 16 hours. 2 Major Courses, 3 Gen-Ed courses. Sick of American Literature already. Ew ew ew. :< I love my professors tho. My American Lit professor is seemingly Bill. With Girl parts. She's freaking INSANE.

    Well, obviously. But it doesn't matter how good at placing commas and using proper syntax if you can't tell a good story. That's why I always lean my posts towards reviews rather than constructive criticism, since it's more "important" to learn that first.
    I didn't say that everyone does it that way, nor that it's wrong. I'm fine with the in-depth reviews and criticisms, and in fact heavily enjoy them, it's just that criticism for the newer fics and one-shots typically lacks the friendly exchanges given to the veterans. If you can't say without a doubt that the person is trolling, then assume they're genuine and offer yourself as best you can. The Pikachu poem was bad, yes, but there was nothing about it that implied it wasn't simply a poem written by a kid in his spare time. Ditto jumped the gun, and the criticism he did give was vague and basically amounted to "Try to rhyme" and "Do better".
    Why would I want to edit something I wrote before I even knew how to read? If I was posting it at all, then it's for the sheer gimmick and as a presentation of changing skill/style. If people didn't always want to show off stories just for the sake of showing them, then published writers wouldn't even bother showing their old work before they were published.
    Heh. The pages are so long that I actually thought there were more than there actually were. I didn't post a crit any different from what I'd already seen done, and no, I didn't think you'd take it that way. It was simply me adding emotion to a first interaction.
    I do in fact have Asperger's Syndrome, though I will in no way use that as an excuse for my behavior or personality and I don't/wouldn't want you to use that as such either.

    I have been arrogant and egotistical in the past, back when The Catcher in the Rye defined my every movement, but I don't believe I'm anything like that now. I apparently have an argumentative personality and I enjoy arguments. I never mean them in a bad way and see them as a game to be played in your spare time with friends. I don't even bother arguing with people I don't see as potential friends.

    I find you very pretentious and egotistical. I've often compared you to PurpleKecleon (though that is really going too far so I apolgize for the comparison), but I don't hold that type of personality against you.

    I don't know if you've read any of my reviews or interactions with others, but I always strive to be as polite and supportive as I can. So I may come off as all those things, but I really don't mean it in a negative way. It's just emotions, misconceptions, and non-thinking all around. If I genuinely didn't like you then I'd simply ignore you and Astinus. I can probably blame the "crap" comment on PK, who had me banned from IRC for making the wrongful claim during a discussion on sex education that "condoms break", so abstinence really is, technically, the only way to prevent pregnancy/STDs.
    I've never been to FFNet, nor have I ever heard of it before you brought it up.

    Sometimes people just want to tell stories. A review is, by its very nature, going to include some "I liked this and I didn't like this...", but I'm annoyed when people start calling out mis-use of commas. Storytelling skill is much more important than the technical areas, so that should obviously be the focus.

    I'm not trying to argue, nor am I badmouthing this community. It's the best I've ever been to. Some people just have a tendency to be rude and proclaim "spam" and "troll" for every little thing. I guarantee if I posted a story I wrote in first grade (which I still have) verbatim, I might be called a troll. That's idiotic... What if I was just sharing a story? What if I'm socially disabled and this is my first time on the Internet, so I don't know about it? My feelings are hurt, all because someone was presumptuous. (A good example is the Bel-Air trainer fic, in which one poster went absolutely rabid when it was supposed to be taken as a comedy piece)

    You had over ten pages of constructive criticism and reviews, with responses from yourself. It would have been pretty naive of me to ask permission on something you had clearly wanted. And to me, sarcasm is friendly. It's writing. I love doing it, and sarcasm is going to come up when I'm friendly.
    "Whether or not citicism is constructive has more to do with the person accepting it than the person issuing it"

    There's a review between a review and constructive criticism. I've often posted stories online and asked for reviews. Constructive criticism is, by courtesy, supposed to be specifically asked for. A review is inherent to the posting experience; criticism is not.
    I am always polite as well as stern in the reviews and constructive criticism I give. I've noticed that a lot of people in this forum typically aren't. They give criticism when it's not even asked for, and do it harshly and claim anything that isn't up to their standards is either "spam" or "trolling". That's not a good community.
    Astinus's reactions:

    O_O and XD

    For some reason, that makes sense. I figured that if Andy was to be a part of any business, it would be either a toy store (which Orson has in the Sims 2) or a restaurant. And it would be some place where the meat is chewy but the atmosphere makes it appropriate for dates in a college town.

    *hugs Andy*

    I ran over a dead opossum tonight. Go me.

    As for that reply, looking at all that I rambled on about, it's all right that you haven't gotten back to me yet. You haven't had the free time I have, but my free time is maybe possibly about to be om-nommed by work. And cars. *plays Gary Numan*

    ALSO, apparently "criticism" is too harsh, and those people who offer criticism *points pencil towards the north of me* should be gentler and more uplifting to the newbies who spam my forum. So the next time you want to say "Hey, you're doing this and this wrong. Here's how to fix it", offer the person LOVE and SUNSHINE and RAINBOWS and PEGGLES (wat) and BUNNIES and KITTENS so their little troll feelings aren't hurt.

    Also also (Which reminds me of Little Ceasar, the pizza place. Are they even still around?), I've been meaning to ask you this for a while. See, while in work, I sometimes see people wearing rubber gloves as they push around their grocery carts, and bothering the staff of the store to wipe off their packages of toilet paper with disinfecting wipes because of GERMSOMGEWGERMS! And I was wondering if, since you wander around with a thing of hand sanitizer, if you also run around wearing rubber gloves going GERMSOMGEWGERMS! and forcing poor people who work in a grocery store and are just trying to GET THE EFFIN' EGGS ON THE EFFIN' SHELVES to wipe off their packages of food.

    Of course, one woman who does this like yelled at me because I was drinking Powerade Zero (it was strawberry!) because she didn't like the fact that it made her tongue red, and yet I didn't care and drank it in front of her.
    Out of all the PC members I do not know you have to be one of the most awesome.
    I've seen your posts around as well as some of your fics and I'm just amazed we've never even crossed paths before!
    I swear this is the last time I'm going to spam your profile for this month.

    Glad you made it back in time. See, last night I played my Sims for the first time in a few months. I had forgotten where the families had left off, so I decided to check on Andy, Angel, and Orson first.

    The screen zoomed in on Angel in the shower. And since I don't have a censor blur, my first sight of a sim was Angel's naked arse in the shower. XD

    Amused, I went to go visit Scotty, Ansset, and Ender in their house. It was boring for a while, but as soon as I thought it was safe for Scotty to get pregnant, Ansset set the kitchen on fire. The two boys ran around going "D:" and Scotty had to fight the blaze alone.

    Once the blaze died down, both Ansset and Scotty sniffed themselves because their hygiene was low, so they could complain about how much they stank to me. Ender smelled them and made a face of "do not want kthxbai". Then Ansset goes "excuse me sim god but get this stupid sparkling idiot out of my way" while Scotty pulls an Andy and stands around going ":D :D :D :D :D?" Ender ate his macaroni and cheese, and finally everything returned to some semblance of normalcy.

    Then I had to stop playing because my spine decided to randomly pinch nerves, and now I'm in oodles amount of pain. Yay!


    My Tetris addiction got so bad that I closed my eyes and all I could see was falling blocks. I spent hours lying in bed going "Z block flips, goes there, then L block flips three times, goes there... Oh crap O block and I have nowhere to put it!"

    So I had to stop playing Tetris and decided to play Professor Layton for the DS. Barely two minutes into the first game, and I'm shipping a slash couple.

    And four hours later, popping back in to say: Good luck with school this year. *high five for awesomesauce!*
    So...even after all those months of me wondering what my feelings for you meant, I'm still asexual because I'd just be feeling up myself? XD; Damn, my ego's bigger than Andy's then.

    There is no emoticon or word to show my amused confusion.

    But I saw that, and was like "Wait, Jax did what now when?"

    How is that even possible? My name is bold and blue and shorter than yours and begins with an A! I HAVE THE BLUE BADGE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE AT ALL!

    This proves it: PFF&P can't write or read at all. Damn, that's hilarious.

    Edit: Okay, so while I was going "Why the hell is Card using the 'said' dialogue tag after every line of speech when it's only two characters talking?", I thought about how people keep confusing us. And I figured that either they just can't tell us apart for some bizarre reason, or they think that the other can explain thoughts better, like you can explain my thoughts better. So, tell me, why did I want a Focus, and why did it have to be a Focus? XD;

    Still have that PM? You know, for the lulz?

    That's all right about the not being around. I know where you'll be going to, and I'll be busy working and driving. And playing Tetris, which I got up to the highest level tonight and yay!

    Also, this is gonna just bother me until I ask, so I'll ask so I can finally sleep: Everything's been going all right, né? I just had a weird feeling that something was off, and so I just wanna make sure.
    Jax, dear, baked cheese curl, ma'am, mistress, Val... Are you really shocked at the fact that few few people in the PFF&P section can read/write coherently? Really? Like, previous experience of people going "wat u meen?" to posts and other examples of people saying whatever thoughts come into their mind without any actual thought of "Can people understand what I'm talking about?" haven't taught you that?


    As for Bay's Index, our excuse is SPPf did it that way. And for the other guides, a rewrite would be in order, since remember how on my old LJ, we'd went through those guides and flailed about how they want thesaurus abuse?

    I was actually driving around in an abandoned parking lot. (Yay for practicing where there are no targets, with the words of Andrew Wiggin floating in your mind for confidence. But, damnit, I can actually drive better now!)

    Edit: I <3's you for many reasons. Mainly because you managed to hear a passing thought I had in work today, and allowed it to come to fruition. Now if you write Tetris slash between the J and L Tetrominos, I will reward you the same way that you said you would reward me for writing Battle School Musical (which I picked out the songs for, and now just need a plot).

    Edit: Andy had Dragon Army do some naked wrestling before their first battle. I'm so amused at how openly gay he is. *wipes away tear*
    Oh no, it's okay. It's not like I cried myself to sleep over it, you know... *quickly wipes tears* Also, now I'm also guilty of the same crime. Kind of. Oh, well.

    Yeah, it sounded like a vacation that isn't all that relaxing, which isn't all that uncommon when traveling with (or to) family. I've had similar experiences, but then again, my family neither lives nor visits the Philippines, so the level of the "fun" is quite different. I have a friend who's from there, though. She taught us to make tiny, string-operated circular saws from bottle caps in grade school. It was a lot of fun to play with them, but for some odd reason, the teachers didn't like it at all...

    About the FFL, I feel you. I feel all confused there nowadays, with the all the new names and pages full of conversations I've missed because of studying. I'm hoping to get back on it once my exams are over, but certain people there sometimes make me not even want to get back to being as active as I was. On the positive side, I don't feel like a newbie at all anymore xD

    As for studying, I already went through that in my blog, if you read it. It's quite complicated to explain the exam system here, actually... That said, I find the current system highly annoying and overly demanding and I hope we could give it up already, like the Swedish have.
    Right now, I have to study English... So, um, if you see a word that I spell wrong every time (like through, damn it!), would you mind telling me? ^-^'
    I have no idea who killed what conversation, and I fell over a case of beer at work today.

    Anyhow (before I start rambling about things, because I have a rambling thing that I wrote last night half-asleep that has to do with what you posted in your LJ that I have to type up but can't because I can't read my own handwriting), we're talking about you. Or the stickied threads you created. Or something. (Have you sneezed yet?) But yeah, letting you know that that's started, and so you don't have to dig through the Lounge for it. Or something.

    *flails* I have to drive tomorrow. I'm gonna die! ;; Or kill someone.
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