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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Jimmy Vincent
Academy Grounds

Jimmy Vincent got his arms off Rosalyn, when she thanked him and told him he was her best friend. Her cheeks were no longer reddish, and she looked calmer at that moment. That made Jimmy feel better as well, as he now wouldn't have to bother asking about other people's feelings -something he had rarely done and disliked so much. But what he didn't realise was that the hug lasted for a whole minute, and that normal hugs usually take less. But, then again, Rosalyn Smith was the only person that hugged the rebellious-looking kid.

Then, Rosalyn asked Jimmy what he wanted to do before it got too late. Jimmy just shrugged, he hadn't put much thought into that. What could he do indeed...He took a quick look at the Pokéballs around his belt, and an idea popped into his mind.

"Humph, I dunno. We could train some, or whatever." he said.

His voice turned back to sounding like the tough-guy-wannabe voice that was so typical of him. He had the urge to go back like that, he did not want to go "soft" for much longer. He waited patiently for Rosalyn to reply as he combed his hair with his hands, trying to remake the pompadour that was messed up by a pack of Houndour just hours before.

Alice Crenshaw
Entei Dorm

Alice's eyes opened in the middle of the night. She seemed scared about something, most likely a bad dream she had. She looked around and sighed in relief, feeling glad that whatever she thought had happened was just her subconscious' work. She took a quick look at Jello, the purple Solosis who slept comfortably surrounded by the girl's arms. After that she closed her eyes and tried to resume her sleep, hoping that bad dreams didn't come back to haunt her again.
Haru grinned.Void was really friendly in general, so he had secretly taught him to shake hands. He always ate with Void to increase his friendship. He was the friendlier of the three pokemon, and the other two ate off together. "I'll just be going now.Thanks for everything" he said in his 'I'll just leave you two alone voice" and ran in the direction Val had pointed. He returned everyone except for Void, for Void needed to work on his speed. "Keep up buddy." he called encouragingly. He heard the Munchlax panting not to far behind him.

Void wasn't necessarily out of shape. He was a Munchlax.That was all. After a while, he saw the lights of Oak Town, twinkling in the night and grinned. "Void, we have a buffet to get to.I'm stuffed." he said zealously, and his companion simply gave a simple, but meaningful gesture. He touched his stomach and it growled."One less buffet with no food." Haru laughed.
Renato Vincitore
Academy Grounds

Standing at the entrance to the Academy, Renato sighed. Why did he have to go through with this. His Dad knew very well that Renato disliked contact with other people. So what was Renato's father's well thought out solution to this problem.

"Let's send you to a boarding school where you're forced to live with and interact with other students on a daily basis. It'll be great!"

Yeah, no. 'Great' idea Pops. Get the problem child out of the house, and now you're suddenly Renato-less for 10 months. I'll bet you're having a blast without me there to ruin the social atmosphere.

Next to Renato, his Charmander, Gemini, poked him jokingly. Gemini's exotic heterochromatic eyes, one blue, one green, glinted mischievously. If Pokemon could talk, Gemini would have most certainly said 'Come on bro, let's not keep the ladies waiting, eh?'

Sighing again, Renato trudged through the front gates. "I've never quite figured out how you're so chipper all the time. Can't you ever, y'know, be sad?"

After seeing Gemini shake his head, Renato just sighed again. 'Well, better go find someone to show me around. As much as I loathe the idea of that, I'll most likely get lost without any kind of guidance.'

And thus Renato set off to find an accursed tour guide.

After a few minutes of searching, Renato eventually gave up.

"Well, I have no idea where I am, where the dorms are, or even where my own dorm is!" Renato took a deep breathe, calming his nerves. "So, Gemini, where do you suggest I spend the night?"

Renato's Charmander, Gemini, chuckled. He then pointed to a bench next to what Renato thought might be a Dorm building.

Renato sighed. "Well, that's better than nothing I guess."

Renato laid down on the wooden bench's hard surface. 'I'll find a tour guide tomorrow, I guess.'

After a few minutes of restless turning, Renato gave up.

"Screw it, let's go back into town. I think I saw a TM shop somewhere around there."

And thus Renato began his walk to Oak Town.

Along the way, he faced perilous trials, multiple wild Pokemon, and vicious bandits.

No, not really. It was pretty uneventful actually. And soon enough, Renato found himself at the TM shop surrounded by…people.

'Well, it could be worse.'
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Ellie gently plopped the two girls and their things on the bed, smiling her normal cat smile at then. She bowed as best as she could and left the room, going to sit outside her own human's door and wait. Rama and Pala were outside so she believed he would be all right. If Skye wasn't, there would be something dreadful going after whatever hurt him and the others.

Skye gave Meep a sympathetic look. Stuck out of your dorm for a night, what a hassle. Did any of his Pokemon have a way...? Oh. He looked at Rama, who instantly got the message and growled a no.. Skye gave him a sympathetic pleading with his eyes. The Zorua scowled and leaped from his arms, swirling and transforming... Into a Shinx. Instantly, the small blue and black body began to glow like a flashlight. Rama scowled impatiently.

Skye smiled. "Leh-Lead the way."
Kayla and Holly

Kayla smiled as Ellie left the room, turning to open her bag and get some candy. Rosemary woke up and jumped off of Holly's head,landing in the bag. Kayla laughed and pulled her out, setting her down next to her on the bed. Holly stood up and stretched, looking in one of her bags for her pajamas. When she found them, she went into the bathroom to change. She looked in the mirror for a moment, thinking about what would happen tomorrow. After a while she shook her head and changed. She took her hair down and walked out, picking it up a little to stop it from dragging on the floor. She was surprised to see that Kayla and Rosemary had already ate all of the candy they brought. "That's a new record for them.",Yuri said, laughing.

Kayla jumped off the bed, grabbed her pajamas, and went into the bathroom to change. Holly decided to lay down on the bed and go to sleep. When Kayla was done changing, she jumped back onto the bed, knocking Holly to the ground. Holly frowned a little and climbed back onto the bed. "What was that for?! Besides, you shouldn't be running on that leg!",she said. Kayla laughed a little while she patted the bed a little, telling Yuri she could jump on. "Sorry, Holly. But I'm excited for tomorrow.", she said, watching as Yuri got on the bed. She scratched Yuri behind her ear a little. Yuri rolled onto her back and yipped a little. "Aren't you?", Kayla asked while scratching Yuri on her belly.

Holly frowned a little and looked at the ground. "Not really...I'm kind of scared.",she said. Molly floated over to her and snuggled into her arms. Kayla moved next to Holly and hugged her. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be fine. You just need to go in there and give it your all!",she said. Holly looked up at Kayla and managed to smile a little. "I guess...", she said. "We should get some sleep, though." Kayla nodded, watching as Yuri curled up to go to sleep. Molly went to turn off the light and floated back over to Holly. "Good night.", she said while floating into Holly arms. "Good night.",Holly said, laying down to go to sleep. Kayla looked over at her for a second. I'm sure she'll be fine. As long as she has Molly., she thought, laying down to go to sleep too. After a while, both of the girls were asleep.
Heading out of the dead forest.

Ryan awoke with a start to find that something was moving his bag around. What was this? How was his bag just floating around his head like that? Was he dreaming? Ryan pinched himself. Nope, awake. This was very odd. He reached out to grab his bag and as he touched it a peircing laugh attacked his ears.

"Gahhh!" Ryan screamed. "What the hell is that noise!"

Then a Pokémon appeared in front of his face and giggled.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Ryan yelled as he got up and ran away. "What the hell is that?!" He asked himself.

When Ryan thought that he had ran far enough he stopped to catch his breath. 'What was that?' Ryan asked himself again. It looked like a Pokémon from Johto. So how was it here? Were all kinds of different Pokémon here?' Ryan pondered many questions whilst he had stopped. 'Right.' Thought Ryan, definitvely. 'I need to find the academy now. It is not safe out here. Ryan got up and walked. Then he stopped and voiced aloud.

"What way is the school?" Ryan looked aroun as if expecting to see a sign that said which way the school was. With no luck he called Charizard out from his Pokéball. "Sorry buddy, but I need you to find the school. After that you can have a nice long rest for as long as you need. There will probably be a Pokémon Center there as well."

Charizard nodded, he understood Ryans desperation. Charizard flew up into the sky and searched for something that resembled an academy. Charizard landed and grunted to Ryan and pointed off to the East.

"Thanks Charizard, now you rest." Ryan returned Charizard to his Pokéball and began to walk in the direction Charizard had pointed. "Just hope it isn't too far" Sighed Ryan.

Further on the walk Ryan thought, 'Well if they have lots of types of Pokémon from different parts of the world then maybe they will know all about legendaries. And the one that saved me......' With that thought Ryan smiled a bit and sped up his walk to the academy.
Valorie Ryder -
Valorie gave Haru a small wave before turning her attention to Dragonite and Mark. She gave the boy an awkward smile and decidedly moved over closer, leaving Haxorus to attempt to harass an oblivious Jellicent to no avail. It was like watching a bunny rabbit stare down Cthulu as Haxorus growled and made feinting dash movements in Jellicent's general direction, or was Jellicent more like Cthulu here? Who knew. Valorie proceeded to grasp the lower corner of her cap and pull it outwards a bit. The gesture was oddly reminiscent of a curtsy.

"Thanks!~ It--It's a dragon master's cape..."

A tint of pink graced her cheeks as she continued.

"I got it from one of the teachers. He wanted to test me in a battle--I passed!!"

She seemed pretty excited about this anyway. She neglected to mention that Lance himself had had something to do with the arrangement. Perhaps he'd been impressed with that mock battle at HOTA corporation and had asked Drake to test Valorie personally? She had been much too weak to put up anything resembling a fair fight against Lance's true team. A pause occured. She realized she was perhaps talking too much about herself.

"What have you been up to?"

...Meanwhile, Dragonite looked down at Snype and tilted her head as if confused by something. She then leaned over a bit as if to inspect him.

Dragonite: "Did... did you get smaller?"

Dragonite seemed earnestly startled by this, as if unaware of how tall she was compared to her form as a dragonair.

Olivia Wolf - Beach
Olivia listened as Calnith went on. What was a Tynamo?~ She certainly didn't know. Little did Calnith realize her obsession with cute pokemon, lest he probably would've thought twice about recommending an eel known for dragging itself out of the waters to consume people kirby style. Or... or did a resemblence to Kirby however so slight make it cute? P-probably not. Theeen he released a fully evolved steel pokemon and Olivia gasped lightly, apparently shocked by it's presence. It looked so... so...!

"It's nice to meet you too!~ That pokemon looks as hard as a rock..!"

...Hilarious statements aside, she seemed impressed on some level. It wasn't all that cute though.

"Yeah--It was in that cave over there"

She pointed vaguely in the direction of the cave entrance, which was probably very difficult to see in the dark.

"It was even /colder/ in there---I haven't found a pokemon yet though, and it's getting dark. How will I know which one I want if I can't see them?"

Olivia lamented out loud, seemingly about ready to give up and head back to the academy for the night.
C.J. Styles
Mountains & Caves

C.J.'s eye's shot open at the sound of a crying Deino, "Ace!" He screamed out jumping to his feet. Panicking he spun around catching a glimpse of his own Deino still sleeping soundly next to their 'camp' fire. He sighed in relief before noticing Custos had awaken to the dry as well. "So it wasn't just me?" "Afraid not," Custos replied, "Should we check it out?" "Hmm, I suppose, though I'm not in much of a helping mood. Ace get up we have something to check out."

Ace awoke with a yawn and walked over to the sound of his trainers voice, "Yeah?" "Huh, I figured you'd be the first awake with a fellow Deino in trouble." C.J. mocked. "Humph, I'm sure they can handle whatever it is." Ace responded. "Even so, let's go see." C.J. said as he turned and started walking through the forest towards the cry.

When he arrived he saw a Deino being thrown around by an Axew and a Druddigon. He also noticed three trainers two of which were jumping in to protect it. "Let's watch this from the shadows here guys. No need to step in unless these guys can't handle themselves, they look strong enough." C.J. leaned against a rock in the shadows watching the scene with a judgmental grin on his face.

He needed a Druddigon for his team, depending on how this went maybe he could get away with claiming that one, if not, he was sure there were others around. Which reminded him, there was surely to be more Dragon types around if these three were here, especially after the Deino had cried out. C.J. looked around cautiously while remaining in the shadows.
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Mark smiled down at Valorie, a bit Jealous that she had received that kind of honor yet proud at the same time. The better she got, the more Mark wanted to catch up with her. Her Pokemon were probably so much more powerful then his now... but maybe when he finished building up his team strategies he could stand a chance someday.

"A Dragon Master cape? Wow... your certainty getting popular with the teachers. Congrats on getting the cape! It looks good on you! I'm sure it's shown how much better you've become since you arrived here." Mark complimented to her. He looked up to Dragonite. "And I see you've grown up quite a bit too huh?" Mark said to the Dragon. Dragonite leaned forward toward Snype, still apparently holding onto Mark.

Snype was a tad intimidated by her size but quickly smiled at her.

"Hehehe, I think the question is, "Did you get bigger?" You've grown up alot! It's hard for me to call myself your big brother these days!" Snype said happily. Snype's ears perked a bit when he heard a tree branch fall from a nearby tree. He would have sworn it was a wild pokemon in there but he couldn't help but swear he caught a glimpse of some kind of red figure. Were they being watched...? Whatever was there, Snype couldn't see it anymore. And he usually had the sight to be able to catch these kinds of things easily.

Mark looked over to Valorie again to answer her previous question.

"Boy it's been a long day. I caught a Gligar up in the mountains with a friend of mine, hiked around a bit, and even met up with an old childhood friend from back home. I've been training alot lately. Hehe, Soon, I'm gonna be a real force to be reckoned with! Hey sooner or later I might catch up with you and stand a chance in a full on battle!" Mark said. He suddenly got nervous all of a sudden. He wanted to ask something else but wasn't sure how she'd react to it. He went silent for a little while. He quickly pulled himself together. Its been too long.

"...Um... hey Val... are you... busy at all tommorow...?" Mark said with a hint of nervousness.
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Haru Hatake
Oak Town in a restaraunt

"Another round of tacos waiter!" Haru called out. There was a massive pile of plates on the table. His parents had been kind enough to give him about ten thousand pokedollars, which was enough to cover for about one or two of Void's meals. The Munchlax had an affinity for tacos and had three of four dozen plates filled with a dozen each. The restraunt was running out of food. They weren't accustomed to a Munchlax eating there.

The flustered waitress came back with another two plates of tacos. " Here you go sir." she said quicky.

Haru felt a little embarressed as she was pretty attractive, and he couldn't control his pokemon. "So sorry ma'am." he said hastily. "I hope we're not a problem." He was tempted to proclaim his love for her, but barely resisted the urge. "He's normally not like this." He lied through his teeth.

She merely laughed. "Your Munchlax seems to be used to eating like this." Haru blushed and she laughed yet again and walked back to the kitchen.

The place Haru (which means Void) chose to eat was a nice, cozy place. It had a few tables, and a large aquarium. All legitimate establishments have aquariums. He watched Void inhale the plates of tacos. "Check!" he called out. The waitress came back with the bill, which read five thousand. "Your gonna drive me to debt man." he gave Void a funny look and payed.

They walked out of the restraunt, and he patted the Munchlax on the back. "To the TM store!" he shouted and ran in the direction the waitress had pointed. "Keep up!" he shouted behind him.
Haru burst in to the TM shop. "The party has arrived." he said in his 'i'm awesome' voice. Void came behind him, panting with exaustion. Where are the TM's, where would I check them out, and can I have your number?" he directed the third question to an attractive looking girl in the corner who just giggled.

He looked around at the shop. It just looked like one of the many music stores he had been to. There weren't that many people there, but he saw a guy with a jacket from the academy. He walked up to him and began his barrage of pointless questions. "Hey,I'm Haru and this is my Munchlax, Void. We're new to the academy. Today was our first day. I've met four people including you. What's your name? What dorm are you in? What's your team? I have three other pokemon. How long have you been here?"
George Edmunds

George watched as the events unfolded before him. He saw no real reason to intervene any more than he already had as the others handled the situation well. He nodded when addressed and watched in a daze. He had zoned out even to the point where he had not noticed Arti entering and leaving.

Five minutes after Wess' and his Quagsire departed George still stood in his stupor. IT was then that he felt a nip at his ankle. Kane had thought it prudent to wake his master from his half sleep and it had indeed worked. George shook his head and blinked before looking down at the growlithe, Bagon and Buizel which stared up at him. "Sorry you three…I have no idea what I was doing there. Thank you Kane…but next time be a bit gentler, okay?" He smiled and yawned. "Enough lounging around I think! Lets go for a walk. Nothing like a walk under the stars!" He paused for a moment with a look of deep thought on his face. "We should probably stick to the grounds for now though. Don't want to get lost!" George chuckled as he said this and turned on his heel before heading to the door. Kane barked approval and the other two made sounds of equal joviality at the prospect of more exploration.

The crisp night air seemed to caress George's face as he stepped out of the main Academy doors. The grounds were illuminated in the gentle silver of moonlight. "Seems to have gotten dark early tonight," George said to no one in particular. His three pokemon followed close behind as he stepped onto the well groomed lawn which lay in front of the academy buildings.
Dante Redson --- Location-Entei Dorm lounge

Dante got up from his sit and started to head for his dorm room. There he saw some students talking to each other and some other head to there own dorm rooms. Dante knew this time around that it was getting really late and to that point Dante felt that it was time to go to sleep. Dante walked through the hallway and turned the corner into his dorm room. As he walked into his room Dante closed the door and got changed into his pj's and went back to open the door a crack and turned off the light and headed off to bed.

"Night guy", Dante said to his pokemon that were in their pokeballs.
Renato Vincitore
TM Shop, Oak Town

Renato blinked, surprised at the sudden barrage of questions that this "Haru" had thrown at him.

'How should I respond? Should I even talk to him at all? Why oh why am I even in this position!' Renato's eyes darted to the left, where Gemini was standing. Smirking, Gemini rolled his eyes.

Resigning himself to his current circumstances, Renato eventually decided to respond.

"I'm… Renato." he began reluctantly. So far so good. "I'm in… Raikou I think. I just got here a few hours ago."

Renato paused shyly for a second, before indicating towards Gemini. "And, um, this is my Charmander, Gemini."

Gemini grinned, eying Haru's Munchlax curiously. 'Wow.' Gemini thought to himself. 'What a fatass.'

Suddenly, Renato got a glimmer in his eye. It was a glimmer Gemini had grown used to long ago. It indicated that Renato was about to answer the unasked question about Gemini's strange biological condition. It also indicated one of the few instances where Renato would say more than just "yeah" and "um."

"You're probably wondering why Gemini has two different colored eyes, the right being green, and the left being blue. You see, he has a condition called Heterochromia iridium. There are two types, congenital and acquired…"

Renato continued his lecture for a bit, outlining Heterochromia and what caused it. Fairly soon though, he realized how long he had been talking. "Oh, um, sorry for wasting your time with that." he apologized timidly.
"Nah.It's ok.I have nothing to do.Just blew a crap load of money at a restaraunt on tacos.Thank you void." he whispered the last sentence and the Munchlax awkwardly grinned from ear to ear."I have a Charmeleon too.He's a bit of a lone though." he pointed to Munchlax,"This is Void.He's overly friendly." Void walked up to Gemini and gave it a look."One day.You'll regret that." he said in a surprisingly serious voice.Then he burst out laughing.
Renato Vincitore
TM Store, Oak Town

"Ah, ok." Renato sighed in relief, glad that he hadn't annoyed Haru in any way. "I only have Gemini. It's kinda always been that way." Renato remained silent for a moment, before nervously asking a question.

"Um…so…where are you from? I'm from Nimbasa City."

Gemini laughed so hard at Void's comment that tears swelled up in his eyes. He then put one of his stubby arms around Void's shoulder. "Mah man. This is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship."
Haru laughed as Genimi put his arm around Void's shoulder. "Well, I'm from Viridian City in Kanto." An idea suddenly had an idea and dropped Torch's Pokeball.

The Charmeleon popped out. He shook his head a couple times, then looked at the sarcastic Charmander. "Hey there little fella. Torch is the name." Void just laughed and pointed at Gemini. "He called you short."

Haru didn't know what they were saying, but he thought they were hitting it off. "Seems like our pokemon are great friends." he laughed. "I have a Grovyle and a Scyther, but they don't like being out as much."
Rosalyn Smith
Academy Grounds

Rosalyn smiled more as Jimmy suggested that they train. "That's a great idea Jimmy" she said happily as she pulled out three Pokeballs. "I haven't really trained with Swampy, Silver, or Melody yet" she said looking from her friend to the three Pokeballs. She bit her lip for a minute looking deep in thought before suddenly looking back at Jimmy excitement in her eyes.

"I know what we can do! We can battle Jimmy! That would be so much fun!" she exclaimed with an excited squeal. She was excited about the idea of battling her best friend, and also the fact she was going to use Pokemon she hadn't battled with much, one of which she had just caught. After those thoughts she realized how loud she had been and her voice quieted.

"I mean...w-we can do that if you want too" she said sounding a bit embarrassed.

Sage Smith
Academy Grounds

Sage sighed as he brushed a piece of his blonde hair out of his face with his right hand. In his left he carried a suitcase full of his clothes, books, papers, and tools, as well as pictures of his family. He missed his wife and daughter but he had to do what was best for his family, and that was teaching here at this school. "I wonder what pranks I could pull here" he chuckled to himself as he walked up the path to the academy.

Looking around he saw trees and plants, even a few berry bushes and he smiled to himself. He loved plants, and seeing the bushes of berries he knew he could plan on taking classes out to pick them and to talk about how they grew. He was even planning on planting some flowers and berry bushes around the small living area he had been given when he took the job. The building was enough for him, but not for Violet and Jasmine. He would have to save up money before he could send for them to come here to Kanto.

As he was walking his thoughts were interrupted by a girlish squeal coming from an area to his left. That reminds me of my sisters he thought thinking about his younger sister who had run away from home the year before. "Might as well see what that's about" he muttered making his way over he saw a boy but didn't see the girl.

"Is everything okay here?"
Renato Vincitore
TM Store, Oak Town

Renato nodded a little too quickly. "Oh, uh yeah. I guess so."

In all honesty though, he was surprised. He was actually talking to another person! This was amazing, no phenomenal! Out of all the possible people Haru chose to talk to, Haru chose him! Renato couldn't help but let a small smile touch his lips. If he could make some more friends, maybe it wouldn't just be him and Gemini anymore. Maybe, just maybe, he could become more sociable, possibly even gain a group of friends! Of course, video games and reading will still be important, too. Nothing could replace those. Upon the thought of his precious books, his hand habitually moved to his side, where he had a copy of his favorite book, The Count of Monte Cristo, in a leather carrying case.

'All that's left now is to get a girlfriend…yeah, no. Probably shouldn't get too far ahead of myself.'

Gemini laughed at both of Void and Torch's statements, before looking over to watch Renato talk with Haru.

Turning back to the other two Pokemon, Gemini sighed in disbelief. "Can you believe Renato? He's so freaking shy! I honestly wish he would get out more. You know, go to parties and stuff. And preferably take me with him. Ah, well. What can you do, right?"
Haru sighed. "I'm getting kinda bored of this place. Just tonight I met a girl and we went into the forest, but then a Scyther attacked her and I carried her all the way to the academy main building. We had all our pokemon out at the time, but it somehow snuck by her. It slashed her leg, and I just felt a sudden burst of strength." he shuddered at the memory of the wound.

"That's when we went back for her pokemon. I caught the Scyther in a trap and caught it." he said triumphantly. "It's getting late. We should head back to the academy."

Meanwhile while the pokemon were talking. "Once Haru gets an idea in his head, it's gonna happen. Especially if it's a stupid idea." Torch said.