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Monster Art Online (OOC)

Oh I'd take fossil hunter. Kabuto is epic! ok I know exactly what I'm going with. a mostly fossil based team. kabuto as my starter.

and RHCP you didn't add me to the reserved list. WEll I guess that shouldn't matter much now, though I need to know pictures or no for the appearance section?

Real Name: Jason Wolf
Real Age: 17
Real Gender: male

Personality: Jason has always been a bit… "energetic". With a mild cause of ADHD, you'll always find Jason unable to sit still, shut up, or keep on topic. Despite pushes from his parents to put this energy into sports, Jason preferred to sit around, and soak up random trivia on the internet and play video games. This combo has led him to be have a wealth of semi-useful information, and a slight addiction to the pokemon franchise, one that goes so far that he has almost memorized the pokedex. Typically he's not so bad a pretty average guy who you might hang out with thanks to the medication he's on since it helps him stay in control a bit more. Though if you start a conversation with Jason you'll run the risk of a never ending debate on what Pokemon should do for the next game, and that argument will not end well. Jason is terribly opinionated, and his temper is as short as a Primeape's. Despite his pathetically average build, he can be rather threatening. He's willing to start a fist fight over some of his most dearly held values, like what he's willing to do to succeed, his stance on war, and sadly his pokemon games. Those fist fights also got started over his bullying issues, being a nerd never was easy. Over all highly volatile and extremely unpredictable Jason is someone who you'd better be careful around, but the benefits may out weight the costs.

History: Up in a reserved northern Maine community Jason Wolf was brought into this world. Many of teachers wish he hadn't. Through his early years Jason was notorious for being an uncontrollable wild child. For some reason it took until his late middle school years for them to realize the child had ADHD. By then it was a bit too late though, Jason reputation was set in stone. The small town would always know him as what he was, an incredibly brilliant, but terribly obnoxious and hyper kid. With that as his rep, high school was rather aggravating. He was the easiest target with a couple of emotion and real scars from the idiotic things he did when he wasn't thinking things through. Climbing the statue in the middle of town in a dare, getting lost in the woods while playing cops and robbers, and catching his neighbor's cat in an elaborate trap out of boredom are a few examples. Probably the only hobby Jason enjoys that never got him in trouble was fossil hunting. With the high rocky coasts Jason could easily find the preserved remains in the shale. He kept a six piece collection of his best fossils on the shelf over his computer.

Jason thought it'd be the best week of his life when his school closed because it was damaged in a lightning storm, and a new pokemon game was coming out. It would be the perfect escape. Especially with how bad the one of the bullies had gotten. Normally they kept to rude comments and obnoxious jokes, but this guy was pushing it. He had broken into Jason's locker and stole all the books then returned them covered in grafiti, and even more recently had tried to plant fireworks in his locker, but accidently set one off before he finished the job. This week was suposed to be vacation from it all then it became his new torment.

((is it ok that some of the personality section explains his history too since I didn't put those points in the history as well.))

Avatar Name: Jercio Shade
Avatar Age: 17
Avatar Gender: male
Avatar Appearance:

(image no longer exists)

(image no longer exists)

Jason may have spent a bit too long customizing his avatar, and ended up rather unsure what he wanted to make. He originally considered copying red, but realized that was fartoo cliché. Instead Jason designed a rather average character, but one prepared for whatever could come his way. If this game was as immersive as it said then Jason wanted to be ready. Jercio stands right at six foot two inches, and has a fairly average build and weight maybe a little under. His face has sharp features which frame his glaring amber eyes. Jason specially made it so theymade it obvious when Jercio looked at you. Jason added a tiny scar just to the left of the center of Jercio's upper lip to mirror his own. Jercio has rather shaggy brown hair,but he hides it under a dark brown leather fedora.

To match this Jercio wears a leather duster, but it's adarker grayish brown that Jason spent forever trying to make. Under that Jerciohas two shirts a light gray short sleeve shirt over a long sleeve dark red shirt, for pants he wears black carpenter style jeans, and for footwear he has brown steel toe hiking boots. To keep up the theme of leather Jercio also has a leather belt with a pokeball holster on its right side, and carries a black leather satchel.

Starter Pokémon: Tyrogue, Yohi

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Art Online (OOC)

Male; Vital Spirit; Hasty; Tackle, Fake Out, Foresight, Helping Hand.

---------------------------(updated team)

Tyrogue, Yohi; Male; Hasty; Vital Spirit; Tackle, Fake Out, Helping Hand, Foresight; (image no longer exists)

Pidgey, Hurek; Male; Hasty; Keen Eye; Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust; (image no longer exists)

Spinarak, Witor; Male; Naughty; Sniper; Poison Sting, String Shot, Scary Face; (image no longer exists)


Roleplay Sample: (provide a post from another RP you've been in. As recent as possible, but it should still reflect how you are planning to post in this RP. If you really have no sample post, type something up on the spot to show off!)

Wish I had a more recent pokemon one, but I'm between pokemon RP's. This also may not have been the best as this is a robot, with minimal emotion and personality. If you'd prefer I write one more relatable to Jercio/Jason I'd be happy to.

Relak the Golem

A Machine's will

Relak's body crashed to the floor smashing the cobbles. Relak glared at the new creature. His magnetic powers still needed a moment to charge up. When they did glowing red arcs of electricity shot out hitting all of his limbs and pulling them towards him. Re-assembled the golem towered over all the others. With a inhuman laugh Relak smashed his fists into the ground cracking the stone floor even more. Another burst of energy flew outward twisting the restraints that had once held him. Relak tore them off the wall and imbued them on his chest to seal the damage from the draining machine. It appeared like a baldrick across his chest.

"Repairs fulfilled. Begin retreat." Relak bellowed.

He stomped after the beast who had barked an order at him. He was far from subtle in his escape leaving a path of destruction behind him. At least the others could follow him easy. Unlike him trying to follow the wolfos he only barely kept up using his runic eyes to see the energy flowing off of him. Even as he ran Relak was deciding whether or not he should keep following this creature, or if he should just break off. After all Relak had minimal knowledge on these organics.

Also due to the hostile nature of the other nearby life forms the assumption that these organisms could be hostile led Relak to begin sharpening his fists on the walls. Anyone who got in his way would be trampled or just be ripped apart. The golem was on a mission. Survival now and return home later.

All was going well until Relak got cut off by two vile creatures. Their bodies were disfigured masses of flesh and fat, and their repulsive tusked faces looked as though they had been flattened by the impact of massive hammer. They wielded bladed weapons on the end of a staff, but Relak didn't see them as polearms due to their very crude construction. The blades were jagged and seemed as though they were forged using stones. The creatures prodded Relak with the pathetic weapons, but the shabby craftsmanship led to the tips shattering on Relak's metal skin.

"Futile attempts. Demonstration of resolve necessary." Relak roared.

The golem pulled back his right fist and thrust it forwards. Contact was made on the first monster's neck, and easily cracked the spinal cord. The sharpened edges on Relak's hands also cut and tore the creature's throat letting blood spew from its veins. Enraged the other creature increased its attacks, but they were still not enough to cause any real damage. Relak raised both of his fists and slammed them down on the creatures head splitting its skull and spilling it's small mind. With the monster's dispatched and his hands covered in their blood Relak tried to find the creature he had been following before.

"Objective lost. Inferring possible routes." Relak said doing his best to pick up the remaining traces of energy.

((final thing I jsut wanna ask why do some of you guys go out of your way to make these over the top SU's? I'm not talking the content, that you should strive for, but the formating. It feels like a bit much. sure it looks nice, but I don't even know how you do it. It seems a bit odd for a very much text based media.))
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Aye, good afternoon! Would it be alright for me to reserve a spot, perchance? You see I have the dreaded finals this week, but once I am done with the last I am rid of 'em until the next semester. So, I will not be able to post my SU until those are out of the way. If allowed the chance though I would love to try a shot to get in this very intriguing roleplay.

I would greatly appreciate you letting me know if you have the time. Thank you. (:

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Art Online (OOC)

Reality Check |*

Real Name: Riley Ellie Devlin
Real Age: Twenty, 20
Real Gender: Female ♀

Personality: Riley isn't the type to shy away from social gatherings and often inserts herself into as many conversations as she can. She prefers to talk more about other things than herself though, and doesn't willingly offer information into her personal life beyond her career. Only good friends should be privy to certain information. Yet she will listen eagerly if other people openly discuss their lives. It's not that she is secretive, but rather wants people to make assumptions about her person without any potential biases. Her mother always told her that she was strong spirited, and so tries her best to live up to that ideal. She won't back down for anything. If she feels strongly about a subject she will fight her hardest for it. This could be taken as stubbornness.

When it comes to rules and regulations, she is known as the ultimate rule breaker. She can't stand the idea of something trying to hold her back or hinder her abilities. She believes in free reign over the things she does and often it leads her into a good deal of trouble. This is mainly due to her strict father who she more or less rebelled against at a young age. She doesn't want anything or anyone to change her, and if rules force her to do it a certain way she takes that as a change. To accompany this odd trait, she is extremely reckless. Riley loves a chance to go head first into the action without thinking twice. Strategy just isn't her forte. She takes things as they come and doesn't look far into the future.

Somehow, she can find fun and adventure in the smallest of things. She can turn a rather dull task into something worthwhile. The lass is quite the optimist. Yet there are the rare times when she is feeling down and can't seem to shake the dark clouds away. Those are the times she relies on others most, but she tries not to let it show to save her pride.

With her strong willed nature, she is also incredibly feisty. She loves a good comeback, and will almost always go for the sarcastic remark. Riley doesn't mean to offend by any means, but sometimes it may come off that way. Along with her reluctance to think ahead, she is oblivious to the way some words she might use will hurt someone until she speaks. However, if she realizes that she was rude or spiteful, she tries her best to make up for it. Riley doesn't apologize often though, so instead she undertakes other means like jokes or pointing out her own flaws.

After taking care of her little siblings for the majority of her childhood, Riley has adapted a maternal instinct where she cares for young ones or underdogs. She will make it her personal goal to make sure they are well looked after and happy. This goes for animals too, and she even has affection for the Pokémon in the games she plays. She doesn't take kindly to those who beat down others purposefully. Someone like take gets put on her radar as a threat. Anyone who needs a friend or isn't strong enough to hold their own she will stand beside them until the very end.

History: Hearing it since birth, Riley could recite the details of how her parents met to the time she was born. Elmer, an American journalist, came to a large village in Ireland as a tourist and looking for a story for his column. There, he met a young barmaid named Moira and took an instant liking to the woman. In a month's time they were married. Eventually her eldest sister Arlene was born, followed shortly after by Riley herself. Then it came the twin girls Sybil and Sierra, and finally their young brother Dallon. It was a full house to say the least. Though Riley was the second oldest, she was the one who mainly cared for the younger children. Her mother was busy with her job as a barmaid while raising livestock, and her father often traveled to find new stories. She loved her siblings dearly, but she was also considered the fun sister, where Arlene was the strict one. Riley wasn't one for enforcing rules or setting standards. They didn't have much to do with electronics and instead took to playing imaginative games, or hide and seek in the numerous crooks and crannies of their rustic home. They lived on a few decent acres and—along with the livestock—owned a couple of horses that Riley adored. She grew up in wealth due to her father's successful writing and mother's farm.

Riley didn't have the strongest relationship with her father. She was the reckless one. The one who knew how to have fun and enjoy life. She got into a lot of trouble as a young child, and her father was always the one to reprimand her. Not to mention he didn't hang around much and when he did he spent most of his time with his wife and young son. She slowly grew away from him and in turn grew closer to her mother. Moira loved the strong spirit in her daughter. Elmer often thought of her love as encouragement to Riley's behavior. Nonetheless, she turned to her mother often for troubles and comfort. She learned life lessons through her mother's experiences and received none of her father's clear headed judgement.

Riley and Arlene often argued over the silliest things, and would make up the next moment. They were the exact opposites of each other. Where one was mature and well rounded, the other was fiery and had a go-with-the-flow type of nature. The three youngest looked up to her though, and she flourished in that fact. She tried to be a role model who taught you to be who you want to be, and live the way you want to. She showed them everything she knew when it came to adventures like sneaking out into the backyard at night or jumping over the river bank.

When she was twelve years old, the family up and moved across the seas to Toronto, Canada, where her father took up an executive job. Riley was disappointed to leave her old house and horses behind, but the thought of living in a whole new country intrigued her. Though it was a little bit of a culture shock, the family grew used to the lifestyle quickly. For awhile things were quiet—or boring as she would describe it—and nothing new or exciting happened. She went to school like a normal child but didn't quite fit in. She wanted an education of course, but she didn't have exemplary grades and didn't strive for them either.

Here, she was also introduced to the Pokémon franchise. Due to her love of animals and taking care of things, she fell in love. She hardly put the game down unless it was deemed immediately important. This was her first true introduction to gaming electronics.

At the age of sixteen, Riley was hired by a model agency. She was tall, tiny, and had the makings of a magazine cover girl. She was never fond of that type of ordeal but she pursued it anyway believing it was what she would be best at. She graduated high school a year later. With the modeling business taking up the majority of her time she opted out of college, much to the despair of her parents. She wasn't cut out to be a scholar. Her parents and siblings moved to American when she was eighteen. She decided to stay in Canada because she loved the country, and she wanted room to grow without the watchful eyes of her family.

Following up on her Pokémon obsession, she jumped immediately onto the release of MAO and landed herself a pre-order before the wave of players rolled in. With her other games, she played diversely when it came to teams. She would fill it with an assortment of dual-types in order to cover all bases when it came down to battling. One of her favorite types though was fire. She loved the art of each of the species and chose a nice little Houndour for her starter. It wasn't the strongest, but she loved the way it looked. Kind of like a dog. And if it was a dog, it would be man's (or woman's) best friend, right? She flirted with that idea before choosing it officially. The Houndour was decidedly a male, to combat her female ways, and called him Bishop. He got his name from the chess piece for no particular reason other then her liking chess. Riley spent a little extra time creating her avatar. She made a list of everything she didn't want, and from that list became creating from what she did. Mickie was born. Someone she could be that was her, but not at the same time. Her true self. After everything was set she jumped into the game and was pleasantly surprised at what she found. It was enormous and beautiful. It was everything she ever wanted in a game. Then the lockdown happened. It was perhaps the most frightful thing she had ever experienced in her life. Yet with new adventures came new challenges, and after talking herself down she looked upon this too as a challenge. She had no set goal in mind, but she was ready to find one and eventually find herself as well.

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Art Online (OOC)

Virtual Realm |*

Avatar Name: Mickie
Avatar Age: Seventeen, 17
Avatar Gender: Female ♀

Avatar Appearance: When creating her avatar, Riley wanted to make someone who was not perfect. Someone who wasn't made to be a model or designed to be pretty. In all honesty, she tried her hardest for a normal looking, everyday kind of person. No fancy eye color or uniquely colored hair. She wanted to paint an image of the person she felt like on the inside, and so Mickie was born. The avatar got her name from Riley's abnormal obsession with boyish names with a girlish twist and her undying love for a famous little mouse. In addition to this new name, she created a clever username to accompany it: MickMuffin. The age of the avatar was set three years back from her own, all the way to seventeen. That was an age before adulthood. Before responsibilities took place, and before her parents moved away from her. Though Riley had her difficulties with this age, it was time when she could be who she wanted, and no one expected any more than that because she was still a child. Childhood, in its own little way, was the meaning of freedom of expression. She was free to be just plain ol' Riley.

With the basics in place she began designing.

Though fond of her curly red mane, she took a liking to the ash brown look and, after a few bouts of experimentation, stuck with it. Mickie's hair is slightly curled at the ends but mostly falls in a straight sort of way. Kind of like walking out of a shower or getting up in the morning. That lazy sort of style that looks natural. It is cut short in the back, save for two waist length braids, and shoulder length in the front with bangs. It's a little awkward, but works. It is also pretty much hassle free which is a big plus for her. The hair compliments the eyes in a dull sort of fashion, as the eyes are a hazel color. But the touch of green from that hazel make them stand out even in the slightest against cream colored skin.

The avatar stands around 5'3" and rests at a healthy weight. Not too tiny, and has enough meat on the bones for a nice winter. Riley paid attention in making sure Mickie had an athletic physique so that she can get around easily and have enough stamina for long journeys. Yet there aren't really any visible muscles unless flexed. The apparel is the epitome of comfortable travel attire. Well, sort of. It was also chosen for the stylish features. Mickie wears a white knee-length skirt with teal blue stripes and circles fitted in a pattern and a teal sleeveless turtleneck shirt, sprinkled with white powder looking spots across the chest. A salmon pink ribbon acts as a belt to the skirt while adding some color. Underneath the skirt, for safety reasons, she wears pastel striped leggings that reach down to touch brown slip on shoes. Finally, she wears arm warmers that are the same teal blue color with the pastel stripes adorning the top ends, and to hold her hair in place rests a teal bandana sprinkled like her shirt. To hold items and miscellaneous trinkets, she wears a large gray messenger bag with plenty of pockets in and outside with plenty room for her stuff. The strap lays mostly across her chest and hangs at her left side, but when she gets annoyed with the contraption she bundles it up in her arms.

There are times where she will add a jacket to her outfit, ditch the skirt, add a scarf, but this is her average look throughout her journey.

Starter Pokémon:
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Art Online (OOC)

[ Bishop ]
Gender: Male // Nature: Naïve // Ability: Flash Fire
Moveset: Ember, Smog, Bite, Roar
Roleplay Sample: (Introduction from a Medieval Royalty RP)


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Oh, and RHCP, I want Eevee as a starter, so could you reserve Eevee for me, please? Thanks!
I have a small question: If your character was blind or disabled in any other way on Earth, would the disability apply in the game as well?

Kion Fenela

Real Age: 18

Real Gender: Male

Personality: The world is his playground, and the virtual world, his reality; this is not a mental complex, it's Kion's philosophy. The world, as Kion sees it, is dull and boring; it was created for the purpose of living, but that's it. Even the concrete jungle that we've created seems to only exist for the purpose of capitalism and prolonging such dull lives. Everything in life that we have and do is just to make life a little less boring. That's how he sees life, therefore, it's not surprising that he was a quiet and uninspired person in life. He saw life as a chore that he had no interest in ending; every day was a Sisyphean task, the same thing over and over again. He had friends, but their only use to him was to waste time. He mostly spent his time reading books, playing video games, and watching movies and anime. His family often worried about him, as most of the time he seemed almost lifeless, as if he were simply waiting to die. It was really for their sake that he was able to thrive as he did in school, as his parents and his younger brother were all that he truly cared about in life, even if they were merely transient beings, much like himself. He didn't want to hurt them, so he studied, and he worked hard; he did things that meant nothing to him to appease his family.

History: Kion was born into a loving American family of five. He had a mother named Trisha, a father named Paul, a little brother named Dennis, and an older brother named Marco. Kion always looked up to Marco as a child. He seemed to be good at everything he did, and he always seemed to have fun doing whatever he did. It was because of Marco that Kion strove to be a successful person. He tried to be smart, just like Marco; he tried to be fast, just like Marco; he tried have a lot of friends, just like Marco. Everything he did became motivated from the actions of his brother, and while he couldn't meet the caliber of his older brother with the age difference between them, he did become an overall better person because of his strife.

Eventually, Marco went to college, and he made Kion promise that, even in his absence, Kion would continue to develop as he had been. Of course, Kion accepted, and he did just that. In fact, as he entered high school, he became the spitting image of his older brother, and his parents were quite proud of him. He was going to move on to big things, no doubt. His brother always told him that he could be whatever he wanted to be, something that held little weight to him when spoken by anyone other than his shining idol that was Marco. He took the words to heart, and decided that he wanted to work at NASA. Thus, he studied, and he studied hard.

One day, after having pulled an all-nighter studying for his Freshman midterms, Kion went downstairs to get a drink. As he passed by his living room, he heard faint crying by his fireplace. He went to investigate to find his mother on the couch with her sobbing face hidden in her hands and his father holding her close. He asked them what was wrong, and his father told him to sit down in a nearby chair. He started to tell Kion the situation, but as he did his mouth became dry and his eyes started to water; he just couldn't bring himself to say it. Instead, he pointed to the phone, and Kion walked over to it; there appeared to be one message on the receiver. He looked at his dad, and his dad nodded in response. He put the phone to his ear and listened to the message. It was from Marco's college guidance counselor.

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fenela," she started in a choked voice. "We regret to inform you that..." There was a pause in the message. "That Marco Fenela has passed away...His roommate found him hanging in his room last night..." She paused again, clearly trying to hold back audible crying. "It seems that Marco's death was the cause of stress and depression."

That was all that Kion heard. He dropped the phone in shock and seemed to be almost catatonic, as if he were completely hollow inside. Since then, all of his emotions seemed to be repressed. All of the clubs he engaged in, all of the physical activities that he took part in, and most of the friends he had were a thing of the past; he didn't care about them anymore. He lost all hope because, not only was the most influential person in his life was dead, but everything that that person taught him was a complete and utter lie.

Kion lost enjoyment in most of the things that he did prior to his brother's death. He took to video games, books, and TV for alternate realities, ones where he wouldn't have to deal with all of the crap that life had to offer. He understood the reasons for his brother's death; it was because he was naive enough to think that he could take to the future without fear, that things would always be easy and "fun" for him if he were to try hard. That's when life cut him with the cold sword that is reality. He considered it naive, but the last thing he would call it was foolish; his brother's outlook on life was effective and completely logical...but he just couldn't follow through. Kion stopped caring about what the future had for him and cast away any fear of death; philosophy and surrealism were his new best friends.

Years passed and Kion purchased the highly-anticipated Virtual Reality RPG, Monster Art Online. It intrigued Kion that such a game could exist, one that would completely disregard reality as he knew it in favor of a much different one. It excited him. He was quick to buy a copy of the game, and promptly logged in to try the new sensation.

MAO Persona - Fel

Avatar Age: 21

Avatar Gender: Male

Avatar Appearance: Standing tall at around 6'2, Fel has black hair that spikes at the bottom. His skin is a light brown color, similar to that of one who lives in sunny region. He wears an open zip-up sweatshirt, and under that he wears a black T-shirt. He's wide-eyed and has a slender face. On his lower half, he wears jeans and black sneakers with white stripes. Save for the hair and the skintone, Fel looks a lot like his real life counterpart. Granted, he doesn't have the imperfections that Kion often has, such as blemishes and some freckles he'd prefer not to have, and his build, being as slender yet still somewhat muscular as it was, was more surreal than Kion could even dream to be. In fact, most of his features, as similar as they may be, are more fantastic than those of Kion, and he had no gripe with that. It wasn't so much that he was trying to create himself as he was trying to create a character based off of him, making him taller, sharper-eyed, and more muscular than Kion.

His arms are long, as is his frame, the latter attributing to his height. His jeans are a dark blue color, one that could easily be confused for black, and they have white pokeball prints going down both sides of each leg. His T-shirt has a subtle gray print of a large lightning bolt on it, attributing to his love for electric type pokemon. He sometimes wears a black baseball cap with a red bill with a monochrome emblem on the front of DJ Mary's head.

MAO Personality: Kion finds solace in anything fantasy, they provide for him a "reality" for him that can't exist in what is the true reality. A reality for him that can be anything it wants to be, often building off of a fragment of reality and creating something completely new and interesting; thus, he immerses himself in these experiences. One could say that the Fel is closer to the real Kion than the physical Kion is. Needless to say, when Kion was trapped in MAO, he was ecstatic.

Fel, in contrast to his living counterpart, is far more lively. He's the ambitious type, but defeating the gym leaders and becoming Pokemon League champion is the last thing on his mind. He instead prefers to engage in all that the game has to offer. For the most part, he's a kind individual, and he's not quick to attack other players. Still, this isn't to say that he won't use other people for various purposes, and he often does if it comes down to it. Though he's a fan of soloing, he won't hesitate to socialize or party with others; he's quite sociable. He's the type to make impromptu sarcastic jokes or references to other media that people may or may not understand, even if it is only for his enjoyment. He also avoids insulting people with name calling or threats in favor of backhanded or facetious comments. Still, he's a tolerant person, and it takes a lot for someone to really piss him off.

He definitely wouldn't call himself a "goody two-shoes", as he is the type to throw out societal morals for the sake of personal ones. For instance, he'll help out those who are in trouble for little reason other than the fact that it gives him something to do (that's what he tells himself, anyway), but if there was an "evil" organization or something akin to them, Fel would hear out what their cause is before completely dismissing them, even if he would be considered "evil" by association. Having said that, he's not the type to condone senseless or unnecessary PKing or PKing for fun when the fear people feel is real. Kion was never the type to fear death in real life, the notion of it just seemed like "the end to a dull existence and the beginning of some new mysterious adventure", even if that "adventure" was nothingness. As Fel, he does not exactly fear death so much as he wants to stay away from it at all costs. The surreal world that he existed in is something completely new and very fun and exciting, like an entirely new life. However, he knows that not everyone feels the same way that he does. He, in this sense, isn't normal. "Normal" people fear death, and "normal" people use that fear of death as a drive to live each day and to strive to become better, because "normal" people fear death, and they don't want to die as a nobody or alone.

His style of fighting with pokemon is often never direct. He never really engages his pokemon with an enemy head-on unless he's 100% sure that he can defeat them, so he often relies on tactics that utilize speed rather than those that rely on strength or brute force. For this reason, he prefers using fast pokemon and usually trains the pokemon that aren't fast in speed stats, as its much safer than strength and much quicker than defense. That is, if he catches pokemon. He prefers smaller parties of about 1 to 3, rather than full parties of six, it feels more personal to him when he does so. He considers himself foolish, as he has the tendency to put his pokemons' health before his own, despite the fact that they're nothing more than AI and data. Part of him feels that it is because he is simply trying to immerse himself in the experience even more, but he also feels that it may be because it isn't their fault for getting involved with him, and they have no reason to die for the sake of his selfish ventures.

Starter Pokémon -
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Art Online (OOC)
Hama ♂

Nature - Timid

  • Quick Attack
  • Charge
  • Shock Wave

Roleplay Sample: From Sword Art Online: Infinity Edition
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A question for you, Red. Can I make a character who is a villain, at least in actions? Kind of like the Silver character from Gold, Silver & Crystal. Like a Pokemon thief. Or maybe a character who wants to create their own Pokemon gang. Like Team Rocket of old, but not "Team Rocket". :P
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I'd like to take my reservation back

I'm sorry RHCP :( i'd really love to be in this RP since it's one of yours and i really like it, but yesterday i got to hear i might not have any free time anymore because i have to work alot and get enough money to achieve my goals, plus school is going to get in my way more often, i guess even won't be able to make my own RP.

Well, it's not like the world is gonna end now im taking my reservation back ^^; anyways, i wish everyone fun RPing here and i wish you good luck with GMing this ^^
I'd like to take my reservation back

I'm sorry RHCP :( i'd really love to be in this RP since it's one of yours and i really like it, but yesterday i got to hear i might not have any free time anymore because i have to work alot and get enough money to achieve my goals, plus school is going to get in my way more often, i guess even won't be able to make my own RP.

Well, it's not like the world is gonna end now im taking my reservation back ^^; anyways, i wish everyone fun RPing here and i wish you good luck with GMing this ^^
You're getting money and that's a sad thing? I wish I had a job, then I wouldn't have to be so picky when looking through game sales or...buying anything for that matter :(
Oh I'd take fossil hunter. Kabuto is epic! ok I know exactly what I'm going with. a mostly fossil based team. kabuto as my starter.

and RHCP you didn't add me to the reserved list. WEll I guess that shouldn't matter much now, though I need to know pictures or no for the appearance section?
You were putting demands and stuff so I waited with reserving you until you expressed a clear wish to join.

You can have images as your appearance if you like, but you should describe in words as well.

If we're going to have some form of fossil hunter, or excitement when it comes to fossils at all, I'd rather not you have a fossil pokémon as a starter. Would you please change Kabuto into something else?

Also, Dig and Bubblebeam are not natural leveling up moves for Kabuto. Please choose moves that your pokémon could learn naturally (but I don't care if you let it know a lvl 30 move at the start of the game, that's up to your sense of "am I godmodding now or not?" ^^ ). We'll use TMs and the Tutor profession to teach pokémon other moves!

Aye, good afternoon! Would it be alright for me to reserve a spot, perchance? You see I have the dreaded finals this week, but once I am done with the last I am rid of 'em until the next semester. So, I will not be able to post my SU until those are out of the way. If allowed the chance though I would love to try a shot to get in this very intriguing roleplay.

I would greatly appreciate you letting me know if you have the time. Thank you. (:
Could you put up an SU on Friday or Saturday at the latest?

Oh, and RHCP, I want Eevee as a starter, so could you reserve Eevee for me, please? Thanks!
No need to reserve certain pokémon; since there are 10 000 players, some are bound to have chosen the same starters so it doesn't matter if we do :) Go ahead and use Eevee!

I have a small question: If your character was blind or disabled in any other way on Earth, would the disability apply in the game as well?
If you want. Otherwise, if the brain of your character was still working correctly, it could let the avatar take shape with intact, working sight.

May I reserve a spot? I was deciding whether I can handle another RP, but I realized that I'm not in any active traditional Pokemon RPs so I might as well.

But, seeing as there are so many many reservations already, I'll limit myself to making the SU in the next two days, so that someone else can have a chance if I can't manage.

Sovereign got here before you :) But if I reject someone or if someone fails to put up their SU before, say, Saturday, then I can look at yours.

A question for you, Red. Can I make a character who is a villain, at least in actions? Kind of like the Silver character from Gold, Silver & Crystal. Like a Pokemon thief. Or maybe a character who wants to create their own Pokemon gang. Like Team Rocket of old, but not "Team Rocket". :P
I guess you can. It could make the game interesting! Just don't ruin the RP for the others without their consent, please :p

I'd like to take my reservation back

I'm sorry RHCP :( i'd really love to be in this RP since it's one of yours and i really like it, but yesterday i got to hear i might not have any free time anymore because i have to work alot and get enough money to achieve my goals, plus school is going to get in my way more often, i guess even won't be able to make my own RP.

Well, it's not like the world is gonna end now im taking my reservation back ^^; anyways, i wish everyone fun RPing here and i wish you good luck with GMing this ^^
I'm sad to hear that, but like machomuu says, it's nice that you've got a job :)
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A question for you, Red. Can I make a character who is a villain, at least in actions? Kind of like the Silver character from Gold, Silver & Crystal. Like a Pokemon thief. Or maybe a character who wants to create their own Pokemon gang. Like Team Rocket of old, but not "Team Rocket". :P

Hngg be nice ;; Although that reminds me, what are Team Rocket (or an equivalent) going to be like in this RP? Will they follow the usual story or even be in it at all?

Also are the "Quest givers" up to us to bunny with the quests/rewards they give or are they part of the main story? :3

@PinkSapphire - Good luck with the job! :D
I was planning on having the MMORPG MAO follow the stories from the old pokémon games, but programmed to be more fitting for multiplayer, and of course there is a deeper story that wasn't meant to be in the game of MAO before the lockdown, with twists and explanations to the situation and all... but the main thing with this RP will probably be the interactions and actions of our characters in a more sandbox-styled way.

Something fun though - this is a brand new game so there's bound to be a few bugs around the corner, and I'm not talking Ledyba...

I think it would be quite slow and boring if I controlled all the quest givers and made them part of the bigger story. So you can make up your own quest givers and quests if you want, but then you can't have them giving you too important items of course. I'm not sure if I should allow TMs to be in your own invented rewards or not, hmm.

I'll also be suggesting some more important quest givers in the description of each area though (if there are any), and these are yours to bunny according to my descriptions. Sometimes these will have you do things that are part of MAO's main story, and sometimes they just have rewards that are a bit more important than others.

Actually, I can post the info on the first areas now so that you'll see kind of what I mean. Keep in mind that these first areas are all accessible at the start of the game so they aren't overly exciting, perhaps :p I'll wait with posting Violet City until we start playing though.
Can I sign up? If so...
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Can I sign up? If so...
Check the list in the first post. Currently all spots are reserved, meaning I will look at their sign ups before I look at any others.

As for your SU, I can give you some help if you're new to RPing on PC :) We usually look for characters with more depth. Think about your character for a day or so before writing the sign up, and make sure that he or she really is someone you'd like to play with, and someone who has got a solid enough backstory to make their personality believable. We don't normally RP as ourselves. Also generally, we want to see more text in each section (especially Personality and History) since one sentence usually doesn't say enough about a character.

If you're new and want to find a good RP to join, I'd suggest Pokémon Trainer Academy. They usually have spots open and are friendly to all!

Oh you know I would never dream of doing something without another player's consent. That's why I even asked about the idea. :)
I do trust you to turn the idea into something interesting, so go ahead ;)
Red's Hawt Chibi Pelippers said:
Could you put up an SU on Friday or Saturday at the latest?

My last final is due by Thursday morning, so I should have plenty of time to get it up either Friday night or Saturday morning. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, I appreciate it! This RP looks like it has the potential to be a load of fun. :-)
SU is done...I think? I am not sure if you require a description of the appearance or you just want a picture. If you do require a description of the avatar, I'd be gladly add that quickly. Other than that, it's done! Lemme know if I am missing something. :)

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alright RHCP easily fixed up. Though I still intend to grab kabuto and shieldon as soon as I may. I'll re-work it, and add some fossil antics to his real life to add some more history. I'll probably go with a tyrouge. a relatively interesting and different sort of pokemon.
SU is done...I think? I am not sure if you require a description of the appearance or you just want a picture. If you do require a description of the avatar, I'd be gladly add that quickly. Other than that, it's done! Lemme know if I am missing something. :)

Since I don't see your whole character in the image, a description in text would be nice, yes :) It's just so that the other RPers can picture your character well and correctly~
Real Name: Jaden "Jad" Mourad
Real Age: 17
Real Gender: Male
Personality: Jad is pretty nice in general, he loves to make friends and battle them in Pokemon games with his Nintendo DS. He likes the pokemon special manga too. He's nice, brave, strong,cheerful and justice, never gives up! Everyone likes him, but sometimes he may be stubborn...Jad doesn't like to lose to his friends in a Pokemon battle (DS) mainly to those he doesn't like.
History: Jad lives in St. Louis,Missouri on the United States but he was born in Orlando, Florida when his family were visiting Florida because of Disney Land. Jad has a older brother.older sister and two little sisters. He and his older brother are the only ones who likes Pokemon in their family.

Avatar Name: Jad
Avatar Age: 17
Avatar Gender: Male
Avatar Appearance: Jad has short black hair, black eyes, a red hat but his hair can appear a little, red and white jacked, black T-shirt, blue jeans (Of course It's blue! Lol) a tennis and a yellow bag with a Pokeball sign in it.
Starter Pokémon: Eevee lv.10. Helping Hand, Tackle, Tail Whip and Sand Attack.

Roleplay Sample: From: Super Smash Bros. Augustine Rush! : In the Beach, Randy just finished training. He already knows every move Kirby has. He's feeling like a boss! But this Camelia dragon, said to Randy that he wasn't alone. So he's probably not the strongest around the island.

''OK. This Island is pretty strange. And the best thing to do when your in a place you don't know is...exploring! I guess I should explore this forest. Huh? I see something in there.''

Randy ran to see the strange monster he just saw. It turned out to be a Koopa Troopa. Oh well...
''Well, nothing better to do REAL training. I guess I'll just get my powerful hammer and hit this Koopa Troopa.'' The Koopa Troopa went flying. Oh no...and there comes more Koopa Troopas. ''WAAAAAH!!!! I'M SOOOORRRRRYYYYYY!'' said Randy in a very loud noise and ran.

" Whew...I got off...'' TUM! Randy's stomach just growled. ''Ohhhhh....I'm without food...oh wait! A tree with Apples! Whew, I'm very lucky I guess I will rest here. I can make fire with those woods!"

Randy grabbed the Apples and ate them, and rested in the middle of the giant forest. Still a long way to go!