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[Pokémon] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

MetalMario said:
*does the New Shiny Dance along with Runa*
Yay, SOMEONE remembers! XD
Or did ya simply go by what I said? >.<;;;
Now, since I?m feeling all nice and worshippy at the moment, I shall divulge some info...

Favourite hunters: MetalMario and Lady Demoonica Darkmoon
Least favourite hunters: pkmaster and possibly Darts for the Celebi prank
Favourite Shinies: Umbreon, Tentacruel, Nuzleaf
Least liked Shiny: I dunno, maybe Linoone
Current hunt: Shiny Torchic
Hunting method: Breeding
Motivation for hunt: Errrrrrrr...If you scroll back about 30 pages and start reading from there, you should find it... XD
Current (estimated) egg hatch count: 1500-1700
Do I think I?ll get one soon?: Nope. >.> I will only have the least chance of that after I manage to get the rare, illusive, Adamant female Torchic. - -;;;
Plans for future hunts: Dratini, Eevee, Nincada
Dratini- Resetting
Eevee- Breeding
Nincada- Breeding

Well, my batteries finally finished charging this night while I slept, so here I go to hunt!
Wish me luck and a good future KFC business! XD

*Turns on GBA and cycles around*

EDIT: Discovery I made in a small research... In average, if I am paying full attention to my game, I can hatch a Torchic egg every minute! ^_~
So, 60 eggs every hour... Multiplying it for the hours I?ve hunted for already gives out an average of...
60 x 40 = 2400!

I?ve hatched more eggs than I thought! Maybe remove about 100 from that due to not being that used to it in the beginning and the trips to the Frontier... XP
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Evening all, being training Stantler... so many Zubats, there begining to annoy me i think im up to 50 now... ahh well only 205 left.

now is it just me or do all these younger members seem to be very impatient XD remember everyone it takes time, dont expect one to pop up after you find one, think it took me about 3 months to find Miltank after Fearow :\

right thats all for now, i'll be back soon *turns on DS*
Hey, hold it, I?m young, I?m 13 and I?m not giving up anytime soon! XD
So, let?s NOT say all of them, that hurts my Shiny Hunter pride. XDDDDD

Also, I found out that if I hunt 5 hours every day for a month, I hatch an average of 9300 eggs. XF

...Well, been hatching eggs, and nothing interesting to tell ya guys about...

Hey, with all the EV Training against Zubats, you might get a Shiny! XP
Good luck for you on finding a Shiny, Yami_Zidane!
BG pokemon freak said:
I like your shinyes very much Lucky_Clover !!! They are a very nice team !!! (Not like mine, but I still love them a lot !!

Thnx , however i just get lucky by finding them:classic:
It's weird , some people just 'get' the shiny's by running around or training in the tall grass , and others just breed and breed and breed.....or reset and reset and reset... I guess it's all by luck when you get one :paranoid:

Blah , still can't find that ditto !!
Ok, ok, some of the newer members, how does that suit you Runa? (and i didnt mean you anyway ;))

but anywho, best of luck to all, especially LDD if i could get that Absol for you, i would XD
I, of course, was just playing around, to cheer up this club, it?s quite lonely for most of the time, we need ryan around for a bit, and I haven?t seen Jaws for quite some time. >.<
Only thing I?m here at PC for is this club... Yeah, I?m the invisible member that is ALWAYS refreshing this page, and that never leaves. XD

Well, nothing still, hope you guys find something! XP
I wish ya guys luck, wish me luck too!

After... 41 hours of hunting... I finally... I finally got...




*Calms down*

Hehehheheheheheh... I tricked you into thinking I meant I got a Shiny, right? XD

Hell, at the moment, getting an Adamant female was GREAT! It took me more than 2400 eggs for this thing...Now I can be sure of a good nature for future babies. ^__^

Lessee the IVs...
Perfect Sp.Def, perfect Attack! ^__^

It went right! This just shows you that being patient pays off! I waited for an Adamant female Torchic, and now that I got it, it?s pretty much not bad! The only bad thing in this is that a perfect Def IV will be seperated from the babies chain... >.>;;;
Well, too bad, I still get the Sp.Def one to pass down. XF

Back to hunting then!
...Oh, hold it, I must get some money, I?m broke and those Torchics at the Day-Care will be HELL to take off... >.<

*Flies to Evergrande and saves*
*Fights Wally with Khiroko, my Altaria*
*Fails because the Altaria is the same level as his Pok?mon*
*Soft resets*
*Sells 6 Revives*

Well, this should be enough to remove the female there... XD

Ouch, the male is a Lvl 70 Torchic already. >.<;;;
*Puts Adamant female at the Day-Care*
NOW, back to hunting! ^_~
nice so you'll have a higher chace.... or whatever O.O
*gets hit on head and beaten nearly to death*
im soo sorry i havent been hunting xD
i wanna get emerald soo bad....
Well, not a higher chance of a Shiny, that?d be funny, but yeah, I will get the nature I want for it most probably this way!

But the weird thing is that a friend of mine said he got a Shiny Gastly in Emerald and neither the IVs or the nature looked anything like the parents?. ._.;

So, I really don?t know... I hope they DO inherit IVs and natures... They should, no? After all, is the Shiny variable a specific one or does it depend on any other variable?

Hmm...Well, we?ll see when I get it...Back to hunting for the Shiny Torchic and raising a Kentucky Fried Combusken business with Lvl 100 Combuskens to help me cook! XD

*Does the Shiny dance so it gives everyone luck*
MetalMario said:
*does the New Shiny Dance along with Runa*

Egads! NOT THE SEVIPER PATCH! *casts Shiny Lotad curse on LDD's friend* There! Now you're sorry! MUAHAHAHAAA!

Please, not the Safari Zone! You were extremely lucky to have caught that shiny Pikachu without it running first. Don't be so sure it'll work again the next time. I strongly advise you to take your shiny Dratini search to the Game Corner. *points at Dragonite in sig*

Oh yeah, all new members are welcomed to the club.

Also, 20 Surskits.
I guess Dratini wasn't a good choice. I'll look for a more common Pokemon... Oddish!
Jindai said:
I guess Dratini wasn't a good choice. I'll look for a more common Pokemon... Oddish!

(>_<); That shouldn't be too hard, I've found three of them when I'm not looking for Oddish. Why did the Absol have to be in an area full of Oddish? And Zigzagoon/Linoone in Ruby/Sapphire, at least Emerald has Poochyena/Mightyena instead. Good luck finding the Oddish!

MetalMario said:
Egads! NOT THE SEVIPER PATCH! *casts Shiny Lotad curse on LDD's friend* There! Now you're sorry! MUAHAHAHAAA!

LOL, MM. She's wants a Shiny Seviper. AND is going to leave her Sapphire copy with me untill she visits again, so I can look for one.
I got a headache from looking at my GBA's screen in bad lighting... Owww... Gloom is at Lvl 75 now, haven't hatched any Absol with 2 "Flawless" stats. How do you do it Runasutaru? 4 Absol, each with one of 4 different flawless stats and I can't get one to hatch with 2 flawless stats. (My breeding female has flawless Attack, my breeding male has flawless Defence.)

pokexproduction - Lucky, Shiny Ninetails are beautiful.

EDIT: Good evening MetalMario, can we call to order the nightly meeting of the Midnight Shiny Hunters? (OR in my case the 2AM-5AM Shiny Hunter.)
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Runasutaru said:

Yay, SOMEONE remembers! XD
Or did ya simply go by what I said? >.<;;;
Now, since I?m feeling all nice and worshippy at the moment, I shall divulge some info...
Of course I remember! And it's the New Shiny Dance, not just the Shiny Dance. ;)

Runasutaru said:
Favourite hunters: MetalMario and Lady Demoonica Darkmoon
Least favourite hunters: pkmaster and possibly Darts for the Celebi prank
Favourite Shinies: Umbreon, Tentacruel, Nuzleaf
Least liked Shiny: I dunno, maybe Linoone
Current hunt: Shiny Torchic
Hunting method: Breeding
Motivation for hunt: Errrrrrrr...If you scroll back about 30 pages and start reading from there, you should find it... XD
Current (estimated) egg hatch count: 1500-1700
Do I think I?ll get one soon?: Nope. >.> I will only have the least chance of that after I manage to get the rare, illusive, Adamant female Torchic. - -;;;
Plans for future hunts: Dratini, Eevee, Nincada
Dratini- Resetting
Eevee- Breeding
Nincada- Breeding
I'm honoured that you'd consider me your favourite. I s'pose I'll fill in this info, too:
Favourite hunters: ryan, LDD. Ryan seriously deserves at least a shiny or two more for his efforts. He's been on the longest shiny 'famine' of anyone!
Least favourite hunters: pkmaster, AttackRage555. AttackRage555 was a member here early on (before I joined) who claimed to have pretty much everything as shiny. (ALL water types, ALL starters, ALL legends, plus some was his claim, I believe) It was pretty much him who broke the Shiny Dex early on, and I believe why SGM introduced the 30 post rule on his return.
Favourite shinies: Meganium, Porygon2, Starmie, Seviper. I have a list of my top 30 or so as well, but maybe at a better time.
Least favourite shinies: I don't keep track of this, but there are a few groups I hate: Barely changed ones, ones that are just paler/more saturated, dire purple Water-type shinies, and dead Grass shinies (as in Weepinbel, NOT Meganium!)
Current hunt: Seviper
Hunting method: Training against wild pokes in the Seviper patch, Sapphire
Motivation for hunt: Shiny Face-off V.2 at SPPF really got me liking shiny Seviper.
Current number of sightings: Very many. I summarized up to my encounter of shiny Lotad a while back. Since then, I've seen 20 additional Surskits which implies ~2000 encounters.
Plans for future hunts: Chikorita, Beldum. Chikorita by breeding, and Beldum by resets.

____ said:
im soo sorry
Don't say those words with that punctuation/spelling again, or risk being banned. I'm serious.

pokexproduction said:
I'm still continuing my quest or the shine dratini!^^and caught a shiney vulpix!!!oh yeah!!

Still playing through Emerald. Slowly. I've got my bro's SP, so I'll do another relay trade to get Magical Leaf onto Kirlia. Still at a loss as to how I'll get Zangoose. No progress on any hunts.
OK, stop the chickens from breeding!

*The Day-Care woman rips em off eachother and hands them to me*

Now you must be wondering what this means... Nope, not a Shiny. (YEAH RIGHT. >.>)

Well, I got a request from a friend at school to know if I could lend him a Lvl 100 Fire or Water Pok?mon.
And I thought "Hey, I?ve got 5 fresh Lvl 5 Torchics and I can train one of those to lend him!"
So yeah, today I won?t be hunting, I?ll only be training one, so I will be pretty much EV Training and leveling it up to Lvl 100 after. If I find a Shiny while at it, I?ll let ya know. XP
I will also fill ya in at times and try to post as much as possible to answer people?s questions, give them advice and wish them good luck. ^_~
Well, as I say that, gonna start training one of my little fellas! XP

*Turns on GBA and indeed does take the Torchics from the Day-Care and dumps the egss in the party into the box, along with Slugma*

Good luck everybody!
*Dances the Shiny dance*
Hopefully I?ll find a Shiny Zubat. ^__^
MM said:
Don't say those words with that punctuation/spelling again, or risk being banned. I'm serious.
O_O for saying sorry,
anyway ill start hunting when i try to catch em all on emerald
____ said:
O_O for saying sorry,
anyway ill start hunting when i try to catch em all on emerald
About two months ago, there was a particularly heartless meme that developed on ytmnd which particularly got me upset, since I have a friend who tried to commit suicide. If you haven't seen it, my apologies, but still try to avoid that exact phrasing.
Dude, what kind of Ytmnd thing was that that it caused such a reaction? I feel like killing the creator of that Ytmnd. >.<

And Munna, why the weird name-change? ._.

Well, I?ve been EV Training, no Shiny Shuppet found and I?m not expecting one to appear. >.>

After the Atk, I?ll go train this thing in Spd. ^_^
And after that, get 6 Sp.Atk EVs from somewhere, since I gave my Torchic a Sp.Atk raising vitamin already. ^_~

Well, wish me luck on finding a Shiny Zubat in the middle of this!
*Does the Shiny dance*
*Goes back to playing*
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