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★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

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Hi guys! Just letting you know that I haven't forgotten about this thread but I've run into a bit of a predicament!

  • Due to finishing summer work, spending last week of summer with family, moving, having no internet, and starting school (phew!), I've gotten really behind in this thread.
  • I don't want to be spoilt for Black/White and now that the new Pokédex has leaked out onto the internet, until I can play it (next week), I don't even want to know names, let alone google the proper spelling for names to make sure everyone's claiming the right thing. :(
  • The thread has just gotten really big and untidy. It's been around for nearly a year so it needs a bit of housekeeping.

Due to the above reasons, for now I am closing the thread. It will reopen with a free-for-all reclaim. That is, when I restart this thread, there will be no claims listed. Everything will we wiped clean and we'll start fresh. So anything that was previously fully-claimed will be open and you'll have to reclaim anything you have currently.

I will probably be updating the rules (allowing more claims, etc.) when I do this too. I don't have an ETA yet but it'll probably be late this week, early-next week! Sorry for the wait and I'll see you in the new thread.
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