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★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

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  • 33,339
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★
    ★ Last updated: August 24

    Welcome to the Pokémon Claim Thread

    First things first: the basics. A claiming thread is basically the place where you stake your "claim" on something. For example, if Cherrim is your favourite Pokémon for the obvious reasons that it is awesome, you would claim Cherrim. You can put the fact that you've claimed something in your sig or in the appropriate sections on your profile. There's not much more to it than that.​
    Other claim threads: bishiepairingsongscelebrity


    March 2nd
    I've changed the rules! I noticed twenty-five Pokémon were fully claimed (including one of the new ones which was fully claimed in between updates and then some!) so I decided to change the rules around. You may now claim up to 5 Pokémon and a Pokémon may be claimed up to 10 times.


    1. No more than 5 claims per person. If you can't decide between all your favourites, flip a coin or something. Any posts trying to claim more than 5 will be completely ignored and you won't get ANY of them.
    2. No more than 10 claims per Pokémon. If you want to claim Cherrim and 10 people have already claimed it, tough luck. You'll have to claim something else.
    3. ...however, if you are banned for any amount of time or inactive for more than one month, your claims will be forfeited.
    4. If you get a name change, post here to let me know.
    5. If it has been 2 weeks since I last updated this thread, feel free to drop me a PM or a VM nagging me to update it.
    6. If you cannot follow the guidelines below, I may not add your claims. I will also be hesitant to add the claims of people who cannot even spell their favourite Pokémon.


    When making your claims, all you have to do is follow these simple guidelines. If you don't, I might not add your claims at all!
    • List your claims in alphabetical order.
    • Read the list and make sure none of your claims have already been claimed 10 times. (If a claim is full, there will be a
      [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★
      icon next to it.)
    • Check the last updated time and make sure no one who's posted after that time has filled up your Pokémon's claim slots.
    • If you want to change your claims and I have NOT updated since you originally posted your claims, edit your first post instead of posting again.
    • If the Pokémon you want to claim is not anywhere on the list, that's okay! That just means no one has claimed it before and you're the first.

    The List

    [alink id=A]A[/alink id] [alink id=B]B[/alink id] [alink id=C]C[/alink id] [alink id=D]D[/alink id] [alink id=E]E[/alink id] [alink id=F]F[/alink id] [alink id=G]G[/alink id] [alink id=H]H[/alink id] [alink id=I]I[/alink id] [alink id=J]J[/alink id] [alink id=K]K[/alink id] [alink id=L]L[/alink id] [alink id=M]M[/alink id] [alink id=N]N[/alink id] [alink id=O]O[/alink id] [alink id=P]P[/alink id] [alink id=Q]Q[/alink id] [alink id=R]R[/alink id] [alink id=S]S[/alink id] [alink id=T]T[/alink id] [alink id=U]U[/alink id] [alink id=V]V[/alink id] [alink id=W]W[/alink id] [alink id=X]X[/alink id] [alink id=Y]Y[/alink id] [alink id=Z]Z[/alink id]

    [a id]A[/a id]A
    Abomasnow ★ Gearuvagen, chaos11011
    Absol ★ Viceroy Gawain, TwilightBlade, KurlyFries, Goldenrod-city, Flying Zebras, >Feelings<, Kendall, Eclipse Absol, CyanideEspeon, `Espeon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Abra ★ superjames, ~Hot n' Cold~, Tater Tot, ßrooke
    Aerodactyl ★ Spinosaurus, Obelisk, Lycaeus, DXrobots, Kiger Mustang, Moustachio, Cazzum
    Aggron ★ Spinosaurus, redsaber5859
    Aipom ★ TB Pro, skiffz, matthew.villa, FerretFox41, Ash_Ketchum123
    Alakazam ★ Alakazam17, Icetricity, RockTheBeat, ~Hot n' Cold~, SkyKnight, Ketchumall, Misdreavus81, Gearuvagen, Jarnakel, Telekinesis
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Altaria ★ Halcyon, ĔśMåş, Icy_Shadows, Alyssachu, The Cynic, myrrh25, Grim64
    Ambipom ★ Alexeon, Cloudfall
    Ampharos ★ Samme!, Nayu, ConnorMac, entrancer., Intoxicated, rizyq, .Gamer, Cold Fusion, BinaryPeaches, NER:D
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Arbok ★ IronJustice, Unknown Legend, TokioHumaNeko, Ryu-kun
    Arcanine ★ POKERangerPhoenix, ArcanineOod, Shadowfaith, SkyKnight, WonderGirl, Griffinbane, Wolflare, Drew, Lady Gaga, Vapore
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Arceus ★ PhantomDraco, Negative-Zero, Flying Zebras, Flash!, DGexe, pokemonleaguechamp, Night Raider, Lua
    Ariados ★ Kingo!, Unknown Legend, Ęℓαчиıı
    Armaldo ★ Spinosaurus, Cazzum
    Aron ★ Brendino, Wolflare
    Articuno ★ >Feelings<, Black_Lightning, dragonqueen0210, KopaKura, Lieutenant Unstable, Harlequin, Artic.uno, Meganium90, SinisterEternity, IceFireLighnting
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Azumarill ★ BinaryPeaches, WonderGirl
    Azurill ★ nidorina​
    [a id]B[/a id]B
    Bagon ★ random person
    Baltoy ★ Scarf
    Banette ★ Gligar89, Dark_Aero, Lua, IceFireLighnting, Silhouette
    Bayleef ★ parallelzero, AceDragonite
    Beautifly ★ Hiiro, entrancer., AngelFireWing
    Beedrill ★ mondays suck, Swift!
    Beldum ★ Beldum
    Bellossom ★ Misty4Life, BinaryPeaches, chicanery, Gardenia101, Pidgeot is Life, King Gumball
    Bellsprout ★ Ayselipera
    Bidoof ★ Waffle-San, Paxy
    Blastoise ★ Férnando, Ambellina, thegeneticway, Aureol, .hack, The Opera Ghost, yung_link, spike_086malkia, DoctorFred, Unknown Legend
    Blaziken ★ Blaziquaza, Ayesha, 560cool, KopaKura, Marilynasol, Medli, 560cool., Blazaking, myrrhman, Ezashin Koori
    Blissey ★ chillxd
    Breloom ★ The Bringer!, Cold Fusion, .Gamer, Hiiragi, Gardenia101, Dankesque
    Bronzong ★ Doomsaloto
    Buizel ★ cerulean15, Epsikon Sato, Diablerie
    Bulbasaur ★ GoldvsRed, Jordan, Wolfechu, Epsikon Sato, BringYourOwnKites
    Buneary ★ Konekodemon
    Butterfree ★ Fables, Bikki-Chan, JeTz, Twisted Cuteness, -Lapras-​
    [a id]C[/a id]C
    Cacturne ★ Augustus
    Carvanha ★ dragon0fangz
    Castform ★ FaWa, The Cynic
    Caterpie ★ Breezy., Neurotripsy
    Celebi ★ roacherman, Ochigi, Toxicroak
    Chansey ★ Impo, Harlequin
    Charizard ★ Polizard, Prince_of_Light, AliceBlaze, Rubber Ducky, KurlyFries, Griffinbane, TheRichar, Blazaking, The Sceptile King, Vulpes bicaudata
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Charmander ★ ChrisTom, The Opera Ghost, cruzader019, Vulpes bicaudata, MareBear, Pidgeot is Life, Wolflare
    Charmeleon ★ parallelzero, Cazzum
    Chatot ★ Rhydderch, EmeraldSerenade
    Cherubi ★ Jesh, Lightning, Drew, Twisted Cuteness, Billy Mays Barbeque Sauce, Essence, Cilerba
    Cherrim ★ Lightning, Nayu, Luck, Sweet Candace, Irene Yeo, Zeffy, Cilerba, pokénerdette, Destiny Demon
    Chikorita ★ XxDawnfanxX, Icy_Shadows, umbreon_4_life, Hamilton, Aquerex, Zeffy, Billy Mays Barbeque Sauce, cruzader019, Gardenia101
    Chimecho ★ Skyline_333
    Chimchar ★ Lopnis, PureGoober, Ash_Ketchum123
    Chingling ★ Skyline_333, Iceknight212
    Chillarmy ★ Patchisou Yutohru, cerulean15, IceFireLighnting
    Claydol ★ ĔśMåş, JJAttacker, PiPVoda, Muffun, Richard Lynch
    Clefable ★ Umbreon★, Pikachukid, kieeeranz, THAT WONDERFUL PIXY GUY!
    Clefairy ★ THAT WONDERFUL PIXY GUY!, Katja
    Cleffa ★ xxkaylabby, THAT WONDERFUL PIXY GUY!
    Cloyster ★ dark adonis
    Combee ★ Luke
    Combusken ★ MiniM00se
    Corsola ★ Angela, Galukxy, Harlequin, Cilerba
    Cradily ★ solovino, Luke, jademasker
    Crawdant ★ Skyline_333
    Cresselia ★ Sakura Rain, Cresselia, shininglatios217
    Croagunk ★ Nudge, III Michael III
    Crobat ★ Jacobguy26, Limey-chan, vibratingcat, Gearuvagen, Jarnakel, Alwaysbored, Swift!, ManmadeWalnut
    Croconaw ★ pokenerd_202Old, pokemongarnet
    Cubone ★ Hiidoran, ChrisTom, random person, Filozofio, Swift!
    Cyndaquil ★ vidgamer4, Leafeh, Cyndahog, silvanarrow, umbreon_4_life, blueblur155, Night Raider, Sardonix, Shiiny Pikachu, Aquerex
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★
    [a id]D[/a id]D
    Darkrai ★ ArcanineOod, Haruka of Hoenn, Dark_Aero, Loxius, MichaelaTheUchiha, XEL, Diablerie
    Delibird ★ Kirkland, Izzy_, ionbru xp, Tater Tot
    Deoxys ★ The Corrupt Plague, Cazzum
    Dewgong ★ Misty4Life, Akita
    Dialga ★ Kenneth Alog, humanguy2000, Noblebeastx
    Diglett ★ Mr. Sillypillz
    Ditto ★ Ketchumall
    Dodrio ★ Vrai
    Donphan ★ patch., pokemongarnet
    Dragonair ★ GlitchCity, pikakip, Galukxy, Jamzx, Jaysantos18, Misheard Whisper, Harlequin, rizyq, SinisterEternity, yinyangmatrix
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Dragonite ★ Reverb, Unidentified Flying Aces, Lana., That girl!, Misheard Whisper, Sardonix, CrashSmAshley, Ashe~, Magmarashi, Alexeon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Drapion ★ Sky_Attack, Drapionmaster
    Dratini ★ Ayesha, Whimsy, Misheard Whisper, Jordan, Yusshin, dragonite149
    Drifblim ★ Ibuberu, The Cynic, dead-man-walking, tente2
    Drifloon ★ LittleShinyDrifloon, chicanery, Filozofio, Neurotripsy, Kylie-chan
    Dunsparce ★ TB Pro, GoGoShinyDunsparce, chicanery, Billy Mays Barbeque Sauce, Volroc, Doomsaloto
    Dusknoir ★ ShadowForce_G, CyanideEspeon, Hybrid Trainer, Dahlia411​
    [a id]E[/a id]E
    Eevee ★ Kristine, Kyatto, Eeveon, Notch-Eared Pichu, Eurydice, .Eevee-Chan, Jordan, Yusshin, InfernoHo-Oh, Ketchumall
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Elekid ★ Venn364, 747Jason747
    Electabuzz ★ Hiiragi
    Electivire ★ Reverb, Hiiro, pikakip, Leafeh, Pikapal642
    Electrode ★ Serris
    Emonga ★ Kylie-chan, Destiny Demon
    Empoleon ★ Yuukinoh, Harumi-chan, Icetricity, dragonqueen0210, pkmntrainerpaul, 诶伊艾诶豆诶维伊, Mujahid, III Michael III, PlatinumDude
    Entei ★ STFUNAPPA1, matthew.villa
    Espeon ★ Umbreon★, roacherman, .Eevee-Chan, Zero°, CyanideEspeon, xxkaylabby, BinaryPeaches, `Espeon, Destiny Bond, Vapore
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Exeggutor ★ Corruptodile​
    [a id]F[/a id]F
    Farfetch'd ★ Rekky, Moon_Blitz, mondays suck, ionbru xp
    Feebas ★ Ibuberu, Muffun
    Feraligatr ★ Cyndahog, RedBaron474, Pokemon Trainer Kevin, yung_link, Pyrax
    Flaaffy ★ Samme!, destinedjagold, rizyq, Rocket Executive Josh
    Flareon ★ Munch Dog, destinedjagold, Misty4Life, Rhydderch, Toxicroak, Uboa, Arty, Unknown Legend, I_Want_Your_Love, dragonite149
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Flygon ★ Haruka of Hoenn, Drizzle, .Gamer, Kendall, Cold Fusion, SuperLink, PureGoober, Moustachio, `MorningSun, redsaber5859
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Forretress ★ blueblur155
    Froslass ★ Férnando, Alakazam17, Mizan de la Plume Kuro, Unidentified Flying Aces, parallelzero, ĔśMåş, Brendino, hiphiphippo, Uboa, Logiedan
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Furret ★ lucaslucario, Silhouette, Apple Juice, Rhydderch, Munch Dog, destinedjagold, EmzStar, FinalMaster, hiphiphippo, Kavii
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    [a id]G[/a id]G

    Gabite ★ PokeRemixStudio, Giblie
    Gallade ★ Zero°, kazuya., Dr. House, DGexe, DasherPunch, SereneMidnight, III Michael III, Destiny Bond, Alexeon, Kavii
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Garchomp ★ Fire Wolf, Wolflare, Giblie, Flash!, RCMF13, shot571, Muffun, myrrhman, Moustachio, Agent Clank
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Gardevoir ★ Haruhi-chan, Mizan de la Plume Kuro, parallelzero, Ayesha, Amanda-Kun, Kendall, Mujahid, Gearuvagen, SereneMidnight, Alexeon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Gastly ★ amberrelf
    Gastrodon ★ Tandem, Maxite
    Gear ★ BeachBoy
    Gengar ★ ShadowForce_G, Yuukinoh, dark adonis, ConnorMac, TheRichar, Shiiny Pikachu, Misdreavus81, Guillermo, Tater Tot, AuraGaurdian
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Gible ★ Giblie
    Girafarig ★ destinedjagold
    Giratina ★ Zero°, Blaziquaza, >Feelings<, Negative-Zero, Cheyanne, Distortion World, 560cool., dead-man-walking, dithyrambos
    Glaceon ★ Roswell, graeme_turnbull, dragonqueen0210, Eurydice, Icy_Shadows, .Eevee-Chan, DarkDreams, Bagelz, Ashe~, Uboa
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Glalie ★ PureGoober
    Glameow ★ Akita
    Gligar ★ Gligar89, mickey43
    Gliscor ★ DonRoyale, Yuukinoh, Leafeh, BlackRay, Loxius, Destiny Bond
    Golbat ★ Gligar89
    Golduck ★ Shadowfaith
    Golem ★ Jaysantos18, GoldvsRed
    Granbull ★ rizyq
    Grotle ★ Halcyon
    Groudon ★ Spinosaurus, matthew.villa, Rex54
    Grovyle ★ Nayu, Icetricity, random person, .hack, DoctorFred, Saphie, MasterSceptile
    Growlithe ★ Munch Dog, Raichu1988, matthew.villa, BringYourOwnKites, pokénerdette
    Gyarados ★ Kluony, Obelisk, chillxd, mal'akh, Assault​
    [a id]H[/a id]H
    Happiny ★ mal'akh
    Hariyama ★ Kingo!, Corruptodile
    Haunter ★ Rekky, Klouny, Congratulations, I Hate You, DGexe, Seviper33, Hybrid Trainer, Ryu-kun
    Heatran ★ Hiidoran
    Heracross ★ .hack, PunxsatownyPhil, Pikapal642
    Hitmontop ★ Pidgeot is Life
    Ho-oh ★ Hiidoran, AliceBlaze, InfernoHo-Oh
    Honchkrow ★ Harumi-chan, pokenerd_202Old, EmeraldSerenade, Juniper, Mr.Crowley, AngelFireWing, SinisterEternity
    Hoppip ★ Donuts, nidorina, Irene Yeo, ViralRiver, Neurotripsy, Billy Mays Barbeque Sauce
    Horsea ★ Cloudfall
    Houndoom ★ lucaslucario, Kireihana, kazuya., Hiiro, rN Haza, Cyndahog, MartinJF, Mr.Crowley, Grim64, Augustus
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Houndour ★ rndm., Shadowfaith, Venn364, Raichu1988, Intoxicated, matthew.villa, MareBear, Augustus
    Hypno ★ Ayselipera​
    [a id]I[/a id]I
    Igglybuff ★ dragon0fangz, King Gumball
    Infernape ★ Negative-Zero, Lopnis, DasherPunch, AngelFireWing
    Ivysaur ★ solovino, yinyangmatrix​
    [a id]J[/a id]J
    Jigglypuff ★ SonicThrust, *Meowth V.2*, Harlequin, Jordan
    Jirachi ★ MuffinPaula, Retribution, SereneMidnight, Nichola, SuperLink, MichaelaTheUchiha
    Jolteon ★ PhantomDraco, Dr. House, rockman0, Medli, Aureol, AngelFireWing, MichaelaTheUchiha, MareBear, Inkpuddle, Swift!
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Jumpluff ★ PokemonJake^^, entrancer., The Bringer!, RocketExec., Vrai, Hiiragi, Kylie-chan
    Jynx ★ Ayselipera, Luke, I_Want_Your_Love, King Gumball​
    [a id]K[/a id]K
    Kabutops ★ PokeRemixStudios, PunxsatownyPhil, Cazzum
    Kangaskhan ★ The Girl Once named Tracie, Sardonix
    Kecleon ★ Vrai
    Kingdra ★ Halcyon, Dr. House, Sweet Candace, RyoThePinnacleOfMasteryAndPerfection, Artic.uno, yung_link, PureGoober, Johtomasterandlover, Cazzum
    Kirlia ★ HallwayKid, Kalylia, MiniM00se, Saphie, Meganium90
    Koromori ★ pichuspark, Cazzum​
    [a id]L[/a id]L
    Lanturn ★ x.Rayquaza.x, TwilightBlade, PunxsatownyPhil, Pikapal642, Meganium90, Corruptodile, tente2
    Lapras ★ x.Rayquaza.x, POKERangerPhoenix, kazuya., graeme_turnbull, Griffinbane, Jarnakel, Inkpuddle, -Lapras-, Grim64
    Larvitar ★ vidgamer4, `MorningSun, Epsikon Sato, Pidgeot is Life, yinyangmatrix
    Latias ★ QANTAN, TwilightBlade, airindia787, Phaux, SuperLink, Alexeon, shininglatios217, Kylie-chan
    Latios ★ QANTAN, Viceroy Gawain, airindia787, pokemongarnet, shininglatios217, Agent Clank, Epsikon Sato, Assault
    Leafeon ★ Roswell, Amanda-Kun, Eurydice, Drew, Artic.uno, NER:D, mal'akh
    Ledian ★ Breezy., The Bringer!
    Lickilicky ★ trainerSTEPH, cantpickagoodname, I_Want_Your_Love
    Lickitung ★ tente2
    Lileep ★ Masara
    Lopunny ★ Haruhi-chan, Thoughts, XxDawnfanxX, Filozofio, Katja
    Lucario ★ Fire Wolf, machinegun777, Micro SD, Aeon, Åzurε, Dark_Aero, Lua, Pokemon Trainer Kevin, shot571, Agent Clank
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Lugia ★ Mewtwolover, Galukxy, silvanarrow, Retribution, Star_light, WonderGirl, blueblur155, Night Raider, Pokemon Trainer Kevin, STFUNAPPA1
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Luvdisc ★ mal'akh
    Luxio ★ HallwayKid, Crystallize
    Luxray ★ machinegun777, rockman0, Venn364, Whimsy, SkyKnight, Mujahid, solovino, Drew, Artic.uno, Sweed
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★
    [a id]M[/a id]M
    Machamp ★ XCHAMP, Obelisk
    Machoke ★ XCHAMP
    Magcargo ★ FaWa
    Magikarp ★ mondays suck, ConnorMac, Brendino, PatJamma, PokePokePokey
    Magmortar ★ Prince_of_Light
    Magnemite ★ Scarf, Sir Skids Nickelton
    Magneton ★ Sir Skids Nickelton
    Magnezone ★ Halcyon, Angelroid, Sir Skids Nickelton, Jarnakel
    Makuhita ★ Alyssachu
    Mamoswine ★ Polizard, Silhouette, jademasker, King Gumball
    Manaphy ★ Prince of the Sea, Cloudfall
    Manetric ★ Corruptodile
    Mantine ★ Thoughts
    Mantyke ★ Neurotripsy
    Mareep ★ Samme!, Tandem, Destiny Demon
    Marill ★ Twisted Cuteness, yinyangmatrix
    Marowak ★ XCHAMP, Dark Sceptile, Filozofio
    Masquerain ★ ∞Opposite Day, Scarf, Abnegation
    Mawhile ★ Billy Mays Barbeque Sauce
    Medicham ★ Haruhi-chan, Gearuvagen
    Meganium ★ Maci12, Eviana, RedBaron474, blueblur155, Kavii, Meganium90, SinisterEternity, Cilerba
    Meguroko ★ Mifune
    Meowth ★ Eivana, Serene Grace, *Meowth V.2*, Distortion World, ßrooke
    Mesprit ★ Andrew1989
    Metagross ★ Åzurε, Alakazam17, Sardonix, Sir Skids Nickelton, Iceknight212, Richard Lynch, wingman11
    Metang ★ dragon0fangz
    Mew ★ Andrew1989, Marilynasol, Jamzx, ChrisTom, Crystallize, Kalylia, Lua, Mew~, Mew-Mewwer1, .hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Mewtwo ★ ∞Opposite Day, Mizan de la Plume Kuro, Mewtwolover, JeTz, *Meowth V.2*, shot571, spike_086malkia, Kavii, luxzhv
    Mightyena ★ dbauburnfan, InfernoHo-Oh, Kiger Mustang, Misdreavus81, Akita, Wolflare
    Mijumaru ★ myrrh25, Mifune, IceFireLighnting
    Milotic ★ x.Rayquaza.x, Maci12, .Eevee-Chan, Angela, Haruka of Hoenn, That girl!, Star_light, myrrhman, pokénerdette, Assault
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Miltank ★ lucaslucario, hiphiphippo
    Mime Jr. ★ loliwin, NER:D
    Minun ★ POKERangerPhoenix, Klouny, *Minun*, Sweet Candace, Darkhunter101, Alyssachu
    Miruhoggu ★ dragon0fangz
    Misdreavus ★ ShadowForce_G, Congratulations, I Hate You, Hybrid Trainer, Misdreavus81
    Mismagius ★ parallelzero, Eivana, Eurydice, Uboa, IceFireLighnting, Dahlia411
    Missingno ★ MasterSceptile
    Moltres ★ Maci12, Bagelz
    Monferno ★ Lopnis
    Mudkip ★ minchan, pikakip, mickey43, Thunderwolf1989, aquatorrent, Jordan, loliwin, DoctorFred, Saphie, dragonite149
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Munchlax ★ Unidentified Flying Aces, PiPVoda, Jacob77, AceDragonite
    Muk ★ Seviper33
    Munna ★ Masara
    Murkrow ★ EmeraldSerenade, ionbru xp, skiffz​
    [a id]N[/a id]N
    Natu ★ rndm., itsgoallen, Dankesque
    Nidoking ★ Pikachukid, JJAttacker, *Meowth V.2*, Steelix8, Kiger Mustang, FerretFox41
    Nidoqueen ★ Phaux
    Nidoran ♂ ★ trainerSTEPH
    Nidorina ★ chaos11011, Sydian
    Nidorino ★ solovino, Sardonix
    Ninetales ★ Masara, Koppee, rockman0, Amanda-Kun, Kristine, Ninetales, SkyKnight, Hybrid Trainer, Vulpes bicaudata, dead-man-walking
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Noctowl ★ Night Raider
    Nosepass ★ Lightning, SonicThrust​
    [a id]O[/a id]O
    Oddish ★ FaWa, iWrestledACatOnce
    Octillery ★ GoGoShinyDunsparce
    Omanyte ★ Thoughts​
    [a id]P[/a id]P
    Pachirisu ★ Konekodemon, pkmntrainerpaul, Ketchumall, Meganium90
    Palkia ★ SonicThrust, MichaelaTheUchiha
    Persian ★ Elite Overlord LeSabre™, Kingo!, FinalMaster, Akita
    Phione ★ Prince of the Sea, Cloudfall, Destiny Demon
    Pichu ★ Lightning, Jesh, Lady Gaga, Pokéstorm, JeTz, Mew~, Raibutai, Vapore, Wolfechu, PokePokePokey
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Pidgeot ★ GlitchCity, Sky_Attack, Serene Grace, Brendino, Kon~, *Meowth V.2*, Kendall, shot571, spike_086malkia, SinisterEternity
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Pidgey ★ Epsikon Sato
    Pikachu ★ Pikachukid, Konekodemon, Kyatto, Galukxy, Pokéstorm, Eeveon, Griffinbane, TheRichar, Raibutai, Shiiny Pikachu
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Pineco ★ GoGoShinyDunsparce, DoctorFred
    Piplup ★ pkmntrainerpaul, aquatorrent, PiPVoda
    Pokabu ★ MartinJF, myrrh25, Mifune
    Politoed ★ Polizard, .Gamer, hiphiphippo, cantpickagoodname, FerretFox41
    Poliwag ★ -Lapras-
    Poliwhirl ★ Fables, Jaysantos18, Intoxicated
    Poliwrath ★ yung_link
    Poochyena ★ CharonEX
    Porygon ★ Niprop, GoldvsRed
    Porygon2 ★ Niprop, DoctorFred, Dahlia411
    Porygon-Z ★ Niprop, thegeneticway, Jacobguy26, Medli, III Michael III, Åzurε, Dahlia411, PlatinumDude
    Primeape ★ MistahDude, Vrai
    Probopass ★ Lightning, SonicThrust, Loxius, Mr.Crowley, Luke
    Psyduck ★ Breezy., Lieutenant Unstable
    Purugly ★ chaos11011, Paper Ghost​
    [a id]Q[/a id]Q
    Quagsire ★ loliwin
    Quilava ★ Sydian, AliceBlaze, itsgoallen, Raichu1988, SkyKnight, Pokestick, good times (← one username), Munch Dog, Silhouette, vibratingcat, Magmarashi
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Qwilfish ★ trainerSTEPH, Corruptodile​
    [a id]R[/a id]R
    Raichu ★ Harumi-chan, Prince_of_Light, Rekky, Koppee, Pokéstorm, Kalylia, Team Rocket's Raichu, Raibutai, Raichu1988, Shiiny Pikachu
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Raikou ★ Black_Lightning, InfernoHo-Oh, chicanery, STFUNAPPA1
    Ralts ★ MiniM00se, The Cynic
    Rampardos ★ Rocket Executive Josh
    Rankurusu ★ shininglatios217
    Rapidash ★ Kireihana, ~Momo Uchiha~, Arty, Red Mustang, Assault
    Rattata ★ Donuts, loliwin
    Rayquaza ★ Reverb, Blaziquaza, pokemonleaguechamp, Blazaking
    Regice ★ Viceroy Gawain
    Regigigas ★ Moriarty, rhswrestler215
    Relicanth ★ PunxsatownyPhil
    Rhydon ★ Red Mustang
    Rhyperior ★ RyoThePinnacleOfMasteryAndPerfection, III Michael III
    Riolu ★ vidgamer4, Crystallize, itsgoallen, Essence, skiffz, Rex54
    Roselia ★ Apple Juice
    Roserade ★ rN Haza
    Rotom ★ Edin, Waffle-San, Fire Wolf, Åzurε, humanguy2000​
    [a id]S[/a id]S
    Sableye ★ Bikki-Chan, chicanery, Augustus
    Salamence ★ DonRoyale, BeachBoy, TheClickKid, 560cool, RCMF13, 560cool., Blazaking, InfernoHo-Oh, Muffun, loliwin
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Sandslash ★ destinedjagold, Sweed
    Sceptile ★ rhswrestler215, Dark Sceptile, Jacobguy26, 诶伊艾诶豆诶维伊, >Feelings<, Mujahid, The Sceptile King, MasterSceptile, jademasker
    Scizor ★ rN Haza, Loxius, Night Raider, DXrobots, Fire Wolf, Ogaz, Magmarashi, Johtomasterandlover, AuraGaurdian, Assault
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Scyther ★ GlitchCity, solovino, KurlyFries, Aeon, aquatorrent, Aureol, firestormx19, bigguy99, ORegan
    Seadra ★ mickey43
    Seaking ★ jademasker
    Seel ★ ßrooke
    Sentret ★ FinalMaster
    Seviper ★ CyanideEspeon, Seviper33, Cheyanne, Sleet, TokioHumaNeko
    Sharpedo ★ Hatenko
    Shaymin ★ QANTAN, PorcelainDoll, Masara, Cresselia, Roswell, Star_light, MartinJF, Dankesque, NatureKeeper, Kylie-chan
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Shedinja ★ Cresselia, Rocket Executive Josh, redsaber5859
    Shimama ★ Mifune, Joenub707, Swift!, Darksun
    Shinx ★ Sakura Rain, Alyssachu, Wolfechu, MartinJF
    Shroomish ★ SonicThrust
    Shuckle ★ BlackRay, SuperShuckle94, Rocket Executive Josh, Shuckleman
    Skarmory ★ chillxd, MartinJF, Ezashin Koori
    Skitty ★ Kireihana, PorcelainDoll, xxkaylabby, Irene Yeo, Evilyn, Ame, dragonite149
    Skuntank ★ Toxicroak, Cheyanne, Juniper
    Slakoth ★ Aquatron
    Slowking ★ EmeraldSerenade, Curious., Hybrid Trainer, Tater Tot, CakeForTheSoul
    Slowpoke ★ RockTheBeat, Curious., Lass Caroline, Guillermo
    Smeargle ★ Sydian, pokemongarnet, Cilerba
    Smoochum ★ hiphiphippo
    Sneasel ★ .Kaiser
    Snorlax ★ ♣♦TimelessParadox♠♥, Aquatron, Rubber Ducky, PatJamma, Captain Hobo., spike_086malkia, Guillermo
    Snorunt ★ Halcyon, Iceknight212
    Sneasel ★ Congratulations, I Hate You, Kon~, Lua
    Snubbull ★ rizyq, mal'akh
    Spearow ★ yinyangmatrix
    Spinarak ★ Ęℓαчиıı
    Spinda ★ trainerSTEPH, Doomsaloto
    Spiritomb ★ Richard Lynch, Uboa, Jarnakel
    Spoink ★ Directorate, Destiny Demon
    Squirtle ★ roacherman, Lieutenant Unstable, aquatorrent, NatureKeeper
    Staraptor ★ Kon~, Griffinbane, Mujahid, Ketchumall, myrrhman
    Starmie ★ Angela, Spinosaurus, Alakazam17, Magmarashi, Kavii, myrrhman
    Staryu ★ Ayselipera
    Steelix ★ IronJustice, Obelisk, Kiger Mustang
    Suicune ★ >Feelings<, Sakura Rain, KoraKura, Jemzx, Notch-Eared Pichu, silvanarrow, Cold Fusion, STFUNAPPA1, Moustachio, Agent Clank
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Sunflora ★ Hatenko
    Sunkern ★ Luck
    Swalot ★ GoGoShinyDunsparce
    Swampert ★ airindia787, Marilynasol, DasherPunch, PiPVoda, Swampert_66, redsaber5859, PokePokePokey, PlatinumDude​
    [a id]T[/a id]T
    Tangela ★ Darkhunter101, FerretFox41
    Tangrowth ★ cantpickagoodname
    Tauros ★ Donuts
    Teddiursa ★ ♣♦TimelessParadox♠♥, rndm., J a s m i n e ©, Thoughts, Waffle-San, Yusshin, Wolfechu, NER:D, AngelFireWing, ßrooke
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Tentacruel ★ Vrai, Gearuvagen
    Togekiss ★ PorcelainDoll, Star_light, Pokemon Trainer Kevin, chillxd, Ashe~, Cloudfall, Pikapal642, Ezashin Koori, FerretFox41
    Togepi ★ nidorina, Yusshin, Rocket Executive Josh
    Togetic ★ trainerSTEPH, RocketExec., Johtomasterandlover, Ashe~
    Torchic ★ GoldvsRed, MiniM00se
    Torkoal ★ Chimbaru
    Torterra ★ CrazyCarretta, Lana., pokenerd_202Old, TheRichar
    Totodile ★ Masara, Micro SD, BinaryPeaches, GoldvsRed, Waffle-San, aquatorrent, DXrobots, Muffin™, Aquerex, cruzader019
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Toxicroak ★ Luck, Toxicroak, Nudge, redsaber5859, Doomsaloto
    Treeko ★ MasterSceptile
    Tropius ★ Silhouette
    Tsutaaja ★ chaos11011, myrrh25, Shuckleman, Mifune, Haonn
    Turtwig ★ Moriarty, Captain Hobo.
    Typhlosion ★ Fire Wolf, TwilightBlade, Rubber Ducky, Black_Lightning, *Minun*, RedBaron474, EmzStar, Raichu1988, chillxd, Muffin™
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Tyranitar ★ DonRoyale, 560cool, Micro SD, RyoThePinnacleOfMasteryAndPerfection, 560cool., Misdreavus81, Pikapal642, Unknown Legend, I_Want_Your_Love
    Tyrogue ★ Sky_Attack​
    [a id]U[/a id]U
    Umbreon ★ Jesh, Umbreon★, BeachBoy, CrazyCarretta, .Eevee-Chan, Sydian, TwilightBlade, Loxius, Paxy, Serene Grace
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Unown ★ Brendino
    Ursaring ★ ♣♦TimelessParadox♠♥, Kon~, Hiiragi​
    [a id]V[/a id]V
    Vaporeon ★ Roswell, Ambellina, Koppee., Metuas, Evilyn, Blazaking, Vapore, yung_link, MichaelaTheUchiha, Haonn
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Venomoth ★ GoGoShinyDunsparce
    Venusaur ★ Obelisk, The Opera Ghost, pokemongarnet, Mr.Crowley, King Gumball
    Vespiquen ★ Luke, tente2
    Vibrava ★ myrrh25
    Victini ★ pichuspark
    Victreebel ★ RockTheBeat, tente2
    Vigoroth ★ Paper Ghost
    Vileplume ★ Metuas, 11
    Vulpix ★ Munch Dog, HallwayKid, Kristine, Thunderwolf1989, That girl!, Galukxy, FinalMaster, Yusshin, Sakura_Blossom, Iceknight212
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★
    [a id]W[/a id]W
    Wailord ★ The Cynic, Neurotripsy, BeachBoy
    Wartortle ★ Aureol, Sydian
    Weavile ★ machinegun777, 11, Evilyn, Filozofio, wingman11, Rex54
    Weezing ★ XxDawnfanxX, Apple Juice, Aureol
    Whiscash ★ Dark Pulse94
    Wigglytuff ★ ArcanineOod, Bikki-Chan, Hatenko
    Wobbuffet ★ Ambellina, Teto, Kendall
    Wooper ★ .Gamer, patch., BringYourOwnKites, jademasker​
    [a id]X[/a id]X
    Xatu ★ PunxsatownyPhil​
    [a id]Y[/a id]Y
    Yanma ★ IronJustice
    Yanmega ★ Alakazam17, Silhouette, Moon_Blitz, Mr.Crowley, Hiiragi​
    [a id]Z[/a id]Z
    Zangoose ★ Fables, Kon~, CyanideEspeon, wingman11
    Zapdos ★ Moustachio, Vulpes bicaudata
    Zigzagoon ★ Moriarty, thegeneticway, dragon0fangz
    Zoroark ★ Charmageddon, exteradude, Cheyanne, Fire Wolf, 560cool., Toxicroak, Pokemon Trainer Kevin, Kiger Mustang, Paper Ghost, AuraGaurdian
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Zorua ★ Charmageddon, Ochigi, exteradude, Cheyanne, Edin, Roswell, Star_light, Eurydice, cruzader019, skiffz
    [PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

    Zubat ★ Darkfire_Danny​
    Last edited by a moderator:


    Eeveelutions ftw~

    Poor previous thread ;_; *pats it*

    can I claim these,thanks.~
    Last edited:
    Lovely Thread Erica ;D


    Electric Sheep <33
    Butterfree, Poliwhirl and Zangoose.

    Thank you, God.
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