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★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

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The main list has been updated to reflect the latest claims. Note that Scizor and Milotic are now full.
I'd like to claim Ononokusu
[PokeCommunity.com] ★ Pokémon Claim Thread ★

is it okay to claim gen 5 Pokemon?

I'd like to claim Bibarel:D It's my favorite Pokemon ever! I love it! Could you please put me in the claiming list?

I claim

1. Arbok
2. Cubone
3. Honchkrow
4. Jynx
5. Victreebel

Thanx. I feel so greedy that I chose 5 ._.

- Nidorina
- Wartortle


- Churine
- Rotom

:) <3
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Can I claim

- Ho-oh
- Zangoose

Only those two, please D:
I would love it if I could claim a Girafarig, I really love that Pokemon, it's typing is unique, and It's just all out a really awesome Pokemon, I fell in love with it just awhile back and I still love it, Thanks.
I'd like to change my zero claims :D

Mightyena ★ Lycaeus
Staraptor ★ Lycaeus
Tauros ★ Lycaues

and I'd like to add the FIRST claim onnnnn!

Lunatone ★ Lycaeus

:'D I have a first claim!!!
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I would like to drop all of my claims except for Lucario.
But I would like to claim Yanappu.
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