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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Jul 30, 2024
    [PokeCommunity.com] ✜// CHECKMATE (IC)

    [PokeCommunity.com] ✜// CHECKMATE (IC)

    Theme songs: Savior & Savior
    one is always escaping from above.

    Based on: Homestuck
    the name was a DISTACTION.

    Rated: M
    for mIrAcLeS.

    OOC thread found HERE.

    Genevieve "Vieve" Gostle (Retro Bug)
    STRIFE SPECIBUS: AXEKIND → Mom's Axe / Lightwrather
    SPRITE → PUSSYSPRITE (porn magazine + kitten Tiberius)

    Candice Greyson (Otherworld9))
    STRIFE SPECIBUS: BATKIND → Dad's Bat / Mountain Spew
    SPRITE → FLUFFRICKSPRITE (rubik's cube + teddy bear Mr. Fluffy)

    Ricardo Nieto (Red's Hawt Chibi Pelippers)
    STRIFE SPECIBUS: MALLETKIND → Polomallet / Pointythingy / Flarebonker
    SPRITE → LEGOFOOTSPRITE (Lego Little Foot)

    Vinnie Valentine (Lt. Col. Fantastic)
    STRIFE SPECIBUS: SWORDKIND → Gunblade / Glockblade
    SPRITE → KEFKASPRITE (Kefka action figure + garden flamingo)

    will be updated as you encounter new things in SBURB. If you're wondering about a certain thing, press CTRL+F and search for that word! Or, just scroll down. The list is in alphabetical order. Somewhat.

    - ALCHEMITER. Creates things using CRUXITE TOTEMS.

    - ASPECT. What kind of force you will be associated with in SBURB, governing what powers you will be able to use as you climb to higher LEVELS. I will surprise you with an aspect that I think fits your personality and color, so you won't get to pick it yourself~

    - CLIENT PLAYER. One of the game files installs the client version, connecting to another player's server version. The client player will be the protagonist of a particular pair of players, running around inside the game, collecting GRIST and advancing in levels in order to become stronger and reach the next GATE.

    - CRUXITE (DOWEL). A rombic, rubbery thing in your own special color that is extracted from the Cruxtruder and used in the Totem Lathe together with a Punched Card to create a Totem. The Totem can then be used in the Alchemiter to alchemize an item.

    - CRUXTRUDER. A machine that can be built by the SERVER player from the PHERNALIA REGISTRY menu. CRUXITE DOWELS are extracted from the tube on it. Some screens on its sides ticks down to the crucial moment before which the player has to enter the MEDIUM.

    - DEPLOY. The act of a server playing building something in the client's house from the Phernalia Registry.

    - GRIST. Some kind of resource, looking like blue crystals. Used to REVISE and DEPLOY and ALCHEMIZE.

    - IMP. Nasty little beggars, often with strangely colorful clothing, who seem to want to invade your home, steal your stuff and hurt you.

    - KERNELSPRITE. A blinking, hovering orb the size of a human head that follows the player around. Can be PROTOTYPED at least once to give it new abilities and skills.

    - MEDIUM. The MEDIUM is... well, who knows yet? Apparently something you can enter.

    - PESTERCHUM. The chat program that the kids use IC. Like Skype or MSN, they can message one person at a time or have group conversations. It's also possible to call and have voice chats.

    - PUNCHED CARD. Made in the Punch Designix and used on the Totem Lathe to decide into which Totem a Cruxite Dowel is carved.

    - REVISE. The act of a server player building up the client's house.

    - SBURB. The game that is responsible for... everything?

    - SERVER PLAYER. One of the game files installs the server version, connecting to another player's client version. The server player will be the one to build things using grist and manipulate the world around the client in order to help them.

    - SPRITE. When the KERNEL has divided, what is left is the SPRITE. An ally in the harsh worlds of the MEDIUM and the guide you will need to not run around blindly in SBURB.

    - STRIFE SPECIBUS. A special sylladex for your weapons in the game. Also sits on your chain. You will only be able to handle one KIND of weapons in the game. At least in the beginning. Once you've put something in your strife specibus, you will only be able to use similar things as weapons. For example: hammers, swords, guns, forks, balls, umbrellas... maybe keep this in mind when you write out your character's interests?

    - STRIFE. When you spot an enemy (or several) and intend to fight it (or them), you'll go into strife mode, using the weapon from your Strife Specibus to fight. Strife mode indicates that you'll be allowed to control enemies in your post. When an unusually strong enemy appears, a special case might ensue.

    - SYLLADEX. Your inventory after you've entered SBURB. It is a cerise pendant on a chain, and even if you displace it, it will always come back to you. Comprising a number of CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS, stored items will be absorbed by the cards but pop out into real shape again when you want to use them. The action of putting an item into your sylladex is called CAPTCHALOGUING. You'll be able to carry a limited number of items in the beginning.

    - TOTEM LATHE. A machine that the SERVER player can build from the PHERNALIA REGISTRY menu. Used to carve CRUXITE DOWELS into different TOTEMS depending on what PUNCHED CARD is used.

    [PokeCommunity.com] ✜// CHECKMATE (IC)

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    Before we begin, I will present some additional guidelines. I guess what I'm trying to do here is make this RP feel more like a game and less like if you're writing a story and have to come up with everything on your own. But rest assured that I will do my best to give you free will and get to shape the story too! Just, in the beginning, I might steer you a little because there are some things that just have to happen...​

    when do you have to end your post?

    - WALK. As long as you're only moving around in the area you currently are in, you are free to do this as much as you like. If you want to enter an area which I haven't previously described though, you'll have to end a post there and wait for my reply. Common RP sense really, don't you think?

    - FALLING ASLEEP / WAKING UP. Whenever you do this, end your post.

    - INTERACT. When you do something that is meant to affect another player/NPC in some way, it's fair to let him/her/me post the result.
    If you talk to another player's character, you'll naturally have to end your post soon afterwards and wait for them to reply (unless you make a joint post). Same for NPCs!
    Also, using the ALCHEMITER falls under this category!

    - STRIFE. When you spot an enemy (or several) and intend to fight it (or them), I'll give you the option to go into strife mode, using a weapon from your Strife Specibus to fight. Strife mode means that you'll be allowed to control enemies in your post and can deal blows and whatnot without having to end the post. When an unusually strong enemy appears, I might take control of it though.

    - OTHER ACTIONS. Really, all things you can do that won't affect anyone else directly or blow up a building or something. Like eating, yawning, screaming, dancing, uh... captchaloguing things to your sylladex... These and more, you can do whenever you like in a post and don't have to think about.

    - REVISE / DEPLOY. Special case! You can build and deploy stuff how much you want, but if I think you're exceeding your grist limit I will tell you so, and perhaps even nullify some action if necessary. You can SELECT stuff and move it around though!

    And now the adventure begins...


    (first, this is the narrative part. I'm telling a story in second person present tense. What tense you want to write in is up to you, and you can write in 3rd person as most RPers usually do, or in 1st person if you like. It's totally up to you, I just write in second person in my posts because that's how Homestuck does ;) )

    The date is July 1st in the year 2012. You are standing in your room, hearing one of your kittens meowing from somewhere in the house. For once, Gavin is at home - spacing out in the sunlight in the garden, probably tired from some party he went to yesterday - while your mother went downtown to visit one of the gardens she helped developing. Today you don't have time care about them though! Today is when you and your three friends will install SBURB, the game that came in that strange email. Among the weirdly urgent stuff that the email said, was that the game came in two files and that the four of you should start with dividing into pairs. One in each pair should install the SERVER file and the other should install the CLIENT file. Apparently this has to be done to make the game work.

    ==> This is where the COMMAND will go, after this sign. Regard the command as an objective to be reached, but you can post about other things before you choose to reach the objective.

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Decide through Pesterchum with whom to play and if you will be the server or client. Then simply begin SBURB's installation process.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]


    The date is July 1st in the year 2012. You are standing in your room, having taken a break from Minecraft on this unusually hot day. Your father is away on some... well, you don't know where he has gone and frankly you're amazed that you even noticed that he was gone. Your brother is likely so as well, out training or something else that you would never join him in. But today isn't a day to be grumpy on. It's the day when you and three of your friends will install the game that you all got in an email. SBURB. You virus checked it several times but came up with nothing, so maybe it is actually just a game. Among the weirdly urgent stuff that the email said, was that the game came in two files and that the four of you should start with dividing into pairs. One in each pair should install the SERVER file and the other should install the CLIENT file. Apparently this has to be done to make the game work.

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Decide through Pesterchum with whom to play and if you will be the server or client. Then simply begin SBURB's installation process.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]


    The date is July 1st in the year 2012. You are standing in your room, staring out your crazily large window. Your father is gone, like he is on most days, leaving you alone on this summer's day. This day you don't have to make an effort to come up with something to do though. You have SBURB, the game that came in a strange email. What's even stranger is that three of your friends around the world also got similar mails, but not identical. Among the weirdly urgent stuff that the email said, was that the game came in two files and that the four of you should start with dividing into pairs. One in each pair should install the SERVER file and the other should install the CLIENT file. Apparently this has to be done to make the game work.

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Decide through Pesterchum with whom to play and if you will be the server or client. Then simply begin SBURB's installation process.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]


    The date is July 1st in the year 2012. You are standing in one of your rooms, with tons of things to amuse yourself with, but no will to use any of it today. Both your parents are at work now but your grandma should be somewhere in the house. Shortly put, it's a great day for testing out a new computer game that came in the email to you and your friends. Among the weirdly urgent stuff that the email said, was that the game came in two files and that the four of you should start with dividing into pairs. One in each pair should install the SERVER file and the other should install the CLIENT file. Apparently this has to be done to make the game work. Maybe the sender is a lady in distress?

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Decide through Pesterchum with whom to play and if you will be the server or client. Then simply begin SBURB's installation process.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
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    SBURBians in France

    Vinnie Valentine
    - Downstairs Bedroom -​

    Vinnie sighed.

    He had just broken up with Veronica, this weeks flavor. For once, he was the one doing the breaking. He just couldn't feel it with this one. He paced around in his room, trying to find something to do. His parents were working, as usual, and his grandma was taking a bath. He was in his spare room because that where his games were. But he wasn't in the mood for mindless gaming. He wanted to figure something out.

    I couldplay the PS3...nah, I've already beaten all of my games...maybe try to finish my monotype run in pokemon? Meh, I'll just get stuck on Lance again and quit. I'm out of new movies, and I don't feel like watching any classics. My books always end the same, my games are old, everything is expected and the ending won't change....

    He continued like this for several minutes. He flopped onto his extra bed, and laid there for half an hour, solving his Rubik's cube over and over. At this point, it took him longer to shuffle it than solve.

    I'm soooooooooo bored...wait!

    He sat upright, and walked over to his old laptop. His new one was in his other room, but this one still worked. He opened it up and logged on to his username in pesterChum.

    Man, he thought, This thing doesn't even have my password on auto fill...how long has it been since I stopped using it? Must have been before I met Ricardo, or Candice and Vieve for that matter...Vieve is pretty cute, wonder what she's been up to?

    Just then, he got a new email. It was on the account he used as a kid, so he was pretty curious. He opened it up. It read:


    Contained in this message is a program labeled "SBURB." It is of the highest importance that you install either the "Client File" or the "Server File." A similar message has been sent to Genivieve Gostle, Ricardo Nieto, and Candice Greyson. One of your "friends" shall install the Client File if you choose to install the Server File. Likewise, they shall install the Server File if you choose the Client File. This is very important. Contact your "Friend" and make sure you two know which file to install.

    If you fail to follow the instructions listed above you will die within the next 24 hours.

    Thank you for your time,

    The name signed was impossible to read, the pixels were all scrambled.

    Vinnie was shocked. This had to be some sort of prank. I bet the file is a virus Vinnie thought. However, he was also intrigued. Now would be a good time to find out just exactly what this was. This reminded him of a movie. In the movie, a girl got lost in a video game, so she sent an email to a boy to come save her. In the end, they ended up hooking up. The actress who played the lady in distress was actually really hot. Maybe this was like that movie. He noticed that the email mentioned his friends names of course, so whoever sent this had their facts straight. Vinnie tabbed over to pesterChum.

    Since its an old computer, a virus wouldn't really do much. I might as well humor the prankster.

    He typed this message into the computer:

    Vieve, Ricardo, Candice. You guys will not believe the email I have recieved. Its says I have to install a program on my computer, and that one of you has to install the other file. They said all of you recieved a similar email. It looks like a game, considering the files are "Client" and "Server." Anyone interested?

    ...PS: Vieve, I can't see you right now, but I bet you look cute ;D
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    Candice Greyson

    Today was a very boring day, no doubt about it. All you could think about was skateboards and old songs. The window didn't help either. All it did was cause you to space out. Sometimes you swear you could be using this time wisely by sleeping or playing video games, but you weren't in the mood to do so anyway. It was replaced with another, less boring mood. Curiosity. Just recently an email came in, which caught your attention. The wording of it was not boring at all, like other companies do, but interesting. It's as if they knew you hated boring emails and boring messages. You try to remember what it had said, but to no avail. Instead of trying to figure it out and waste time, you walk over to your boring desk and turn on the Laptop. While you waited for it to turn on, your eyes darted to the fresh poster on the door.

    Posters started to interest you for some reason. Your dad's strange hobby has now stuck to you, which disturbed you at first, but you couldn't help it. He was your dad. Luckily they were all based on the same thing: bears.

    The screen flashed, getting your attention. The email was right there, already open. The words themselves somehow intrigued you:

    Dear Greyson,

    By the time you have opened this, you are probably bored out of your mind. No need exit out now, for what I am about to say will give your life a bit of a "spark." Did you ever want to be in a game? One that took place in real life? Not some old television or computer screen, but right in front of you to experience? I know you do. Attached to this email are two files: Server and Client. Which ever one you install depends on your decision. Want to be the victim? Be the client. Want to be the one in control of the victim? Be the server. If you do not follow these instructions, you will suffer great consequences. No really, you really will suffer consequences. It's better not to find out, so just contact one of your three other friends who received a similar email and install.

    What was so funny about this email was how it didn't come included with some signature. At the bottom left corner was a very small name, but unreadable. If that was the signature, you couldn't make out the sender's name or anything. For the first time in months, there was something exciting to do besides skateboarding and pestering. Lazily, you get on to Pesterchum and see what your friends have a say in this. It seems loverboy had already asked for volunteers.

    Unknown as to how to respond, you stand and pace around the room. Being the server meant being the leader, and having to manipulate any of your friends. That sounded like a ton of fun, yet at the same time you wanted to experience as much as you can out of the game. Maybe being the client wasn't so bad, seeing as she gets to be tormented. You'd rather be surprised by the Server than surprise the Client.

    Sitting back down on the metal chair, you don't hesitate to write out your opinion on the subject:

    CG: I take Client, if that helps any.

    Lord Awesome the Gr-

    Be nice…

    Ricardo Nieto

    You are standing in the middle of your room. You don't know why you would do this, but it allows us to see your interests. To your left is your bed; it is untidy, as if you were just laying on it, and your MacBook Pro is lying there, just chilling. Your back is facing a large window… seriously, it's huge, and facing east… no wonder you always keep the blinds closed. Anyways, next to it is your pirate chest… you don't like pirates anymore, you're into computer games now, but it is from your childhood, and there's no point to buying another chest. To your right is your desk with your desktop; it is also very untidy and seems to be overflowing with legos, both individual or in the process of being built into something… you should consider cleaning, but you shake the thought away. To your right, finally, is your bathroom door… and more legos scattered around; actually, they seem to just be all over the place… you just choose to ignore them.

    Suddenly you hear a knock at your door. Your mom, you know. The thought makes you hiss under your breath as you pounce into your bed and start fake-snoring.

    "He's asleep mom, I bet he doesn't even want to come." You hear your brother tell her…

    "Yeah, no **** Sherlock." You think.

    Your door shuts. You think about getting out of bed now, but you're not nearly dumb enough to do so. Your door reopens. "Tricky pricks!" you think angrily.

    Your door closes once more, but you choose to stay in bed. Finally you hear the garage door opening. Safe.

    You get up and move your curtains ever so slightly to look out your window and see your mom's car moving down the driveway, and "Doorman #1" opening the gate for her. God, you have so many "doormen" you can't even keep count of them.

    You now notice your brother flipping you off from the passenger seat without even looking back… he's so damn cool it makes you wanna vomit. Anyways, as I said, you're free now. Time to see if your Chum Buddies are online to verify what's up with the e-mail you got.

    After logging on to PesterChum, you notice Vinnie left a memo… again. Have you considered why you hate memos so much? Other than the fact that there's no such thing as privacy on them and that conversations tend to degenerate into word orgies rather than sensible dialogues. No, you don't need to… those reasons are enough. You sigh before proceeding to read the memo:
    Vieve, Ricardo, Candice. You guys will not believe the email I have recieved. Its says I have to install a program on my computer, and that one of you has to install the other file. They said all of you recieved a similar email. It looks like a game, considering the files are "Client" and "Server." Anyone interested?

    ...PS: Vieve, I can't see you right now, but I bet you look cute ;D
    Yeah, that was about as bad as you thought it would be… freaking Vinnie having to flaunt his goddamn womanizing ways for the world to see. How this corniness even worked/works you'll never know… but you do know it's annoying.

    Noticing that Vieve is the only person who's not online yet, you sigh and open a conversation with Vinnie:
    Ricardo began pestering Vinnie
    RC: → I got the e-mail too buddy.
    RC: → What happened with Nazi Zombie night last week, you prick?
    RC: → Ditched me for one of your honeys again???
    RC: → D:<
    RC: → Never mind, it's cool. I'm downloading the Server version as we speak.
    RC: → Vieve's mad at you again though.
    RC: → Says you're insensitive for writing stupid stuff on memos.
    RC: → What are you doing anyways? Answer goddamn it!
    RC: → I guess you should install the Server too, by the way.
    RC: → Candice wants to do the Client version and it seems Vieve isn't trying to play with you right now…
    RC: → ):

    Ricardo stopped pestering Vinnie
    Okay then, time to pester Vieve you guess.
    Ricardo began pestering Genevieve
    RC: → Hey, Vieve!
    RC: → Install the Client version.
    RC: → Candice and Vinnie are already about to start their session you sleepyhead!
    RC: → Anyways, hit me up… and DON'T BOTHER THEM!!!
    RC: → Looks like they think the game's really cool…
    RC: → /Shrugs.
    RC: → -skeez
    RC: → d:

    Ricardo stopped pestering Genevieve.​
    You don't know when you started saying -skeez really, but you shrug. Seems like it's more of a reflex than anything now anyways.
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    Vieve Gotle

    Vieve woke up slightly groggy and considered going right back to sleep but then she wouldn't get to check her email, now would she? With eyes half shut she opened up her laptop that her mother got her for Christmas two years ago, isn't it time for an upgrade? She opened her mouth wide but no yawn after a minute or two of forcing it she decided it wasn't worth the effort. The e-mail she had read last night was up or she should she say spam message because what it said was crazy. Number one, that she would die if she didn't play a game with her best friends and number two, install the "game" which meant it was a virus. Vieve patted herself on the back for being so clever to figure out it was a spam message. While waiting for her ancient computer to load she stood up to stretch and noticed that her mother wasn't in the garden. Her window gave her a clear view to the garden outside but Vieve didn't really care where her mother was. Vieve did a double take and noticed that Gavin was slumped over in the garden all by himself. This was one of the strangest sights Vieve had seen in awhile. She looked around for her two kittens, like usual they had disappeared and they were most likely in Gavin's room. Speaking of the devil Vieve heard music coming from his room but it was too low, he must have left it on last night or before he left for the garden.

    Suddenly several beeps and buzzes went off signaling that her computer had loaded properly and that she had messages waiting for her. Slowly she twirled in her sundress toward her favorite device in the world. She bent over to look at the screen, she had new messages from the group, and they should have a cool name Vieve thought. Her eyes were bugging out as she read Vinnie's message, he was actually going to download it?! Blushing at the last line of his message Vieve began typing something back before she noticed Ricardo's messages. Giving into his demand she tabbed over to the email and let the Client Version download to her computer. If they were going to do it well then she wasn't going to hold them back by not doing it. Switching back to PesterChum she selected Ricardo's name and began typing a message to him:

    VG: Hola! Coma estas??
    VG: Download Complete
    VG: We're going to morir!​

    After Ricardo she selected Vinnie, his would be a little harder to right out of fear of embarrassing herself.

    VG: You can see me? Is being a stalker your occupation or a part time kind of thing? :)​

    Finally, to the group she decided that she needed to say something but what could she say?

    VG: We should name ourself something cool. I'm getting tired of calling us, "The Group". What do you think?​
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    Vinnie Valentine

    The message from Candice came first.

    CG: I take client, if that helps any.

    You start to respond, but an angry Mexican stops you short.

    Ricardo began pestering vinnieValentine
    RC: → I got the e-mail too buddy.
    RC: → What happened with Nazi Zombie night last week, you prick?
    RC: → Ditched me for one of your honeys again???
    RC: → D:<
    RC: → Never mind, it's cool. I'm downloading the Server version as we speak.
    RC: → Vieve's mad at you again though.
    RC: → Says you're insensitive for writing stupid stuff on memos.
    RC: → What are you doing anyways? Answer goddamn it!
    RC: → I guess you should install the Server too, by the way.
    RC: → Candice wants to do the Client version and it seems Vieve isn't trying to play with you right now…
    RC: → ):

    You stare at the screen trying to understand why Ricardo changes moods so quickly and to such extremeties. And since when is Vieve mad at you? You know she's got the hots for you, Ricardo is just trying to undermine your relationship. You figure he's just being emotional and go back to Candice.

    Vinnie began pestering Candice

    VV: Heyy girll!
    VV: You install client, okay?
    VV: Imma do server...I like to be on top
    VV: If you know what I mean ;)
    VV: ....
    VV: Okay, forget I said that, that was lame.
    VV: Hello?

    You sit in your chair, waiting for Candice to respond. You're slighly worried that you've upset her, she doesn't really appreciate your dirty comments. You get tired of waiting and start installing SBURBs server file. You hear the computer beep, and look at pesterChum. It's Vieve. You knew Ricardo was busting your balls.

    VG: You can see me? Is being a stalker your occupation or is it a part time kind of thing?

    Awkward. You specifically said you could not see her. She probably just read it wrong. You don't want to hurt her feelings by correcting her, so you roll with it.

    VV: Well, its more of a side job really. I do it on weekends and when I feel lonely.
    VV: Although, for you I can do it full time ;)

    With a grin on your face, you hit send. There. That should make her laugh.
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    Candice Greyson

    Of course, as always, you seem to be the odd one out. Everybody starts responding after you and Vinnie. Apparently you're a ghost. Nobody seems to pay any mind to you. Then again, you don't like the attention, so you just roll with it. Wait...what was that?

    Parking out of your home was your dad's car. You didn't know he was coming early today! This was a surprise, especially since this meant you wont be able to be on the computer for much longer. Hopefully you come up with an excuse to let yourself free for the day. He knows you have no homework to complete or project, so that would be useless.

    Before you get up, you get a response from Vinnie himself. At least somebody payed attention to your short response. You were hoping for Vieve to see it, since she and you were closer than the guys, but maybe being with Vinnie will something make the fun much more fun to play.

    VV: Vieve, Ricardo, Candice. You guys will not believe the email I have recieved. Its says I have to install a program on my computer, and that one of you has to install the other file. They said all of you recieved a similar email. It looks like a game, considering the files are "Client" and "Server." Anyone interested?
    ...PS: Vieve, I can't see you right now, but I bet you look cute ;D

    AM: I take client, if that helps any.
    VG: We should name ourself something cool. I'm getting tired of calling us, "The Group". What do you think?
    AM: Same here.

    Vinnie Valentine [VV] began pestering archaicMiracle [AM]

    VV: Heyy girll!
    VV: You install client, okay?
    VV: Imma do server...I like to be on top
    VV: If you know what I mean ;)
    VV: ....
    VV: Okay, forget I said that, that was lame.
    VV: Hello?

    AM: Don't sweat it
    AM: I already am installing client, so we can start soon

    archaicMiracle [AM] seized pestering Vinnie Valentine [VV]

    Along the years, you managed to get over his dirty comments. Besides, you were the same way. People always mistake you as shy thanks to your little comments, so maybe it's the same with Vinnie? You might as well pester the others. It's been a while since you even talked to Ricardo or Vieve. You expect a cold welcome from Ricardo, as always, but at least Vieve will hopefully welcome you with open arms.

    archaicMiracle [AM] began pestering Ricardo Nieto [RN]

    AM: Hey, long time no talk
    AM: Just came to stop by
    AM: Drat, that sounded like a rhyme for some reason

    archaicMiracle [AM] seized pestering Ricardo Nieto [RN]

    Well that went horrible. Can't you type normal like you always do to Vieve or Vinnie? You always wondered why that was the case with Ricardo, but you never bothered to stop and think about it. Sometimes it's best never to dwell too deep into it, or else you get stuck with some weird feeling or doubts. She's been down that rode, and doesn't want to go there again. Besides, Vieve is your closest friend, now it's her turn.

    archaicMiracle [AM] began pestering Vieve Gostle [VG]

    AM: Hello there
    AM: Hope you don't me dropping in

    You always wondered why you picked this color in the first place. It was hard to read sometimes, compared to the others who had dark colors. Sometimes you even wonder where the pesterchum username even came from. Old miracle seemed good at the time, and you didn't bother changing it at all. Sometimes you wonder if it's possible people even pay attention to usernames. Wait, why are you paying attention? Too much thinking.

    Your dad awaits for you at the entrance of the house. As much as you hated getting off your room, you respected him a lot. He was the only family you had. With this thought in mind, you stood up and managed to get out into the kitchen before you dad locks himself in his room. "This...was pointless," you mutter. Ever since you turned 14, his time with you decreased, and you two barely had any time together. You envied your friends, who seem to have much more interaction with others than you do. Sometimes you wonder if your friends even care about you at all. They probably don't even know how negative you are inside your head, but it doesn't matter anymore, does it?

    Walking back into your room, you notice that you've been pestered back. This relieves you, making you a bit happy on the inside.
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    As you begin the installation, the process is quickly interrupted. The program shows you a long code of digits and letters and asks you to 1) give it to your server player, 2) type in the code the server player gives you in turn. You do this with Vinnie. Simply. Over Pesterchum. No big deal. Hardly worth RPing about.

    The installation resumes, showing this screen and music as you wait:
    ((turn on 720p and fullscreen and it feels like YOU are installing the game lolol ))


    After that, the screen turns black and a single, green word floats eerily in the middle of the screen.


    The game doesn't seem to start on its own or anything. Suddenly, you notice that someone new is PESTERING you. A username you haven't seen before. VC? They have already sent a lot of rapid messages, before you even looked.

    -- velociClamper began pestering archaicMiracle --
    VC: you've installed sburb now, haven't you?
    VC: the only thing you'll need to worry about right now
    VC: is what to prototype with!
    VC: very important!
    VC: dunno how much time you have
    VC: but you should have a lot!
    VC: that was the point of sending you the files!!
    VC: though time is tricky
    VC: but yeah, the prototyping! of the kernelsprite
    VC: eh, I'll talk to your server player instead
    VC: he's the one who needs to know stuff now!!

    -- velociClamper seized pestering archaicMiracle --
    -- velociClamper began pestering archaicMiracle --
    VC: right!
    VC: put useful things in your sylladex, of course. the pink one!
    VC: and decide carefully what to put in your strife specibus! the green one.
    VC: it'll be the only kind of weapon you'll use!!


    Whoa, what is that? You suddenly feel a thin CHAIN hanging around your neck that wasn't there before. It hangs down over your chest and has two cone shaped PENDANTS large as thumbs, one cerise and one green... Uh, are those really pendants?

    If you touch the cerise pendant meaningfully with your hand, it disconnects from the chain and transforms in your hand into a wallet like thing, the size of a deck of cards! Still cerise. Open it and you'll find lots of card slots but only 5 pinkish cards, all which look strangely empty.

    If you drop the cerise wallet or try to leave it somewhere, it rapidly transforms back into the little pendant and attaches itself to your chain, as if they were strong magnets!

    Same thing happens with the green pendant.

    If you let an item touch a pink captchalogue card, the card will absorb the item and an image of it will be displayed instead of the empty whiteness. Picking up several items of the same sort only takes up one card. If you try this with the green thing, the same thing will happen with the card there. Also, the word "kind" on the front of the strife specibus will change to say somethingkind (something being what you put on the card).

    If nothing about this freaks you out,
    then you're probably a
    freaky person

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> RP through this post in your own way. React.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]



    As you begin the installation, the process is quickly interrupted. The program shows you a long code of digits and letters and asks you to 1) give it to your client player, 2) type in the code the client player gives you in turn. You do this with Candice. Simply. Over Pesterchum. No big deal. Hardly worth RPing about.

    The installation resumes, showing this screen and music as you wait:


    After that, the screen turns black and a single, green word floats eerily in the middle of the screen.


    Then the blackness fades away and the game starts up. No fancy menus or anything. You seem to have been thrown directly into the gaming interface. You find yourself looking at a room. Looks very realistic to you, greaaaat graphics!

    The interface is simple enough... you hope. To your upper left corner, there are buttons for moving the view around, turn the view and zoom in and out. Then there are several weird looking buttons that say different things when you mouse over them. The SELECT one lets you lift up and move around stuff. Yeah, at least that's simple enough. ((ignore John in the background here...))

    And then there's this thing. Some strange items can be selected here. But what does it all mean? ;;

    At some point, you notice that someone has been pestering you madly for a while. With a chumhandle you don't recognize. VC?

    -- velociClamper began pestering bemyValentine --
    VC: server player!
    VC: good let's get this rolling before **** goes down!!
    VC: sorry
    VC: I get told I should calm down, wait.

    -- velociClamper seized pestering bemyValentine --
    -- velociClamper began pestering bemyValentine --
    VC: yeah ok, anyways!
    VC: your client is online too
    VC: so get building!
    VC: you know, REVISE the world around the client. Build walls, stairs, doors, ladders, floors, roofs
    VC: upwards!!
    VC: oh wait first you've got to DEPLOY the free stuff!
    VC: I forgot that was the important part in the beginning
    VC: don't build yet!!
    VC: man, I'm making a mess, aren't I?
    VC: ok, I'm told now that maybe it's not such a hurry
    VC: just ask me if you wonder anything, ok?

    As if that wasn't strange enough, at some point (either before or after reading these messages) you see a human move on your screen. And not just any human. You've never met her face to face but you've seen pictures of her. It's... CANDICE. Your game is spying on Candice in her room.

    If nothing about this freaks you out,
    then you're probably a
    freaky person

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> RP through this post in your own way. React.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
    Last edited:

    You are sitting before your desk, on your computer, waiting for Vieve to answer you. You contemplate building something with your Legos, but that would probably take forever, and you'd rather not waste too much time.

    Suddenly you hear a knock on the door. Damn! Is it dad this time?

    The door opens, and in comes your butler. "Breakfast is ready young master." He announces.

    Phew, he scared the **** out of you -skee.

    "Thanks Alfred." You respond nonchalantly.

    "That's not my name young master." He protests.

    "Right, and I'm not Batman, whatever Alfred, let me eat in peace!" 0_0

    "As you wish young master." Your butler says before stepping out of your room. Wow you're a prick.

    Digging into your scrambled eggs with nopales, you go back to your downloading file. As the file continues to download, you contemplate answering the memo, but then you notice that Vieve has finally answered:
    -- babelsEngineer ceased pestering paintSplatter --
    -- paintSplatter began pestering babelsEngineer --
    PS: Hola! Coma estas??
    PS: Download Complete
    PS: We're going to morir!

    BE: → Good!
    BE: → Install it.
    BE: → NAOU!
    PS: Don't spazz out, mkay? It's only a virus...
    BE: → It's not… my virus scanner would've caught it
    BE: → … for some weird reason I can't find anything wrong with your above statement other than that it's in two languages Vieve…
    PS: My espanyole es mucha grande!
    PS: See, perfect!

    BE: → God it pisses me off!
    PS: That only means I'm becoming fluent
    BE: → ):
    BE: → Let's get this game started, my version is basically done downloading!
    BE: → Y:
    PS: I just hope we don't die... ):
    -- paintSplatter ceased pestering babelsEngineer --​
    Finally! Your file's done downloading, and the installation process begins. However the process is interrupted, and you notice a long sequence of digits and letters, as well as instructions to send the code to your Client.
    -- babelsEngineer began pestering paintSplatter --
    BE: → Umm… looks like the installation on my end is complete (?)
    BE: → Are you done over there yet?


    When you're done exchanging codes with Vieve, the installation resumes, showing this screen and music as you wait:


    After that, the screen turns black and a single, green word floats eerily in the middle of the screen.


    Then the blackness fades away and the game starts up. No fancy menus or anything. You seem to have been thrown directly into the gaming interface. You find yourself looking at a room. Looks very realistic to you, great graphics!

    The interface is simple enough... you hope. To your upper left corner, there are buttons for moving the view around, turn the view and zoom in and out. Then there are several weird looking buttons that say different things when you mouse over them. The SELECT one lets you lift up and move around stuff. Yeah, at least that's simple enough. ((ignore John in the background here...))

    And then there's this thing. Some strange items can be selected here. But what does it all mean? ;;

    As if that wasn't strange enough, at some point you see a human move on your screen. And not just any human. You've never met her face to face but you've seen pictures of her and she looks very, very familiar. It's... VIEVE. Your game is spying on Vieve in her room.

    If nothing about this freaks you out,
    then you're probably a
    freaky person

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> RP through this post in your own way. React.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]



    When you're done exchanging the codes with Ricardo, the installation resumes, showing this screen and music as you wait:
    ((turn on 720p and fullscreen and it feels like YOU are installing the game lolol ))


    After that, the screen turns black and a single, green word floats eerily in the middle of the screen.


    The game doesn't seem to start on its own or anything. Hm.
    Okay... Now what?

    WHOA what is that? You suddenly feel a thin CHAIN hanging around your neck that wasn't there before. It hangs down over your chest and has two cone shaped PENDANTS large as thumbs, one cerise and one green... Uh, are those really pendants?

    If you touch the cerise pendant meaningfully with your hand, it disconnects from the chain and transforms in your hand into a wallet like thing, the size of a deck of cards! Still cerise. Open it and you'll find lots of card slots but only 5 pinkish cards, all which look strangely empty.

    If you drop the cerise wallet or try to leave it somewhere, it rapidly transforms back into the little pendant and attaches itself to your chain, as if they were strong magnets!

    Same thing happens with the green pendant.

    If you let an item touch a pink captchalogue card, the card will absorb the item and an image of it will be displayed instead of the empty whiteness. Picking up several items of the same sort only takes up one card. If you try this with the green thing, the same thing will happen with the card there. Also, the word "kind" on the front of the strife specibus will change to say somethingkind (something being what you put on the card).

    If nothing about this freaks you out,
    then you're probably a
    freaky person

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]==> RP through this post in your own way. React.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
    Last edited:
    Vinnie Valentine

    Vinnie sat back in his chair while SBURB Server File started installing. Before it even really begain, it was interrupted by a bunch of code.

    I knew it was a freaking virus.. Vinnie thought, I just hope Candice doesn't get pissed off when her computer breaks too, it is kinda my fault she downloaded it...

    Vinnie was about to shut down his laptop, but noticed something written below the coding. It instructed Vinnie to give his code to Candice, and to recieve the code Candice has.

    Oh, maybe it is just a game. I guess this is so we can connect...I can just give her the code over pesterChum.

    Vinnie and Candice swapped codes, and the installation started up again. The compuuter started playing.....jungle music. Like something you would hear in a Tarzan movie. What's weirder, the background turned into a trippy callaboration of a single, complicated symbol. The area behind it looked like the camera view of a plane ride.

    Cool, I guess.

    The little installation bar below finished filling up, and the screen faded to black. A single word appeared, SBURB.

    This would make a really cool movie intro, much better than the lame one the new spider-man got...

    Well, this is weird. Finally, the screen showed a very detailed room. It looked better than the graphics on the PS3, but Vinnie couldn't figure out why. It was so....realistic. The computer was pretty old, and didn't have the graphics capability to even run Starcraft 2.

    Its probably a recording, and not a render.. To tell the truth, Vinnie wasn't sure a video camera could resolve that well on his screen anyway. But he wasn't concerned. At least the game had awesome graphics. The interface looked cartonny compared to the room, and was awfully one dimentional. This did create a cool contrast though, and made the buttons stand out more. About the buttons...the were all rreally weird. They had vague names and symbols on them. You would have to look up a walkthrough or FAQ online to figure it out, it seems. There wasn't any introduction.

    Suddenly, he got a message from pesterChum. It wasn't Candice...or Ricardo... OR Vieve...some velociClamper. Hisname reminded Vinnie of the Philosiraptor meme. Whatever. What he said was pretty wierd too...

    -- velociClamper began pestering bemyValentine --
    VC: server player!
    VC: good let's get this rolling before **** goes down!!
    VC: sorry
    VC: I get told I should calm down, wait.
    -- velociClamper seized pestering bemyValentine --


    -- velociClamper began pestering bemyValentine --
    VC: yeah ok, anyways!
    VC: your client is online too
    VC: so get building!
    VC: you know, REVISE the world around the client. Build walls, stairs, doors, ladders, floors, roofs
    VC: upwards!!
    VC: oh wait first you've got to DEPLOY the free stuff!
    VC: I forgot that was the important part in the beginning
    VC: don't build yet!!
    VC: man, I'm making a mess, aren't I?
    VC: ok, I'm told now that maybe it's not such a hurry
    VC: just ask me if you wonder anything, ok?

    Well. That was annoying. Vinnie scanned to messages. Build? Deploy? Vinnie didn't want to do anything in fear of wasting items you couldn't get back. He was always a packrat when it came to RPGs, and he didn't know what kind of game this was going to be.

    Wait... Vinnie slowly worked it out in his head How did...that guy know I downloaded SBURB?! And how does he know Candice? Or me for that matter?! This is really creepy!

    As if things couldn't get freakier, CANDICE, Candice for Jesus Christ's sake, walked into the screen. Totally oblivious to Vinnie being able to see her.

    "Holy SHI-"

    Vinnie clapsed his hand over his mouth and jumped out of his chair. He didn't want grandma to have a heart attack from hearing his language. His eyes were wide open and he wasn't moving. His heart rate increased, and he started to panic.

    What the hell is this?! Vinnie frantically thought. Can...can anyone see me?

    He quickly covered his webcam on his laptop with a sticker from his Rubik's cube. It was worth the sacrifice, he had more. He paced his room, glancing at the screen every now and then. Candice seemed kinda confused, and she was messing with a necklace. Vinnie sat back down after his heart rate returned to normal. His curiosity was starting to take over. He tabbed over to pesterChum.

    BV: Wtf is going on here?
    BV: Candice! I can see you on SBURB!
    BV: I mean it! I see you messing with that necklace!
    BV: What do I do, anyway? This game is confusing, and creepy!
    BV: If I do anything, will it affect you or something? or just show up on my screen?
    BV: do you care??
    Last edited:
    Candice Greyson

    You have already started the installation. Stretching and leaning back, you were suddenly interrupted by the sound of rapid digits. Curious, you discover that the screen was full of letters and digits. It asked you to give the long code of digits and letters to your Server player, who happens to be Vinnie of course. You didn't hesitate to get on Pesterchum, only to find that he had beaten you to it and is now awaiting your response.

    "Wow, loverboy is fast," you mumbled, responding and sending him the code. You receive the code from his game and quickly exit out of Pesterchum. Typing out the code, it took a few seconds until the game has processed it and finally proceeded. It was accepted.

    The screen then showed a strange Spirograph. You have never seen such a...beautiful shape before. Circles, triangles, and simple hearts looked pretty bland, but this was magnificent! Not able to stop staring at the screen. The music didn't help either, it just made you stare at the screen even more. Something about it called to you, and actually managed to make you press your forehead against the screen. All of a sudden, it turned black. Blinking, you lean back and press the red mark on your forehead. Maaaaybe you got a bit too carried away. A green word hovers eerily in the screen, which spelled out SBURB. You waited for the game to start, but nothing else happens after that. Puzzled and confused, you convince yourself that it's probably just the Laptop being slow.

    The Pesterchum windows opens, revealing somebody pestering you. What struck you odd was the username. You never heard of spoke to such a person. Either way, you take the chance and read what they have to say.

    velociClamper [VC] began pestering archaicMiracle [AM]
    VC: you've installed sburb now, haven't you?
    VC: the only thing you'll need to worry about right now
    VC: is what to prototype with!
    VC: very important!
    VC: dunno how much time you have
    VC: but you should have a lot!
    VC: that was the point of sending you the files!!
    VC: though time is tricky
    VC: but yeah, the prototyping! of the kernelsprite
    VC: eh, I'll talk to your server player instead
    VC: he's the one who needs to know stuff now!!

    velociClamper [VC] seized pestering archaicMiracle [AM]
    velociClamper [VC] began pestering archaicMiracle [AM]
    VC: right!
    VC: put useful things in your sylladex, of course. the pink one!
    VC: and decide carefully what to put in your strife specibus! the green one.
    VC: it'll be the only kind of weapon you'll use!!

    You wanted to respond, yet you had no idea who the person was. This guy, or girl, talks as if they knew your every move. The urge to contact the overcame you, but not before you felt a cold chain hanging from your neck. Shocked, you look down and analyze the necklace that somehow got itself around your neck. One pendant was green, and the other cerise. Two pendants hanging from this mysterious necklace. Doubt and worry started to overcome you. 'What have you gone yourself into,' you thought to yourself, not knowing what to make out of the situation.

    Bothered by this, your eyes dart around the room out of fear, looking for anybody inside. There was nothing. Relieved, you grab both pendants and proceed to take the necklace off. All of a sudden, your hand felt lighter. Opening it revealed no cerise pendant. Okay, now you were starting to see things. You lift both your hands and facepalm yourself awake, but let out a screech of pain. There, on your other hand, was a brown wallet. Trying to prevent yourself from going insane, you open the wallet and find 5 cards the size of an average deck of cards. They had a pink border, yet the white inside was empty. Placing them back inside, you gently put down the wallet a few feet away from you, walking away in silence towards your bed. For a moment you close your eyes, trying to concentrate on the situation. Once you opened them, you find that the wallet was gone, and that the cerise pendant had returned into its former place.

    Curious, yet freaked out, you nervously touch the green pendant. The next second, it vanished out of thin air and materialized into another wallet. Quickly you open the wallet and discover a green card. It was somehow different in the inside design, yet you ignore the difference and place it back inside.

    Then it all clicked. As crazy as you thought you were, you hurry back into your desk and open the Pesterlog for VC. There, you reread the conversation and try to figure out what to do now. "Put useful things in your Sylladex." What did it mean? Same for the green one, but except for a weapon. You started to see this as a real game, yet you manage to shake your head and snap out of it. 'What are you doing?' Not able to think clearly, you close your laptop and stand in front of the huge window. Worried, you stare into the glass and capture the image of your reflection. You've never been this freaked out in your life. Of course, you loved the Paranormal, but you didn't want it happening to you!

    Breathing in and out, you touch the cerise pendant once more, making a wallet materialize on your hand again. Taking out a random pink card, you study it. You might as well follow orders, who knows what happens if you don't? Besides, it obviously connects with the strange email, which was actually threatening seeing as there were "consequences" if you didn't follow the simple installation. It was probably the same exact person who just pestered you.

    Not knowing what to do, you drop the card and watch it fall. What took place after turned your view on reality upside down. Landing on top of your Mountain Dew pack, it somehow glowed and made the pack disappear out of thin air. It glowed once more before falling again, landing on the floor. Gasping at the sight, you kneel down to pick up the card. On the front side was the image of your 8-pack of Mountain Dews. Everything didn't make sense, so of course, you had to blame something.

    "MAGIC," you blurted out, taking out another pink card while sneaking the Mountain Dew one inside. Glancing around the room, you find your skateboard and firmly press the card against it. It did nothing for the first few seconds. The skateboard suddenly disappeared, making you smile awkwardly and laugh. You were going insane. All your life you believed in magic and the paranormal, but stopped since your friends convinced you that it was all make believe stuff. This was not technology. If it were, it wouldn't make things disappear like this. Whether it was magic or not, you had some sort of strange thing in your grasp.

    "Uhh, weapon," you mumbled, asking yourself. The first thing that pops into your mind was the bat your dad had saved for you in case you needed it. Before you took another step, you snapped yourself out of it once more and dropped the wallet, causing it to transform back into the cerise pendant on your necklace.

    "I'm going insane," you tell yourself. You had to talk to somebody. Vinnie MUST have experienced something, since you exchanged codes with him and all. Freaked out, you head to your computer and open Pesterchum. Vinnie had already tried to contact you. Turns out he was also kinda worried and insane, just like you were. There, you proceeded to pester Vinnie.

    BV:Wtf is going on here?
    BV: Candice! I can see you on SBURB!
    BV: I mean it! I see you messing with that necklace!
    BV: What do I do, anyway? This game is confusing, and creepy!
    BV: If I do anything, will it affect you or something? or just show up on my screen?
    BV: do you care??

    AM: I have no idea.
    AM: I kinda have some weird necklace that uses magic to...put things in cards?
    AM: Then I went insane
    AM: Wait
    AM: You can see me?
    AM: Oh my...uhh. This is too strange
    AM: For the first time, I'm freaked out.
    AM: Oh god oh god oh god
    AM: I don't know any answers, I'm kinda freaking out too...mentally.
    AM: But I can't see you on my screen...

    You leave the conversation and turn around. What was going on? Hopefully your dad doesn't enter and see you freaking out here. Knowing your dad, he will somehow force you to calm down, just like the few times you were bullied when you were young. Of course, he wouldn't believe anything, but who knows. You take a few deep breaths and try your best to keep your cool. Somehow you manage to keep a straight face, and proceed to look at the screen. You knew that what ever you were getting into might as well change your life forever...but you then ask yourself; wasn't something this strange, weird, and exciting what you were dreaming of all along? Now you realize how wrong you were. To think your life was boring and long. Guess you have to go with it and see. Everything happens for a reason anyway, right?
    Vieve Gotle

    Pushing herself away from the computer to look at her a pile of junk that laid at the end of her bed. Vieve noticed a conversation she had printed out that had a lot of hand drawn hearts on it. On closer inspection she realized it was a moment between her and Vinnie when they were something more. Color flushed into her cheeks, she crumpled the paper up and tossed it into the trash. Movement in the trash can caught Vieve's attention, a small head popped up. Her heart slowed down as quickly as it had just sped up, it was only Tiberius one of her kittens. Just as she was about to pick him up she noticed that someone had responded to one of her messages.

    paintSplatter pestered bemyValentine
    • PS: You can see me? Is being a stalker your occupation or a part time kind of thing? :)
    • BV: Well, it's more of a side job really. I do it on weekends and when I feel lonely.
      [*]BV: Although, for you I can do it full time ;)
    • PS: I don't think my mother would appreciate that… But who am I to stop you? :)
    paintSplatter ceased pestering bemyValentine

    Clicking over to the original message that Vinnie had sent Vieve realized that her previous worry had come true. She had completely embarrassed herself his message clearly said he couldn't see her. A lump developed in her throat she quickly closed out of their conversation. Why hadn't Vinnie called her out on her mistake? To distract herself she returned to Ricardo's messages to make sure she hadn't made any more mistakes.

    babelsEngineer pestered paintSplatter

    • BE: → Good!
    • BE: → Install it.
    • BE: → NAOU!
    • PS: Don't spazz out, mkay? It's only a virus...
      BE: → It's not… my virus scanner would've caught it
      [*]BE: → … for some weird reason I can't find anything wrong with your above statement other than that it's in two languages Vieve…
    • PS: My espanyole es mucha grande!
      [*]PS: See, perfect!
    • BE: → God it pisses me off!
      PS: That only means I'm becoming fluent
    • BE: → ):
      [*]BE: → Let's get this game started, my version is basically done downloading!
      [*]BE: → Y:
    • PS: I just hope we don't die... ):

    paintSplatter ceased pestering babelsEngineer –​
    Sighing, she needed to tell Candice about this mess. Vieve saw that she had already messaged her earlier, how had she not seen this? A feeling of guilt spread over her as she bit the ends of her fingernails hoping Candice wasn't too mad at her.

    archaicMiracle began pestering paintSplatter

    • AM: Hello there
      [*]AM: Hope you don't me dropping in
    • PS: Sorry, I didn't notice these…
      [*]PS: I just did the most embarrassing thing, ever.
      [*]PS: Vinnie probably thinks I'm a blind duck. ):
    paintSplatter ceased pestering archaicMiracle

    She had successfully had a conversation with each of her best friend today, which was a mini goal of hers. Vieve had no idea what she would do with herself if she didn't have these three people in her life, they meant more to her than anyone else ever had (besides her family) and she's never met them. Before she became too sentimental a message popped up on her computer telling her that her installation was almost done as she had to do was switch some codes with Ricardo and she promptly did so.

    babelsEngineer began pestering paintSplatter
    • BE: → Umm… looks like the installation on my end is complete (?)
      [*]BE: → Are you done over there yet?
    • PS: Yeah, these codes are weird aren't they?
      [*]PS: Why do we need to exchange them...
      [*]PS: -Insert Code/Digits here- (?)
    paintSplatter ceased pestering babelsEngineer

    A loading screen took over her computer screen Vieve liked the pretty color that were being displayed in the background. The abstract green circle in the middle really captured her attention drawing her in enough to make her touch her computer screen. Snapping out of her trance Vieve noticed that the screen had gone black, which made her frown. The darkness only lasted a few seconds as the words, "Sburb" in bright, green letters made their way onto the screen. A sudden weight dropped on Vieve's neck at first she didn't seem to notice but whatever it was brushed against her hand.

    "What the..." Vieve said slowly as she examined the mysterious chain, her fingers felt up and down it to make sure it was real. "I always thought I would go insane in my forties." A little joke was made to help her stay calm in a seriously disturbing situation. She became aware that there was more to the chain than the chain itself. Cerise and green colored pendants hung at the bottom, which Vieve slightly tugged on. Instantly, the cerise pendant popped off in her hand but soon wasn't a pendant at all rather a full wallet. Vieve cautiously peered inside she carefully removed two cards to examine them. They had a pink border and a white center with nothing else on it. Setting the cards down on her desk, which was next to her bed, she breathed in really quick.

    "I can't do this!"

    Picking up the two cards she had just set down Vieve's eyes widen. One of the cards had an image of a steak knife on it, an exact replica of the one that was on her desk. She had steak last night and brought it up to her room to finish it and chat with The Group. The knife was nowhere to be found. Vieve threw papers to the floor after she crawled hands and knees to look under her bed for it. It had vanish but somehow the card had its image as if absorb after it made contact with the knife. Quickly stuffing the other card into the freaky wallet Vieve headed straight to her and Ricardo's conversation.

    paintSplatter pestered babelsEngineer
    • PS: Did you get creepy jewelry?
      [*]PS: You know if I wanted to accessorize I would've but this is just tacky

    Trying to smile but how could she be calm after some wallet with magical cards appeared in her life after she installed some virus game. The wallet got knocked off in Vieve's haste to get her laptop somehow the cards had stayed inside. Vieve felt the weight shift as if something had just added to the chain she ignored it not realizing that it was just the cerise pendant returning.

    You are Ricardo again. You've just finished installing the Server version of SBURB, and you guess it's time to give this baby a roll; whatever that means…

    Your computer screen immediately goes into a Sims-like interface (not that you would know what that is; Sims City is the only cool game that ever came out of that franchise… right?), on top of the screen you see several commands with effects you're not quite sure of. However, you are part of a very small fraction of people who can be considered: "the elite of true gaming professionals", and you know that the only real way to find out what game tools do is… well, to use them… duh!
    -- paintSplatter began pestering babelsEngineer --
    PS: Did you get creepy jewelry?
    PS: You know if I wanted to accessorize I would've but this is just tacky

    BE: → Oh
    BE: → My
    BE: → God
    BE: → !!!!
    BE: → Vieve, I think you're in my monitor…
    PS: What are you talking about?
    BE: → I mean, you ARE in my monitor!
    PS: You're not making sense...
    BE: → This is so cool!
    BE: → It's like, virtual reality!
    BE: → Did you have to use some headgear?
    PS: Headgear? Virtual Reality? Did you take drugs?
    BE: → Or maybe it's something new…
    BE: → But there's no mistaking it, this is you in my monitor!
    PS: Okay, let's take a step back. I'm not your monitor, I'm not in your monitor. OKAY?
    BE: → Yeah, you are.
    BE: → It's probably just an avatar though…
    BE: → Did you create an avatar?
    BE: → I don't think I got to
    BE: → ):
    babelsEngineer sent the file SburbScreenShot.jpg to paintSplatter.
    BE: → Game's got really good graphics, huh?
    BE: → Anyways, I wonder what the Revise tool does…

    Selecting the Revise tool, you go ahead and select Genevieve's upper wall (the one with a window). As you drag the mouse from the upper right corner to the lower left, you accidentally let go of the mouse button and… whoops.

    "Oh well", you guess, "there goes one half of the wall." Fortunately, like any decent architect would know, in order to build… you must first destroy!

    Seems like someone new is pestering you on pesterChum. Since this user somehow contacted you, it's now temporarily on your chumroll and can be contacted again.

    -- rampageTeller began pestering babelsEngineer --
    RT: OH GOD

    -- rampageTeller seized pestering babelsEngineer --
    -- rampageTeller began pestering babelsEngineer --
    RT: ok sorry i went a bit too far
    RT: what i mean is
    RT: hello, i'm your fairy godbrother blabla
    RT: and there are some things you should deploy now
    RT: and some things that are completely unnecessary
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    Vieve Gotle

    Vieve wasn't even sure what happened to the game she was suppose to be playing. The letters had appeared but the nothing else happened which was a bit weird. She wondered if she was going to die because she really wasn't playing "the game". Then she remembered that it had to be a spam message. How would the person actually kill her if she didn't play the game? It's not like they knew where she lived or where she went to school at, she was safe as could be.

    paintSplatter began pestering babelsEngineer

    • PS: Did you get creepy jewelry?
      PS: You know if I wanted to accessorize I would've but this is just tacky

      BE: → Oh
      BE: → My
      BE: → God
      BE: → !!!!
      ]BE: → Vieve, I think you're in my monitor…
      PS: What are you talking about?
      BE: → I mean, you ARE in my monitor!
      PS: You're not making sense...
      BE: → This is so cool!
      BE: → It's like, virtual reality!
      BE: → Did you have to use some headgear?
      PS: Headgear? Virtual Reality? Did you take drugs?
      BE: → Or maybe it's something new…
      BE: → But there's no mistaking it, this is you in my monitor!
      PS: Okay, let's take a step back. I'm not your monitor, I'm not in your monitor. OKAY?
      BE: → Yeah, you are.
      BE: → It's probably just an avatar though…
      BE: → Did you create an avatar?
      BE: → I don't think I got to
      PS: Avatar? I don't think so...
      BE: → ):
      babelsEngineer sent the file SburbScreenShot.jpg to paintSplatter.
      BE: → Game's got really good graphics, huh?
      PS: How did you get that!? And here I thought Vinnie was the stalker....
      BE: → Anyways, I wonder what the Revise tool does…

    • Before Vieve had a chance to type "Stop" half the wall on her left collapsed into rumbled. She whipped her head around upon hearing the noise and noticed the mess. Her mind was jumbled, did Ricardo really just destroy that? How could he, he lived nowhere near her and even if he did he didn't have a bulldozer. Vieve's heartbeat sped up really fast in a short amount of time, she clinched her chest and breathed in and out. Being calm was one of the things she knew how to do but this was just impossible. She pushed the chair she was sitting on back to go observe the mess that had been made. The bed was covered with dust and debris from the collapse. While walking over to the wall Vieve had steady her heartbeat and let her hand fall from her chest. She picked up a piece of the wall and rolled it over in her hand, this was real. Vieve wondered if she had been transported to some alternative video game reality because her Mother would be pissed. Wasn't her brother in the garden? He would see that the wall collapsed and tell their Mom right away. The dust hadn't settled so Vieve couldn't look to see if he had saw or not. Vieve made her way back to her computer and began typing, she needed answers.

      paintSplatter pestered babelsEngineer

      • PS: You did this didn't you?
      • PS: Are you an idiot?
        [*]PS: How is this possible?!
      • PS: It's not possible.
    Vinnie Valentine

    Vinnie watched as Candice started to freak out on his screen. She wasn't exactly flipping stuff over, but he could tell she was frantic. She noticed your pestering, and typed a response. It came immediately as she sent it, or at least as she finished typing. There didn't seem to be any lag.

    Vinnie read her messages. She seemed like she was going to have a panic attack. Vinnie typed this in, trying to calm her down. To tell the truth, he really needed to hear it himself.

    BV: Calm down!
    BV: Nothing bad happened
    BV: Just think of it this way...
    BV: You got a new toy
    BV: Don't worry about me, I wont look down your shirt or anything

    Vinnie thought back to the weird messages he got. Although creepy, they seemed helpful. All he could really remember was Deploy before Revise. He clicked on the deploy window, regretting that he had done so. He held his breath and waited for something to pop up in Candice's room.


    Oh, theres a drop down menu. Well, that was embarrassing. The objects in the menu were weird too. Cruxtruder? Totem Lathe? Alchemiter? Vinnie related them to the first thing that came to his mind. Horcrux, totem poles, and alchemy. Well, horcrux is the word used in Harry Potter to describe the split shards of a wizards soul. Aka magic. Totem poles were native american stuff, which was voodoo....or something. Vinnie never cared for the Americas. And alchemy is potions and such, right? So this was a whole bunch of magic, voodoo, and potions. Candice loved that crap.

    BV: Okay, okay
    BV: Im going to send you some items...i think.
    BV: some Velicirapter told me too or something
    BV: They look cool

    Vinnie looked back over to SBURB, and viewed the drop down menu under deploy. Cautious, he only did one to start. But which one to pick? Totem Lathe was out, Vinnie didn't mess ith voodoo. Cruxtruder, or Alchemiter? Vinnie thought hard.

    Well, for alchemy, you need ingredients, right? So a tool like object is useless without the right materials. But Cruxtruder is weird sounding. And the Harry Potter theory is a long shot....

    He finally decided on a coin flip. Heads, cruxtruder it was. Tails, Alchemiter. He flipped, and caught. Tails never fails. He started to move his mouse towards the Alchemiter, but halfway he changed his mind and clicked Cruxtruder. He didn't know why, and regretted his decision even as he made it. His stomach knotted up and he held his breath.

    Oh man, what did I just do?

    Vinnie watched in anticipation at the screen, similar to when someone watches a horror film, and things get intense when you know the murderer is going to jump out and kill someone. He covered his eyes and looked away, but peeked through his fingers.

    No scream from the garden. It seems as if your twin brother has not noticed the wall disappearing. Ah, that's because it didn't really get teared down like a wall does when you level a house. It just sort of... disappeared, leaving just a little bit of debris behind in the form of cracks in the nearby walls and a cloud of dust in the air. But it looks more like some invisible saw has sawed the wall off and then swallowed it without a trace, than as if someone has just torn it down.


    You DEPLOY the CRUXTRUDER in the middle of Candice's room. Luckily you avoid putting it down on top of her, since the machine is 2 square meters large and probably prrrretty heavy. Maybe decide beforehand where to put something down, next time? It's a sort of light blue-ish gray metallic color all over, except for the marking on the top. ((even though this picture is white))

    [PokeCommunity.com] ✜// CHECKMATE (IC)

    There's a screen on every side of it, but it's dark and empty for now. There's also a handle and some kind of lid on the tube at the top. The lid almost seems to... vibrate and jump a little. As if it wanted to come off but couldn't really do it on its own. Trying to twist the handle does nothing. You'd probably have to bang it hard with something heavy in order to get it off.
    Candice Greyson

    You couldn't help but think about the whole thing. You have some sort of...magic was it? It then dawned to you. Maybe that guy, or girl, who pestered you earlier may have some answers. Not knowing whether they would respond back or not, you put your hands on the keyboard and start to read over what the mysterious messenger had sent you.

    -- velociClamper began pestering archaicMiracle --
    VC: right!
    VC: put useful things in your sylladex, of course. the pink one!
    VC: and decide carefully what to put in your strife specibus! the green one.
    VC: it'll be the only kind of weapon you'll use!!

    Keeping your cool on the outside, on the inside you were mentally freaking out. What did this all mean? This was no longer a game to you. Now you wanted to do everything possible to somehow make through the game alive. Before you could do anything else, you were pestered by both Vinnie and Vieve. You have company it seems.

    archaicMiracle began pestering paintSplatter
    AM: Hello there
    AM: Hope you don't me dropping in

    PS: Sorry, I didn't notice these…
    PS: I just did the most embarrassing thing, ever.
    PS: Vinnie probably thinks I'm a blind duck. ):

    paintSplatter ceased pestering archaicMiracle
    archaicMiracle began pestering paintSplatter
    AM: It's cool....what happened?
    AM: I'm also in some kind of problem at the moment too.

    There wasn't much to say to her besides be there for her. Besides, you also wanted somebody to be here for you. It all confused you. You wondered what was up with Ricardo. Who knew the only one you actually felt like talking to wasn't responding back? Must be busy doing other things. Next up was Vinnie. This one seems to calm you down.

    BV: Calm down!
    BV: Nothing bad happened
    BV: Just think of it this way...
    BV: You got a new toy
    BV: Don't worry about me, I wont look down your shirt or anything

    AM: Oh ok ok.
    AM: I managed to calm down a bit.
    AM: But thanks...it helped.
    AM: More like a magic toy to be honest.

    With that said, you get off your metal chair and glance around. Nothing much to see here besides a few scattered books, drinks, items, and trash. You only had five pink "magic" cards. Calling it by it's longer and complicated name was difficult, so you shortened it. You had your skateboard and Mountain Dew Pack on two of them already. That leaves you with three pink magic cards left.

    Studying the room for any potential item, you come across the thought of the weapon. "And decide carefully what to put in your strife specibus! the green one. it'll be the only kind of weapon you'll use!!" were the words of the stranger. It sounded just about right, so you follow your instincts and leave the room. Entering your dad's room, who happens to be gone, by coincidence, and find the metal bat he would always remind you about.

    You hated how he would ramble on about using that as a weapon, and how he would love to see his daughter use it herself. Although you never thought you would end up using it, you slightly touch the green charm to make the wallet poof into your hand. Taking out the green card, you slap that magic thing against the bat that was hanging against the wall. Just like the other items, it disappeared and got itself stuck inside the green card. Unlike the others however, this one read "Batkind" just under the picture. Puzzled, you simply shrug it off and place the card back inside your wallet. Feeling the need to throw something, you decided to do something stupid and throw the wallet against the wall. Unfortunately, it vanished out of your sight and transformed back into the green charm before it could impact the wall.

    Walking out of your dad's room, the floor suddenly shakes as if a huge object had just landed. Your quick reflexes make you grab a hold of the curtains beside you, thinking it was some earthquake. It was until a few seconds later that you realized it was no earthquake, and you blink in confusion about it. It took even longer to realize that it was probably Vinnie. "Oh great, what did he do this time?" you mumble, casually walking over to your room. Opening the door, you were shocked to find a huge machine in the middle of the empty room. The machine is 2 square meters large and looked very heavy. It's a sort of light blue-ish gray metallic color all over, except for the marking on the top, which was green. Four screens were visible, one on each side. Of course, they were off for now.

    It looked tempting to mess with, but you didn't want to somehow make something weird happen. All this magic made you feel "alive" in such a way, but at the same time horrified. He probably already knows you dig the magic cards from seeing your freaky reaction to them. You were caught off guard by the beep of your laptop, which was signaling you that you were being pestered.

    Going over to the desk, you realized Vinnie had pestered you right after you replied. Obviously he was referring to the huge device in the middle of her room, so you sarcastically responded. There was the urge to open the lid of it, but you resisted against that. You already enjoyed the cards, which is good enough for you...but not your curiosity.
    BV: Okay, okay
    BV: Im going to send you some items...i think.
    BV: some Velicirapter told me too or something
    BV: They look cool

    AM: Yeah
    AM: Must be that huge device that's standing in the middle of the room.

    Since you were awful at keeping urges in check, you spring out of your chair and get on the machine. The first thing you do is try to turn on the wheel, which did nothing. Next you try to pull the lid, but despite looking flimsy and nearly out, it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. Determined, you take out your wallet by brushing against the cerise charm. You were about to press a pink card against the device, but the lid vibrated and caused you to freeze. Instead, the card drops and lands on top of a Panda Bear doll, which disappears and gets loaded into the card. Staring down, the card showed the picture of your childhood teddy bear. The one you would never let anything happen to...then it processed into your head. It was just swallowed by the magic card.

    "Oh wait! That was my favorite teddy bear!" you blurted out, kneeling down and snatching the card from the ground. A very stupid idea then occurred to you. With a trembling hand, you imagine yourself reaching in for the bear. Suddenly, as you touch the image with the thought of taking out the bear, the panda bear suddenly poofs out into view. Silence filled the room as you sit there, spacing out. Maybe all this magic WAS too much. Now that you know how to retrieve items and get them inside, you grasp the teddy bear and slap the card into its face. Once again, it disappeared and the picture of your childhood friend appears in the pink card. Of course you need Mr. Fluffy! He was your childhood friend! Why else would you not take him???
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