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25 years ago today, the infamous Porygon episode aired

25 years ago today, the infamous Porygon episode aired

25 years ago today, the infamous Porygon episode aired

The episode in Japan sent hundreds of children to hospital. Dogasu has provided some new translations of interviews at the time – a great historical read!
Unless you really want to sent to the hospital, no thanks
Outside the obvious newest Gen 9 pokemon, are the Porygons literally the ONLY pokemon in the entire national 'dex now to never once make any major (aka not cameo) apperences in the anime? Its really long overdue honestly.
They should include it in a harmless way now tbh :3 The pokémon did nothing wrong, the anime creators did.

I am also not daring to watch the episode ahah, even though I have never been affected by lights like this up until now.
The anime is undergoing a 'hard reboot' now so maybe they'll give the poor line another chance though it's doubtful tbh
[PokeCommunity.com] 25 years ago today, the infamous Porygon episode aired
Im still mad about this bro, its literally team rocket's rockets fault😭 Like I get banning the episode but Porygon just because he was in it?!1!! IT AINT RITE!