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4th Gen 4th Generation Travel Journal

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Tim vs Sinnoh Ch. 1

Note: So I just bought Pearl once again, and I'm excited to start a travel journey from scratch. So enjoy the travels as I cross Sinnoh revealing the mysterious of the region and catching every POKeMON in the known POKeDEX

Current Team

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Level 8
Hardy nature
Pound, Growl, Bubble

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Level 8
Serious nature
Tackle, Growl

So to start my journey I began watching TV. The show was a documentary of the shiny GYARADOS that made an appearance in GSC and SSHG. Interested I leave down stairs and my mother tells me Ben was looking for me. I leave the home, but not before mom tells me not to walk in the grass without protection (ie. Another POKeMON)

Like a good child, I say "okay" but later do the exact opposite. My little town of Twinleaf is a basic, standard town, looking very familiar to PALLET TOWN. I head to Ben's house and knock, before I can even do that though. Ben bursts through the door, bumps into me, and claims that if I don't meet him outside of town in a short span of time, I owe him one-million PokeDollars(?*).

With that said I follow Ben out of town and he offers that we go to Verity Lake and try to find a shiny POKeMON of our own. I lead the party to the Verity Lake and we see an old guy and hot girl speaking about something. As they finish talking they part Ben and I and pass us.

Little did they know, they forgot their briefcase. As we approach it, two wild STARLY's fly at us. With quick thinking we open the briefcase and find 3 POKeBALLS inside, I take the one to the farthest left and throw it at the ground. It opens and reveals a bright blue penguin-POKeMON.

After several basic attacks, I down'd the STARLY. Ben did the same. As we finished our first battles, the female from earlier re appears, astounded we had used the POKeMON within the case, she takes the remaining POKeMON and its briefcase and disappears.

Ben claims he needs more time with his POKeMON and we leave the Lake. As we leave we are confronted by the old man from earlier. He gives us a stern stare and scowl and simply leaves, the female as well...

We return home and I explain to mom the situation and she asks me to go to the nieghboring town of Sandgem and meet with the old man who, as it turns out, is famous POKeMON Professor known as Rowan.

After receiving some good running shoes I depart my home for Sandgem town to the east. When I arrive I am stopped by the female from earlier who introduces herself as Dawn.

She leads me to the lab in town and introduces me formally to Professor Rowan who turns out not to be a bad guy. He tells me to keep the PIPLUP and gives me a POKeDEX, asking me to find record of every species in Sinnoh. Naturally I agree. Dawn, and her narcissistic like attitude informs me that she'll show me around, because evidently I'm too much of an idiot to find out about it on my own.

She then asks me to go home and tell my mom that I'm leaving home. Which I do. After back tracking from Twinleaf to Sandgem again. I am again pestered by Dawn who feels I'm too stupid to know how to a catch a POKeMON. This being after I bought 5 POKeBALLS. >:[

After catching a BIDOOF she gives me 5 more POKeBALLS and sends me on my way. I catch a STARLY, BIDOOF and SHINX. BIDOOF and SHINX being placed in the box as collecting evidence.

After training my STARLY. I head north and beat several trainers between Jubilife and Sandgem and get into the town. I rest at a POKeCENTER and then saved and stopped playing.

Next Time? Going to find Ben at the Trainer School and deliver the parcel his mom gave me to deliver to him.

Current Team

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Level 10
Modest nature
Growl, Pursuit, Water Gun, Water Sport

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Level 15
Serious nature
Double-Team, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack

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Level 16
Adamant nature
Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Magnitude, Rock Polish

Before heading to the Trainers' School from the POKeCENTER I headed west from Jubilife picked up an OLD ROD and caught a MAGIKARP. I then went north and defeated all the Trainers. Catching a GEODUDE within in the cave.

I went back to Jubilife and the Trainers' School and found Ben at the blackboard reading up on his POKeMON Studies. Before speaking with him and delivering the Package his mother sent me to deliver to him, I spoke with two students in the corner. They both asked to challenge me to which I accepted both their challenges.

GEODUDE wasn't strong enough for their ABRA's with Hidden Power, so quick-switched to PIPLUP and allowed him to handle the male student. The female student the same situation occured but instead I switched to STARLY who OHKO'd the ABRA. After our victory I the male student offered me my first Technical Machine, Hidden Power. I gladly accepted the gift and moved on.

I went to speak with Ben and gave him his package, he opened it and inside were two Regional Maps, he gave me one and kept one for himself. He then bolted from the school.

I followed and was stopped by a snazzy looking gentlemen. Surprised I wasn't in possession of something called a POKETCH he issued a challenge that if I found 3 clowns in Jubilife City under his employment, answered their questions and brought back their coupons, he would give me a fabulous prize.

So I searched all of Jubilife and found all three clowns, answered their simple questions and returned to the POKETCH creator. After counting the coupons he handed me the POKETCH and left. I went out Jubilife's east exit and was stopped immediately by Ben, who had been waiting for me. He challenged me to POKeMON Battle and I accepted. I sent out GEODUDE first and Rock Threw his pathetic STARLY, then came his TURTWIG. I used STARLY and one Wing Attack put that TURTWIG out of it's misery. Defeated, Ben headed further east to Oreburgh City.

Battling all the trainers on the route east of Jubilife, I caught an ABRA and KRIKETOT, I then continued east until I entered a cave, a Hiker within gave me a mysterious HM and said I would only be able to use it after I defeated the Oreburgh GYM LEADER.

I entered Oreburgh where a local trainer showed me to the GYM, where Ben had already defeated the leader and informed me that he was in the mine south of the city. After speaking with everyone in town, I headed south into the mine. While inside I caught a ZUBAT and ONIX, spoke with LEADER who as it turned out was Roark. I followed him out of the mine and into his GYM. I then beat his two CGT (Certified Gym Trainers) and proceeded to challenge Roark, the battle was close where PIPLUP easily defeated his GEODUDE and ONIX, but almost lost all his health to his Jurassic POKeMON. After beating him, PIPLUP evolved into PRINPLUP, after that I received his signature TM and badge and headed back through the cave west of Oreburge in the direction of Jubilife.

When I returned I found Dawn and Rowan in a altercation with two well dressed astronauts. When I intervened it would turn out that Dawn had lost her POKeDEX to them. Teaming up with Dawn and her CHIMCHAR we easily wiped away their POKeMON and received the DEX back and more of Rowan's respect. After they both left, a man approached me and gave me a fashion case, for some reason... :/ I then continued to head north with my ROCK SMASH HM and broke a path to the next route through some rugged rocks.

When I exited, I battled a few trainers and entered Floroma Town. While there I did a little shopping found out that more of the astronauts were hanging around, and picked some berries. I then headed east and a young girl told me her father was being held hostage at the mill. I rushed to the scene but was stopped by a wild BUIZEL. I caught, it's nature was okay and I did a little research on it's base stats and decided to replace it with my PRINPLUP. I returned to the Oreburge mine and am now in the process of training the female BUIZEL.
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Decided to play SoulSilver once more.

Chose Totodile and named it Shaymoose. I went and made my way to Mr. pokemons house and got the pokedex. I beat the unknown boy and 'found out' his name was Nick. I caught a bunch of pokemon for the pokedex and got to Violet City. I went and found myself a Mareep that I called Zeus. Then I went up Sprout Tower and beat Falkner.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

TOTODILE [Shaymoose] Lv13 (M)
Serious Nature @None

-Water Gun
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

MAREEP [Zeus] Lv13 (M)
Quiet Nature @None

Tim versus Sinnoh Chapter 2

Current Team

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Level 15
Quite nature
Absorb, Growth, Mega Drain, Stun Spore

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Level 14
Modest nature
Growl, Pursuit, Water Gun, Water Sport

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Level 16
Serious nature
Double-Team, Growl, Quick Attack and Wing Attack

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Level 17
Adamant nature
Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Magnitude, Rock Polish

The next morning...

After sleeping in the Oreburge mine, I proceeded to train my BUIZEL. When she was strong enough we left and headed back west to continue the journey. Noticing the sun shining brightly, I thought it the opportune moment to catch a BUDEW. After searching for quite some time north of Jubilife I found on, caught and it's nature was satisfactory.

I returned to the Oreburge mine to train it against GEODUDEs. When it was strong enough I again returned to the quest at hand.

I headed north to Floroma Town and checked the berries I had planted yesterday. They were all in bloom, but not quite finished growing. I watered them and then headed north of Floroma. I saw two of those astronaut guys robbing a poor man.

I intervened and they both challenged me; not at the same time. Their POKeMON were quickly swept away by the combined forces of my BUDEW and BUIZEL.

When they left, the man noticed that they had dropped the Windworks Key, he gave it to me as well as a jar of honey.

I rushed to the Windworks to aid the little girl. After exploring the area, I found a PACHIRISU and returned to the mission.

I battled the astronaut guarding the Mill's door and he assumed I had not yet found the key, so he locked himself inside. Little did he know I had already taken care of his cohorts in the meadow.

I opened the door to the Windworks and he bolted. Following close behind I battled two more of those astronauts guys.

And went into the back room of the windworks. There I a young lady with bright red hair stared at me. I noticed the little girls father trapped behind a desk.

She challenged me with her ZUBAT and PURUGLY.

I quickly switched BUDEW with BUIZEL as BUDEW Special skills were not doing enough damage. (Need to get Cut for him) Her ZUBAT Toxic'd my BUIZEL but I was able to KO the ZUBAT and gain the experience before my BUIZEL fainted from the poison. I switched with GEODUDE and the lady switched to PURUGLY. With several super-effective Rock Smash's her Dark-type PURUGLY fainted.

The lady told me her name was Mars and she, as well as all the astronauts were called Team Galactic; and they had bigger fish to fry. In a poof of smoke they all vanished.

The girls father thanked me and the little girl returned to her father.

Before I left the man told me that a "baloon POKeMON" would return... I'll have to check that out later.

After finishing this side mission I returned to Floroma and did a little shoping with the prize money earned from all of the Galactic bouts.

I then checked the berries (still not done) and proceeded north of the route between Floroma and The Mill.

Looking for any new POKeMON in a patch of grass I came in contact with a SHELLOS. I caught after Paralyzing it with my BUDEW. I then proceeded further north and battled a lass with a PACHIRISU, my BUDEW and it's Mega Drain were more then enough. That's when I saved and rested.


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Level 19
Quite nature
Cut, Growth, Mega Drain, Stun Spore

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Level 19
Modest nature
Growl, Pursuit, Water Gun, Water Sport

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Level 22
Serious nature
Double-Team, Endeavor, Quick Attack and Wing Attack

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Level 19
Adamant nature
Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Magnitude, Rock Polish

Later that day...

I got up and continued north, battling all the trainers on the road between there and Eterna Forest.

When I reached Eterna Forest a young female trainer asked if I would join her in exiting the maze of this forest. So together we battled every trainer in the forest, while I was lucky enough to capture a BUNEARY. When we reached the exited the forest, the ***** left with out so much as a reward. I don't mean to be stingy, but her CHANSEY did more then harm then good.

When I left the forest, I battled a bunch of fishers on a wooden bridge and finally entered Eterna City. As always I first explored the entirety of the city. Noting a ominous building in the most northern part of the town. As I went to the outskirts of the town I saw a statue... the plaque that described it was faded but apparently some mytical POKeMON named PALKIA drifts in space between this world and the next.

I also met some emo girl by the name of Cynthia, I can tell you I already don't like her. Despite her kindness in giving me a new HM.

After exploring the city and it surrounding area I headed to the GYM and took on all the CGTs in a forest maze in the facility. After beating all the hidden trainers I confronted the LEADER Gardenia. The battle was quick and painless. I wiped out her entire team, including her ROSERAID with my STARAVIA. She gave me the Forest Badge for my victory and a new TM. When I left, I cut the trees blocking the entrance into that humongous building from earlier. I entered and found out it was the head quarters for Team Galactic.

When battling some goons on the first, second and third floor I finally found another Galactic Head, Jupiter, holding the Rad Rickshaw's BUNEARY hostage.

I battled her and she was lucky enough to defeat my BUIZEL where my GEODUDE sweeped the rest of her team into the dustpan. Again, the cowardice Team Galactic fled. Saying they had a boss who was looking to the stars not the planet we live on before vanishing.

Rad, grateful for me saving him gave me a special bike.

To polish off the night I went to a Master Spelunker and received an UNDERGROUND KIT. He issued me a challenge and I completed everyone of them flawlessly. Finally I had my own KIT and I did some "after school" digging and found a YELLOW SHARD and an EVERSTONE. After reemerging from the ground I saved and rested once again.

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Level 26
Quite nature
Cut, Flash, Mega Drain, Stun Spore

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Level 28
Modest nature
Crunch, Aqua Jet, Water Gun, Water Sport

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STARAVIA ♂ (Sky Plate)
Level 30
Serious nature
Double-Team, Endeavor, Quick Attack and Aerial Ace

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Level 27
Adamant nature
Rock Smash, Magnitude, Rock Throw, Rock Polish

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MEDITITE ♂ (Fist Plate)
Level 27
Quirky nature
Confusion, Calm Mind, Drain Punch, Rock Smash

Tim versus Sinnoh Chapter 3

From Eterna City I sped with my bike west into Mt. Coronet, only to be blocked off my impassible boulders, while searching the grass path before Mt. Coronet I captured a BONSLY, GASTLY and MEDITITE; the MEDITITE I kept as it's stats were good and its nature was beneficial. I then proceeded back to Eterna City and headed south to the Bicycle Road where, at the check point, I received an EXP Share.

From the Cycle Road I noticed a cave and decided that when I reached the end of the road I would enter there.

When I reached the end of the road I cut a path through some feeble trees and traversed under the Bridge.

Battling several trainers I eventually made it to the caves entrance. I entered and used Flash with BUDEW. It lit the caves innards and I navigated through with trouble. A natural maze, I lost track of my location and was being constantly bombarded by BRONZORS, the bane of my existence.

My POKeMON could not keep battling them as every two-and-a-half steps I would encounter one. I used my BUIZEL thinking it would evolve at level 21, little did I know, FLOATZEL would not appear until 26.

I had to leave the cave twice to heal up and come back. On the third excursion into the cave I finally found a path I had not tread yet and found a young girl in the darkest part of the cave. Scared, she asked me to lead her out while healing my POKeMON when needed.

To my surprise she was actually a very capable POKeMON Handler; althoug her KADABRA wasn't nearly as strong as my league of POKeMON it was still impressive how the she handled it.

Back tracking I finally made it out of the cave and the little girl darted off.

After rescuing the little girl, by the name of Mira, I returned back to the quest at hand, cutting across Mt. Coronet I encountered a man with tall, blue hair. Speaking in an astronomical way he left me with a cryptic message. I continued on from there.

On the other side of Coronet, I battled several trainers and entered Hearthrome City, a stray BUNEARY ran into me and a young lady caught it, claiming it to be hers, she then thanked me and left, while exploring a man from Hoenn lead me to a place called the contest hall. Where the local GYM LEADER Fantina laughed at me saying I wasn't strong enough to challenge her yet.

Annoyed, I headed inside the contest call and much to my shock I saw my mother who was speaking with the lady that owned the BUNEARY.

Mother decided to take a vacation apparently and said that contest hall was a place that brought her joy in her younger years. She insisted I play-part in a contest and gave me a tuxedo. I laughed and left the contest hall almost immediately left Hearthrome. I was stopped by a Hiker offering a mysterious egg. Curious of it's contents I took it without hesitation and continued on my way.

Now heading east of Hearthrome I battled several trainers while accessing a stone panel with an ODD KEYSTONE I got back before I went into Hearthrome.

A click was heard and I continued forward, seeing a large tower up ahead I entered and its musty smell and dank insides me uneasy. I took the stair case up and traversed 3 floors battling ghost POKeMON galore.

When I reached the top of the tower. I was given a CLEANSE SEAL and another HM by an elderly couple paying their respects to the tower's fallen.

I rushed down the tower and exited, heading north from there...

I don't remember the town's name but the next one Solecian* was a small town with a road that split it in half. I explored the entire town and the outskirts finding a mysterious cave. Inside on the wall there was a strange language that I could vaguely make out. I followed it's instructions and happened upon a room with a treasure, seals, plates and a nugget.

I exited the cave with an Escape Rope and continued heading north. While on the ROUTE above Solecian* Town. I used my EXPLORER KIT and entered the Underground. Digging some areas I was lucky enough to find a WATER STONE and a DAMP STONE, which I'll use when I teach my FLOATZEL Rainy Day.

I exited the ground and continued. After passing every trainer in the area, I was met with a group of PSYDUCKs blocking the path to the north, they we're not inclined to move.

I instead headed east into ROUTE 215, I think. Where suddenly a torrential downpour began. Running as fast as I could to get out of the rain, I battled trainers until I reached Veilstone.

Veilstone I explored from top to bottom including the Dept. Store. I also went into the game corner and did some under age gambling. I won over 1,000 Coins and left.

Then I went to the GYM, bumped into Dawn who made an awful pun and left. Putting my STARAVIA before everyone else, he alone battled on the CGTs and when we came to Mayline, was it? He began the real fight. The battle was intense, her MEDITITE and MACHOKE were no trouble, her LUCARIO, a rather rare POKeMON, was another story.

4 of my 5 useable POKeMON were defeated while lowering her LUCARIO's HP, when BUDEW was the last one standing, I sacrificed her to use a REVIVE on my FLOATZEL, the fastest of my POKeMON, with a first-strike of the final round, I took out the last remaining centimetre of LUCARIO's health and took the match. Receiving the COBBLE BADGE, I left with Drain Punch TM and equipped it to my MEDITITE.

That's where I saved.
Hikari's Platinum Adventure

Since my last post, I beat Roark and earned my Coal Badge.

I have now reached Floaroma Town.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Psyduck "Drizelle" ♀ Lv13
Bold nature
Good perseverance
- Water Gun
- Water Sport
- Scratch
- Tail Whip

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Staravia "Korra" ♀ Lv15
Rash nature
Somewhat vain
- Tackle
- Double Team
- Quick Attack
- Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Monferno "Ichiru" ♂ Lv16
Rash nature
Somewhat vain
- Mach Punch
- Leer
- Ember
- Taunt

Put this guy back into my team for HM Slave purposes:

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Bidoof "Nutty" ♂ Lv4
Hasty nature
Likes to thrash about
- Tackle
- Rock Smash

I plan on evolving him into a Bibarel sometime so he can be my HM Slave.
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Level 32
Quiet nature
Cut, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Stun Spore

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Level 30
Modest nature
Crunch, Ice Fang, Water Gun, Water Sport

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STARAVIA ♂ (Sky Plate)
Level 31
Serious nature
Double-Team, Fly, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace

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MEDITITE ♂ (Fist Plate)
Level 30
Quirky nature
Confusion, Force Palm, Drain Punch, Rock Smash

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Level 31
Adamant nature
Rock Smash, Magnitude, Rock Throw, Rock Polish

Tim versus Sinnoh Chapter 4

Before the continuation of my journey, I met another bloke by the name of Tim (Me) from Johto, we traded across some POKeMON and he helped me acquire GRAVELER's evolution. I also showed me many POKeMON of Johto. After we sorted out all our POKeMON's final evolutions, he gifted me with an EEVEE, a elusive and hard to find POKeMON from a distant land of Kanto. I knew what to do.

I rushed to the warehouse where many Veilstone residents had told me that a Hidden Machine was in a warehouse at the norther-western corner of the town. I rushed there and bumped into a Dawn once more. She was being confronted by a couple of Galactic Grunts. I intercepted the altercation when Dawn had told me she had lost her POKeDEX... Idiot... So I double battled with her, showing off my skills we battled put and end to the grunts thievery. Once I returned her POKeDEX, she bolted. I entered the ware house and picked up the HM that would get me where I need to go much faster. My destination? Eterna Forest.

I quickly taught the HM's skill to my STARAVIA and we flew together back to Eterna City. I rushed to the entrance of the forest and found a mossy stone, I put an EXP Share on my EEVEE and battled a POKeMON. He leveled up 5 times. I then went to the stone and touched. An all consuming light engulfed my EEVEE, he soon evolved into the legendary and mysterious LEAFEON.

Later, I left the forest and ran some errands. Including showing Tim his EEVEE's mystical transformation. With his POKeDEX updated, he returned to Johto.

As I headed south from Veilstone, I wandered through the route below Veilstone and battled some trainers, at the very end of the road. My BUDEW finally evolved into a ROSELIA. Now to find a shiny stone. As I headed to the 3 way intersection between Pastoria and a mysterious city to the east... I entered a Cafe' and battled everyone inside, gaining some valuable experience. Following that I battled all the trainers between the Cafe' and Pastoria. Acquiring some important TM and Items on the way. As I entered Pastoria it was dusk. I explored by speaking with all the locals and visiting some shops. I noticed another Galactic employee mumbling to himself. I would see what he was up to later, after battling the towns Gym Leader

When one of the houses I entered turned out to be a Move Tutor, I clapped with excitement and handed over 3 heart scales and taught some moves to my POKeMON. The most helpful being Giga Drain for ROSELIA. When I left I headed to the Gym and entered, solving the puzzle of the Gym and beating the CGTs, I confronted Wake.

An interesting battle ensued when his first POKeMON was GYARADOS. I had to use FLOATZEL to weaken him and a vulnerable ROSELIA to finish him.

He then sent his FLOATZEL and ROSELIA OHKO'd him with one Giga Drain and the same happened to his third POKeMON whom I can't seem to remember right now.

After my victory, the Leader, Crasher Wake, bestowed to me the Fen Badge and a Brine TM. Following that I left the Gym and saved the game in the POKeCENTER. Tomorrow I will explore the Great Marsh and then head west...
Hikari's Platinum Adventure

Since my last post, I took on Team Galactic and Mars at the Valley Windworks and I am almost at the end of Eterna Forest.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Psyduck "Drizelle" ♀ Lv14
Bold nature
Good perseverance
- Water Gun
- Disable
- Scratch
- Tail Whip

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Staravia "Korra" ♀ Lv18
Rash nature
Somewhat vain
- Tackle
- Double Team
- Quick Attack
- Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Monferno "Ichiru" ♂ Lv20
Rash nature
Somewhat vain
- Mach Punch
- Flame Wheel
- Ember
- Taunt

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Bidoof "Nutty" ♂ Lv7
Hasty nature
Likes to thrash about
- Tackle
- Rock Smash
- Growl

I also caught this girl and trained her up to be my Grass-type attacker:

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Budew "Rosalie" ♀ Lv22
Hardy nature
Poison Point
Scatters things often
- Absorb
- Growth
- Mega Drain
- Stun Spore

Trying to evolve Rosalie but she's been having problems raising her happiness.
Started Playthrough of Platinum. Here is my current team after beating Roark.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

TURTWIG [Oak] Lv17 (M)
Sassy Nature @Quick Claw
-Razor Leaf

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

STARLY [Skye] Lv13 (F)
Calm Nature @None
-Double Team
-Quick Attack

-Wing Attack

So um, yeah, I breezed through Johto without even updating ;w;"

Basically, here's a recap how each gym turned out:


~ The Team ~

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Cindy - Female - Level 41 [Blaze] @ Choice Specs
-Lava Plume, Fire Blast, Swift and Sunny Day

Not gonna lie, I have no intentions on evolving Cindy. I've always wanted to have a little NFE team member and so I kept Cindy as a Quilava. Not to mention, she is much easier to draw as she is right now than in her evolved form. The reason for the Choice Specs + Sunny Day is because Choice Specs was a last minute addition and I knew I wasn't going to use Sunny Day. The one thing I will regret on not evolving Cindy is not because of Typhlosion's power, but because she can't learn Hyper Beam/Blast Burn/Solarbeam as a Quilava D:

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Pierce - Male - Level 38 [Keen Eye] @ Shell Bell
-Aerial Ace, Fly, Assurance and Mirror Move

It's usefulness is really declining. If it starts to be worse throughout Kanto, I will box it for Lugia (or search for a Skarmory). I mean, even Cindy does more work than Pierce and she's not even evolved! Oh well, Aerial Ace was very useful against the Double Teamers throughout the Elitte Four. I really wanted Mirror Move to hit Clair or Lance with that super effective dragon attack, but it never got the chance.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Alexis - Female - Level 41 [Natural Cure] @ Miracle Seed
-Petal Dance, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball and Leech Seed

A huge makover in her moveset since evolving. She is the special wall of my team (even though she doesn't look like it). Leech Seed is my prime stalling move as, no matter how much you Double Team, I'll be sapping your health! She even walled Lance's Fire Blast too!

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Tiffany - Female - Level 40 [Static] @ Zoom Lens
-Discharge, Thunder, Charge and Thunder Wave

I bet I'm the only person who has Charge by Lance. I mean, it's so useful. There's so many specially offensive Pokemon in the game, so that Charge really helps on surviving some big blows (Clair's Kingdra and Karen's Houndoom where a victim ofCharge set up). Charge also has the use of allowing you to be a psuedo Calm Mind, so you can KO things that would normaly put them into the Full Restore zone. Static is my best friend, as it allows me to beat any Physical attacker with a couple revives and some patience.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Digit - Male - Level 39 [Sand Veil] @ Quick Claw
-Dig, Rock Tomb, Strength, Stealth Rock

I traded in Stealth Rock from Platinum, if you were wondering. I got to go get Earthquake on this dude soon, now that I think about it. Anyways, this thing is such an amazing utility Pokemon. Dig for Leech Seed stalling, Rock Tomb to allow me to outspeed things with my more beefier Pokemon (Eliz, Alexis and Tiffany). Stealth Rock actually had more use than I thought it would, as that little damage is really helpful in boss battles, as remember, I tend to stall my way out until I get one free hit, then stall to get another opening to strike. So that little damage often leads me to a quicker KO.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Eliz - Neutral - Level 40 [Illuminate] @ Wide Lens
-Surf, Thunder, Blizzard and Recover

Yup, Illuminate. I didn't really want to spend time trying to find a Staryu with Natural Cure to be honest. Illuminate is pretty cool though, as it allows quicker grinding and the wild encounter increase doesn't really bother me, as I use Repels when not wanting to battle wild Pokemon anyways.

Anyways, on to Kanto so I can defeat Red and call this a sucessful run! That is, unless you guys think of any more challenges for me to do in this run (like beat all the Gym Leader rematches or get the Frontier Symbols?). So go on, give me ideas! :DD
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Level 34
Quiet nature
Cut, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Ingrain

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Level 34
Modest nature
Crunch, Ice Fang, Surf, Brine

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STARAPTOR ♂ (Sky Plate)
Level 35
Serious Nature
Quick Attack, Defog, Fly, Aerial Ace

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Level 35
Adamant nature
Earthquake, Rock Throw, Rock Polish

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MEDITITE ♂ (Fist Plate)
Level 34
Quirky nature
Confusion, Force Palm, Drain Punch, Rock Smash

Tim versus Sinnoh Chapter 5

The next day, I awoke early and headed to the Galactic Grunt who had been standing there since yesterday. When I approached him, he was talking about a new world and universe. He caught me in his peripheral and told me he was just thinking aloud, threatening me he told me not to follow him. Like a good boy, I did the exact opposite. I chased him all the way back to a lake to the South of Veilstone. When he stopped he finally battled me. I easily knocked out his GLAMEOW with my MEDITITE's Force Palm. Annoyed, he ran off. I then met Cynthia, asking me if I knew about the PSYDUCK herd, blocking the route next to the cafe. I nodded and she gave me a medicine that would cause their headaches to go away.

I flew back to Pastoria and took the west exit through the Swamps to collect some easy experience when I cut my back to Solecian town, I biked from there to the root where the PSYDUCKs were. I gave them the medicine and they dispersed, Cynthia showed up again and gave me an Old Charm, belonging to her grandma and asked to deliver it to her in Celestic Town, I agreed to run the errand..

As I traveled north from there, I beat a mysterious ninja trio. And continued on, catching some POKeMON I didn't have along the way.

As I went further north a thick fog rolled in, making my way to Celestic Town, impassible. A rogue Black Belt informed me of a POKeMON technique called "Defog". Without the first clue where to find it. I used the Internet on my POKeTCH :3 and learned that within the Great Marsh a man would give it to me.

So I flew back to Pastoria once again and payed 500 to get into the Marsh to speak with the man, he told me he had no use for it and gave me the HM Defog. I taught it to my STARAVIA and flew back to Solecian Town, the closest route to Celestic town. Now with STARAVIA knowing Defog I entered the fog and STARAVIA, flapped its wings and the fog faded, I then continued the path and battled several tough trainers and eventually came into Celestic Town, after speaking with everyone I noticed a Galactic thug standing in front of a cave in the center of the town.

An old lady informed me that this Grunt was attempting to detonate a bomb. I rushed to scene and battled the idiot.

Beating him rather easily, he scurried off. The old lady thanked me and I found out that this lady was Cynthia's grandmother, I gave her the old charm and she allowed me into the sacred cave.

As I entered the cave damp cold air hit hard, I entered further in and found a weird warmth and came to some etchings. 3 beings surrounding a shining orb in the wall... What did it mean?

Cynthia's grandma showed her self again, explaining to me the legend. She gave me the Surf HM as thanks for sending the Grunt off and returning the Charm.

I left and encountered the man with spikey blue hair, the one I met in Coronet . Telling me not to interfere any more it was clear that he was the leader of Team Galactic... Much to my surprise. He left and Cynthia's grandmother told me I should go research this legend further at the Canalave Library. So I flew to Hearthrome and finally challenged Fantina, she battled well but succumbed to my strength. Winning her badge, respect and TM. I now had the ability to use Surf freely and I flew to Jubilife City once again and headed west from the Secluded Fishing Spot as I called it. I hopped on FLOATZEL and he ferried me across the small strait and I battled several trainers and entered Canalave. There, I met the move tutor who rid GOLEM of any memory of using Rock Smash. That... is where I saved. Next time I intend to battle the Canalave Gym Leader...
Caught Lugia now and have been tackling the Elite Four as well as doing things like Pokéathlon to keep me entertained. I can take out a couple of Lance's pokémon but I need to keep training :)
So I continued along to Azalea Town, having not to get rock types from Union Cave was nice, since I had both Onix and Geodude already. Zeus evolved into Flaffy early on in the beginning. Shaymoose evolved somewhere in Azalea Town/Slowpoke Well.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

CROCONAW [Shaymoose] Lv20 (M)
Serious Nature @Shell Bell
-Rock Tomb
-Water Gun
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

FLAFFY [Zeus] Lv20 (M)
Quiet Nature @None
-Cotton Spore
-Thunder Wave
Tim versus Sinnoh Chapter 6

So lots of stuff happened so I'm going to super-summerize to the point I am now...

Main Events
- Defeated Team Galactic
- Caught Palkia
- Beat Byron and Ice-Queen
- And now I'm en route to Electric-Town!

Notable News
- MEDITITE Evolved
- Evolved ROSELIA with a Shiny Stone found on Iron Island


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ROSERADE ♀ (Big Root)
Level 43
Quiet nature
Cut, Giga Drain, Petal Dance, Aromatherapy

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Level 43
Modest nature
Crunch, Ice Fang, Surf, Brine

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STARAPTOR ♂ (Sky Plate)
Level 43
Serious nature
Defog, Quick Attack, Fly, Aerial Ace

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GOLEM ♂ (Soft Sand)
Level 43
Adamant nature
Earthquake, Rock Slide, Rock Climb, Strength

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MEDICHAM ♂ (Fist Plate)
Level 43
Quirky nature
Confusion, Psychic, Drain Punch, Rock Smash

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Level 43
Serious nature
Payback, Thief, Avalanche, Hail

I haven't posted here in FOREVER, probably for the fact that neither one of my ds's screens work now. But I get to borrow my aunt's friend's ds(: But, before my ds messed up, I beat Cynthia on Platinum. and then I was just playing around in the Battle area with my Jolteon && Houndoom(my two favorite pokemon(: ) and on HG I think I had just beaten bugsy.
Haven't played in forever. Started over in Heart Gold awhile ago. Just obtained my third badge and caught Sudowoodo. Currently have 24 pokemon caught.

My team so far:

Hardy Nature
-Quick Attack

Brave Nature
-Fury Swipe
-Defense Curl
-Quick Attack

Brave Nature
-Defense Curl
-Sand Attack
-Rock Smash

Mild Nature
-Sleep Powder
-Bullet Seed

Brave Nature
-Quick Attack

Sassy Nature
-Thunder Wave
I started Pokemon Pearl a week ago.
I choose Chimchar as my starter.. easily pass all the areas and caught all the possibly pokemons on them, until i stopped now on Eterna city (defeated Team Galaxy and Gym leader). Now im on the way to Hearthome City asap :)

My team:
- Golbat lvl27
- Staravia lvl18
- Luxio lvl19
- Monferno lvl20
- Kadabra lvl21
- Bibarel lvl 20

In my PC:
Box 1 22/30
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I currently am running through Soul Silver again. This is kind of late, since I already have all 16 badges and my team is almost complete. I actually plan on challenging Red before the Elite Four with my level 55-60 team. (Note: Easier on the eyes if you have the option to show BB coding, since the little notes I put around about stuff like item/move choices are sized down)

Level 55 Golem (Leftovers) <- Nothing better for it really...
Stone Edge
Rock Climb (temp, want my full team for the fight)
Stealth Rock

Level 55 Feraligatr (Choice Scarf)
Ice Fang

Level 55 Honchkrow (Scope Lens) Super Luck
Fly (convenience... even if I delete it, it'll be replaced with a heart scale, which is a hassle or a TM, which'll get replaced by Fly after the fight.)
Night Slash
Sucker Punch (Honchkrow needs a priority move because she's not very fast and the most fragile member of my team)

Level 55 Flareon (Charcoal)
Fire Fang
Fire Blast
Sunny Day
Iron Tail

Level 57 Jolteon (Magnet/Wise Glasses) <- Nothing better...
Thunder Wave
Rain Dance (Gimmicky, I usually don't use weather moves for my eeveelutions, but I thought it'd be interesting.)
Shadow Ball

Level 57 Scizor (Muscle Band) Technician
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance

Feraligatr is actually really fast with the Choice Scarf. Not sure if it'll matter against level 80s, though... I have some weak members of my team in Golem and Flareon, but they provide some necessary coverage. Flareon just has a really shallow movepool. Jolteon already has 188 speed, but I'm still unsure whether it'll outspeed some of his pokes. I'm counting on it that it will, so it can paralyze everything he sends out to make it easier to kill them.

I'm going to make one run through of Mt Silver to get the items and such, and then I'll fight Red.

Edit: Okay, moment of truth. IMMA FIGHT YOU RED GET READY

Will report results on first attempt.

Update: WOW THAT COULD NOT HAVE GONE WORSE. His Pikachu just one-shotted me with Iron Tail. A freaking Pikachu, regardless of level difference, just one-shotted my Golem. WHAT. Swapped out the Leftovers for a Babiri Berry, see how this goes.

Update 2: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA SUCK IT RED. I just beat you with a team of pokemon 30 levels under you, without the perfect IVs. I only used like a million items, but (actually 17, I counted) still, I BEAT YOU. HAH. The Elite Four is actually going to end up being more difficult, but I'm not going to grind to challenge it, since I have an ongoing Pokemon White playthrough and I'm considering getting a cap card so I can put a battle up on Youtube of me beating him with underleveled pokes. Why? Because I can.
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