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6th Gen 6th Gen Friend Code Sharing Thread (Including Friend Safari)

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  • 12,284
    • Seen Oct 22, 2023
    6th Gen Friend Code Sharing Thread
    Grab your Friend Code (found in 3DS Home, at the top center, click on the orange smilie face icon) and exchange them with other members to make use of X/Y's Friend Safari and O-Power features, as well as play with other people who have Pokemon X&Y and/or Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire.

    This thread is now for exchanging 3DS Friend Codes for both X/Y and ORAS. This thread is NOT for sharing Super Secret Base QR codes. There is a stickied thread for that in the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire section here. If you are here for Friend Safari purposes, please read the information below.

    *You should actively seek out folks and politely send them a private/visitor message. Make use of this thread to fill up that Safari list!

    *Note that you can only have 100 friends on your 3DS. What you can do to not reach your limit is add each other, you check what's in the safari, and have the other person delete you. Provided that you do not delete them too, you will still have their cool safari. This should work and save on space.

    — Remember that actual trading belongs in the Trade Corner section.
    Click here to join the live trading chatroom.

    — Remember that actual battling belongs in the Quick Battle thread of the Battling and Team-Building section. Click here to join the live battling server chatroom.

    — You're freely allowed to submit your Friend Code here, but please note that they won't be listed in the main post.

    Thanks to TwlightBlade for CSS and creation of the old Friend Safari form, and Guy for writing the original FC Sharing thread.​
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    I like how the colors for each type are displayed.

    Anyway, my FC is 0619 4289 2312, although my Safari is utter garbage: Bug with Combee, Illumise and Vivillon. Although that last one might be alright for those looking for one.
    Hey there. I like how the new FC share is right now.
    Anyway, everyone can add me and if you do please make sure to PM me, I don't know what is my type so if you can, when you add me please PM me saying what's my type and pokemons you can find there. Thank you :)
    FC: 4270- 1807 - 4469
    Hey there. I like how the new FC share is right now.
    Anyway, everyone can add me and if you do please make sure to PM me, I don't know what is my type so if you can, when you add me please PM me saying what's my type and pokemons you can find there. Thank you :)
    FC: 4270- 1807 - 4469
    Just Now Added You Here's My FC 1203 9710 1236
    I like how the colors for each type are displayed.

    Anyway, my FC is 0619 4289 2312, although my Safari is utter garbage: Bug with Combee, Illumise and Vivillon. Although that last one might be alright for those looking for one.
    I'm interested in Vivillon My FC is 2509 0888 8896 I don't know what's in my Friend Safari, but you can help me find out.

    What region pattern are your Vilvillons?
    My friend code is 3969-5185-3259 and I have Dark type safari with Vullaby, Cacturne and Liepard. Looking for Electro type one with Luxio.
    Whoever has a ditto in their safari please add me and I have steel type
    3625-9918-4642 thanks
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    My frend code is 3050 - 8074 - 0515 I have ice type pokemon :3
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    Hello everybody! :D

    I don't know wich safary type I got (I hope somebody could help me with that :P)

    Please send me a PM when added, so I can add you back n_n.

    See ya! :D
    Looking to expand safari. Pm when added, thanks :)
    I would like to expand my safari as well with interesting new types. I know my safari is electric and has a zebstrika, but that is all I know. My friend code is in my sig. Pm me if you added me.
    If you want to add me feel free and just send me a message so i can add you back
    I have a Butterfree, Beautifly and Pinsir Safari.

    I'm specifically looking for a Ditto Safari but I'll add anybody since I just want a little variety and I can't really afford to be picky when I have a Bug Safari.
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    My FC is 2595-2031-2323 Send me a PM with yours and i'll add you when i get off work! If you can let me know my safari info i'd love to know! new player! I need active players with fire safari!!!!!!
    Hi. Im new to this forum and would love to add some friends to my 3ds. I dont know what safari I have but would love to know. I have added everybody that has commented on this thread so far. I will try to pm all that asked for it but please everyone feel free to add me! :-) I would also like to trade with friends.

    My name is Vegas Bull and my friend code is 1607-3618-6719
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