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Accessibility for the blind (speech to text)

  • 115
    • Seen May 17, 2023
    Accessibility script

    This script turns text in the game to speech using a text-to-speech program called eSpeak.

    Download the demo

    - When first running the game (during title screen), eSpeak is auto-installed.
    - You can set the text-to-speech ON/OFF
    - you can control the volume, pitch, speed and choose between 5 male voices and 5 female voices.
    - Speaks out all text in game, including menu options (yes/no etc)

    wasn't tested in pokemon Essentials.
    windows only.

    How to install:
    I recommend making one version of your game accessible- release your game with and without this script.*
    otherwise, you'll have to set it on/off , when starting a new game.
    The demo shows how to use an event to set it on/off, change volume, voice, etc.

    1) Add this script in a new page above Main:

    2) Copy these files from the demo to your game folder:
    - eSpeak install file
    - espeak.exe

    * if you add text asking the player whether to set accessibility ON, blind people won't see it.
    You can also turn it on/off using a script : TTS.is_on = true / false

    Known bugs:
    - sentences may "overlap", when the player spams the A button. you can raise the speed to fix it.
    - after installing eSpeak, you must restart the game (being fixed)
    Last edited:
    I'm working on this for pokémon essentials, so far I've done:
    • Pokégear
    • Pause Menu
    • pbMessage and all the things for battle text.
    Currently working on the battle system
    #Not Important, can we combine our scripts?
    do you mind showing me what you've got?
    #Not Important, can we combine our scripts?
    do you mind showing me what you've got?

    I've mostly been doing edits to pokemon essentials, so I don't have anything too fancy, like queues just speaking and the global boolean to have it on/off. I have the installed check, but I'm focusing on more pokemon-style things, like the battle scene. If you still want my script, I can pm you on discord.
    Hi. I wonder that to, as always, amazing work!
    I am just amazed that people do this vvoluntarily, it's just amazing.
    Even if ther's no new info, I am just glad that people still works on this.
    Hi. I just found this topic. Is this still being worked on?
    Accessibility is becoming more and more important and I would really love to play fangames and actually read the text lol.
    I am planning to use this script, and develop it to make it more useable for Devs in Essentials.
    I will credit silver-wind and link to this forum post