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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I'll just leave one question here...

Who is your favorite Electric-type specialist?

Elesa. She's beautiful (especially in the sequels), and her gym is just so fascinating.

Eelektross and Zebstrika also need Megas.
pikachu is the best yo
dang right it is
Everybody knows that bro.
U're absolutely right guys, no doubt about it.

Just one thing Cpmartin, before u can Post on Club Threads, u need to Join the Club. There's a little form on the First Post, so just fill that out & u'll be good to go :)

Name: Ghost
Favourite Electric Type Pokémon: Come on! It's Charjabug.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunder Wave and Nuzzle.
Why do you like Electric Type Pokémon?: Because they're...shocking. (ba-dum-tss) I used to dislike the type, but I'm having second thoughts now.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Magnemite!

Answering a current discussion, see "Favorite Electric-type Pokémon".
Hey Ghost, welcome to the Club bro {:3}. There are a couple of discussions on right now, feel free to share ur views. And there's an Event going on as well, do take part in that too. Got anything to share regarding previous discussions (check out the OP, for all details), u are welcome to share ur thoughts. And, if u have any queries regarding the Club, u know where to find me :P.

Previous Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

My teams in the games usually consist of Pokemon that I feel are strongest & will help me win plus the ones that are my favorite in the region. I don't intentionally put Electric-type Pokemon there but they sometimes end up in my list if they fit the criteria mentioned above.
I always have Electric-Types in my team, to take care of the huge number of Water & Flying Types. Pikachu always forms the core of my team, while I have the others revolve around him. Sometimes I even go with two Electric-types, if I feel like.

Well, in Platinum, I have a Luxray as one of my best Pokémon so far. My brother's Black also has a Luxray.
In my diamond, I also have a luxray. And in white of course Zekrom, my favourite.
I also had Luxray til the end of Pokemon Glazed & it was amazing. Luxray is one of the coolest Electric types & totally deserves a Mega Evolution.
Im finally using Luxray in Platinum, and...its 3 levels higher than some of the others... Its so strong and amazing. :')
Luxray is one my favourites as well & so is Zekrom. Maybe give Luxray an Alolan Form & make it an Electric/Dark Type.

Here's another previous topic:
Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
Here are some Electric-type Mega Evolutions that I found:

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Source: https://phatmon.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Electivire-445612466

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Source: https://thenornonthego.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Pachirisu-396411944
And those are really great find Espeonica. But Mega Pachirisu a little bit weird. ;-D
Good finds there Monica {:3}.

Good job Field Marshal... Can I be Ocean Marshal? :p
Congrats Field Marshal LegendChu!
Thnx a lot girls. U can be anything u want Flare, difficult to say no to u :P.

Yeah, Im curious to see how it goes with the alola Raichu.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I thing that will be good with alolan raichu. I'm also excited about it.;-D
Yep, I want to see if they are actually going to give Pikachu an Alolan Form, or stay with just Raichu.

I'll just leave one question here...

Who is your favorite Electric-type specialist?

Elesa. She's beautiful (especially in the sequels), and her gym is just so fascinating.

Eelektross and Zebstrika also need Megas.
This can be a new Discussion Topic, will add that {:3}.

Current Discussions:-

Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Will/Should Pikachu & Pichu also get Alola Forms?
Who is your favorite Electric-type specialist?

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Pika Pika :chu:
GENDER - Female
ELITE FOUR MEMBER DESCRIPITION (optional) - A philosophical woman, she believes that battles only play a small part in strengthening Pokémon.

Physically, she wears a dress similar to the ones worn in Tudor England; she also has yellow hair wrapped in a bun.
REGION - Johto
POKEMON USED (1st Battle):
Pikachu, Lv. 27
Flaaffy Lv. 29
Electabuzz Lv. 30
POKEMON USED (2nd Battle):
Raichu Lv. 63
Ampharos Lv. 64
Electivire Lv. 66
Magnezone Lv. 65
Manectric Lv. 65
Zebstrika Lv. 65
Wow, I can see that a lot of Club Members merit a rise in the Rankings ^^.

GENDER - Female
ELITE FOUR MEMBER DESCRIPITION (optional) - A philosophical woman, she believes that battles only play a small part in strengthening Pokémon.

Physically, she wears a dress similar to the ones worn in Tudor England; she also has yellow hair wrapped in a bun.
REGION - Johto
POKEMON USED (1st Battle):
Pikachu, Lv. 27
Flaaffy Lv. 29
Electabuzz Lv. 30
POKEMON USED (2nd Battle):
Raichu Lv. 63
Ampharos Lv. 64
Electivire Lv. 66
Magnezone Lv. 65
Manectric Lv. 65
Zebstrika Lv. 65
Hey Ghost, thanks a lot for participating in the Event, the only Club Member so far to do so. Gr8 job there.

And u also got ur first promotion on the Club. Congratulations Cadet Your Everday Ghost, u shall now be known as Lieutenant Your Everday Ghost :).

I agree Elesa is gorgeous but I also really like Volkner. He has a very interesting backstory.
Elesa is beautiful, that's enough isn't it ;). But ya, I agree, Volkner does have an interesting back story. And what u should agree with me on, is that u got another rise in the Rankings.

Congratulations Lieutenant Espeonica, u have been promoted & will now be referred to as Captain Espeonica. With that comes two special privileges, u can now Evolve/Change ur Starter & u can also choose another Partner, from the "Available Partners" list {<3}.

Who is your favorite Electric-type

I thing it's Clemont. ;-)
Ya, Clemont isn't bad either. But what is good for u, is that u have been promoted now.

Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan, Congratulations, I'm very pleased to inform u that u got a rise in the Rankings & will now be referred to as Major Imrul Quayes Adnan. You can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Wow, I can see that a lot of Club Members merit a rise in the Rankings ^^.

Elesa is beautiful, that's enough isn't it ;). But ya, I agree, Volkner does have an interesting back story. And what u should agree with me on, is that u got another rise in the Rankings.

Congratulations Lieutenant Espeonica, u have been promoted & will now be referred to as Captain Espeonica. With that comes two special privileges, u can now Evolve/Change ur Starter & u can also choose another Partner, from the "Available Partners" list {<3}.

YAY!!!! Thanks Field Marshall LegendChu!!! :D :D ^^

I would like to evolve my Mareep into Flaaffy
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
& I choose Shinx as my second partner
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
He shall be called Zeus
Will answer the discussion questions soon buy my favourite is Elesa :) She's literally queen of Unova. Nobody can actually deny that she was a huge part of why the games were so popular. Fanservice appeal!
Elite Four Challenge




Rayden hails from the Hoenn region. As a boy, he was struck by lightning and survived, an event that inspired his love for electric type Pokemon. He has dedicated his life to becoming an electric Pokemon master has spent the past decade training at the 'Power Plant' in the Kanto region with his life long partner Manectric, whom he met when he was just a young Electrike. He also aspires to be a role model to young Pokemon trainers and often sets out on journeys throughout the Kanto, Jhoto and Hoenn region to broaden his own horizons. His dream is to encounter the legendary Raikou whom he has been searching for years, catching a wide variety of electric type Pokemon in the process.


POKEMON USED (1st Battle)

Elekid Lv.28 (Ability: Static) Moves: Quick Attack, Light Screen, Swift, Thunder Punch
Lanturn Lv.42 (Ability:Volt Absorb) Moves: Water Gun, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Spark
Jolteon Lv.50 (Ability:Quick Feet) Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Double Kick, Pin Missile

POKEMON USED (2nd Battle)

Electrode Lv.55 (Ability: Soundproof) Moves: Explosion, Rollout, Sonic Boom, Spark
Electabuzz Lv.60 (Ability: Static) Moves: Thunder Punch, Light Screen, Swift, Thunder
Nosepass Lv.64 (Ability: Magnet Pull) Moves: Zap Cannon, Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Rest
Raichu Lv.66 (Ability: Static) Moves: Thunder, Agility, Body Slam, Iron Tail
Ampharos Lv.70 (Ability: Static) Moves: Thunder Punch, Light Screen, Thunder Bolt, Brick Break
Manectric Lv.75 (Ability:Lightning Rod) Moves: Thunder, Spark, Hyper Beam, Return
Rayden sounds like a top guy! The only problem with him being based in Hoenn is you already have Wattson. Did he work under him and how does that fit into his power plant at Mauville?
As a fellow Electric Pokemon Trainer, it is an honor for Rayden to have Wattson as an esteemed colleague however neither of them work under the supervision of another.

Power Plants are places of inspiration & thought-provoking solitude for Electric Pokemon trainers since they're surrounded by two of the most beloved aspects of their lives; electricity & electric type Pokemon. Rayden has found his safe haven in the power plant of Kanto Region, a place he discovered while he was on his journey.

How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?
Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Oricorio Pom-Pom style is funny and cute. ''It uses dancing to encourage Trainers who are feeling glum.'' I think that is awsome.
Togedemaru is also cute. It reminds me of sonic a little bit. {XD}

Who is your favorite Electric-type specialist?
Hmm, I still have alot anime to watch, so Surge is the only one I have seen. Also I havent played the games. BUT I looked wikipedia, and Volkner seemed interesting.
Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Oricorio Pom-Pom style is funny and cute. ''It uses dancing to encourage Trainers who are feeling glum.'' I think that is awsome.
Togedemaru is also cute. It reminds me of sonic a little bit. {XD}

I really love that about Pom Pom Style Oricorio as well! :D It would be amazing to have a Pokemon that can motivate the entire team & keep everyone in good spirits ^-^

Hmm, I still have alot anime to watch, so Surge is the only one I have seen.

Do you have a favorite Kanto Pokemon yet? (:
YAY!!!! Thanks Field Marshall LegendChu!!! :D :D ^^

I would like to evolve my Mareep into Flaaffy
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
& I choose Shinx as my second partner
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
He shall be called Zeus
Alright Captain Espeonica, has been done ^^.

Will answer the discussion questions soon buy my favourite is Elesa
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
She's literally queen of Unova. Nobody can actually deny that she was a huge part of why the games were so popular. Fanservice appeal!
Elesa is not just beautiful, but not an easy Gym Leader to beat either, especially with all her Pokemon knowing Volt Switch. And yep, she surely is one of the most, maybe the most popular Gym Leader of the Unova region :). And I have Elesa Emblem as well ;).

Elite Four Challenge




Rayden hails from the Hoenn region. As a boy, he was struck by lightning and survived, an event that inspired his love for electric type Pokemon. He has dedicated his life to becoming an electric Pokemon master has spent the past decade training at the 'Power Plant' in the Kanto region with his life long partner Manectric, whom he met when he was just a young Electrike. He also aspires to be a role model to young Pokemon trainers and often sets out on journeys throughout the Kanto, Jhoto and Hoenn region to broaden his own horizons. His dream is to encounter the legendary Raikou whom he has been searching for years, catching a wide variety of electric type Pokemon in the process.


POKEMON USED (1st Battle)

Elekid Lv.28 (Ability: Static) Moves: Quick Attack, Light Screen, Swift, Thunder Punch
Lanturn Lv.42 (Ability:Volt Absorb) Moves: Water Gun, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Spark
Jolteon Lv.50 (Ability:Quick Feet) Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Double Kick, Pin Missile

POKEMON USED (2nd Battle)

Electrode Lv.55 (Ability: Soundproof) Moves: Explosion, Rollout, Sonic Boom, Spark
Electabuzz Lv.60 (Ability: Static) Moves: Thunder Punch, Light Screen, Swift, Thunder
Nosepass Lv.64 (Ability: Magnet Pull) Moves: Zap Cannon, Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Rest
Raichu Lv.66 (Ability: Static) Moves: Thunder, Agility, Body Slam, Iron Tail
Ampharos Lv.70 (Ability: Static) Moves: Thunder Punch, Light Screen, Thunder Bolt, Brick Break
Manectric Lv.75 (Ability:Lightning Rod) Moves: Thunder, Spark, Hyper Beam, Return
Rayden sounds like a top guy! The only problem with him being based in Hoenn is you already have Wattson. Did he work under him and how does that fit into his power plant at Mauville?
As a fellow Electric Pokemon Trainer, it is an honor for Rayden to have Wattson as an esteemed colleague however neither of them work under the supervision of another.

Power Plants are places of inspiration & thought-provoking solitude for Electric Pokemon trainers since they're surrounded by two of the most beloved aspects of their lives; electricity & electric type Pokemon. Rayden has found his safe haven in the power plant of Kanto Region, a place he discovered while he was on his journey.
Hey, thnx a lot for participating in the Event Monica. I think this is the coolest entry so far {:3}.

I hope Rayden manages to catch Raikou, coz it was a real pain to catch (in FRLG) :P.

And ya, I don't see why one region cannot have two Gym Leaders specializing in the same Type. It has been suggested in the anime that there are more than 8 Gyms in a region, well at least in Kanto, coz remember, in the Episode "Battle of the Badge", Gary revealed that he had won 10 badges. So there might be more in other regions as well.

How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?
Technically they aren't, but maybe they should be. Will make another good discussion topic, added it :).

Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Oricorio Pom-Pom style is funny and cute. ''It uses dancing to encourage Trainers who are feeling glum.'' I think that is awsome.
Togedemaru is also cute. It reminds me of sonic a little bit. {XD}
I really love that about Pom Pom Style Oricorio as well! :D It would be amazing to have a Pokemon that can motivate the entire team & keep everyone in good spirits ^-^
Pom Pom Style Oricorio is without doubt the best of the four styles. Togedemaru is the best one though {:3}.

Who is your favorite Electric-type specialist?
Hmm, I still have alot anime to watch, so Surge is the only one I have seen. Also I havent played the games. BUT I looked wikipedia, and Volkner seemed interesting.
Coincident - u get a Lieutenant rank on this Club, when u have 5 Posts ;).

Ya, Lt. Surge is cool. And Electric Shock Showdown - Pikachu vs Raichu, classic battle, my all time fav.

Do you have a favorite Kanto Pokemon yet? (:
Yes its Pikachu, oh wait a minute, that question was meant for stormivy eh :P

Current Discussions:-

Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Will/Should Pikachu & Pichu also get Alola Forms?
Who is your favorite Electric-type specialist?
How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Pika Pika :chu:
Alright Captain Espeonica, has been done ^^.

Awesome, thank you! ^^

Hey, thnx a lot for participating in the Event Monica. I think this is the coolest entry so far {:3}.
I'm glad you think so. It was a lot of fun! (:

I hope Rayden manages to catch Raikou, coz it was a real pain to catch (in FRLG) :P.
Haha yeah, Rayden is very determined so I'm sure he'll achieve his dream one day :D

Yes its Pikachu, oh wait a minute, that question was meant for stormivy eh :P

It's for everyone, including you :P
Ah, a Pokemon Fan Club. I haven't been in one of these in years. Mind if I join up?

Name: Sunstruck (call me Sun, I guess)
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Luxray, Flaaffy, Raichu, Electivire, Zebstrika
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt, Bolt Strike, Ion Deluge, Volt Tackle, Volt Switch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: It used to be my favorite type, and even today it's still up there on the list. Admittedly the reason is mostly because of Pikachu; Pokemon Yellow was my first game. But as a result it's always had a special place in my heart. It's like it's my first Type, or something like that.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Shinx
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Powerhouse
Last edited:
Gonna at least create a basic profile of my e4.

Name: Zayer
Gender: Male

Zayer grew up in the Kanto region. He started with Charmander... but was unfortunately burnt to a crisp. At least his hair was. Bald Zayer decided to give up Charmander for adoption... and decided to go on a different path. He decided that the first Pokémon he encountered would show his true personality. It would show his passion... It was Weedle. Zayer grew up with Weedle and made it strong, turning it into a Beedrill. When Zayer reached Alola... His Beedrill changed. It wasn't a mega... It was... A Electric/Poison Bee. His honey was poison and his passion was electric. Zayer knew then, he had to go for the top spot.

Will complete the other parts later...

to be continued!
Ah, a Pokemon Fan Club. I haven't been in one of these in years. Mind if I join up?

Name: Sunstruck (call me Sun, I guess)
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Luxray, Flaaffy, Raichu, Electivire, Zebstrika
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt, Bolt Strike, Ion Deluge, Volt Tackle, Volt Switch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: It used to be my favorite type, and even today it's still up there on the list. Admittedly the reason is mostly because of Pikachu; Pokemon Yellow was my first game. But as a result it's always had a special place in my heart. It's like it's my first Type, or something like that.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Shinx
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Powerhouse
Of course Sunstruck, welcome to the Club :). Yellow was the first game I played as well, really loved that game. And as should be very obvious {XD}, Pikachu is my all time fav.

We have lots of discussions going on currently, so feel free to share ur views. There's also an Event, which u can participate in. If u have anything to share regarding previous discussions (check out the first post, for all details), u are welcome to share ur thoughts. And, if u have any queries regarding the Club, u can drop me a VM any time :).

I'm glad you think so. It was a lot of fun! (:
Yep, I meant that & thnx again for participating Monica :)

Haha yeah, Rayden is very determined so I'm sure he'll achieve his dream one day :D
Don't forget to tell me when he does, so I can snatch that Raikou from him >:)

It's for everyone, including you :P
Do u even need to ask me what my fav Pokemon is, I mean come on :P

Gonna at least create a basic profile of my e4.

Name: Zayer
Gender: Male

Zayer grew up in the Kanto region. He started with Charmander... but was unfortunately burnt to a crisp. At least his hair was. Bald Zayer decided to give up Charmander for adoption... and decided to go on a different path. He decided that the first Pokémon he encountered would show his true personality. It would show his passion... It was Weedle. Zayer grew up with Weedle and made it strong, turning it into a Beedrill. When Zayer reached Alola... His Beedrill changed. It wasn't a mega... It was... A Electric/Poison Bee. His honey was poison and his passion was electric. Zayer knew then, he had to go for the top spot.

Will complete the other parts later...

to be continued!
This seems to be shaping up nicely. Very eager to see how this will finally turn out to be {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu: