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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name: TOM

Favorite Electric-type Pokémon: Zekrom, Zapdos, Thundurus, Mareep family, Jolteon, Pikachu family (all rodents), Elekid family, Shinx family, and Magnemite family.

Favorite Electric-type moves: Thunder, Charge Beam, Fusion Bolt & Bolt Strike, Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Electro Ball, Zap Cannon, and Thunder Wave.

Why I like Electric-types: To go against Flying-type and Water-type Pokémon.

My Electric-type Tag Partner: Mareep.
Hey folks, was busy for the past month or so, something big happening in rl. But that's been taken care of, so Chu is back in town :).

First off, welcome to the newest Member - Tom, The Amazing Tyranitar. Feel free to participate in any current/previous discussions/Events. If u have any queries regarding the Club, drop me a VM any time :).

And wow, this place doesn't seem to have had much action for a long time now. Time to change that, let's do something.


So, u got to create a new Rotom forme, using any common appliance (except the ones already used i.e. - Microwave Oven, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Fan, Lawnmower)

U need to fill in the following:-

Name (optional ("if" u want to give it a new name)) -
Appliance (the appliance ur Rotom forme is based on) -
Type - Electric/???? (u can make it non-Electric if u want)
Stats (optional) -
Moveset (optional) -
Image (if u can find an image on the net or if u are a good artist, draw it out) / Describe (an aesthetic description of what the Rotom Forme will look like) -
Anything else u want to add

So get creative guys, let's see some action on the Club.

Pika Pika :chu:
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♪♫ Neos - Pokken

Arcade Rotom, aka Brawl Rotom, a form Rotom takes on when it takes possession of an arcade gaming machine.

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

It retains its usual Electric typing, and gains a new type alongside: Fighting. In fact, when Rotom takes possession of this machine, it seems to innately learn, or at least copycat, a wealth of classic moves from Fighting and Beat-em-up games. It is capable of everything from uppercuts to firing blasts of energy from its plasma hands.

Different Rotom individuals will favour different movesets and different games. One Rotom may love getting in close and personal for a melee combo and finisher, while another Rotom may favour firing projectile energy blasts. One may copycat classic moves from Street Fighter, another may borrow wholesale from Pokken Tournament.

Arcade Rotom has access to an ability called Synergy Burst. A gauge will appear on its screen, filling up throughout battle, especially during the hardest of hits. Even Rotom's opponent can watch this gauge carefully to know when Rotom is charged up. Once it is, it can activate Synergy Burst, giving it a powerful and visible aura. During Synergy Burst, the Rotom's attack and defense is boosted. It is able to use Burst Attacks, which deal significant damage.

Its weakness? It gets rather rattled when you toggle its joysticks mid-battle.​
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Glad to see you again, Chu! :)

Going to breed a mareep soon I think. Can't wait to have my ampharos finally!

Appliance - Coffee Maker
Type - Electric/Water
Moveset (optional) - Scald, Charge, Charge Beam, Aqua Ring
Image -

A form of Rotom, never-before-seen. With its ability to boil water, it sprays unsuspecting victims, leaving harsh burns on their bodies. Rotom-Coffee's new Water-type powers allow it to use moves such as Scald and Aqua Ring. Its stats revolve around hitting its opponents hard with Special Attacks, not so much Physical. It also has great speed and decent Special Defense but low Defense. Trainers in the competitive scene would use Rotom-Coffee as a Special Attacking sweeper. Despite its grand Special Attack, Rotom-Coffee doesn't really rise in Smogon's ranks due to its other lacking stats.

Rotom-Coffee gains the Abilities Water Absorb and Volt Absorb. Depending on what ability Rotom-Coffee has will determine how you use this Pokemon in battle.

It's also known to make a nice cup of mocha for its Trainer(s).

♪♫ Neos - Pokken

Arcade Rotom, aka Brawl Rotom, a form Rotom takes on when it takes possession of an arcade gaming machine.

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

It retains its usual Electric typing, and gains a new type alongside: Fighting. In fact, when Rotom takes possession of this machine, it seems to innately learn, or at least copycat, a wealth of classic moves from Fighting and Beat-em-up games. It is capable of everything from uppercuts to firing blasts of energy from its plasma hands.

Different Rotom individuals will favour different movesets and different games. One Rotom may love getting in close and personal for a melee combo and finisher, while another Rotom may favour firing projectile energy blasts. One may copycat classic moves from Street Fighter, another may borrow wholesale from Pokken Tournament.

Arcade Rotom has access to an ability called Synergy Burst. A gauge will appear on its screen, filling up throughout battle, especially during the hardest of hits. Even Rotom's opponent can watch this gauge carefully to know when Rotom is charged up. Once it is, it can activate Synergy Burst, giving it a powerful and visible aura. During Synergy Burst, the Rotom's attack and defense is boosted. It is able to use Burst Attacks, which deal significant amounts of damage.

Its weakness? It gets rather rattled when you press its buttons mid-battle.​

Appliance - Coffee Maker
Type - Electric/Water
Moveset (optional) - Scald, Charge, Charge Beam, Aqua Ring
Image -

A form of Rotom, never-before-seen. With its ability to boil water, it sprays unsuspecting victims, leaving harsh burns on their bodies. Rotom-Coffee's new Water-type powers allow it to use moves such as Scald and Aqua Ring. Its stats revolve around hitting its opponents hard with Special Attacks, not so much Physical. It also has great speed and decent Special Defense but low Defense. Trainers in the competitive scene would use Rotom-Coffee as a Special Attacking sweeper. Despite its grand Special Attack, Rotom-Coffee doesn't really rise in Smogon's ranks due to its other lacking stats.

Rotom-Coffee gains the Abilities Water Absorb and Volt Absorb. Depending on what ability Rotom-Coffee has will determine how you use this Pokemon in battle.

It's also known to make a nice cup of mocha for its Trainer(s).
Those are awesome entries guys, love 'em ^^.

A cup of coffee while playing my favourite arcade game, sounds like a perfect evening {:3}.

This looks like fun! Good idea! Ill return when I have more time for sure!

And welcome back!
Glad to see you again, Chu! :)

Going to breed a mareep soon I think. Can't wait to have my ampharos finally!
Thnx guys :)! And feel free to participate whenever u want.

Pika Pika :chu:
Oh I have no imagination for stuff like that hahahaha. I can't come up with anyhing but I love when the other participate haha I often agree with them.
U should try though :).

And u know what u just did, do u? U just made ur 50th Post on the Club. Soooooooo congratulations Colonel Mawa, u become the first Club Member (other than me of course ;)) to achieve the Rank of a Brigadier & will now be referred to as Brigadier Mawa ^^. U can now choose a Legendary or a Mega Evolution to add to ur team.

Speaking of Team Members, I just noticed that I'm eligible for a few as well {:3}. Since I can have four more, I'll add Mareep, Jolteon, Raikou & Plusle to my Team.

Pika Pika :chu:
U should try though :).

And u know what u just did, do u? U just made ur 50th Post on the Club. Soooooooo congratulations Colonel Mawa, u become the first Club Member (other than me of course ;)) to achieve the Rank of a Brigadier & will now be referred to as Brigadier Mawa ^^. U can now choose a Legendary or a Mega Evolution to add to ur team.

Pika Pika :chu:

Oh am I ?? :D

How can you keep trackt of all those messages D:
I don't know which one to choose... make me a surprise!
Hiii...... everybody,
you missed CHU a lot. But nobody missed me? You guys forgot me, right? :(
Let me tell you a short story, friends:
Once upon a time there was a member in Electric Fan Club. But one day he disappeared from PokéCommunity.
Yes, everybody. The member is me, Imrul Quayes Adnan. Do you really forgot me? But I missed you guys.

Btw, Chu, your new event is really nice. I'll participate later. Okay???
Hiii...... everybody,
you missed CHU a lot. But nobody missed me? You guys forgot me, right? :(
Let me tell you a short story, friends:
Once upon a time there was a member in Electric Fan Club. But one day he disappeared from PokéCommunity.
Yes, everybody. The member is me, Imrul Quayes Adnan. Do you really forgot me? But I missed you guys.

Btw, Chu, your new event is really nice. I'll participate later. Okay???
I couldnt even get to this thread because the server was so busy!
Glad to see you are back chu and Imrul. :D
Thnx stormivy & wb Imrul.

Welcome back both of you!
And thanks Chu for this weird wire Pokemon!
Okay, added it to ur team :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Wanting to participate in this so lets see how far my imagination can stretch.

Name - Rotom Modem
Appliance - Wifi/Modem box
Type - Electric
Stats (optional) - He keeps the special atk stats of the other alternate Rotoms but gets 100 base speed while loosing 20 in both Def and Sp. Def.
Moveset (optional) - Electro Ball, Shadow ball, Hidden power (Ice), Volt Switch
Image - This Rotom is shaped like a small frail modem box on the ground with many electrical cables extending from its back into air almost resembling gen 5 Ferrothorn's sprite without clinging to any ceilings.

This pokemon's type is pure electric so only a ground type is needed knock it out mainly. It's ability Power Current makes it so that Electric moves used against it will do no damage and give it a Atk and Sp Atk boost but if a water move hits it that'll be 2x the damage.

How's this?
Wanting to participate in this so lets see how far my imagination can stretch.

Name - Rotom Modem
Appliance - Wifi/Modem box
Type - Electric
Stats (optional) - He keeps the special atk stats of the other alternate Rotoms but gets 100 base speed while loosing 20 in both Def and Sp. Def.
Moveset (optional) - Electro Ball, Shadow ball, Hidden power (Ice), Volt Switch
Image - This Rotom is shaped like a small frail modem box on the ground with many electrical cables extending from its back into air almost resembling gen 5 Ferrothorn's sprite without clinging to any ceilings.

This pokemon's type is pure electric so only a ground type is needed knock it out mainly. It's ability Power Current makes it so that Electric moves used against it will do no damage and give it a Atk and Sp Atk boost but if a water move hits it that'll be 2x the damage.

How's this?
Hey bud, thnx for participating :).

This one's awesome. Maybe we should call it Rotomodem, what say {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Spring is coming = starting to take walks again = Pokemon Go yay!

I couldn't find that birthday hat Pikachu that was out for my birthday tho :( so sad