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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I'm just here to say Helioptile is a wonderful electric type Pokemon

Heliolisk is great, wish I would use it more! I had it in my in-game in Y, and the first Pokemon I bring to lv 100 actually! I'll have to breed one..

Still haven't do y Ampharos project lol
Spring is cominggg. How are you guys?
Spring is coming = starting to take walks again = Pokemon Go yay!

I couldn't find that birthday hat Pikachu that was out for my birthday tho :( so sad
Aww, the snow came back. I hope it melts away soon. :)
Send some of that snow my way, its really HOTTTTTT out here -_-.

I'm just here to say Helioptile is a wonderful electric type Pokemon
True, don't forget about the reliable Heliolisk as well.
Heliolisk is great, wish I would use it more! I had it in my in-game in Y, and the first Pokemon I bring to lv 100 actually! I'll have to breed one..
Heliolisk does seem to be good Pokemon. If I played XY, would have used it in my Team.

And Luna, I think you should join the Club, then as a Member you can post any time you want :).

Still haven't do y Ampharos project lol
Oh? What Ampharos project is that?
Hum Honestly not sure yet haha I just want an Ampharos <3 Maybe with the egg move electric terrain...
When you said Ampharos project, it almost sounded like you are making some project report for a big Seminar :P?

Pika Pika :chu:
I find the electric type has the most diverse variation in designs, for that reason I'd like to join you guys.
Name: Porygon/ Lea
Favourite Electric Type Pokémon: Pikachu/Raichu, Zapdos, Heliolisk, Ampharos
Favourite Electric Type Move: Thunder, Thunder Punch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They are cool looking
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pichu
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: nah
I find the electric type has the most diverse variation in designs, for that reason I'd like to join you guys.
Name: Porygon/ Lea
Favourite Electric Type Pokémon: Pikachu/Raichu, Zapdos, Heliolisk, Ampharos
Favourite Electric Type Move: Thunder, Thunder Punch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They are cool looking
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pichu
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: nah
Hey Lea, welcome to the Club {:3}. Feel free to have a say/participate in any current or previous Discussions/Events. If u have any queries regarding the Club, drop me a VM any time :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Lol, spring is here, and so it's really nice to play PoGo now that your hands dont freeze. :)
Spring was already here way back, its Summer now & its damn damn hot -_-. Rain please!

I just noticed that since I crossed the 175 Posts mark, I'm eligible for another Pokemon, so I'll add Blitzle to my team & also evolve my Mareep to Flaaffy :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Spring was already here way back, its Summer now & its damn damn hot -_-. Rain please!

I just noticed that since I crossed the 175 Posts mark, I'm eligible for another Pokemon, so I'll add Blitzle to my team & also evolve my Mareep to Flaaffy :).

Pika Pika :chu:

Oh, that sounds nice. We had snow the other day again. -____- Now it atleast is sunny. Spring is srsly drunk in finland. :'D
been a while since i posted here. how is everyone :D

I completely forgot to join this fan club when Chu told me about it a while ago
Feels bad, my MVP in my current play through is the Mareep I got from the weird dude in the Violet City Pokémon Center. I need to give electric types some love!
Name - LilyGardy
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon - Pikachu line. It got a big boost with the unveiling of Alolan Raichu.
Favourite Electric Move - Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - They are usually very fast and most are yellow
Partner Pokemon - Pikachu
Partner Pokemon Nickname - Ketchup
Name: Selena
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Luxray, Ampharos, Galvantula
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Discharge, Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Well, they're generally fast, and that's usually something I value a lot when I play games. Plus, a lot of electric types have really cool designs.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Striker
Name - LilyGardy
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon - Pikachu line. It got a big boost with the unveiling of Alolan Raichu.
Favourite Electric Move - Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - They are usually very fast and most are yellow
Partner Pokemon - Pikachu
Partner Pokemon Nickname - Ketchup
Name: Selena
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Luxray, Ampharos, Galvantula
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Discharge, Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Well, they're generally fast, and that's usually something I value a lot when I play games. Plus, a lot of electric types have really cool designs.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Striker
Hey LilyGardy, Selena, welcome to the Club, always good to see new Members register {:3}. Feel free to have a say/participate in any of the current or previous Discussions/Events. Any queries regarding the Club, you know where to find me, just drop me a VM any time :).

Oh, that sounds nice. We had snow the other day again. -____- Now it atleast is sunny. Spring is srsly drunk in finland. :'D
The heat is unbearable, not nice at all -_-.

been a while since i posted here. how is everyone :D
Hey NQ, how have you been?

I completely forgot to join this fan club when Chu told me about it a while ago
Feels bad, my MVP in my current play through is the Mareep I got from the weird dude in the Violet City Pokémon Center. I need to give electric types some love!
You finally remembered eh :P. You can give Electric Types a lot of love, by registering on the Club :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Name: Soapie
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Mareep, Flaaffy, Dedenne
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Volt Tackle
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They have onle on weakness, and usually have cool designs
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Fluffy
totally wasn't dragged here by my Guardians of Edenia team xD

Name: NightKrow
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon: Luxray, Manectric and Zapdos are my favourites, but I also like a few others like Jolteon, Joltik and Magnemite.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunder, Volt Tackle
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Most Electric Pokemon tend to be pretty speedy, and they have a nice range of designs that appeal to lots of people. Personally, I like the ones with more "jagged" designs.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Bolt

The current discussion on the OP is about Electric types in S/M teams, right? I don't remember what Pokemon I used to beat the Elite 4 first time around, but I think Alolan Golem was involved. I've been training one of my Xurkitrees to be decent in battles too.

Has anyone done a toaster Rotom yet? Might think about doing that if I'm in the mood for drawing at some point.
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