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[Pokémon] Aegis Snowdrop & The Great Galar Gala

Rune Alchemist

Magical Evil Role Player
  • 349
    Content Warning: Minor spoilers for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, Major spoilers for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.

    ~ ~ ~

    The bright morning light filtered in through the classroom's arched windows. Students, some wearing indigo and others in orange uniforms, milled about chattering to each other. The usual discord of the class was interrupted when the door slid open, allowing the track-suited Battle Instructor entry into the room.

    "Alright class, settle down." The academy instructor said. "The sooner we can finish the lesson, then the sooner we can get to the practical!"

    The students shambled back to their assigned seats, the instructor doing a headcount as they did so.

    "Did a few forget that we had a lecture today? Can someone go to the courtyard and tell them to come back to class?" She asked. One of the students raised their hand and rushed out of the classroom.

    "Today we're moving on from studying the establishment of the Alolan Pokemon League. We got a special treat this year!" She grinned, bringing out a large hardbound book from her bag, together with a Micro SD Card. She slotted in the SD Card into the Videoboard while she watched the rest of the students file in. "The Curriculum includes the study of other Region's Pokemon Champions. Luckily for us, a Biography of the newest Galarian Champion just came out and I have the copy right here!"

    There was a groan from a student in the back, who earned a quick reprimand from disrupting the class.

    "Can anyone tell me what makes the Galar Pokemon League different from other Leagues?" She questioned the class. When nobody rose their hands to volunteer, she pointed at a single student. "You, Miss Penny, right? I heard you've been to Galar. Can you tell everyone in class what makes the Galar League special?"

    The Two-tone haired girl at the back jerked at her name being called, tried to make herself smaller, before mumbling something under her breath and standing up.

    "T-The Galar League has Gym Challenges, where Trainers with Endorsements can participate. After obtaining the 8 Major League Gym Badges and win the Champion Cup, they can take part in a tournament to challenge the current Galar Champion." Penny took a breath while the teacher clapped.

    "Correct!" The instructor beamed a bright smile at her student, who returned it with a nervous laugh and all but collapsed at her seat. "The Galar League also holds the title for the most archived local league in the world. Every participants' matches are televised and recorded, so anyone can follow a Challenger from their very first official match!"

    After the instructor pressed a few buttons on the video board, the logo of the Galar Pokemon League lit up the board, and a cheerful tune blared in the speakers surrounding the class.

    "Today, we're going to watch a recording of the current Galar Champion's matches during her Gym Challenge. After that, we'll read the first chapter of her Biography. So make sure to take notes!"

    She moved to the side, sitting at a chair she placed in advance while the class turned their attention to the board.

    ~ ~ ~​

    "Aaaaand we're back in Motostoke Gym. I'm Kevin Coleman with my partner Yuuji Porter, and analyst Isa Atkinson." The energetic shout from one of the commentators of the Motostoke Gym filled the noisy stadium packed to the brim with cheering spectators. "Before the commercial break, we just witnessed the incredible match between Gym Leader Kabu, and Challenger Mint Holo from Kanto."

    "Indeed Kevin!" Yuuji's tone was clear and crisp, lacking any accent that would expose his Hoenn heritage. "Mint Holo's Gyarados blasted straight through Leader Kabu's Arcanine with a surgical Bubble Beam, and then giving Centiskorch a run for its money. I didn't even knew it learned Bubble Beam!"

    "They normally don't." Isa's calm Soprano was a sharp contrast to the other two commentators' mix of Tenor and Bass. "It takes a dedicated trainer to teach a temperamental Pokémon like Gyarados such a move, especially since they're more known for their brute strength than precision. It's also possible that she has access to the Technical Machine for Bubble Beam, but Silph Co. made very few of such TMs."

    "What about the other Pokémon that Challenger Mint used for the battle?" Kevin asked, flipping a sheet of paper on the desk. "We saw her Hitmonchan face-off against Leader Kabu's Ninetales, and her Kantonian Ponyta is certainly nothing to scoff at, despite its short showing."

    "Hitmonchan was used to gain momentum against Leader Kabu." Isa explained, the screen behind her showing a replay of the first move of the match between the Bandanna-wearing challenger and the Fire Gym Leader. The Fighting-Type blitz forward, leaving a cloud of dust as it cleared the battlefield in a second. "Using Fake-out, Hitmonchan was guaranteed to land the first hit of the battle. Then, she shifted tactics."

    "You would expect Hitmonchan to hit hard, and hit fast. They're not a Pokemon known for their stamina after all." Yuuji said, watching the replay as the Hitmonchan retreated, waving its glove with a come-hither motion before tapping its chin with the other glove. "Using Swagger, Leader Kabu's Ninetales was confused, disrupting his strategy."

    "It's a well-known fact that Leader Kabu likes to use Will-o-Wisp with his Pokemon. But Challenger Mint used Hitmonchan's 3 minutes of burst energy to disrupt Leader Kabu's play. As a former Gym Leader, what are your thoughts Isa?" Kevin turned to the woman, shifting the attention of the camera to the professional Battle Analyst.

    "It's certainly a valid strategy." The woman said. "Ninetales was constantly in the backfoot, between being confused and the fast-paced attacks of its opponent, Leader Kabu lost the initiative and the flow of battle. The fact that her Ponyta cleaned up the Gym Leader's Ace Pokémon to finish the match off is a testament to her planning ability. Her and her haymaker of a team is certainly a Dark Horse to watch out for!"

    "Ignoring the painful pun by my Co-Anchor," Yuuji sidestepped Isa's 'I made a pun?', the twin jumbotron on both ends of the Gym lit up with the League Card of a white-haired Trainer with violet eyes posing for the camera. Her Jersey Number displayed proudly on the lower left, the number 63. "Our next challenger will be Aegis Snowdrop from Postwick."

    "Aegis Snowdrop is one of two Challengers personally endorsed by Champion Leon." Kevin picked up the commentary. "Her rivalry with her fellow endorsee Hop has been the topic of fierce debate in online forums such as PTO, GalarTPI, and RisingStaryu."

    "Indeed it is!" Yuuji leaned forward. "Aegis's Scorbunny was the ace in her match against Leader Milo. The rare and powerful Fire-type making quick work of the Grass-specialist Milo. It was absent from her match against Nessa, but that's to be expected from a Water-Type Gym. Isa, do you think we'll see the appearance of Aegis's Partner today?"

    "It's quite hard to say, Yuuji." The analyst explained, the screen shifting to list Aegis's known Pokémon. Among them is a white and orange rabbit Pokémon juggling a flaming ball. "Aegis is shown to own a diverse team, not specializing in any specific typing. That isn't to say that there's no chance for us to see Aegis's Starter, just that when push-comes-to-shove, it'll be her most trusted team member."

    Just as the former gym leader finished speaking, two figures stepped into the turf. One of them had salt-and-pepper hair, wearing a red uniform with a towel draped over his neck. The other was wearing the traditional white, blue and red Gym Challenger Uniform. The trainers have arrived.

    The two exchanged words, their voices drowned out by the roar of the excited crowd. They nodded, and walked to separate ends of the field.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen! The next match is between Gym Leader Kabu and Challenger Aegis! This will be a 3-on-3 Match for the Motostoke Badge. The Gym Leader may not make substitutions, and both sides may Dynamax their Pokemon." The Referee announced to the crowd. To the side, several linesmen released their Pokemon to set up a barrier, sealing in the two Trainers to the pitch.

    "Leader Kabu, you may release your Pokemon when ready!"

    There was a tense stand-off as Aegis and Kabu stared at each other. The noise of the stadium died down as if everyone held their breath.

    Finally, Kabu moved. He brought his legs together, lifted his arms up, and threw the Pokeball forward, releasing the golden fox Pokemon known as Ninetales.

    Aegis, for her part, brought out a green Pokeball. She tossed it out, releasing a small brown fox Pokemon. It had beady black eyes and a heart-shaped pattern on the tip of its cream-coloured tail. The hyperactive Pokemon bounced around the field, cooing in delight. Aegis said something and pointed forward, the Pokemon pouncing forward and faced the Ninetales.

    "And Aegis chose Eevee!" Yuuji said for the benefit of the audience watching at home. "Known as the Evolution Pokemon, this little tyke can evolve to a whopping eight different Pokemon!"

    "This is the first time we've seen Eevee in an official Match." Isa commentated. "I wonder what Aegis has planned?"

    "The Battle for the Motostoke Badge!" The referee raised a pair of flags. "Begin!"

    At that call, the lapel mic attached to the two trainers unmuted, broadcasting their attacks to everyone.

    "Ninetales, Will-o-Wisp!" Kabu made the first move, the Ninetales rushing to follow his orders. Ghostly purple flames flared to life around the golden fox, and with a howl they flew erratically towards its opponent.

    Eevee's energetic hops was able evade the first of the flames, but the unpredictable pattern and number trapped the brown fox after it landed, scorching her fur and leaving a nasty burn that had Eevee wincing in pain.

    "Rain Dance!" Aegis's proclamation caught Kabu by surprise. Eevee crooned, making twisting turns that gathered water energy. With a hop, skip, and a jump, the energy was launched skywards, bursting into a cloud cover that blotted out the sun.

    "Trap it in place!" Kabu's Ninetales understood the underlying meaning behind its trainer's words. It gathered flames in its mouth, and breathed out a thin flame that coiled around the dancing Pokemon, the damp air weakening the attack.

    Aegis punched, Eevee catching the motion and unleashing an energy ball before she was enveloped. The ball flew forward, the first droplets of the rain dance swirling around it.

    "And with Eevee's Rain Dance, Ninetales is having a hard time dishing out damage. What will be Kabu's next-" Yuuji spoke into the mic, jerking as his co-host suddenly slammed his hands on the desk.

    "Oh my Ar-" Kevin cut himself off before he could swear. "Eevee just launched a Weather Ball!"

    The Ninetales, concentrating on its attack, didn't dodge. Unfortunately for it and its Trainer, that meant that it took the full force of the now-Water-Type attack. The ball slammed on its head, drenching the Fire-Type and causing it to yip in pain.

    "That has GOT to hurt!" Kevin continued. The Ninetales was blasted back by the move, both by the power of the Weather Ball and from its efforts to get away from the explosion. Mud and scrapes caked the coat of the fire fox, staining the golden fur a dirty brown, but the fight in its eyes wasn't extinguished. "That super-effective move was boosted by the rain!"

    "I don't think Kabu expected that!" Yuuji added on. "This Eevee is raining on Kabu's parade with its tricks."

    "And there's more where that came from, Yuuji." The casters by-play hyped the crowd, the battle beginning to heat up. "Kabu better turn up the heat on this Challenger, or he'll be washed away!"

    What Kabu said next was drowned out by the casters, but the Ninetales followed through. In a burst of speed, it crossed the field and plunged into the inferno Eevee was trapped in. The full-body tackle launched Eevee out of the inferno, coming to a rolling stop several feet away.

    Ninetales swirled its tales, gathering the Fire Spin into another attack at Eevee. The brown fox launched another Weather Ball, the two attacks colliding in mid-air and creating a mist that obscured the arena.

    Through the smoke, several stars of energy flew towards Ninetales, impacting on its side. Undeterred, the fox launched bursts of ember back, but hit nothing but the turf.

    "Above you!" Kabu's warning was just in time, as a Weather Ball was crashing down at its position. With a Quick Attack, the Ninetales evaded the attack.

    What both the trainer and the Pokemon didn't expect, was for Eevee to appear beside the golden fox.

    Another Weather Ball caught the Ninetales on the side, the exact same spot where the Swift hit earlier. The pain was too much for the Fire-Type, and it collapsed into a faint.

    "And Ninetales's quick thinking was thwarted by Eevee's Quick Attack!" Kevin told the audience as the Jumbotron showed a slow-mo Replay of Eevee darting through the smoke to the blindspot of the other Pokemon. Its tail was glowing white, showing that it already had the Weather Ball ready.

    Seeing its opponent down for the count, Eevee tried to do a victory dance, but the earlier burn made it wince as it landed on its forelegs.

    Ninetales was returned, being replaced on the field by the Legendary Pokemon Arcanine. Its large stature, orange coat, flowing white mane, and black stripes gave it a majestic aura. It howled as it entered, Eevee going rigid in fright.

    "And out comes Kabu's Arcanine. This loyal dog Pokemon is the nightmare of criminals around the world. How will Aegis and her Eevee fair in this match-up?"

    "I'm not sure there's enough left in the tank for Eevee here, Kevin." Yuuji said. "The little hero took a pounding from Ninetales, I think Arcanine would be too much for it."

    "Never count out the determination of the Pokemon participating in this challenge, Yuuji. They might just surprise you!"

    As if to prove Yuuji wrong, Eevee was the first one to make a move. It ran at the canine, the downpour of rain doing little to damper her speed. Arcanine met its challenge head-on. With each step, it flash-dried the turf under its paws. With each stride, flames wrapped around its body.

    "Eevee starts off with Quick Attack! Arcanine isn't far behind with Flame Wheel." Kevin continued to do a Play-by-Play, the Rotom Drones flying around the field to get the best view.

    The fox brought her paws together, hoping over the flaming tackle to blindside her opponent.

    "Eevee jumped at the last second-,"

    Unfazed, the Arcanine pivoted on a paw and changing the direction of its pounce, aiming for the Eevee mid-air.

    "but Arcanine turns on a dime! A timely duck by Eevee evaded the worst of-"

    the flames grazed Eevee's fur, but with the Fire-type looming over her, she has nowhere to go. Her opponent reared its head, slamming her down with an attack.


    Dark energy clamped down on the Normal-type's Neck, grinding her to the dirt. Her paws tried to find purchase on the damp ground, to no avail. She gathered energy on its tail and whipped it. Stars of energy flew, curving back to hit Arcanine on the snout, allowing Eevee to slip out.

    "Eevee managed to get out of it with a Swift from her tail!"

    The little fox tried to retreat and get her bearings, her opponent close behind, unwilling to give her space to reengage. With a wince, Eevee jumped as high as she could, summersaulting in the air with her tail trailing behind glowing in energy.

    "Flame Wheel again, BUT EEVEE JUMPS! A Weather Ball is launched-"

    Purple, ghostly flame wavered into existence before Arcanine. It intercepted the Faux-Water Type Attack before it could properly form, exploding harmlessly between the two Pokemon. Eevee landed on all fours, ready to dodge another move from her opponent. But when she looked up, it was nowhere to be found.

    "but Will-o-Wisp triggers it- AGILITY!"

    The next thing Eevee knows, the wind was knocked out of her, flames trailing where they caught on her fur.

    "An Agility from Arcanine turns into a Flame Wheel! Eevee is knocked out!"

    Eevee was sent tumbling back from the Flame Wheel. Her body bouncing as she hit the turf. The tired breathing from the evolution Pokemon prompted Aegis to return her to her Friend Ball.

    "Eevee was tough, weathering several attacks from its opponents and even taking down Kabu's Ninetales." Yuuji took over the commentary as his partner took a sip of water. "But it seems like Arcanine's speed was just too much for the Evolution Pokemon."

    "Quite an impressive feat for a young Pokemon." Isa tacked on. "Especially considering that it did all that with a burn. Let's not forget the decisions Aegis did mid-battle. Truly a good showing."

    After staring at her opponent, Aegis released her next Pokemon.

    The Pokeball that popped open was Primarily Black, Yellow, and Red, with the standard white lower half. It materialized a white duck Pokemon, wielding a long vegetable on one wing and a leafy shield on the other.

    "Aegis's next Pokemon is a Sirfetch'd. The regal knight stands in defense of his queen!" Kevin's announcement was highlighted by the Jumbotron cutting-in with a picture of Sirfetch'd on Aegis's roster.

    The knightly duck brandished its shield, with its lance lowered in preparation to fight Arcanine. The two Pokemon glared at each other. As soon as the referee's flag lowered, the dog Pokemon blitzed towards the duck, a spiral of flame enveloping the charging Pokemon.

    In response, Sirfetch'd simply placed its shield on the path of its opponent. The two Pokemon clashed, a resounding bang echoing in the field. Sirfetch'd was carried back several feet, a gouge on the field marking the distance it was pushed back. Arcanine was stopped in place, its forhead pushing against the shield with embers of its attack highlighting both Pokemon.

    A moment passed.

    Suddenly, Sirfetch'd twitched its lance, and the leek thrust hard into the back of the head of the Fire-type. The ground shook as more than 150 kilograms of dog was hammered into the center of the turf, rocking the stadium.

    There was silence as the referee checked the participants. The only movement being the rough breathing of Kabu's Pokemon.

    "Arcanine is unable to battle!"

    The stadium erupted into cheers, reaching a frenzy at the turnabout.

    "What was that?" Yuuji couldn't help but exclaim.

    "Was that a Counter?!" Kevin asked, looking to his co-hosts for clarification.

    "Actually Kevin, that wasn't a Counter." Isa, the expert analyst, provided her opinion. "Counter takes damage from the opponent's attack, then deals the damage back with more force. This is done by building up Fighting Energy, forming a thin reddish shell above the skin of the Pokemon. We didn't see any buildup of energy before the attack."

    A slow replay showing the collision played in the screens, one behind the casters. Isa highlighted the duck Pokemon, showing its resolute face as it took the attack. It then moved its leek, coated in orange energy. The duck pushed up, allowing it to move above the Fire-type to slam its weapon into its opponent.

    "Instead, I believe that was Revenge, as shown at the energy that appeared on the Leek as Arcanine's attack hit home." Isa circled the Leek with her finger. "Revenge deals more damage when the user is hit, unlike Retaliate which deals more damage when an ally fainted moments before its use. And unlike Counter, both deal damage even if the user isn't hit."

    Kabu returned his Pokemon, his stony expression not revealing his feeling on the matter. He said something under his breath, before finally releasing his last Pokemon.

    It was red, it was long, and it had many legs. Centiskorch whipped its body forward at its entrance, glowing flames coating the face of the Bug/Fire-type. The Jumbotrons reflecting the change of active Pokemon.

    "Burn bright, Centiskorch!" Kabu shouted, his lapel mic allowing everyone in the stadium to hear. "Let Gigantimax change your size and your form!"

    The Gym Leader straightened up, his Pokeball returning his ace back to him. Dynamax energy gathered in his band, transferring it into the ball and enlarging it. He hefted it, fire burning in his eyes before he threw it single-handedly.

    It flew high above him, bursting out to reveal a long, twisting shape. It crashed into the ground upright, the low guttural roar coming from the Gigantimaxed Pokemon resounding into the very bones of the people watching.

    "Flames always burn upwards, so we'll always aim higher." Kabu said, his gaze set on Aegis's own. "You understand, don't you?"

    Aegis nodded, and said something to her Pokemon.

    "We'll take it."

    "Then I won't disappoint." Kabu said. He pointed up, shouting his next words up to the sky. "G-Max Centiferno!"

    Sirfetch'd began glowing a brilliant blue light, while Centiskorch twisted in a pattern. A large twisting inferno flew out of the giant Pokemon, the Duck caught inside the humungous Fire Spin. Aegis covered her face as the hot air blasted her side of the field, protected only by the Line Pokemon shielding the spectators.

    She shouted for Sirfetch'd, who was completely enveloped in the flames. There wasn't a single opening, so nobody could see inside.

    It felt like it took forever, but finally the towering inferno subsided. But it was not because of Centiskorch.

    Sirfetch'd flew out of the flames, Leek first, coated in bluish-white energy. It flew fast and high, aiming at the face of the opponent.

    "Sky Attack!" Kevin shouted, recognizing the attack. "Sirfetch'd used Sky Attack!"

    The Duck Pokemon gathered energy while enduring the flames, preparing for a single strike at its opponent. Now, it was ready, sights only set on the Bug-type as it flew forward. Kabu, realizing the danger, immediately ordered for another G-Max Centiferno.

    Leek met flames in the middle of the arena, then-

    ~ ~ ~​

    The Videoboard blacked out.

    "What, no!" A young tanned girl exclaimed. Her black hair is tied back in a ponytail, but a few of her strands flying free from the restraints were dyed green, telling everyone that it was a deliberate choice and not a cowlick. "We were getting to the best part!"

    "Sorry, class. We'll end this here." The instructor said, looking at her watch. "We'll continue this tomorrow when we have double period. For now, feel free to read ahead on the Galar Champion's Biography."

    With the last word said, the instructor left the class. The despondent student fell boneless back on her seat, eyes staring lifelessly at nothing.

    "Wanna study together with me, Nemona?"

    The voice of her friend jolted her alive, shaking her awake.

    "Yeah, sure! But watching that Gym Battle has got me hyped for more action!" The ponytailed girl slammed her fist on her hand, before grinning. "How about a battle before we hit the books?"

    Sighing, her silver-haired friend smiled.

    "Sure. But how about we get a bite-to-eat first?"

    Soon enough, after the two girls ate, trained, and got cleaned up. They piled together on a table to crack open the book, joined by the rest of their friend group.

    "Galarian Chronicles: The Rise of Aegis Snowdrop. A Biography by Hop Yew"

    ~ ~ ~​


    This story has been brewing in my backburner for a long time, ever since I first got my Switch. When I got SV, I got another plot bunny about an SI in the Pokemon world again. I decided to work on the SwSh one first, before I go work on the SV one. But I'm planning to connecting the two stories.

    I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll be working on this as much as I can

    Tell me what you think of this! I'm excited to work on this project.
    I do think this has a lot of promise. But, I just wanted to say dialogue with a dialogue tag (ie: said, exclaimed, explained, asked) should be a comma, not a period. (exclamation points are fine, though) then the pronoun is lowercased. Other than that, pretty good start & keep at it.
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