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Completed Event Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 5,133

    Welcome to the Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition!

    The Animal Crossing Fashion Contest is an event where people can express their creativity at their best! As the name suggests, this event will take place in Animal Crossing! Any game is allowed, and it will be a fashion contest like others organized on the forum. You will be given a particular theme and then, you'll have to create a character in the game that represents that theme at its best.


    As we all know, Professor Laventon and the scientist Grand Oak have been brought to a different timeline and in a different place. Now, while they're arguing to demonstrate which of their eras is the best, they're also trying to find a way to go back to their timeline. But... Wait a second, you people helping those professors, what is your own favorite era?


    The main theme of this Fashion Contest is going to be: Time Eras! In detail, every participant will have to choose a specific time in history between: Past, Present (2000-2023) and Future. Once you've made your choice, it's time to let your creativity shine! You have complete freedom over the theme and how you want to express it, may it be by using clothes from a specific time period, or for example, giving an overall representation of the spirit of the era. Custom designs are allowed too!


    To sign up for the event you'll need to send us a PM, here in the forum, stating the era in time you've chosen and a picture of the character you'd like to be judged for the competition. The event lasts for the entire duration of the GT, which runs from August 12th to August 27th, so you are free to send multiple pics with different styles until the conclusion of the GT. If you send in multiple pictures featuring styles from different eras, please be aware that only the last era you send in will have its outfits eligible for scoring. The great judges of this event are going to be: me and the fantastic Alex_Among_Foxes!

    At the end of the GT, we will announce the winners! They will then receive points as follows:

    1st Place: 150 Points
    2nd Place: 100 Points
    3rd Place: 50 Points
    Participation: 10 Points

    I don't know if we had to formally sign up here, but I'm in as always!

    Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition - RESULTS

    Hello, fellow participants! The Animal Crossing Fashion Contest has come to an end. Alex_Among_Foxes and I have really appreciated your pictures and we really want to thank you all for taking part in our event!
    But now, it's time for the FINAL RESULTS. We'll only announce the top 3 outfits, so we thank everyone else for participating. You'll have better luck next time!

    Without further ado... The participant who occupies the third spot on the list is...


    Let's move on to the second place! The second one in the list is...


    And now... The outfit that conquered our hearts! The winner of this Animal Crossing Fashion Contest is...


    And now, to celebrate the end of this event, here's some lovely outfits that our dear judge Alex_Among_Foxes has come up with! He's showing us his creative ideas for a Past era outfit and three of them for the feared Future era, which wasn't chosen by any of the participants!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition
    [PokeCommunity.com] Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition
    [PokeCommunity.com] Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition
    [PokeCommunity.com] Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition

    Lastly, we'd like to thank everyone else who took part in this event, who still got 10 points for participating! Thanks for everything and we hope you had fun playing the GT!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Animal Crossing Fashion Contest: GT Edition

    For all those of you who wanted to see ALL the outfit entries!



