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News: Another new Sun and Moon Trailer [Alolan Professor Oak revealed]

I kind of wished that Prof. Rowan's cousin was there instead, since Rowan himself studies Pokemon evolution. I guess Oak's cousin was done for fanservice.

Not at all. Only gen 1 Pokemon have alolan forms so it makes sense to have the original Pokemon professor alolan form study it. It's pretty clever actually
Look at those hairs.
[PokeCommunity.com] Another new Sun and Moon Trailer [Alolan Professor Oak revealed]

This could make some neat wallpaper.

Kid #2, man. I am VERY excited at the prospect of him NOT HAVING A HAT ON HIS HEAD. That is incredibly thrilling. Finally, no hats!
I kind of wished that Prof. Rowan's cousin was there instead, since Rowan himself studies Pokemon evolution. I guess Oak's cousin was done for fanservice.

I'm gonna second this. I get that the Alola forms are all gen 1 Pokémon but I dunno, maybe I'm weird in that I like other generations, too, and would like some other major references throughout the games.

Also that would have been hilarious hearing about Rowan from his supposed cousin. "My cousin is also a professor, but I can't stand the region he lives in. It is far too cold! I guess it's only fitting, since he's pretty cold himself... But don't tell him I said that!"
Look at those hairs.
[PokeCommunity.com] Another new Sun and Moon Trailer [Alolan Professor Oak revealed]

The first kid on the left has the shirt same as Dexio in the trailer, the yellow shirt with Alolan Exeggutor. Well this confirms that we may be able to buy clothes that some important characters wears? (Although I'm not sure if Dexio and Sina is important characters because back in XY...) Anyhow I hope we get the option of buying Team Skull uniform because that is a MUST ^^
Didn't you know? Alolan Forms are only compatible with Generation one. :p

I'm safely assuming Alola Forms will only be 1st Gen at this point since I feel it's pretty much confirmed to be fanservice at this point. Remember that the Original 151 are the only Pokemon that are easily recognizable even outside of dedicated Pokemon fans, and are also more well-known than ever thanks to Pokemon GO.

I might also consider making a checklist and going back to see all the 1st Gen Pokemon who appeared in trailers without Alola Forms.
Wow, Game Freak are really innovating and breaking tradition in this game! You can remove the hat on the player character? What's next, the removal of Gyms?

Kidding aside, I really love how Game Freak are breaking tradition in this game, even in the smallest of ways, it's really cool. Maybe this means they'll finally kick this whole "Keep an amazing feature that everyone loves in one generation only" thing they have going on. I mean, they brought back customization in the first place which is amazing in itself, so hopefully we'll see some more great features return.
Wow, Game Freak are really innovating and breaking tradition in this game! You can remove the hat on the player character? What's next, the removal of Gyms?

Kidding aside, I really love how Game Freak are breaking tradition in this game, even in the smallest of ways, it's really cool. Maybe this means they'll finally kick this whole "Keep an amazing feature that everyone loves in one generation only" thing they have going on. I mean, they brought back customization in the first place which is amazing in itself, so hopefully we'll see some more great features return.

I'm hoping this is the case not only for the sake of SM having a lot of content, but also so the PokéFinder can be brought back in subsequent gens, too, because I feel I'm gonna enjoy that and be sad if it's exclusive to gen 7...

Also Pokémon following you would be totally neat in SM; come on, if I can ride them why can't they follow me?
I am surprised people are still talking about the ability for a hatless protagonist despite a Japanese trailer already confirming it over a month ago or something.

Then again, this is the first time it showed up in an English trailer...
I'm hoping this is the case not only for the sake of SM having a lot of content, but also so the PokéFinder can be brought back in subsequent gens, too, because I feel I'm gonna enjoy that and be sad if it's exclusive to gen 7...

Also Pokémon following you would be totally neat in SM; come on, if I can ride them why can't they follow me?

I've given up hope on that feature ever coming back honestly, just give me a Post-Game with a good facility and I'm set. Challenge mode too but eh I doubt that will return ever.
I'm with Angie. I feel walking Pokemon is something that will pretty much never leave HG/SS, and the difficulty modes will probably stay in B2/W2. It's all part of Game Freak's intentions to add something unique to any game by keeping said unique feature only in that game.
I've given up hope on that feature ever coming back honestly, just give me a Post-Game with a good facility and I'm set. Challenge mode too but eh I doubt that will return ever.

Pokémon following you is arguably the easiest thing to implement now that the games utilize 3D models so... I guess we have to hope they're willing to put more effort into including features they've already claimed "fans don't want." It's a rough spot to be in.
I love the look of those character customization styles. It seems like they have expanded on XYs features and hopefully have a wider variety of clothing and hairstyles!
Pokémon following you is arguably the easiest thing to implement now that the games utilize 3D models so... I guess we have to hope they're willing to put more effort into including features they've already claimed "fans don't want." It's a rough spot to be in.

I don't think Game Freak ever claimed walking Pokemon was something "fans don't want". I do recall the Battle Frontier, according to them was something that didn't have the fanbase to survive.
I don't think Game Freak ever claimed walking Pokemon was something "fans don't want". I do recall the Battle Frontier, according to them was something that didn't have the fanbase to survive.

That's what I mean. Lots of people, including myself, want the Frontier, or something like it, to make a return. But not only is it way more time-consuming to create, but it's also something that apparently isn't wanted by much of the fanbase (take that with a grain of salt). We're all hoping that they implement something like it, despite those odds.

But then in comparison, Pokémon following you is way easier to implement and I've never heard anyone claim "fans don't want it" so yeah. Also I'm sure everyone wants a to-scale model of Alolan Exeggutor following the player around on the overworld so there's that too.
Also I'm sure everyone wants a to-scale model of Alolan Exeggutor following the player around on the overworld so there's that too.

Oh my goodness, all my want. Bring back pokemon following for the good of all Alolan Exeggutors everywhere!
I think the following Pokemon feature would just really top those games off for me. All of the features so far look fantastic, but if there was ever one feature that I'd love to see return then it would most definitely be following Pokemon.
Hey guys. I am not sure if it has been said here, but I was wondering why they were zooming into text like they were in this trailer, it turns, I think they were hidden reveals. I didn't think this 100% until I saw a video about it.

First off, there is a new possible duck pokemon in the water when you are talking to your rival.
[PokeCommunity.com] Another new Sun and Moon Trailer [Alolan Professor Oak revealed]

Next, on one part of the text, there is another pokemon with ears similar color to snubull, however, it makes a hopping like movement and has longer ears and not 4 like snubull. It is possible that it is still snubull. We have never seen one move in the overworld before. And I guess it is possible for an Alolan Snubull, but I'd think it be a different color. This one is a little bit easier to see in the video if you are watching closely.
[PokeCommunity.com] Another new Sun and Moon Trailer [Alolan Professor Oak revealed]

We need to look closer at this trailer. It moved so fast, that there is probably small hints all in it.