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any other forums you guys a part of?

I am a member of Nintendo Net, Mount Moon Community, and Serebii (although I like, never go to Serebii)
I have an account on animanga and a few that I have made myself. I won't mention them 'cause they are crap. And well, I have no idea's for a good board. I would make a Pokemon one, but I can't even RIVAL Pokecommunity!
BF and PI~

BF only because I can only contact people there... such as Tali. XD And PI because most people know each other there, and get along and stuff. Oh, and everyone is friendly... except for some where it's not like offensive.
AHF, my own forums, and lots of others where I'm never active anyway so they don't matter. :D
I'm a member of Serebii, PE2K, and Smogon, but I almost never go on those. :/ I'm also a member (well, the admin *shot*) of The Cool Losers Lounge.
I'm currently a member of PE2K and have an account on Serebii.net, though I rarely go there anymore.

And, though they're not really forums, I also have accounts on DeviantArt, Youtube, Livevideo, and Fanfiction.net.
I used to go Serebii but I hated that place because some moderator over there was stalking me. (Yah I know like WTF)

And I've been on several proboards and invisionfree forums. Some of them I forgot which one I joined. xD
NONE! PC is the only place for me.

Nah, I jest. I go to...

+BasilMarket (rare among rare)
+Aussie-Nintendo (mostly for updates or whenever I wanna find someone to play with over WiFi) ^^;
+devianART! (but I haven't submitted anything in ages, but I still go on the forums to read)
+Feng Shui V3 Disonance (used to RP there quite actively, not anymore though)
+Serebii (too chaotic)

Seriously, this is probably the best forum out there, amirite?
Of course I'm on this one. *pokes*

I'm also a member of Serebii, but I don't really go there anymore. And there's also Bulbagarden, Pokemon Fan Universe, Firefly BBS, and Pokemon Elite 2000. PC's the only forum that I'm active on.

And of course there are all the other random forums that I joined until they died. Most were on Invisionfree.
Meh, PC is basically the only forum I'm active on. I go on PokeCosmo (an aspiring vBulliten forum) occasionally. I registered on Pokemon Elite, but I don't go there anymore due to it being...bad. XD. Then I registered on Pokecharms, but they are really bad, I mean c'mon, the stupid n00b place? :rollseyes:

Then there are many invisionfree forums that you know...died. I also joined EnterTheRealms...a gaming forum made by my friends, but I'm pretty inactive there now.
I'm so cool that I don't go to any other Pokemon forums other than this one. As for other forums aside from Pokemon ones, though -

I go to Sleepywood, the Digital Empire, and a couple of Yoshi fanboards because they're funny to watch. I drop by some virtual petsite and furry boards from time to time.
I register on a lot of forums. But I'm only active on this one, because some people, y'know, actually have a life. XD

PokeCosmo is pretty much almost dead. D:
Well apart from this, only 1 other forum where I'm very active, which is InsideHoops. Obviously with basketball being my favourite sport. Nearly on 1000 posts there.

PC is my next most active forum. I post here a couple of times a day, but tend to spend more time on InsideHoops.

I also registered on Smogon, but haven't made any posts there and hardly ever visit it. I only registered there to see if I could pick up any battling tips, but I got people here on PC to help me with that instead.

EDIT: Oh I was also on a Mario Kart Wii forum for a few weeks but its pretty boring and won't generate much interest until the game is actually out.
Oh, wow, so many, I don't even remember 2/3's of them.

One Manga Forums, Brand New Breeze, My Back-Up Forum (if that counts lolol), and Phoenix Tears are the only ones I still attend, aside from PC, in the order of frequency.

Dead forums or places I don't visit anymore include GaiaOnline, SPPF (used to be a Shipping Fic frequent. xD), Nintendo Net forgive me mork. ;;, Phoenix Tears, Suishou Society, Midorii Hoshi, Osuwari Team, Aori Hoshi, Pokemon Elite 2000, Bulbagarden (hated that place.), the list goes on and on.