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Apparently...now I can Blog xD

  • 1,277
    Hey y'all. Seems like something on the forum has changed because now (at long last) I can finally start doing blogs (without 2000 plus posts or premium membership).

    So without further ado, my first Blog entry, well not that its going to be anything exciting cos ya know, I haven't thought of something exciting to write yet =p. Buuuuut anyway I'll try to use this blog to outline what am hoping to achieve from doing this Blog.
    One of the things I plan to do is a list of top 5's (or any other number, depending on how much I can be bothered saying that day) of things, buuuut as for what else I could write about...nooooot a clue.

    So cos well I kinda need something to pad out this here first blog post out with, heres a top 5 list YAY xD

    So lets get this party started Top Five Awesome things about Pokecommunity!!!

    5: Blogs: Blogs are fun people write random things other people read them. Some are happy some are sad, some are informative some are fun...but its always great to see what other folks have to say.

    4: The Forum layout and design: Do you know one thing that reeeeally annoys me?...go on have a guess...out of ideas? ok well I'll tell you...Dull looking and uninspired forum designs, ya know the ones that use the default vbulletin format in the the most boring shade of pale blue, with the tiniest stretched little avatars, its horrid, horrid I say.
    But thankfully thats not the case here on PC the format and layout is great looking and the themes are eye catching and fabulous. But the best thing...thats the amazing avatars and signatures from members that really brighten the place up xD.

    3: General Chat: (or the treehouse as we have to call it now =p): It might just be the ramblings of the masses, but hey who cares it aint just any old masses. its the good 'ol Pokecommunity masses.

    2: Profiles: Here on PC profiles are a big thing, everyone puts a lot of effort in making them look all dandy and nice with pritty colours and filling in their bio to make vistiters feel super welcome, Emblems are real cool to.

    1: But best of all and ya know the thing that totally makes PC the forum it is. The Members: Y'all a bunch of great folks, always friendly and happy to talk, sure sometimes debates can get a little bit lively with the odd bun fight, but where would the fun be if we all agreed on everything. Everyone's always willing to fire VM's off to each other, their are plenty of events for people so share. All in all here on PC I reckon we are all one big happy family xD.

    And just because... heres a picture of a happy cat xD
    Where's 10-6? You said you were going to do a top 10 list, but you instead made a top 5 list, which you've also wanted.