I used Diamond cutter to put a script on my rom how do I find the script and put it on a person?
does any1 no how to remove the introduction
Ok, if I edit a Pokémon's stats and movesets in Ruby and transfer them to Diamond, will the changes be applied in the Diamond ROM? Or would they reset when traded?
in elite map there's a patch you can use to remove the intro
use a hex editor and a table file and search for the first line or so of what prof oak says, then highlight it and edit it. if you're not sure go to the document and turoials section and look in the old documents thread. click on the link and there is a very helpful tutorial at the very bottom (119)i mean the intro where prof oak talks 2 u
I think that I'm in phase when I desperately take every help I should get. Please tell me how to edit palletes of tilesets. I was searching even Google for any tut, but no use of any for ROM hacking. So, does anyone know where to find tutorial, or how to help this desperate person? Thank you very much.
Does someone know wot the easiest way or way to edit tileset palletes??
pls help me and i even tried google!(doesnt help)
Pls!if anyone cud help me!!