Sgt Shock
- 385
- Posts
- 15
- Years
- Age 33
- Rokkenjima
- Seen May 19, 2014
I've been having problem attracting people to actually read my fan fictions. Every site that I have an story actually posted, I cannot seemed to attract reviewers. So what can you suggest? T_T I'm at my wits end (almost). Here is a excerpt from Black Night Clouds. I figure one of my problems is lengthy chapters but I've been kind of reluctant in making thirty or more chapter fan fictions when I can make it in twelve. I just don't know. :(
"Guilt had seemed to have seeped into his skin finally. His icy expression that was frozen on his face for so long had melted into a pool of sweat that dripped from his face. It was something painful, if he had a knife, he would have taken it to his throat. It was like a planned camisado; like guerrilla troops had finally shot him in the side on his temple with a corkscrewing bullet labeled "sin"."
"Guilt had seemed to have seeped into his skin finally. His icy expression that was frozen on his face for so long had melted into a pool of sweat that dripped from his face. It was something painful, if he had a knife, he would have taken it to his throat. It was like a planned camisado; like guerrilla troops had finally shot him in the side on his temple with a corkscrewing bullet labeled "sin"."