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Bill's Dead Gaming Event [THIS WEEKEND]


L E G E N D of
  • 16,405
    [a id]tf2[/a id]


    [alink id="intro"]Don't be an ass, Francis[/alink id]
    [alink id="join"]Event information[/alink id]



    In honor of the soon to be released DLC, The Passing, for Left 4 Dead 2, we'll be diving back in to zombie infested America and teaming up with some of the original cast.

    The PC event will take place on April 24th, 2010 at 6PM PST. The Xbox 360 event is set for April 24th, 2010 at 8PM PST. Date and times are subject to change.

    Leave posts in this thread relevant to the gaming event (for confirming you're coming and/or any questions related to the game or event. Posts deemed irrelevant will be deleted)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bill's Dead Gaming Event [THIS WEEKEND]

    Bill's Dead Gaming Event

    [PokeCommunity.com] Bill's Dead Gaming Event [THIS WEEKEND]

    [a id]intro[/a id]

    Speak up Francis, your voice got all muffled from being so far up your ass!

    All the information you'll need about the upcoming The Passing gaming event.

    We'll be playing through the new campaign, The Passing, in Left 4 Dead 2 since it is soon to be released sometime this week. We'll be playing on both Xbox 360 and PC, so pick your preferred platform and hop on during the scheduled times for some campaign time, along with some exploration of the brand new game modes!

    Obviously the title of the event is not factual, as nobody knows who the actual dead Survivor will be, but I'm guessing it's Bill, hence why this event is named such. :)

    Anyone is welcome to join, naturally, but for those signing up for the PC event, join this Steam group. There's an event scheduler on there and it's an easier way to contact anyone who is playing.

    [a id]join[/a id]

    Event information

    Specific information regarding the The Passing gaming event.


    When: April 24th, 2010 6PM PST
    Other Info: Join the above Steam group and be online, in game, and ready to play, when the time comes and you will be invited into a group to play.​

    Xbox 360

    When: April 24th, 2010 8PM PST
    Other Info: Once you've posted here and are ready to go, be in-game Left 4 Dead 2, ready to start and make sure to add Plufael to your Xbox Live Friend List, otherwise you may not be invited!​
    Last edited by a moderator:
    Hey I'll play! I'm always down for a good game of L4D2 with you guys. For PC as usual of course.
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    I don't know anything about the DLC, but I'll play for 360 when/if it does happen.
    I'll sign up for the 360 event. L4D gaming events are usually always fun, especially that one time when we were all jumping inside that one house in Swamp Fever after playing the jukebox... too bad no one recorded it.
    Hey, was this update on time for once? Gabe Newell, what happened? I'll be sure to try and join the PC one. Gotta love Valve and their free content.
    I'm in! I've played the dlc & it was really fun. I really enjoy playing with you guys anyway
    lol Ploofail
    Anyway, I'm in for the 360 event if my connection doesn't crap out tonight.
    AAAAAAh, I actually made it back home sooner than expected so I CAN play tonight if you still have room for me!
    There's been a change in the time for the 360 event. Instead of 9PM PST, it'll be 8PM PST / 11PM EST. Be sure to add the gamertag "Plufael"! (And don't make fun of it ;.;)

    *smirks* Plu-wha? XD *shot & banned from any other gaming event* Mmkay, I'll be sure to add you then
    Despite the 2-3 times in a row losses at the finale of "The Passing", it was fun spamming pills everywhere. I would have stayed on longer last night but I had to go somewhere.
    PIlls here! :3 it wouldn't have been that bad if the special infected wouldn't have come by the truckload