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Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?

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    • Seen Sep 15, 2020
    [PokeCommunity.com] BLACK KYUREM vs WHITE KYUREM

    Who would have ever thought, right? When we asked Masuda to give us the unexpected, he sure did! Fusions, alternate forms, and two separate new Pokémon/mascots, we've given a lot of titles for these Pokémon. But this is Black Kyurem VS White Kyurem.

    [PokeCommunity.com] BLACK KYUREM vs WHITE KYUREM
    Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?

    [PokeCommunity.com] BLACK KYUREM vs WHITE KYUREM
    Which one has the better fusion?

    [PokeCommunity.com] BLACK KYUREM vs WHITE KYUREM
    Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?

    D i s c u s s , d i s c u s s , d i s c u s s !

    Edit: While the rules say you're free to discuss any weekly poll even after it "dies", this one is covered by the one in Black 2 and White 2 so please use that one. :)

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    Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?

    Black Kyurem, he looks slightly more powerful.

    Which one has the better fusion? White Kyurem, I've always preferred Reshiram and just looks strange but good.

    Black Kyurem or White Kyurem? White Kyurem.
    Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?
    For their names, none of them. I think that they could have came up with better form names for these two forms other than black and white -_-"

    Which one has the better fusion?
    In my opinion, I'm going to have to go with Zekrom because I love the way it looks. I like how in this picture the outter arm is black while the inner arm is the same color as what Kyurem is supposed to be

    Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?
    Black Kyurem of course

    I chose White Kyurem, mainly because he just looks better compared to Black Kyurem.
    It may change once we find out more about them, though. :o
    Q:Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?
    A:The designs left a better impression than the names. Inserting the words Black/White before Kyurem seems lazy to me.

    Q:Which one has the better fusion?

    A: oh lawd this question, I think that both of Kyurem's new formes are equally impressive but I've always hated Reshirams design :< Black Kyurem it is

    Q:Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?

    A:Black Kyurem is best Kyurem

    The black one looks odd with its primate-esque pose and apparently muscular right arm.
    I love both designs but I'd have to say White. Despite liking Zekrom's solo design better than Reshiram but Black Kyurem just looks odd.White seems more balanced and symetrical and Black's super muscular arm seems very weirdly placed compared to his other. Plus thinking ahead a bit White could potentially be a Fire/Ice type and that could be very interesting,
    From first impression I like White Kyurem more. In terms of how is stronger that has yet to be seen.
    In terms of design, I like White Kyurem. Black Kyurem, to me, looks a bit less organized. It looks more like a "Frankenstein" fusion. Threw together parts from each, and it came to life as this horrible monster. White Kyurem appeals to me in the same way that Reshiram does. It looks a lot more elegant, and has more of a "good guy" type of look, where Black Kyurem looks evil. Overall, my vote is for White Kyurem.

    As far as the names, they're not very creative. Even Light Kyurem/Dark Kyurem would be better in my opinion. It wouldn't surprise me if that's what they end up being called in the international B/W2, similar to how the Black/White Stone became Dark/Light Stone.
    [PokeCommunity.com] BLACK KYUREM vs WHITE KYUREM

    Y'all are crazy, the White one is fugly (Well so is the black one, but whatever)

    The black one is the lesser of two evils in the ugly department, in my book. I'll get that one over the white one.
    We can really go with looks right now can't we? I'm still a little interested to know about typing, will they be Ice/Fire and Ice/Electric or Dragon/Fire and Dragon/Electric, they could still retain Ice moves in those last two typings, but yeah...

    I suppose I like how Black Kyurem gives off that tough overpowered posture, whilst White Kyurem still shines out that beautiful posture Reshiram gives off.

    I can sort of see some dark background coming off from these two, I mean - they do literally look like fusions, I wonder if we'll we some creepy stuff like from Platinum. :X
    Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?

    I would say White Kyurem has left me with a better first impression.

    Which one has the better fusion?

    White Kyurem, the fusion looks more natural than Black Kyurem and the possibility that it could be a Fire/Ice type is sweet. :3

    Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?

    White Kyurem as of now.
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    The black one looks odd with its primate-esque pose and apparently muscular right arm.

    I noticed this almost imeddiately. I would say what it reminds me of, but I'd probably get banned. XD

    • Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?
      - This is tough. Black Kyurem looks quite strong, whereas White Kyurem's pose truthfully doesn't do it much justice. It just looks a bit bland if I'm honest. but yeah, I'm torn on this.

    • Which one has the better fusion?
      - As for this question, probably White Kyurem. I think it looks more natural, probably because of the colouring. ice and grey for some reason looks more natural than grey and black.

    • Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?
      - White. Reshiram FTW! XD
    Though all we have is a name and their design, which one gives the better impression towards you?

    I am leaning towards White Kyurem... I haven't found a specific liking towards Black Kyurem yet. ;;

    Kyurem hasn't given me the best impression by itself, so I can't say much about them right now...

    Which one has the better fusion?

    Still going with White Kyurem... it just seems to be a less broken fusion than Black Kyurem... I-I suppose it's because white and ice blue go hand in hand, as shallow as that sounds. ><

    Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?

    White Kyurem, for now. :3
    I've always liked zekrom more then reshiram. But I think white kyurem looks better. Black just looks like of..wrong.
    I hate them both. Kyusham has a better design than Kyukrom, but they're both ugly. And B2/W2? Just stick with Grey so we can have R/S Remakes. DX
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