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BobandBill's trading thread!

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No thanks

Shiny for shiny please... will take it if you want any of the egg move pokes however.

No thanks I was only interested in the Magnemite.
Thanks anyway.

My new fc is in my sig since my ds said I needed to delete my old one.
Hmm, maybe, how 'touched' is it?

I got it in a trade and it says Hoenn Arrived at Lv. 70. I'm not sure if it was from an Emerald cartridge or Ruby cartridge, but poffins/pokeblocks have been used on it (a lot), and it only knows Fire Blast, Fissure, and Solarbeam. It's still at Level 70 trained less than half the experience needed to grow to level 71.
Would you be Interested in

Dratini, Adament with Icebeam male or female i have a bunch.

Duskull, carefull with painsplit only have males

I need the Chimchar a male one of course
I got it in a trade and it says Hoenn Arrived at Lv. 70. I'm not sure if it was from an Emerald cartridge or Ruby cartridge, but poffins/pokeblocks have been used on it (a lot), and it only knows Fire Blast, Fissure, and Solarbeam. It's still at Level 70 trained less than half the experience needed to grow to level 71.
Eh, probably not then, as I'm probably not going to need any more Groudons anyway (hence why I'm trading some), sorry.
Would you be Interested in

Dratini, Adament with Icebeam male or female i have a bunch.

Duskull, carefull with painsplit only have males

I need the Chimchar a male one of course
Am interested in the Duskull with painsplit - prefer males. :)
Already have male Chimchars with ThunderPunch bred - unless you'd rather the flamethrowwing/grass knot ones, but they need breeding first.
Flamethrower and grassnot.

Slow response sorry im bout to fall alseep its really late lol or should i say early lol 4am
nature doesnt matter, just a male with those 2 moves, I'll rebreed it to get good IV's.
What do you want for th egg moved Chimchar? A Vulpix?

Also what natures are the shiny Eevee's?
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What do you want for th egg moved Chimchar? A Vulpix?

Also what natures are the shiny Eevee's?
Just got a Vulpix, so I have no need for it. Any other Pokes on the specifics, other egg-move Pokemon, EV'd pokes, or rare items are some things I'll consider.

Shiny Eevees - Lax or Modest. All UT and at level 16, chained by yours truely.
Ooh! Your Makuhita - what do you want for it? Take a look @ my thread! ^_^
Ooh! Your Makuhita - what do you want for it? Take a look @ my thread! ^_^
Am interested in this pokes in this order, depending on some factors:

158 S!Totodile (F) lv5 Adamant
25 S!Drifloon (M) lv22 Calm
410 S!Shieldon (M) lv20 Serious

Totodile - does it have egg moves Ice Punch and Dragon dance? If so, am VERY interested, may throw in something else for it as well.
If not, the Drifloon if it has the ability Unburden. If not, then the Shieldon. :)
Am interested in this pokes in this order, depending on some factors:

Totodile - does it have egg moves Ice Punch and Dragon dance? If so, am VERY interested, may throw in something else for it as well.
If not, the Drifloon if it has the ability Unburden. If not, then the Shieldon. :)


I can't check them right now, but I will when I get my DS back - I have a (F) Drifloon too - d'you want me to check that one for the Unburden ability too?
Shiny Magnetmite is back up for grabs. Shiny for shiny offer please! Also two Eevees and a Zubat left.

Some of the specifics have gone as well (Manaphy and Leech-seeding Lotad are two). Also, can breed soon Nasty-ploting Togepi - once it evolves...
for shiny evee would you take scizor or does scizor need to be shiny
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i have scizor and deoxys. but i want something good
Scizor for the Tyranitar you mentioned eariler? BTW sorry for delays...

for shiny evee would you take scizor or does scizor need to be shiny
Shiny for shiny please - and am planning to chain shiny Scyther myself in the future anyway...
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