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Braille Scripts


  • 241
    I'm in the mood for making tutorials ;-;

    Anyway, hi.

    Arrgh, those annoying braille texts on the caves that no one could understand what the heck is there:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Braille Scripts

    Anyway, i've been doing some tests on XSE and I figured out how to do that :>

    Okay, let's begin.

    The pointer to the Braille should be like that:
    braille @[pointer]
    Let's say my pointer is 1, so I am going to change the script to:
     braille @1
    Okay, now, let's create the "#org @1".

    In order to make a Braille message, under the "#org @1" line, you gonna put:
    #raw 0x[left position] 0x[top position] 0x[msgbox left position] 0x[msgbox top position] 0x[braille msg left] 0x[braille msg top]
    If you know what I mean by writing those stuff up there in the code...okay, but if you haven't just set it to the default (When I say default, I meant the default from R/S/E's Regi caves) . The default is:
    #raw 0x3 0x0 0x1B 0x13 0x5 0x3
    Now, create another line.

    In the line you've just created, we are going to put the message.

    It will be like that:
    #braille [message]
    Example, if I want the message "HAI PC", I am going to put that:
    #braille HAI PC
    Simple, isn't it?

    Now, to release the script, you're going to put in:
    hidebox 0x0 0x0 0x1D 0x13 (If you did the default)
    Unless, it won't close :P

    Okay, here's an example for a script:

     #dynamic 0x800000
    #org @start
    braille @1
    hidebox 0x0 0x0 0x1D 0x13
    #org @1
    #raw 0x3 0x0 0x1B 0x13 0x5 0x3
    #braille HAI PC
    Now, let's move to the Braille alphabet. This is if you wanna make a "real" message:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Braille Scripts

    Last but not least....The result:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Braille Scripts

    You should get this!

    The message will close when you press the "A" key or another key, simply because we put the:
    hidebox 0x0 0x0 0x1D 0x13
    After the braille pointer!

    The end!

    - Gal
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    Great job.

    I'm surprised that someone actually did a tutorial on this -- or even thought about it.

    I was actually planning myself to figure out how it worked so I could use it in my hack, haha.

    But thanks for doing this, it would make a really good puzzle.
    Great job.

    I'm surprised that someone actually did a tutorial on this -- or even thought about it.

    I was actually planning myself to figure out how it worked so I could use it in my hack, haha.

    But thanks for doing this, it would make a really good puzzle.

    or even thought about it

    Hahahaha, I was planning to do this tutorial a long time ago but I sort of forgot :P

    Then, when I was in the mood for doing tutorials, I thought about it xD

    And I am suprised someone commented here, because braille scripts are not something you see on any hack xD

    Thanks =)

    EDIT: I updated the script, because I forgot something important. If I didn't update, the braille box won't close...xD

    If you already did the script of that, I recommend you to update it ;-;

    Sorry xD
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    Seeing this makes me wonder if it's possible to hack the braille text boxes in RSE to put in regular text, then allow the hacker to adjust the position of it and allow for textboxes on the top and bottom of the screen like the 5th Generation allow for.

    I think DavidJCobb managed to alter the x and y coordinates of textboxes.

    Anyway, this is a nice tutorial, nothing new, it's been in XSE's manual for ages, but it's useful for beginners I guess.
    Seeing this makes me wonder if it's possible to hack the braille text boxes in RSE to put in regular text, then allow the hacker to adjust the position of it and allow for textboxes on the top and bottom of the screen like the 5th Generation allow for.

    If I am not wrong, it is possible doing that on RSE, because you just need to control the X/Y of the text box, just set it to the "default", and yup!
    More of a curiosity about R/S/E's system than necessarily your tutorial, but does it support contracted characters? There are some braille characters that are contractions of two letters.
    More of a curiosity about R/S/E's system than necessarily your tutorial, but does it support contracted characters? There are some braille characters that are contractions of two letters.

    I don't really know hahahaha...

    You can test it by yourself and tell me the results if you want ;)
    Finally, a tut about this braille thingies. Worth my time reading and
    it seems like it's very easy to understand. Helpful, maybe I could
    use this?
    Finally, a tut about this braille thingies. Worth my time reading and
    it seems like it's very easy to understand. Helpful, maybe I could
    use this?

    Do you meant using this on your hack?

    Sure, hahaha, it's a tutorial!

    But, I will be glad if you give me credit anyway :D
    Do you meant using this on your hack?

    Sure, hahaha, it's a tutorial!

    But, I will be glad if you give me credit anyway :D

    I'm not sure, but yeah I'll give you credit ^^
    still confuse on the events in the game, but yeah, this would be good.