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  • 9,523
    • Seen Nov 21, 2014
    Well done, beloved PokeCommunity Staff... you guys really had me fooled and I am usually not as gullible with my ever advancing years. What really sold it for me was the build up with Lerroux coming in on March 6th and Blade, a close friend, carefully stringing me along. This was so well planned and executed. I was convinced that the staff was full of douches and people who could just never get along for five seconds after seeing that staff forum! Just wow... bravo. I'm glad it was all a joke. :)
    -curtsies- thank you, thank you... but i only ask for partial credit in raising this fine man :P
    Live_Wire466;bt75918 said:
    When Lerroux posted in your trade thread & was talking to Mia, that was me. :D
    At first I said no then I said yes... I figured if he was gonna be around for a while I might as well play nice. :B