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  • 50,218
    I know I'm not from the UK, but I am from a country that will feel impacted by this.

    So, the UK voted to leave the European Union in a historic referendum, with Team Leave winning 52% to Team Remain's 48%. As you know, my country of Australia was one of the notable nations on Team Remain, and while we did have a few Leave supporters there was more Remain down here.

    British PM David Cameron has announced he will be stepping down by October, and that makes me believe the controversial former London Mayor Boris Johnson (who was also a Leave supporter) could be likely to succeed him. Americans are also worried this means Donald Trump could win the presidential election because he also was on Team Leave.

    Financial impact is being felt right now, with some countries (such as Japan) halting trading for the day and the British pound being at its lowest since 1985.

    Scotland also seem to be baffled at the win, since they heavily supported Remain and the British exit means Scotland could try and call another independence referendum, and other EU countries like France and the Netherlands are also considering calling their own Brexit-style referendums.

    What do you think Brexit will mean to you? The fact that the Leave voters were mostly old people means that the younger crowd haven't gotten the future they wanted. This was a one-off entry for me since I barely do serious entries but it's a huge history-making event.
    Brexit is proof that fear-mongering and rhetoric are powerful political tools capable of overriding logic and reasoning. This is going to cause an economically weaker EU and a much economically weaker UK and signals the beginning of the end of the UK's slide into political irrelevance.

    In other news I just became a republican.