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Article: Caring for your Eevee

What a cute article. This makes me want to quit my day job and go raise bundles of Eevees!

why must they not exist :(

Maybe I'll just try to catch five of them on Pokemon Go to make up for it.
There is absolutely no way to make up for Eevee's absence in reality, but I've certainly never played a full playthrough without raising at least one.

Is it possible that this made me want to raise Eevees in their masses even more? A BIG BALL OF FURRY CRITTERS.
One thing: Eevee can also be found on Route 116, in Hoenn. 6 of my 8 shiny Eeveelutions were captured on Route 116.
Please can we have an article similar to this every week regarding the various cute Pokemon :3

To put a spin on it there could be a guide to looking after your pet Tyranitar or something, now that would be interesting xD
These creative articles are great, although it makes me sadder that pokemon aren't real
My eevee has a serious Pokepuff problem! I have to keep them locked up otherwise it goes absolutely mad, eats loads and then has a tummy ache the next day.
What can I do to help my eevee?
Well, my Eeve, Hero of lvl 100, was hard to train and...keep. It help that Luke my Lucario was able to befriend it and keep an eye on it. He holds an everstone of his very own that he found on our walk through Johto, and he loves that it. His very own rock that he brags on about. I think, he can take care of himself, if not, Luke won't stop until he finds his companion for life.