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Chain Story: Equal Rivals

Shadow: "Bayleef first, eh? Then go Crobat!"
Announcer: "Shadow sends out Crobat, which is Poison and Flying, and Bayleef is weak to both."
Shadow: "Shut up already!"
Referee: "Begin!"
Ash: "Razor Leaf!"
Shadow: "Fly into the sky!"
Crobat flies above Bayleef and hides in a cloud.
Ash: "Use Solar Beam!"
Bayleef fires Solar Beam at the cloud. The cloud scatters, but Crobat wasn't in it.
Shadow: "Sludge Bomb!"
Sludge comes flying out of another cloud and Bayleef ducks out of the way. Suddenly Sludge Bomb starts coming out of several clouds, from under the stands, from garbage cans, and many other places. Bayleef gets hit a few times, but most of them disappear when they touch Bayleef.
Ash: "What in the world is going on?"
Shadow: "It is my perfectly legit, super Sludge Bomb strategy #12. I don't always say all of my commands. I say one command and my Pokemon know to do something else or include another move."

Brock: "Any theories Max?"
Max: "Well Crobat is one of the fastest Pokemon, but it couldn't be that fast. But there is a chance it did Double Team faster then we could see. Most of the Sludge Bombs seem to fake as well."
Brock: "Ash! It is using Duble Team! Find the real one!"

Shadow: "Arrgh you! You dare reveal my strategy of brilliance? Sludge Bomb them!"
All the Sludge Bombs aim at Brock and Max for a few seconds until they are covered with slime. Then they continue to attack Bayleef.
Max: "Well....This is disgusting.."
May: "Eeeew There's some on me. Get it off!"

Ash: "Double Team....Bayleef, try to figure out where the real Sludge is coming from!"
Shadow: "Hah! That won't work! My Crobat switches its location every time!"
Ash: "Vine whip and try to find the real one!"
Bayleef waits a minute and notices a pattern of where the real Sludge Bombs are coming from. It uses Vine Whip and moves its vines underneath the stands. It waits a minute and closes them around the real Crobat and all the Double Teams disappear, but Bayleef grabbed Crobat the wrong way so its vine is inside Crobat's mouth and Shadow notices this.
Shadow: "Poison Fang!"
Crobat bites the vine making Bayleef release it and poisoning Bayleef. Bayleef then eats a berry and cures its poisoning.
Ash: "Brock anticipated your poisoning tactics so he game me that in advance!"

Shadow: "Who cares? Gust now!"
Crobat beats its wings and creates a small tornado which just stays in the same place.
Max: "Gust?"
Brock: "It can learn it if its father knows it."
Max: "Ah, an egg move."
Crobat then gets in its own tornado with its wings spread out.
Max: "What is it doing?!?"
Crobat starts spinning around and around and it comes out of thetop spinning around very fast and it speeds towards Bayleef and hits it before it can move. And it keeps htting Bayleef using its spinning wings.
Brock: "He just combined Gust and Wing Attack!"
Max: "I think Aerial Ace too..."

Crobat's wings start to glow and it hits Bayleef one last time knocking it out.
Referee: "Bayleef is unable to battle, Shadow wins."
Announcer: "What Pokemon will Ash use to beat this skillful Pokemon?"
Ash randomly threw a Pok?ball out, it formed into a bird Like Pokemon, Noctowl.

Ash- Noctowl, You're my best bet on taking him out on an Aerial Battle.

Shadow(sarcasm)- haha I'm really scared...

Ash- Noctowl eh erm... er...

Ash does not know any moves for Noctowl because all Noctowl does is practically peck balloons.

Ash- Not now... Use PECK! I know you can use that!

Noctowl dived into Crobat and did a peck.

Luckily Noctowl peck it on the wing joint thing so it weakened Crobat's ability on flying.

Ash- NOw's our chance! er use... er... Gust!

Noctowl flapped its wings and knocked Crobat straight into Shadow.
Shadow: "Stockpile!"
Swalot inhales food from the audience.
Shadow: "Now Spit Up!"
Swalot shoots the chewed up food at Noctowl who avoids it all.
Audience: "Eeeeewww"
Ash: "Noctowl! Use Hypnosis! Then Dream Eater!"
Noctowl puts Swalot to sleep and eats its dream. Swalot then wakes up.
Shadow: "Sludge!"
Swalot fires Sludge at Noctowl, who didn't notice Swalot was awake, knocking it down to the ground. Noctowl tries to fly but can't due to the weight of the slime.
Shadow: "Stockpile!"
Swalot inhales more food from the audience, its own Spit Up attack, and the Sludge on Noctowl.
Shadow: "Swallow!"
Swalot swallows the food and gets poisoned from the sludge and spit up.
Ash: "Take Down!"
Noctowl dives towards Swalot, knocking it over.
Referee: "Swalot is unable to battle, Noctowl wins!"

Shadow: "Grrrr....Go Tentacruel! Hydro Pump!"
Tentacruel fires Hydro Pump, but Noctowl keeps dodging. Noctowl becomes tired and a Hydro Pump hits it and sends it flying into a rock.
Referee: "Noctowl is unable to battle! Tentacruel wins!"
Ash: "Go Pikachu!"
Shadow: "About time....Ice Beam!"
Ash: "Quick Attack!"
Pikachu dodges Ice Beam and Tentacruel fires another Ice Beam and Pikachu dodges. This continues for a while until the field is frozen solid.
Announcer: "The field has frozen over!"

Shadow: "Combo Number 276! Now!"
Ash: "Another Combo?"
Tentacruel shoots a short blast of Water Gun and uses Ice Beam to freeze it into a sharp icicle, which glides extremely fast across the ice towards Pikachu. Pikachu dodges but barely.

Max: "That was kind of cool."
May: "We're supposed to rooting for Ash..."
Max: "I know but that was neat."
A vine taps Max on the shoulder and he turns to see Bayleef who grabs him and throws him across the field, straight into Jessie and James.

Tentacruel fires off many more icicles and Pikachu dodges them all.
Shadow: "Increase the power now!"
Tentacruel now starts using Hydro Pump instead of Water Gun, making larger icicles. Pikachu barely dodges them.
Ash: "Jump up and Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu jumps into the air and Thunderbolts Tentacruel, who Mirror Coats it back at Pikachu.
Shadow: "See what amazing moves Pokemon can learn from their parents? Fire now!"
Tentacruel fires an icicle at Pikachu and it hits. Pikachu struggles and manages to get up.
Shadow- That pikabrat! So stupid... Tentacruel! Fire Ice Beam rapidly!

Tentacruel starts to fire randomly as Pikachu gets hit, freezing.

Shadow- NOW!

Tentacruel does some attack and defeats Pikachu.

CROWD- YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash- oh now what...
Ash: "Go Tauros! Horn Attack!"
Tentacruel fires an icicle at Tauros, who breaks through it and rams Tentacruel knocking it into Shadow.
Referee: "Tentacruel is unable to battle!"
Shadow: "Grrrr...Return! Go Venomoth! Psychic!"
Venomoth throws Tauros into a wall.
Ash: "Rage!"
Tauros comes thrasing out of the wall and towards Venomoth.
Shadow: "Sleep Powder!"
Venomoth unleashes Sleep Powder but it doesn't attack Tauros because he is enraged. Tauros headbutts Venomoth straight into the air. Venomoth falls down a second later, unconcious.
Referee: "Venomoth is unable to battle."
Shadow withdraws Venomoth and sends out Seviper. Tauros attacks Seviper sending him flying into Shadow. Shadow withdraws him also and throws his last Pokeball and Nidoking emerges. Tauros charges towards Nidoking. Suddenly everything but Shadow and Nidoking freeze in place. Nidoking uses Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam on Tauros and everything starts moving again. Tauros immediatly topples over.

Referee: "Tauros is unable to battle."
Brock: "What in the world happened?"
Max: "I have no idea..."
Blake (Satoshi) notices Nidoking is holding a glowing jewel.
Blake (Satoshi): "Oh no...(thinking: Somehow Nidoking must have manipulated the jewel...but what exactly did he do? And what is Shadow planning?)"

Ash: "Go Snorlax!"
Snorlax comes out and everything freezes again. This time Satoshi uses his power to make him immune to the jewel's power.
Satoshi: "He's freezing time..."
Nidoking uses Thunderbolt, Flamethrower adn Sludge Bomb on Snorlax and when time starts again, it faints.
Referee: "Snorlax is unable to battle!"
Announcer: "Both Shadow and Ash are down to one Pokemon each. But Ash's Pokemon have been mysteriously fainting. Did he forget to heal them at teh Pokemon Center?"
Ash: "Go Charizard!"
Shadow: "Hehehe..."
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Shadow: "What's going on? Surf now!"
Nidoking unleashes a torrent of water which stops Fire Blast.
Shadow: "Why aren't they frozen!"
Nidoking: "I did it right..."
Shadow: "Try again!"
Nidoking tries to freeze Charizard but it doesn't work.
Shadow: "Oh well, we'll just have to beat him with another strategy."

Nidoking starts to glow a light purple, the same color as the jewel, and he starts to float. He flies into the sky using the jewel's power and Charizard follows him. Nidoking use Hyper Beam, but Charizard counters with Flamethrower. Then Charizard uses a quick Dragon Rage to knock the jewel out of Nidoking's grasp. As Nidoking starts to fall, Charizard grabs him and Seismic Toss him into the ground and lands just as time starts again. Nidoking gets up and a Blizzard starts, but Charizard blows it all to Nidoking, freezing him. Nidoking then Fire Blasts Nidoking, melting the ice and sending him into Shadow.
Shadow: "What? There is no way I could have lost! My strategies were perfect! I can't lose! Noooo!"

Referee: "Nidoking is unable to battle! Ash Ketchum is the winner!"
Satoshi switches places and disguises with Ash.
Announcer: "After an extremly weird and eventful battle, Ash comes out the victor and will move onto the final match!"
Shadow pushes Nidoking off of him and gets up.
Shadow: "No! I can't lose! I won't lose! I'll defeat you! Prepare to die Ash Ketchum!"
Shadow pulls out a rocket launcher and Pikachu shocks it making it explode, sending Shadow balsting off.
Announcer: "Now for the final contest match! Jessie and her Dustox versus May and her Beautifly. Please report to the contest house in thirty minutes!"

~~5 minutes later at Shadow's base~~
Shadow and Nidoking falls through the roof, with Kent and Keith waiting for them.
Keith: "Well that went well. You got third place at the most."
Kent: "Don't worry. I'm sure there is a back-up plan. Right Shadow?"
Shadow: "Of course. We just steal it. Time to for you to do a job Keith. I need you to go get the jewel Nidoking dropped at the stadium. And if the twerps have already gotten it, then take it from their room tonight. The final battle isn't until tomorrow. And tomorrow we shall have all seven jewels. Then I will just have to get the special one from the other dimension."

Shadow pulls out a remote and pushes a button. He disappears and Keith leaves the room. Kent and Nidoking are left there alone.
Kent: "Uhh so do you have anything to talk about?"
Nidoking: "Not really."

~~Pocket Monsters Dimension~~
All of the colors are there torturing Neo and Kenan/Kamek. Shadow appears.
Shadow: "Hey guys. Know where to find a mythical stone capable of summoning a powerful Pokemon when with seven other jewels?"
Green: "I have it!"
Green pulls out a green, glowing, Pokeball-shaped jewel. Shadow snatches it.
Shadow: "Thanks!"
Shadow teleports away.
BTW, plz refer Green as the boy next time....
Pocket Monsters Dimension

Red- What did you do that for!?

Blue- Wasn't my fault!

Green- Whatever it was, it isn't good

Gold- It isn't...

Silver- L et's go get them then!

Red- Ok... I know someone who cna open this Dimension traveller thing...

Red and Co. Travel back to Kanto...

Red- Sabrina...

Sabrina- I know what you are thinking of, now get in. *opens vortex thing*

Red and Co. get into Pokemon Dimension.


Red tumbles down, staring at his counterpart.

Green- LOOK! We're not in battle or anything right now, this guy we met before called Shadow just took some jewel off us!

Satoshi- Argh... Follow me!

Satoshi and Co. run after Satoshi.

They arrive at this big wall.

Satoshi- Just when I needed it. It separates us from Shadow's Base...

Red- I got it! Go Snorlax!!!!!!!

Snorlax- SNORE!

Red- Take down!

After numerous attacks.

Satoshi- Now we have to fly up there...

Red- GO Aerodactyl!

Green- Go Charizard!

Blue- Go Jigglypuff!

Yellow- Go Butterfree!

Gold- Go Mantine!

Silver- Go Murkrow!

Kris- Go Natu!

Ash- Go Noctowl!

May- Go Beautifly!

Blue- Ok, you can use the Legendary Birds... *summons them*


Shadow- ****.. they're gonna be here in any minute... *looking at surveliience camera*
May: "String Shot!"
Jessie: "String Shot too!"
Both Pokemon fire String Shot and a giant bundle of thread appears in between them.
Jessie: "Psybeam!"
Dustox fires Psybeam making the bundle of String Shot explode into millions of pieces.
May: "Silver Wind."
Beautifly sends a glittering wind which makes all the pieces of String Shot start glowing as they fall.
Jessie: "Poison Sting!"
Dustox fires Poiosn Sting which gets stuck in the falling bit of String Shot making them grow a beautiful purple. Some Poison Sting goes through and hits Beautifly, poisoning it.
Referee: "30 seconds left!"
May: "Morning Sun!"
Beautifly starts glowing as it heals itself.
May: "Now Solar Beam!"
Beautifly fires Solar Beam hitting Dustox as the last bits of thread hit the ground.
Referee: "Time is up!"
Judge: "As the Beauty judge of Kaikoren, I declare May the winner!"

~~Shadow Inc. 1962~~
Shadow: "Now that does interdimension pests are in my prison, time to send them back..."
Shadow pulls out a remote and sends the Pocket Monsters Dimension people back to their dimension.
Kent: "Status report sir! May won the contest division."
Shadow: "Woo that is so important...."
Kent: "And Jake won his match and will fight Ash tomorrow at noon, then..."
Shadow: "The prize will be awarded and we can steal it."
Kent: "And something else that you definitly won't like..."
Shadow: "Try me..."

~~Shadow Inc's Secret Moon Base that is Under Construction 1962~~
Grunt: "We don't have to rush..We ahve until 2004 to finish this. And Shadow isn't even going to use it right away...."
Shadow (still on Earth and not through a radio): "WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!"
Grunt: "Get to work! Faster! Faster!"

~~Shadow Inc. 1962~~
Shadow: "This dimension's Sabrina is here?!?! My real sister? Arrrgghhhh...... Where is she?"
Kent: "Exploring Kaikoren and finding out about the tournament and what you've been doing."
Shadow: "Well we can just ignore her until I get the last jewel. The contents of this will crush her. Hehehe..."
Shadow pulls out the jewel he stole from Green, and a low growl is heard from inside of it.
Pocket Monsters Dimension

Green- Argh... We're in big trouble now... Shadow is gonna wreck this world...

Red- Only me and Green go then... we can split up and...

Blue- I know the trick!

Red smiled. He remembered how easily Blue stole Red's badges. Blue could replace the jewels with fake jewels.

Red- Ok... let's try this... DIMENSIONAL VORTEX! OPEN!

Green's Golducka and Alakazam concentrated hardly and a small vortex opened up.

Red- Get in!

Blue and Green Nodded. They jumped in and Red followed suite.

Yellow- I hope they're ok...

Grunt- Shadow... Those annoying Pocket Monster people are back... Again.

Shadow- WHAT!!!!!!!????????? *grabs remote and presses buttons but doesn't work*

Grunt- er... *sneaks awway*

Blue who was hanging on Jigglypuff swings into the room.

Blue- You want your remote???

Shadow- GIVE IT BACK!!!!!!

Blue- Get it then! *throws remote onto floor, breaking it*

Shadow- *evil laugh* I still have backups you know! *grabs backup remote*

Blue- Hmmm... I'm sorry sir, but it seems that you gave your backup to me earlier.

Shadow- WHAT!? How can you do so much stuff in one second?

Blue- Figure out yourself! *winks*

Back at some meeting area.

Ash- You again!?

Red- We came to get the jewels back. Here they are.

Green- I think you'll have mroe uses with the jewels. *hands bag of the jewels to Ash and Co.*

Blue- Well that's all, Mission Accomplished. Bye!

Red Green and Blue go back to their dimension.

Ash- Oh ****! My battle! It's about to start!
Shadow: "Well that takes care of all of them. Keith!"
Keith walks in.
Keith: "Yes?"
Shadow: "They are delivering the last jewel to the stadium right now. You know what to do."
Keith: "Of course."
Kent: "Hey, when do I get my promotion?"
Shadow: "When we go back into 2004 when I have overthrown Giovanni..."
Kent: "You what?"
Shadow: "I've been altering the past, and therefore the present, here and there... So what?"

~~Main Stadium 11:55~~
Announcer: "Here we are, the moment you've been waiting for, the Final Battle of the Kaikoren Tournament!"
May: "Yay Ash!"
Brock: "You can do it!"
Max: "Don't mess this up like the Silver Conference!"
Gary: "We're counting on you!"
Shadow walks up and sits besides them.
Brock: "Shadow! What do you want?"
Shadow: "I want to see the match, so what? And there were no other seats, so don't think I'm sitting here by choice. I just want to see Ash lose."
Max: "How are you so sure? He beat you."
Shadow: "Haven't you seen his opponent? I guess you nitwits don't do any kind of research before battling. I seriously doubt monkey boy here could win. I had a perfect strategy for beating Jake, but I guess I won't be able to use it."

Jakes and Ash walk onto the center of the field and shake hands, then procede back to their sides.
Announcer: "As a special rule to the final battle, both trainers msut send out their first Pokemon at the same time."
Ash and Jake throw their Pokeballs. Totodile appears from Ash's Pokeball and Solrock appears from Jake's.
Announcer: "Totodile versus Solrock. This should prove to be a great match that Shadow is too lazy to type right now."
Referee: "Begin...."
Jake: "Go Regice!"
Ash: "Water Gun!"
Jake: "Ice Beam!"
Regice freezes the Water Gun all the way back to Totodile and it freezes him too.
Jake: "Now Focus Punch!"
Regice sits there for a moment. Then it punches Totodile clear into the sky. Totodile falls down, the ice breaks, and it faints.
Referee: "Totodile is unable to battle, Ash wins!"

~~Meanwhile near the stadium~~
An armored truck drives towards the stadium and Keith jumps out of a tree and onto it. Keith pulls out a special laser and uses it to cut a whole in the roof. Keith jumps in the whole and finds a safe.
Keith: "They put a safe in an armored truck? They really went all out...."
Keith pulls out a small device and puts it up to the lock and pushes a button. The little machine digs into the lock and unlocks it and the safe's door just swings open. The little machine jumps back into Keith's hand, and he puts it in his pocket.
Keith: "I've got to remember to thank Shadow for that thing."
Keith reaches in the safe and pulls out the final jewel. He then throws a Pokeball and a Ninjask comes out. Ninjask flies Keith out of the truck and towards Shadow's hideout.

~~Back at the Stadium~~
Ash: "Go Snorlax! Body Slam!"
Jake: "Superpower!"
Snorlax tries to land on Regice, but Regice stops it easily and throws Snorlax across the stadium.
Ash and Jake: "Hyper Beam!"
Snorlax and Regice fire Hyper Beam causing a massive explosion that doesn't hurt either of them.
Ash: "Go Charizard! Flamethrower!"
Charizard comes out and shoots flames at Espeon, who easily avoids them.
May: "Charizard already?"
Max: "Espeon is tough..."

Ash: "Again!"
Charizards uses Flamethrower but Espeon avoids it.
Ash: "Dragon Rage!"
Espeon jumps out of the way.
Ash: "Why can't Charizard hit it?"
Ash pulls out his Pokedex.
Pokedex: "Espeon, the evolved form of Eevee. Espeon can see it's oponents next attacks by reading air currents. It..."
An Ice Beam fires from under the stands and freezes the Pokedex and makes it fall to the floor. Then a Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Sludge Bomb, and a few Hyper Beams make it explode.
???: "Hehehe"

Ash: "O...K.... Charizard Seismic Toss!"
Charizard grabs Espeon.
Max: "That was weird...It didn't even try to dodge..."

Charizard gets ready to slam Espeon on teh ground, when it uses Psychic to switch places and slams Charizard into the ground, fainting it.
Referee: "Charizard is unable to battle."
Brock: "Charizard is gone so early, this is not good..."
Shadow: "I will....right now, hehehe..."
A blue beam fires at Sabrina from behind, freezing her, and Shadow's Nidoqueen steps forward.
Shadow: "Hehehe, I thought you needed to chill out Saby..."
Shadow is lifted off the ground and flung into the wall.
Shadow: "Ow, Venomoth Teleport!"
Frozen Sabrina is teleported out of the building.

Jake: "Use Swift!"
Espeon fires stars at Swellow, hitting it, and knocking it to the ground.
Ash: "Endeavor!"
Swellow makes Espeon lose as much HP as Swellow has.
Ash: "Now! Quick attack!"
Swellow flies back up and dives at Espeon knocking it out.
Referee: "Swellow wins!"