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Chicago Here We Come (Robert DeLong, Our Super Adventure, FNAF AMV) [Daily Bloggity Enry #372]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    Chicago Here We Come

    Date: 30 November 2016
    Time: 11:23 AM ET
    Mood: Writing a few entries right now (:

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    A Year of Funny Pictures: November 30th

    One and a half semesters. That's how many semesters separate me from in conditioned freedom not just from my insufferable parents, but from the end of my collegiate tenure as well. It's an exhilarating feeling let me tell you, and there's nothing more that I want to do right then be able to start my career in the workforce. Sure, there are some question marks surrounding what exactly I'm going to end up doing, but I do have a definite answer on one specific matter: the where I'm going to start.

    Daily Music - "Don't Wait Up" by Robert DeLong
    Over the...I want to say the last two months - m'lady can correct me on that if she's reading this - my partner has been vastly searching for a job after graduation. Her an I graduate at the exact same time (thankfully) and as a result, we've both been thinking about where exactly we wanted to end up living together. Her specialization (I.e food science) is more niche than mine (I.e social justice) so we've come up with a process where once she found a job in a specific city, I would start looking for one around that surrounding area. Part 1 is complete, and now Part 2 will initiate.

    Daily Comic - "Clothes" by Our Super Adventure
    She ended up landing a job in the Chicago-based area at a company that specializes in making new bread-related products, which inevitably get sold to other companies around the country. Her job really fascinates as me, as ultimately she is given full reign in being able to express her intuitiveness and creativity in trying new recipes and such. What I'm curious about - which I'll ask her later - is if she gets a percentage or royalties out of creating a product, or if it's just ultimately a pat-on-the-back kind of deal. Nonetheless, I applaud her for putting herself out there and landing an awesome gig such as the one coming up.

    Daily Video - "It's Me" by animator Don'tJokeAround
    I'm a little bit curious where I am going to end up, to be honest. It's not like I haven't given it any thought - I know that I was to work with families, possibly on the DCF front, but as to if positions are actually available corresponding to my interest...that I don't actually know. In the end, I know that whatever job I do correspond with needs to be related to my major, as I really want to get into the administrative side of social policy(making) and thus I need to hit the ground running with this. Time will tell.

    These next few months are going to fly, that much I do know. It's going to be crazy to think that once April creeps around I'll be moving out of Massachusetts which I've lived all my life. But I'm excited about it; I want to travel as much as I can, and thus this will be a perfect launching opportunity to do just that. What about you guys? What are your plans after college if you are still in it? What do you want to do as a career? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - Matt, Tracer/El Héroe Oscuro

    I know exactly how you feel. Living in the same state for...pretty much all your life and now soon you will be adapting to a different state...well, probably a different culture. Your neck of the woods won't be like the neck of the woods over there. So be prepared to get culture shocked, because that's how I felt when I moved from California to Texas.

    Congrats to your girlfriend for landing that job in Chicago, by the way. I'm sure you will land something in your field as well, I mean, Chicago is a huge city and it's got a lot. I've only been there once (boyfriend has gone there a couple times), and I can tell you that the scene is freaking amazing. Don't forget to try out their famous pizza and hot dogs. They are unforgettable.

    As for me, I graduated a couple months ago. Right now I am trying to settle down and rest until I move on to the next step. 2017 is closing in and I can't wait.