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2nd Gen Cloning Glitches Non-Working on Japanese Crystal?


Just a dude, I guess
  • 122
    Good morrow. Looking for some hints/tips.

    I've been trying for close to an hour the known cloning glitches in my copy of Crystal in Japanese, but I can't seem to get the timing down on it. I tried a variation on the Box Move method, but I ended up with a casualty (luckily I did not try experimenting with my one and only Master Ball), and I have no way (as of writing) of backing up my save file.

    Are the cloning glitches confirmed to not work on Japanese Crystal? It would be nice to know so I'm not wasting more of my time, and it would be nice to know through the guide stickied in the main forum that it does not, or at least some indication somewhere that it doesn't work.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    (P.S., like I said, I have no way of backing up my save now. I am awaiting a GBxRW in the mail, so hopefully with that I can back up my save and hopefully re-inject it so I can try again.)
    I started working on a living Dex in Japanese Crystal myself, and I was going crazy because I also thought the glitch wouldn't work! However, I was eventually able to get a clone to appear and now can do it semi-consistently.

    You'll want to follow this guide, and at step four you'll want to turn off the power about a quarter second after the last letter (hiragana?) appears. Ideally you'll also want to clear your SRAM, either by clearing your save data with Up+Select+B or by replacing the battery.

    Happy cloning!
    I remember people talking about cloning not working in Crystal. Supposedly, it was something they somehow fixed from G/S. However, I very much disagree with that. Back when I was still playing gen 2 as a kid I had both Gold and Crystal. I had all my cool stuff in Gold. So, when I tried out cloning I was too afraid to try it in that game and instead used my Crystal version for it.

    There definitely is some timing involved. Maybe it's even a little bit harder than in G/S. But I'm pretty sure it works in Crystal!