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[Theory] Clothing is taking over the Pokémon world

Clothing is taking over the Pokémon world

Clothing is taking over the Pokémon world

Cast away your hats, Trainer, lest you fall under control of these parasites!
This is so thoroughly researched and well-written, I am very concerned about hats now
The Pokémon x Kill La Kill crossover we need but do not deserve ♥♥♥
Kill La Kill was certainly in my mind at some point when doing this version of the article, haha. TPC would never tolerate that level of fanservice...
Should i start worrying about goggles worn on the head as well or am I safe?
Unclear at this stage. While we have not seen any goggles costumes on Pokemon as yet, we do have glasses, and perhaps some of those are the same parasites (see Squirtle and Pikachu lines). No evidence of no evolution possible there as yet, and it could be an innocent outlier that merely has had recent popularity thanks to the first season of the anime. Nonetheless, if you feel any lightheadness or slurred speech, immediately remove those goggles!
When I checked in on PC, this is not what I expected to see. LMAOOO
It is clear many have not been alert to this threat!
Hats to you for a pretty good article!
We'd rather if you had said 'I tip my hat to you', and then kept the hat off.
This is so thoroughly researched and well-written, I am very concerned about hats now
Many thanks! Please maintain those concerns.