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Coke or Pepsi

Do you prefer...

  • COKE

    Votes: 18 52.9%

    Votes: 16 47.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm a 100% Pepsi drinker. And unlike someone said in a certain post, I can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi.
Mountain Dew!!!

lol Hmmm...probably coke but I don't mind pepsi.
Coca-Cola > Pepsi

I like Coke more because it tastes much better. In fact to me Coke is tastiness incarnate compared to Pepsi.

HOWEVER, Vanilla Pepsi is better than Vanilla Coke, IMO... and the same with diet coke/pepsi. But the original is all that matters, so Coke wins. XD

I'd rather have Dr. Pepper than any of them, though. XD
I like Pepsi better than Coke but you know whats better? Dr. Pepper and Pibb extra! Anyway I like Pepsi better.
Yeah, Dr. Pepper owns Coke & Pepsi, but Coke owns Pepsi, sorry Pepsi, you are at the bottom of the food chain... or drink chain, whatever you wanna call it.
Coke, defintely~ I think that in the past, I've drank waaay too much Pepsi, making me so sick of the stuff now. Makes me appreciate Coke even more. <3 I can't stand Pepsi at all anymore. -searches for Coca-Cola-
There's definitely a difference between em. I'm a Pepsi drinker through and through. I like Coke too but only for the Vanilla spin-off.

I <3 Pepsi Max.
Pepsi is my preferred, but I would happily have Coke if there isn't any Pepsi. We get one or the other.

But anyway, apparently Australia uses a different recipe for Coke than what America does. But I like vanilla Coke better than regular Coke. We don't get any other flavours out here besides diet.

We have trialled several different spin-offs of both colas but none succeeded here. ._.
I drink Coke a lot more often than Pepsi, though Pepsi tastes a bit better for me. So since I rarely drink Pepsi and Coke has nice variations, I vote for Coke.
There was a time where I'd say Pepsi was better, but my friend gives me a Coke every morning, so now I have that all the time.

Ha, I tied it up. The only Pepsi product I like better than Coke is Dr. Pepper.
Neither are my favorite and....this is hard D: I usually drink Pepsi [diet] more but I loooooove vanilla coke so much. I'm going to have to say Pepsi, just because that is what I drink more XD Coca-cola tates kinda gross imo :x
There was a time where I'd say Pepsi was better, but my friend gives me a Coke every morning, so now I have that all the time.

Ha, I tied it up. The only Pepsi product I like better than Coke is Dr. Pepper.
Dr. Pepper is owned by the coca cola company in the UK xD