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[Breeding] Colter's Gen VIII HAprimon shop

Thank you! My time zone is GMT-5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your time zone is GMT+9. Evenings and nights are best for me. Would 12:00 PM your time (10:00 PM my time) be fine?
Yes, you are correct on my time zone. I can do that time today or tomorrow (depending on when you see this response)
Hi, we can do it today. I do want to add that the online server is undergoing maintenance at the moment and has been for the past few minutes. I double checked your list and I don't believe I have any of the moms with the HAs you need. As soon as I find one, I will breed it for you!
Hi Colter, I´m here again.
This time I would like an Alolan Raichu, Togepi and Timburr.

1. Pokemon name: Alolan Raichu
2. Preferred pokeball: Fast Ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability: Surge Surfer
5. Gender: Male
6. 5-6 IVs if it is possible

1. Pokemon name: Togepi
2. Preferred pokeball: Dream Ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability: Serene Grace if it is possible
5. Gender: Female
6. 5-6 IVs if it is possible

1. Pokemon name: Timburr
2. Preferred pokeball: Level Ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability: Iron Fist
5. Gender: Male
6. 5-6 IVs if it is possible

I can offer to you a Lapras with Hydration and Freeze-Dry (E.M.) in Repeat Ball and Hattena with Magic Bounce in Dream Ball. Both of them with 5-6 IVs. I do not have more interesting Pokemon but I can offer to you objects like Bottle Cap, Life Orb, mints... Tell me if you are okay with that.

Thank you in advance.
I don't have Iron Fist Timburr, and Alolan Raichu can't be bred, so I could only breed you a fast ball pichu with high IVs, but it would evolve into a regular raichu. Other than that I can breed what you'd like
Okay, in this case I would like Guts Timburr and Fast Ball Pichu with high EVs is okay.
hi Colter, im interested in a few pokemon
1. Pokemon name: Magikarp
2. Preferred pokeball: Beast ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability: Rattled
5. Gender: any
6. IVs: random

1. Pokemon name: Larvitar
2. Preferred pokeball: Love Ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability: Sand Veil
5. Gender: any
6. IVs: random

1. Pokemon name: Deino
2. Preferred pokeball: Love Ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability:
5. Gender: any
6. IVs: random

1. Pokemon name: Impidimp
2. Preferred pokeball: Moon Ball
3. Desired egg moves: ...
4. Desired ability: Pickpocket
5. Gender: any
6. IVs: random

I can offer you Level Ball Falinks HA, Heavy Ball Silicobra HA, Moon Ball Galar Darumaka HA, Love Ball Goomy HA.
If you're interested in anything else check this spreadsheet, sorry its still under construction I just got back into this and i'm still trying to figure everything out.
Hello Jessiah,

I'm happy to breed those pokemon for you, but I want to let you know that I currently don't have Pickpocket Impidimp. Everything else I can do, including Impidimp in a moon ball (which could then be bred onto one with the HA if you get one). Are you alright with that?
Hi :) I just got the game about 5 days ago and looking for some pokemon with egg moves for my team

1. Pokemon name: Duskull
2. Preferred pokeball: Moon Ball
3. Desired egg moves: Pain Split, Haze
4. Desired ability: Frisk
5. Gender: ...

1. Pokemon name: Mareanie
2. Preferred pokeball: Moon Ball
3. Desired egg moves: Haze, Infestation
4. Desired ability: Regenerator
5. Gender: ...
The only rare pokeball I have duskull in is a dream ball. I also have one in a pokeball that happens to have everything else you asked for handy right now.

I can breed your Mareanie Exactly as you requested it though.
1. Pokemon name: K!Meowth
2. Preferred Pokeball: Love Ball
3. Desired egg moves: Whatever's already on the parent pokemon, if any.
4. Desired ability: Unnerve
5. Gender: ...
6. Nature??? Can I have it as Timid please?

I have these from your "HA needed" list
Beast Telepathy Blipbug, Moon Telepathy Blipbug, Friend Effect Spore Gossifleur, Love Cursed Body Sinistea, Love Cursed Body Dreepy
To verify, that's a Timid Kanto Meowth in a Love ball with Unnerve, correct?

I would love a Friend Effect Spore Gossifleur
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hi again, im interested in more pokemon

1. Pokemon name: Arrokuda
2. Preferred Pokeball: Lure
3. Desired egg moves: any
4. Desired ability: Propeller Tail
5. Gender: ...
6. Nature: any

1. Pokemon name: Minccino
2. Preferred Pokeball: Love
3. Desired egg moves: any
4. Desired ability: Skill Link
5. Gender: ...
6. Nature: any

1. Pokemon name: Charmander
2. Preferred Pokeball: Moon Ball
3. Desired egg moves: any
4. Desired ability: Solar Power
5. Gender: ...
6. Nature: any

1. Pokemon name: Darumaka(fire)
2. Preferred Pokeball: Heavy
3. Desired egg moves: any
4. Desired ability: Zen Mode
5. Gender: ...
6. Nature: any

1. Pokemon name: Roggenrola
2. Preferred Pokeball: Heavy
3. Desired egg moves: any
4. Desired ability: Sand Force
5. Gender: ...
6. Nature: any

i can offer a Dream ball HA Krabby, Beast Ball HA Pawniard, Heavy Ball HA RolyColy, Love Ball Hippopotas, Moon Ball HA Sinistea