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[Breeding] Colter's Gen VIII HAprimon shop

Pokemon: Charmander
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Counter, Belly Drum, Ancient Power, Dragon Tail
Ability: Solar Power (HA)
Gender: ---

Pokemon: Qwilfish
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Acid Spray, Aqua Jet, Haze, Flail
Ability: Intimidate (HA)
Gender: ---

Pokemon: Remoraid
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Water Spout, Haze, Acid Spray, Supersonic
Ability: Moody (HA)
Gender: ---

Pokemon: Delibird
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Destiny Bond, Rapid Spin, Freeze-Dry, Memento
Ability: Insomnia (HA)
Gender: ---

Pokemon: Deino
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Astonish, Belch, Head Smash, Double Hit
Ability: Hustle
Gender: ---

Pokemon: Oranguru
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Yawn, Dream Eater, Extrasensory, Last Resort
Ability: Symbiosis (HA)
Gender: ---

Pokemon: Wishiwashi
Pokeball: Love Ball
Egg moves: Mist, Take Down, Water Pulse
Ability: Schooling
Gender: ---

FT: from your Needed list
Beast Telepathy Blipbug, Lure Flame Body Sizzlipede, Love Technician Clobbopus, Love Pickpocket Impidimp, Love Cursed Body Dreepy and Love HA Drifloon with Defog
Sorry for the late response. I somehow overlooked my email notification for your post.

I'll get to work on this, but expect it to take a while. That's a lot of pokemon and a lot of egg moves (and I bet charmander will be really annoying about getting them) so I'll PM you when I finish breeding everything
Sorry for the late response. I somehow overlooked my email notification for your post.

I'll get to work on this, but expect it to take a while. That's a lot of pokemon and a lot of egg moves (and I bet charmander will be really annoying about getting them) so I'll PM you when I finish breeding everything

I'm sorry that my request are EM heavy, I'll throw in Love, Moon, and Beast Balls if you'd like
Hi again Colter, I'm interested in a pokemon. I can offer

- HA Dream Ball Duraludon

1. Pokemon name: Galarian Slowpoke
2. Preferred pokeball: Moon
3. Desired egg moves: any
4. Desired ability: any
5. Gender: any
6. 5-6IV
Hello there!

I'm looking for a prankster meowstic since it's hidden ability is only available through pokemon home and shield is my second pokemon game after let's go but that's only gen 1 so it doesn't help much. I don't need any specific pokeball or egg moves just as long as it has its hidden ability prankster and is male.

I can offer a shiny lvl 100 mimikyu with max IVs and full investment into speed and attack with jolly nature

Thanks a lot in advance. :)
I would like HA passimian in a moon ball &scyther in sport ball. If your needed list is up to date I can get you both HA dreepy and grimsnarl, in a few different pokeballs. I could use a level ball HA falinks if you get one. (I'm also a breeder)
1. Passimian
2. Moon ball
3. HA
1. Scyther
2. Sport ball
1. Falinks
2. Level ball
3. HA

If your looking for anything specific I'll see what I have. I also collect pokeballs and HA for breeding purposes.
I'll get working on breeding all of those for you. HA dreepy and impidimp would both be great, particularly in pokeballs I don't have them in (especially impidimp because it's male only). I'll PM you when I've finished
I would like HA passimian in a moon ball &scyther in sport ball. If your needed list is up to date I can get you both HA dreepy and grimsnarl, in a few different pokeballs. I could use a level ball HA falinks if you get one. (I'm also a breeder)

I'll get working on breeding all of those for you. HA dreepy and impidimp would both be great, particularly in pokeballs I don't have them in (especially impidimp because it's male only). I'll PM you when I've finished

I'm done. And free whenever you are.
Hey Colter!

I know its been a little while, I'm hoping you're still open to breeding and trading! I have a list of 21 pokemon that I would like but in keeping with rules i'll keep it to 6. To make it easy, I request only that the pokemon be in moon balls and have their hidden ability, if they have one.

Would you trade a pidgey, rattata, spearow, voltorb, carnivine, and makuhita for my HA Moonballs miltank, drifloon, growlithe, electrike, wingull, and dwebble?
Hello Wanda,

Yes, I can definitely breed those for you. Just give me some time as it's very late and I have a lot to do tomorrow. I'll let you know when I've finished breeding
I hate to say this, but since those pokemon you asked for are unavailable on Sword and Shield I'm unable to breed them. I can get them for you if they're available on the Sinnoh remakes later this year though. Sorry about that. I just already moved all of my mons to home, and so I can't go back to bank, and getting new ones from the original games would be more work than I can handle right now.