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Contamination (A crossover RP o.o)

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//ooc; Mari finished editing~ 8D

Cheshire keenly watched all the commotion inside the t-shaped structure, the home base of boy wonder. It had been long since the first time she fought with them and frankly, she was itching for another skirmish. That arrow-guy?Speedo or whathisface was the only one she managed to fight one-on-one and he showed much potential. She could only imagine how fun it would be to fight head on with boy wonder himself. But alas, her new employer had entrusted her with but a simple task; spy on them.

Finally! She was now only a lake away from them!

Haruhi giggled blissfully as she poked her little friend, he was her most recent Phantasien. "Teehee~ ♥ Mr. Quacky, look! That biiig letter T is the Teen Titans' house! Robin and Starfire and Raven and Beast Boy and Cyborg live in there!"

"Ooh, that many people? That many people?" The duck-like creature inquired, his tail wagging back and forth in flightiness.

"Yuup~! Let's go visit them, 'kay?" As carefully as she could, she picked up her little Phantasien and merrily skipped towards the shore of the lake. The Teen Titans' home stood out amongst all the water surrounding it. Its uncanny structure didn't help make it inconspicuous either; in fact it probably made it even more impossible for anyone to overlook it!

"Hmm?Mr. Quacky and me need a boat! A laaarge tea-cup shaped boat!" A second and a poof later, an oversized tea cup appeared in front of her. It wasn't as big as she had thought it would be, but it was enough for her to ride in it. Hesitating no longer, she dove right in the cup and ordered it to move directly towards the tower. "Mrs. Cuppie, go to Robin's house, please~!"

//ooc: eesh...forgive teh Mari if it ish too confusing. > <;
Reyna was now done eating and was full. She then remember where she was relize that she just ate somebody else food.

"I just relize that we jsut kinda stole somebody's food. I don't think we did a good thing." said Reyna to Fugi.

Fugi then shugged and walked over to the end of the counter and jumpped off. Reyna followed him and said, "Yeah you right. We just stay here and appoligize tl the owners when they get back. I mean that the best thing that we can do."

She then walked over to the huge red couch and began to sleep.
OOC~ XD! This should be interesting. [And Mari, if you don't mind, can Jinx interact with you? She's alone~ ;_;]

Robin, on the other hand, was paying close attention to the story. He found it quite interesting, and one never knew if such information would become useful later on. Majority of his opponents had bad tendencies to reveal more than they needed to. Unfortuantely, distraction edged him away from the story when he noticed one freakishly weird thing: that fangirl..was staring at him.

Now Robin was a totally sensible person. He could analyze situations faster than his comrades, and interpreting (psychologically) others' feelings was never a challenge.

But it didn't take a genius to find out what the fangirl was implying.

"What are you staring at?" he demanded outloud, before he could stop himself.


Jinx was having a pleasant time. The Robins had made haste a while ago doing things she'd rather not conceive, she was stuck with two weirdos, and, well...everything was perfectly fine.

It wasn't until casually leaning against the window brought an interesting sight. An unknown silhouette riding some sort of vehicle (a teacup? But that didn't seem plausible..) with what looked like a mask. Company! she thought, elated by the sheer thought. With an airy sort of grace, she bounded downstairs to go outside, eager to 'greet' the new visitor.

OOC: Shiney, can you, like, tell me what's going on in the RP? O_o;;;
OOC: the robins are in the titan tower, as are most of the titans, and most of the characters should try to get in touch with a titan soon. o.o

IC: I blinked in suprise, then shook my head sharply to come back to my senses. How could I let my concentration lapse at a time like this? "Nothing!" I practically yelled "What on earth do you think would make me want to stare at you?!" I accused, giving myself away, before turning away from him with a "Hmph."

OOC: Once again, short post, but I relly need anyone who wants to stay to try to get in contact with a titan, soon-like.
Immediately his own temper kicked him.

"Excuse me? If I'm not mistaken, you were the one who started staring at me; you were the one who broke into the tower in the first place, and I don't think the fan based me would look any better than myself," he added in sarcastically, now extremely frustrated. This fangirl was persistent and annoying.
"Are you two quite finished?" I muttered. After getting no reply, I jumped off the cot, and started limping towards the door. I had injured my right leg more then I had realized, so walking normally was impossible. "This is my problem, I'll go solve it on my own, I don't need the aid of you people."
I sighed, rubbing my head again. "Let's not get into this argument again, my headache is bad enough as it is." I said, before turning towards the girl, and moving to the wall, pressing a button, causing the regular-looking door to swing shut with a click. "You may not need us to help with your job, but you do need rest, and time to heal."
The Irken woke up in front of what seemed to be a large tower. He sat up slowly and turned to look at it. "Where... am.. I?" he muttered, getting up slowly. "Gir? Are you out here?" he called. Recieving no reply, his communication device popped out of his Pak and he said, into the screen, "Gir? Gir??" Still he recieved no reply, and the communication device went back into the Pak. He walked around the perimiter of the tower, trying to figure out where he was, what to do, and how to get back home.
OOC: Jack Skellington gave me permission to take control of Raven temporarily.
"...Jirae?" Raven asked as she saw the boy lift the rock.
"The one and only." He replied, a small smile on his face.
"It's been so long! I hardly recognize you!" Raven said. She seemed to actually be...happy. Really happy.
"Heh...so, this is where you've been living?" He asked her. Jirae had been like a big brother to Raven, and they had missed eachother a lot when she had to leave for Earth.
"Yes. This is Teen Titans Tower." Raven replied. "I've been living with 4 of my friends from here."
"I've already met one of them." Jirae replied. "Or, is it two? Couldn't really tell."
"What do you mean?" Raven asked.
"Robin and girl Robin." Jirae replied. "I met them up in the tower, where the broken window is. I was looking for you."
"Wait...girl Robin?" Raven asked, confused.
"Yeah! Follow me." Jirae said, walking into the tower. Raven followed him, and they came to the Medical area. In the room were Robin, girl Robin, and a person with bandages on.
"Woah...this is freaky." Raven said, looking at the two Robins.
The Combine checkpoint was gone, replaced by an uninterrupted stretch of road leading up to the outskirts of a massive metropolis off in the distance. Shinn and Zoey were scanning the landscape, taking quick peeks at whatever caught their attention. "Zoey, what do you know about that city in the distance?" Shinn asked.

"Well, it's not City 17, that much I know. I've been pumping info out of the locals here. I've gotten all sorts of names for the place, the most common being Raccoon City and Edge City," Zoey replied. "With the way things are going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if the Citadel and Nova Prospekt suddenly materialized in the middle of that place tomorrow."

Shinn focused his attention to a massive T-shaped tower. "You have any idea what that structure is? It doesn't look like it was Combine-manufactured."

"Locals say that that's the home base of a group that calls itself the 'Teen Titans.' Kinda reminds me of that one show that neither of us watch."
Hn, what's this?

Briefly, Cheshire allowed her gaze to follow a little girl, seemingly riding?a teacup? An oversized one, that's for sure. Anyway, from what she could gather, the little girl was headed towards the tower; perhaps she was one of those Honorary Titans? Or maybe, an enemy? ?a well-disguised one, in that case.

Either way, there was a pink haired girl greeting her. And if her memory served correct, that girl was originally a part of H.I.V.E. She was, in simple terms, a traitor. A villain-turned-hero.

?How clich?.


"Haru, lookie! Someone is coming?a teen titan!" The Phantasien cried, flapping his yellow duck-wings about. He was answered by an overjoyed squeal from his creator, who, as of now, was squeezing him to death. She had already animatedly ordered their ?vehicle? to travel faster.

Once her ride halted, Haruhi practically flew out of the teacup, falling flat on her face. Due to her excitement, she disregarded the pain she felt on her nose (although, it was constantly twitching) and swiftly picked herself up.

"Hello there~!" Haruhi called out, fluttering her arms vigorously.
As I continued to approach the now closed door, a drew Nietono no Shana, the sword, and also the item from which Shana recieved her name. I continued to limp onwards, and lifted the sword into the air, before swinging it, the door shattering. In the process, one of my wounds opened, and blood noticably flowed down my arm, and began dripping off my finger tips as I continued to limp. As I got to the exit, I stopped momentarily and said one thing: "People are going to die if I don't act now. I'm just a tool used for hunting, that's what Flame Haze are. I have no time to worry about my wounds. I am going to protect these people from the Tomagara."
"No, no..." cries the girl as the creature sped throughout the city. Se had no control, only her mind was sane as she watched through the eyes of her other form, bewildered and frightened mixed into one, foreign emotion.

*Oh yes, Mysia...* growls She as they sped through the city. Soon, the wolf-monster stopped, pausing to look at a large Tower shaped as a T upon an island. "What the..." says both in an earie, combined voice, and the wolf-creature gives a terrble smile, thoug Mysia did not see it she had felt it happen.

Suddenly, they were in the water, a large, dog-like thing swimming towards the tower at speeds perhaps a dolphin could muster. *Ah, our first victim. Surely there'll be fools living in such a hideous place...*

"No! You cannot!'

*Ah, yes I can, my MASTER... taunts She, *For you have forgotten that I control your movement now...and to them I am nothing more than a dog, a wolf, not another creature besides that. And I am hungry...*
I blinked, and sighed, getting to my feet. "I don't care what duties you have, you can't do any good in your current condition, come on kid..." I said, starting to walk towards her.

OOC: Once again, short post, but I have the next part worked out, have faith! o.o
"You protect this city, do you not?" I said in return as I continued to walk away, my back still facing them. "If I don't go now, the people of this city will die. Is that really what you want?"

"Still, you musn't push yourself." Alastor said in rebuttle. "Shana's body isn't like your old one, you can't take as much like this."

"Thanks for your concern, Alastor, but I can manage." I rebuted before continuing to limp to the towers exit. I had made it halfway, however, when my legs gave way. Perhaps it was from the blood loss, but I was having issues moving them.
I was grumbling by the time I reached her, but stopped silent when and idea struck me. "You know, you should think of the body's safety at least," I said, putting my arms around her, and lifting her up. "After all, in your weakened state, what would you do if some anxious guy, or girl, decided they liked you, hmm?" I asked, the way I was holding her making it VERY plain what I meant, before I dropped her gently on the bed. "Now, you stay there, until I let you up, all right?" I asked sweetly, but with more than a hint of iron in my voice.
I ignored the girls little scheme. Take care of the body? It was MY body, not an inatimate object. I took the opportunity to cast a spell upon her when she carried me however, making it so that if a Rinne or Tomagara appeared, she would be able to move around inside of it. I did the same with the male in the room as we walked past him. Why? Because there'd be an issue if one appeared, considering even standing was a problem at the moment for me. I layed back in the bed, and closed my eyes as I began to drift off to sleep, my small body barely moving, but breathing silently. I was completely exhausted.
"There's a farmhouse just down the road from here. Until the dimension shift, it served as a resistance safehouse, but God only knows what's lurking there now," Zoey said to Shinn. "I think we should still check it out anyway."

"Let's just hope there's a ride stashed over there. There's no way we're going to that city on foot," Shinn remarked.

"It's settled then. Shinn, you're with me. Everyone else, follow Shinn," Zoey said to the others. They emerged from their cover and followed Shinn, who was now hustling down the road with Zoey in tow.

"Just how far is this house again?" Shinn asked impatiently.

"Just a klick or down down from here," Zoey replied. "We'll get there, don't worry."

After about a minute of fast walking, they arrived at the house. It was a small, two-story dwelling, with a huge barn and what seemed to be chicken coops a fair distance away from it. "Well, there it is," Zoey said triumphantly. "Now to check it out." She peered through the scope of her Dragunov and made a visual sweep of the house, the coops, and the barn. "No resistance forces here. I knew it," Zoey sighed defeatedly.

Shinn swept the area using his AUG. "What about those people around the house? If they're not resistance, then who are they?"

Zoey focused her attention to two individuals standing in front of the side entrance of the house. They appeared female, but it was hard to tell, seeing as they were liberally covered in all sorts of bandages; they wielded chainsaws as their main weapons. "Oh, ****."

"What is it?"

"You know why I asked you about Resident Evil 4, Shinn?"


"Well, now you know. Shinn Langley, I'd like you to meet the Ganados."


"No, humans whose minds and bodies have been taken over by parasites called Las Plagas. They're the primary enemies of Resident Evil 4. Those two ladies standing by the side entrance are Ganados. There are sure to be more inside the house itself, as well as in the barn."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Shinn asked, taking out his Sig 550 Sniper. "Let's kill ourselves some cattle. Ready, Zoey?"

"Born ready," Zoey replied, with an air of confidence about her.

Shinn and Zoey simultaneously took aim at the two chainsaw-wielding women and fired off several rounds from their rifles, taking them down almost instantly. Zoey put down her Dragunov and took out a flashbang, pulling out the pin and tossing it as far as she could; it landed right next to the corpses of the two women and detonated with a bright flash of white light. "Go, go, go! Shinn, stay with me! Everyone else, watch our six!" Zoey whispered sharply as she snatched up her rifle and sprinted towards the house with Shinn.
Reyna then woke up from her sleep. She looked around and saw that nobody was still in. She was getting bored and alone. She got off the couch and said, "Let go and see if there is anybody around."

Reyna then left room with Fugi by herside. Fugi was providing enough ligth to ligthen the darken room. "Hello. Is anybody here?"
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