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Contamination (A crossover RP o.o)

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Reyna was trying to keep her and Fugi hidden. There was a reason why she turned Fugi, her little fire fox, flames black. It then change her hair black too. She hoping the darkness and her color will keep her hidden.

Fugi was going to yell but Reyna stopped her. "Shh." she whisper. "We don't want to be caught. That girl change to a wolf."

Reyna wonder if she was going to get caught. She hope these guys are friendly.
Scenting the air, her ears catch the smallest hint of a voice. Opening her mouth slightly, she revealed rows of sharp, ivory white teeth. However, when she spoke in her wolf form, her mouth did not move, but one could tell that the voice came from her.

"I hear something..." and she begins to stalk skillfully, following both the scent of the fox and the sound of movement. No matter how hard one tries, they always move, even a little.

Letting out a snarl, her eyes catch the light and they glow a flourescent yellow, as one would see a cat's eyes do when the light hits them. "I see you, come out if you mean no harm."
Reyna heard what the wolf said. The wolf sounded feminine and angry. She didn't want trouble so she did what she thought was right.

She got out from behind the window plain and but kept her hand hidden behind her back. Incase this was a trap she be ready to defend herself. Fugi stayed close to Reyna so he won't be seprated from her.

"Ok. I came out. Hi. I don't want to harm any of you." said Reyna.
"And might you prove this to us..." Mysia says indifferently, "By removing your hand from your back. You may have something there that is, rather unpleasant. Like a weapon..."

Mysia lifts her head up proudly, and the wolf turns into her normal self again, though to some she may be...abnormal. With her large, silver wolf-ears protruding from her head, large wolf eyes that sparkled a deep emerald but flashed a yellow in certain lighting, and her jungle-like attire, to many in this particular world, she was strange.

Reyna let the fire fireball that was in her hand die off. She then raise the hand from her back and show it to Mysia. Her hand had nothing in it and then smiled. "No weapon. See." said Reyna.

Reyna didn't found her strange looking. The eyes were the strangest part but it didn't matter to her.. She then wave her back hair which then turned back to red. Fugi fire fur then change to red too.
Starfire paused a moment, and the other titans averted their gaze when I raised an eyebrow at them. "Well, Robin..." Starfire began, clearly unsure of how to continue. "This is not a fangirl, she is as much the real Robin as you are." "THANK YOU!" I said at last, exhasperated. "Finally, someone with some sense. So, what's happened?" I asked, thinking about what could possibly have distracted her this much...

OOC: Sorry for the short, indescriptive post, I'll shed more light later, but I can't think at the moment. @_@
Startled by the pink wave of energy the girl had abruptly released, Haruhi once again lost her footing and fell back onto the ground with a light thud. "Hee, sorry! I'm a bit clumsy~" She giggled, brushing of the older girl's actions as a mere accident. She was just probably making sure no enemies go into their base!

Standing up, she flashed a bright smile at the girl. "My name is Haruhi?you can just call me Haru, though!?and Mr. Quackie and me are sorry for intruding! We really didn't mean to, we just wanted to see the Teen Titans! And?and?"

"I can't allow you to pass me without a password, and it's a special kind of password"

Well, that shut her up.

Haruhi blinked as she cocked her head to one side. "A special kind of password?" She echoed her words hesitantly and tapped her chin. "Mm?do I have to do something~?"
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