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Cookie if you remember me ;)


The Original Copy-Cat
  • 140
    I am Tomandgreen, that inactive rayquaza who tried to host an event during the GT8 and failed pretty badly! I also enjoyed going on the IRC and starting fights about which generation was/is best. So... cookie if you remember me! I remember some of you guys, like Meganium90, Twiggy, and Magmaruby and Aquasaphire!
    Hey there and welcome back! I wouldnt really remember you since i joined recently but still its good to see people come back! Anyways hope you enjoy being back, hope you stick around and hope to see you around! :)
    Hi there and welcome back to the forums! I don't know anything about GT8 since I wasn't an active member back then, but don't you worry! Failing is part of our lives, no one is perfect, everyone of us makes mistakes, so don't feel so bad about it! We still love you and we're happy that you decided to come back! Out of curiosity, is it one of the reasons why you left PC - because of the failure that you did back then or was it for other specific reasons? It seems that you know Meganium and Twiggy, that's nice, they're really nice and friendly. So if you are interested into getting to know me as well, just drop by my profile and leave a message 'kay? :P

    Not much have changed really except for the updated signature rules (so make sure to give it a read if you still haven't done so!), I am sure that you can notice it. It's still the same community you've registered to, and the same friendly people around! So don't worry about getting used once again as I believe it will only take you like 1 hour to get into the whole scene once again! What were the boards you were really active in back then by the way? I'm quite sure they are very happy to have you back. ^__^

    Anyway, hope you won't leave us again and try to stay active! We do understand if it's personal life issues but try to check around sometime 'kaay? Enjoy your stay here and I'll see you around. ♥

    And I'm quite surprised that you actually remember who I was...even though I didn't really *know* you in the past. xD BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER. :D I can still welcome you because that's what I love doing. <3

    Welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you. I hope you stick around this time, and be sure to give the rules a reread. :D I think the signature rules changed when you weren't around, so give those a read too. ^_^
    I am Tomandgreen, that inactive rayquaza who tried to host an event during the GT8 and failed pretty badly! I also enjoyed going on the IRC and starting fights about which generation was/is best. So... cookie if you remember me! I remember some of you guys, like Meganium90, Twiggy, and Magmaruby and Aquasaphire!

    Hi there, I was here before you even joined (I didn't do the GT8 cos I was penalized).

    As Megan and Snivy said, the signature rules have changed since your sudden departure, so give them a read.

    It's glad you decided to return after so many months away.

    Go ahead and look at everything, a lot has changed.

    - Hikari10, she has recognized users who suddenly leave and then return.