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[Game Journal] Crawling through games

Golden Sun

Dug out another old game from the past. Came out in 2001 (in North America) for the Game Boy Advance. Shares a year with Super Smash Brothers Melee, the original Pikmin, and the original Animal Crossing. Remembers beating this game (and the sequel) a few times. Has not tried it in a solid decade or so, though.

Tried to change things up as well. Knew exactly what to focus on: Djinn. What are Djinn? A little elemental creature with its own special attack. Might be a shield, healing, buff, or elemental damage. Comes in all four elements: Venus (Earth), Mercury (Water), Jupiter (Wind), and Mars (Fire).

Also affects your character's class, depending on how you assign them. Take Isaac, the Venus adept, for example. Normally learns Quake with no Djinn or with Venus Djinn. Picks up Growth instead with a Mars Djinn. Learns more fire-based spells with more Mars Djinn.

Usually stuck the Djinn with their adept type. Worked alright. Wanted to experiment with the other classes. Supposedly offers better stats, but maybe weaker spells? Shrugs. Never really messed with it much, outside of a spell necessary for the field.

Decided on the following final classes:

  • Isaac: Conjurer (6 Jupiter, 1 Venus). Learns some buffs and debuffs.
    Garet: Berserker (6 Venus, 1 Mars). High Attack stat. Also Revive.
    Ivan: Sage (6 Mercury, 1 Jupiter). Strong spells...supposedly.
    Mia: Water Monk (6 Mars, 1 Mercury). Process of elimination. Grabs party-wide healing spells in any split like this.

Notes one other difference with this approach. Skews towards a spell-heavy combat strategy. Typically spammed Djinns and summons on bosses (except with Mia, the dedicated healer). Affects your class when you do that, however. Drops your stats and changes your spell list mid-battle. Feels like a higher price with the fancier classes.

Quickly discovered why experimentation never happened. Do you know what happens when you take away Isaac's Venus Djinn? Loses the only healing spell your party has until your fourth (and final) party member arrives. Gets nothing good in return either. Could get that heal back on Ivan, the Jupiter adept, with a Venus Djinn. Disappears if the Djinn is ready for summoning, however. Might lose access to your only heal when you need it.

Stuck with it anyways. Kept Isaac's Djinn offline to retain the heal while waiting for Mia to show up. Did not feel great.

Remembered a good chunk of the early game. Forgot how puzzle-y the game is, however. Went in expecting a decent number of puzzles with the Move ability. Forgot about the sheer number of log, pipe, and hopping puzzles. Grew a little tired of them over time. Hated some poorly marked hidden doors needed to progress near the end too.

Exacerbated the puzzle situation with random encounters and big rooms. Waded through inconsequential encounter after inconsequential encounter. Ran from some, perhaps unwisely, given the amount of money on-hand. Wanted Earthbound's autowin feature so bad. Offers some Repel-like items in the item shop. Lasts nowhere near long enough.

Recruited Mia and immediately shut off her Mars Djinn. Was not going to sacrifice healing.

Appreciates some of the less important story bits in the game. Saved someone by dragging their tree-ified body ashore early on. Rescued another person from a boulder, which is also missable. Wrote new dialogue for everyone back in Vale (the hometown), especially for Isaac's and Garet's families. Still likes the general setting of the world too.

Grabbed more and more Djinn. Reached the full 28 Djinn in the game. Enabled the above endgame classes. Only raised more questions about the class system. Example: Looked at Isaac's (Venus adept) healing spells.
  • 0-1 Venus Djinn and nothing else: Cure, Cure Well, and Potent Cure.
  • 1-4 Jupiter Djinn and nothing else: No healing spells
  • 6 Jupiter Djinn and nothing else: Cure, Cure Well, Potent Cure, and Revive.
  • 6 Jupiter Djinn and 1 Venus Djinn: No healing spells (same spell list as 5 Jupiter Djinn).

Starts with healing by default. Loses it by adding a little Jupiter. Gains it back with tons of Jupiter. Loses it again by adding in a little Venus. What? Please explain how that makes sense.

Gave the fancy classes a whirl. Describes it as disappointing. Yielded good stats, yes. Weakened their spells to the point of preferring normal attacks for single target. Made good use of the attack and resistance buffs. Considers the debuffs bad (short and a chance of not working). Appreciated two people with a party heal too. Did that make up for basically playing without Djinn and summons? Not really (based on memory, anyways).

Became annoyed with the story at times. Asked the bad people why they are doing what they are, probably several times. Look at this exchange after the final boss:
Ivan: "They're gone, Felix! You don't have to light the beacons anymore..."

Felix: "Yes, I do. If I don't light the beacons..."

Garet: "What will happen?"

Felix: "It's no use talking about it...Just wait and see!"

Useless. Refused to tell the player about the greater story time and time again.

Raced through the game surprisingly quickly. Expected to begrudgingly put it down to do the Pokemon DLC. Not so. Finished the game in a few days.

Remarks on one other feature of the game. Passes off save game data to the sequel, The Lost Age, via password or link cable. Spits out a real doozy of a password. Puts the old games with password-based saves to shame. Only tested the Gold password.
Spoiler: Passwords

$hKm2 QJZnp
T76&E M

Skipped Silver. Only adds stat changes in. Transfers levels and Djinn with the Bronze password. Declines to record a password half the length of the Gold one.

TQ9b% h8pTE
P+SWz 48yA3
hMpih Th5ZP
7#ceU rFyzx

jZ?av kTgik
eN49t nQXL!
kpbp4 XSEVs
rqHvE ckwXX
z&%=6 bmpNe

k8d+h CaHjh
ayv$j fQHRn
4QDw2 DA4ri
KfJzL etq98

VAY$5 T?Ez#
ZsKw4 CPA8s
5QnU9 Us2dJ
Zx7i4 3tn9x

+gqWC cxuYn
r#pMv +tRz8
gQ3Nk qGTq5

ZcXv5 dMzUi

For anyone reading this:
+: Plus sign
t: lowercase T
Picked up the Cleric's Ring and Lure Cap. Beat Deadbeard. Grabbed all 28 Djinn too. May have forgotten to grab the Gold Ring from Feizhi. Saved Hsu, though. Ended around level 28 or 29.

A quick rundown of overall thoughts:
  • Never grew tired of the music. Slowed down to listen to it sometimes.
  • Cannot say anything too bad about the graphics. Looks kind of grainy when you size up the resolution. Feels unfair to criticize that, though. Designed it for a smaller screen. Looks fine at the proper resolution, even today.
  • Too many random encounters. Halve the encounter rate. Double the experience.
  • Does not like the class system.
  • Likes the game's magic system (in terms of setting). Rates the storytelling as subpar, though.

Rating: 6.5/10? Okay. Is not particularly enthused to play it again anytime soon.
Detailed two games in this entry.

Fire Emblem: Engage (third playthrough)​

Picks up Fire Emblem: Engage yet again. Adds the DLC into the mix this time. Introduced some restrictions to this playthrough.

  1. Cannot follow the unit's normal promotion line. Means situations like not being able to promote a Sword Fighter into a Swordsmaster or Hero. Forbids anything deemed "close enough" or used in a previous playthrough too. Also changes pre-promoted units as able (exception: Vander). Allows Master Sealing, then Second Sealing directly afterwards too.
  2. Unique inherited skills for all units. Typically favored Canter and +Speed for a lot of people. Brings it down to a maximum of two users (the Sigurd emblem bearer and one other unit, in the case of Canter). Promotes skill diversity.
  3. Try to include the following unused classes: Hero, Berserker, Royal Knight, Great Knight, Paladin, Enchanter, and Mage Cannoneer. Also try to use some never-before-used units.

Played out normally at the start. Prioritized completing Tiki's paralogue as soon as possible (after Chapter 6). Inherited Starsphere (+15% to all stat growths) on Celine from that and gave Tiki to Alear. Benefits from getting that before leveling a bunch.

Made one slight error. Grabbed the Revanche, a very powerful axe once refined. Funneled a bunch of resources into it. Restricts it to A-rank Axes, however. Left Vander the only one who could wield it for a while. Preferred not to do that.

Dealt with Anna's paralogue next. Returned to story missions after that. Tried to get the 5% Second Seal chance from the 4-star Ancient Well reward. No luck there, sadly. Bought three Second Seals after beating Chapter 8. Handed them out to Chloe (Sage), Celine (Martial Master), and Anna (Mage). Chose them because of their base class's offensive stat growths favoring something else. Risked weak offenses by staying in them too long.

Proved to be a big boost for Chloe. Was one of the fortunate few to have their planned build early...or close enough to it. Tanked with Micaiah-engraved Elsurge for a while. Beat baseline Fire/Wind, especially without having many magic growths yet.

Cleared the more relevent DLC emblem maps (Soren, Chrom, Veronica) before losing a bunch of emblems from Chapter 10+11. Also completed the Fell Xenologue to get Madeline, the Enchanter class item, and the Mage Cannoneer class item. Appreciated the latter two because of units getting close to the unpromoted level cap. Could not use Madeline, however. Comes in as a General. Needed to change that, per the rules.

Pushed more story progression. Loaded up on the planned inherited skills (Canter, Tome Precision, +Magic) before losing all the emblems. Piles on the Second Seals, at least. Sells three Second Seals after Chapter 11, another 3 after Chapter 13, and a third batch of 3 after Chapter 14. Stuck everyone in their rightful classes in short order.

Cannot think of much else interesting past that, as far as general progression goes. Finished the other two DLC emblem maps. Beat story maps and old emblem maps as they came up. Skipped Roy's paralogue, since no one used his emblem or skills. (Also skipped Jean's paralogue early on, for the record.)

Thoughts on the DLC
  • New emblems: A pretty good selection. Really appreciated more magical options. Helped out slow, defensive tanks with Hector as well. Helped out critical builds even more with a x4 crit damage (which did not really need it). Bets on Reprisal (+Attack for lost health) being a part of something overpowered. Hold Out, Vantage, Reprisal? Costs a fortune for Reprisal, at least.
  • New emblem maps: Hit or miss. Enjoyed Soren's and Chrom's maps well enough. Felt tough, but manageable. Hated Camilla's map. Loops you across the map, all while getting harassed by reinforcements. Took a long time to beat. Grew a little tired of reinforcements on Tiki's and Hector's maps too. Says very little about Veronica's map. Felt pretty straightforward.
  • New engraves: Mostly bad. Sacrifices too much for too little. Sinks your Dodge a lot, leading to more criticals against you.
  • Fell Xenologue: Terrible. Never wants to do it again. Entered at a really bad time, admittedly. Provides you with preset classes and items for all units. Retains your emblems and inherited skills. Problem: Had low base stat Firene units and no useful inherited skills. Tuned it pretty hard as well.

    Mentions two main issues with the Fell Xenologue.
    1. No experience. Must complete all six maps to get any reward. Places chests on some of these maps too. Clears your inventory between maps. What is the point of those chests? (Makes sense in one case, but not the others.)
    2. Chapter 5. Traps Alear in a cage. Pokes at Alear for the entire map. Also deals with Nel fighting a boss alone (and poorly). Requires you to stick a Physic healer (or two) on them while you work your way to the end. Finds more Physic staves on that map too. Results in a soft time limit. Sure, fine.

      Designed this map to take as long as possible, however. Starts in the upper-left. Imprisoned Alear and Nel in the top-center. Must go down and around that to the upper-right, then cut to the left.
  • Enchanter. Kind of useless. Expends an item charge to give effects. Does not like the effects much, on top of using items. 30% chance of ignoring damage? Why do you want the chance? Immunity to Freeze? How often does that happen? Used this maybe three times in the whole playthrough. Used Rally Spectrum instead (or healed).
  • Mage Cannoneer. Okay. Outranges those long-range dragon lizards. Provides plenty of chain attacks with Lucina. Worked well with Venom Blast. Appreciated the occasional Freeze too. Probably averaged 70% (displayed) hit rates all game, on the downside, despite having Dexterity +5 and Boucheron's maxed Build of 18. Mitigated this a little with Divine Pulse.
  • Overall: Welcomes the new options and builds. Could do without the entire Fell Xenologue. Will either never do it again or set it to Auto for most of the time. Makes the whole DLC feel overpriced, as a result.

Listed builds (with comments) and final stats below.
Spoiler: Individual Unit Comments and Builds

Note: Left out precise ranks usually. Wrote almost all of this before even starting the game. Adjusted a little as problems appeared.

Alear: Paladin (Lance)
Emblem: Tiki
Skills: Dual Support (Lucina), Brute Force (Chrom)
Weapon: Killer Lance (Lyn -> Alear engrave)

Comment: Amazing. Posted some ridiculous stats. Screenshotted modified stats, not the baseline stats. Shows Alear with the top modified speed (39), tied with Pandreo. Came in second in Defense with 38, below first place's 45. Nearly took top Hitpoints and Dexterity too. Displays a rating of 222, one below Celine's 223 (and well above Pandreo's 210 and Chloe's 209).

Excelled at pretty much everything. Functioned as both an avoid and defense tank. Presumably thanks Tiki's Starsphere for the extra growths.

Boucheron: Mage Cannoneer
Emblem: Lucina
Skills: Divine Pulse (Byleth), Dexterity +5 (Lucina)
Weapon: Cannonball of some kind (Cannot engrave)

Comment: Alright. Felt nice to outrange those dragon lizards. Softened up several enemies with poison or just a big hit. Never felt essential, however.

Etie: Enchanter
Emblem: Micaiah
Skills: Rally Spectrum (Chrom), Geosphere (Tiki)
Weapon: Steel Dagger (Veronica engrave)

Comment: Rally Spectrum bot. Why waste items? Would have rather had an actual combat unit. (Notched quite a few kills as an archer.)

Celine: Martial Master (Fist)
Emblem: Eirika
Skills: Canter (Sigurd) and Starsphere (Tiki) -> Speed/Dex (Chrom)
Weapon: Flashing Fist? (Sigurd engrave)

Comment: Wanted fist weapons to succeed for a change. Picked Chloe for Sage. Left Celine for Martial Master. Has pretty good mixed stats. (Determines fist damage with an average of Strength and Magic.) Bestowed Celine with Starsphere to not only amplify that offense, but the worse Dexterity and Speed too.

Started off weak. Expected a huge early power spike with a temporary, engraved Steel-Hand Art and a fresh new promotion. Still dealt weak damage. Needed Eirika (or Lunar Brace) and Flashing Fist Art to really shine. Gets those in Chapter 16 and 17, respectively.

Turns up the heat once it comes together, though. Look at this screenshot.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
124 damage against the final boss. Hit harder than Bond Blast.

Is the downside of being weak until Chapter 17 worth it? Shrugs. Paid off eventually, at least.

Chloe: Sage (Tome)
Emblem: Soren
Skills: +Speed (Lyn), Tome Precision (Celica)
Weapon: Elwind (Micaiah engrave) -> Excalibur.

Comment: Most Valuable Unit. No question. Served as the primary avoid tank for most of the game, including the final boss. Screenshotted Sombron (in human form) on the last chapter doing 5 damage with a 0% hit and crit rate.

And look at those skills. Involved nothing fancy. Only went up to rank 3 in both skills. (Ran low on Bond Fragments.) Presumably thanks Micaiah's engrave (+40 avoid) for some of that, but even so.

Anna: High Priest (Tome)
Emblem: Byleth
Skills: Speedtaker (Lyn), +Magic (Celica) -> Speed/Res (Camilla)
Weapon: Elfire (Lucina engrave)

Comment: Eh. Chose High Priest and Byleth to trigger the personal skill more. Rarely saw it for most of the game. Climbed to 38 Luck by the end of the game. Did not really need the money then.

Performed serviceably, as a unit. Somehow lacked speed. Relied on Speedtaker often. Racked up lots of kills, between that and the personal.

Lapis: Berserker (Axe)
Emblem: Chrom
Skills: Vantage (Leif), Wrath (Ike)
Weapon: Revanche (Corrin engrave)

Comment: Shored up Lapis's main weakness (low Strength) by picking her as the Berserker. Worked out okay. Dodged attacks pretty well. Felt mostly locked into the 1-range Revanche, though.

Obliterated everything she hit...when she hit. Hovered in the 80% hit range usually. Rarely lost kills because of it, however. Only takes one monster (x4) crit. Posted a mid-60s critical range consistently. Managed a 212 damage critical on something near the end.

Felt uncertain about the Wrath + Vantage combo. Tended not to take much damage. Dodged pretty well, as above. Did not know what other skill to use, though. Spent the Dexterity and Hit skills on other units. Perceptive (+avoid when initiating combat) and HP/Luck, maybe?

Yunaka: Sniper (Bow)
Emblem: Lyn
Skills: Keen Insight (Soren), Weapon Sync (Edelgard)
Weapon: Killer Bow/Long Bow (Eirika engrave)

Comment: Acted as one of the major players of the early game. Stole Rosado's eventual weapon before getting switched to Sniper. Sufficed to deal with a lot.

Cannot figure out when Yunaka got so many kills, though. Might be Speedtaker from Lyn? Needed the speed, just like Anna.

Zelkov: Hero
Emblem: Edelgard
Skills: Dual Assist (Lucina), Lifesphere (Tiki)
Weapon: Killing Edge (Edelgard engrave)

Comment: An unusual case of starting strong, but ending mediocre. Dodged a lot and fired back plenty of criticals initially. Took more and more hits as the game wore on. Suspects this to be an engraving issue. Only had a +10 avoid engrave.

Planned Zelkov to be a chain attack bot, on the flip side. Exceeded expectations on that front.

Ivy: Royal Knight (Support Lance)
Emblem: Sigurd
Skills: Book of Worlds (Veronica), Draconic Hex (Corrin)
Weapon: Flame Lance (Leif engrave)

Comment: A regular benchwarmer with Etie. Figured it might happen. Needed someone to be a Royal Knight. Tried using its magic stat for a Flame Lance build. Hoped to at least inflict status ailments. Mainly stayed in the back doing nothing.

Pandreo: Griffin Knight (Support Sword)
Emblem: Veronica
Skills: Quality Time (Corrin), Mentorship (Byleth)
Weapon: Levin Sword (Chrom engrave)

Comment: First time with Pandreo. Probably the biggest surprise. Invested zero good skills into Pandreo. Designed a healer with an option for Levin Sword damage. Wound up with a strong dodge tank. Maybe took damage twice. Barely activated Reprisal.

Rosado: Thief (Dagger)
Emblem: Corrin
Skills: Knife Precision (Leif), +Avoid (Marth)
Weapon: Steel Dagger (Marth engrave) -> the S Rank dagger.

Comment: Scored very few kills. Lacked Strength. Provided a big service by fogging up the area with Corrin and debuffing with the Engage move. Loves the fog effect a lot. Boosted others up to be able to see the front line.

Goldmary: Great Knight (Sword)
Emblem: Hector
Skills: Pair Up (Corrin), Resolve (Ike)
Weapon: Killer Sword (Roy -> Lyn engrave)

Comment: A serviceable defense tank. Appreciated Hector's innate Quick Riposte. Went bananas on Marth's paralogue map. Scored five consecutive criticals, twice, on a roughly 50/50 chance each. Nullified eight chain attacks in one combat too. Earned MVP on that map, fittingly.

Madeline: Wyvern Knight (Axe)
Emblem: Ike
Skills: Quick Riposte (Hector), Hit +30 (Sigurd) or Unyielding (Marth)
Weapon: Killer Axe (Byleth engrave)

Comment: Struggled. Never had enough of most stats. Was too slow, taking a little too much damage from physical attacks, and rocking 70% hit rates. Fixed some of those with skills or the engrave. Never felt strong. Changed her to Wyvern Knight, though. Could have been a bad choice or something.

Spoiler: Time, MVP, and Kills

Difficulty: Hard/Casual. (Hard for one map of Fell Xenologue. Switched to Normal to streamroll the rest of the Xenologue. Did not affect the main game's difficulty.)

Total time: 47:05. Reached 44:58 on the last playthrough. Not bad for 10 extra maps (6 Fell Xenologue + 6 new emblem maps - Roy's map - Jean's map). Skipped a lot of old support dialogue this time.

Prologue: Alear
1: Alear
2: Alear
3: Alear
4: Celine
5: Celine
6: Alear
Tiki paralogue: Boucheron
Anna paralogue: Celine
7: Chloe
8: Chloe
Soren paralogue: Yunaka
Chrom paralogue: Yunaka
Veronica paralogue: Yunaka
9: Chloe
Fell 1: Alear
Fell 2: Chloe
Fell 3: Boucheron
Fell 4: Yunaka
Fell 5: Nel
Fell 6: Boucheron
10: Chloe
11: Chloe
12: Zelkov
13: Zelkov
14: Chloe
15: Pandreo
Hector paralogue: Alear
16: Madeline
Lucina paralogue: Celine
Lyn paralogue: Lapis
Camilla paralogue: Madeline
Ike paralogue: Chloe
17: Zelkov
Byleth paralogue: Madeline
Sigurd paralogue: Chloe
18: Chloe
Corrin paralogue: Yunaka
19: Madeline
Leif paralogue: Alear
Eirika paralogue: Lapis
Micaiah paralogue: Chloe
20: Anna
21: Lapis
22: Rosado
Celica paralogue: Alear
Marth paralogue: Goldmary
Bond Ring Paralogue: Chloe
23: Zelkov
24: Goldmary
25: Pandreo
26: Celine

MVP totals by unit:
Chloe: 12
Alear: 9
Celine: 5
Yunaka: 5
Zelkov: 4
Madeline: 4
Lapis: 3
Boucheron: 3
Pandreo: 2
Goldmary: 2
Anna: 1
Rosado: 1
Nel: 1

Seems about right.

Chloe: 220/153
Yunaka: 198/148
Alear: 202/141
Anna: 152/125
Celine: 156/120
Lapis: 126/111
Boucheron: 265/106
Zelkov: 84/69
Etie: 99/63
Madeline: 110/62
Pandreo: 68/53
Goldmary: 77/51
Rosado: 66/36
Ivy: 40/21
Louis: 28/10
Clanne: 11/7
Vander: 23/6
Alfred: 8/3
Citrinne: 4/3
Merrin: 4/2
Alcryst: 3/2
Amber: 2/2
Panette: 2/2
Bunet: 3/1
Framme: 2/1
Timerra: 1/1
Fogado: 2/0
Mauvier: 1/0
Diamant: 1/0
Kagetsu: 0/0
Hortensia: 0/0
Jade: 0/0
Nel: 0/0
Rafal: 0/0
Zelestia: 0/0
Gregory: 0/0
Seadall: 0/0
Lindon: 0/0
Saphir: 0/0
Veyle: 0/0

Worried about Alear running away with it because of the Tiki stat boost. Came in third on kills again (same as the other two playthroughs).

Enjoyed the playthrough overall. Resulted in some very good units and some very bad ones. Cannot believe how well some of them turned out.

Ideas for another potential playthrough:
  • No Killer weapons. Allow the Revanche still.
  • Use all the bad engraves.
  • No fancy Engage moves? Maybe limit it to 1 per map?

Considered a Bond Rings only run. Removes the fun of building units. May cost tons of bond fragments too.

Sea of Stars​
(Spoilers ahead.)

Will try to keep this brief. Slacked off on writing this for some time. Detailed another Fire Emblem run below too.

Came into this expecting Chrono Trigger. Heard about bits and pieces before playing. Cared about enemy positioning. Brought one of the Chrono Trigger composers on board for some music. Actually referenced Chrono Trigger at least twice too ("Mountains are Nice" and a Time Egg answer). Argues Zeal and the final boss to be very similar in appearance too.

Likens it more to the handheld Mario & Luigi RPG games instead. Says that mostly for the action commands (press A at a specific time to hit twice or harder). Mentions the Moonerang attack too, which functions almost identically to the Green/Red Shell Bros move. Grew kind of tired of those games, as well.

Combat: Might as well start here. Likes the combat mechanics on paper: regain mana with regular attacks, get boost charges for regular attacks, and stop enemy spells by doing certain damage types. Rewards you with combo points for even bigger attacks by disrupting the enemy spell (partially or wholly). Where does it go wrong, then?

1. Starts off with enough mana for one skill.
2. Typically requires a skill (or two or three) to disrupt the enemy spell.

Necessitates saving your skills until, essentially, a big sign pops up saying to use them. Risks taking more damage otherwise. Runs counter to what the game tells you in the tutorial area, oddly. Tells the player to use your skills and not waste your mana regeneration from normal attacks.

Barely increases your mana pool throughout the game. Went from...8 to 22? Varied by character a little. (Writes this a few weeks after beating the game too.)

Was not the only time the game contradicted itself. Grabbed a quote from the game:
Brugaves said:
And remember to think of timed hits as a welcome addition when you pull it off, rather than something you're supposed to do perfectly all the time.
Proceeds to throw monsters at you that require you to hit the timings to disrupt the spell in time. Probably happened within the hour.

Will say that applied to timing blocks, however. Rips you to shreds in the Mario & Luigi RPG games by failing to dodge. Never felt too bad here.

One additional point in the game's favor: relics. Appears to be something akin to a difficulty slider. Offers bonuses or penalties. Turned on one to always get the timing on regular hits, but get less damage from it. Serves to help too, in the case of a relic to make a rainbow star appear when you get the timing. Wishes for one like the Paper Mario Timing Tutor, however. Told you when to press the button.

Swings back to one last negative thing about the combat: bosses. Had too much health. Could have cut their health in half. Only ever became dicey near the very end of the game (where they had even more health). Died once...to a normal encounter with a very overtuned monster. Almost died to the reskin too.

Story: Not great. Relies too heavily on deus ex machina. Receives a total of...seven prophecies? 2 for Zale, 2 for Valere, 2 for Garl, and 1 for Resh'an. Also gives Garl an epipheny to go to four random places. Adds another event where Resh'an intervenes and creates a portal to a place so you can grab some unknown, but very important item.

Dislikes the betrayal in the story as well. Hated the cycle of Dwellers and Solstice Warriors killing each other. Sure, okay. Solves that by...helping create a Dweller that will kill all of you? Chose to work for the person who made the Dwellers in the first place too. ...What? Makes zero sense.

Felt superfluous at times too. Sends you to a doomed world near the end. Adds backstory to one of the characters. Should have just been able to go to the final dungeon there, but sure, fine. What was the point of the bird kingdom existing, though? Could have cut that whole section out.

Graphics: Very nice pixel art. Complains about some of the darker landscapes, however. Understands doing one area to be extra creepy. Looked way too dark at times. Snapped a few screenshots of the good and the bad.
Spoiler: Screenshots

[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Did not quite capture the blue and orange motes. Still looks nice.

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What is an RPG without going to space?

[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Way too dark. Overemphasized it to feel creepy. Does not like running against every little thing to try to find where to go. Used very dark palettes for most second world places.

Music: Heard a lot of this soundtrack before playing from someone using the soundtrack. Dulled the reception, possibly. Seems pretty good, though. Never really grew tired of it.

Overall: 6/10. Okay. Would not recommend it. 100%ed it in maybe 33-35 hours? (Does not feel like looking it up.) Felt more like 50 hours. Used a guide for the last 10/60 rainbow conches. Do not bother 100%ing the game, also. Look it up and save yourself 5 hours or so.
Return to Monkey Island

(Spoilers ahead)

Started Monkey Island games from a young age. Remembers a grandparent who owned the original Secret of Monkey Island game. Played it on now-ancient technology: 5.25 inch floppy disks.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
(The left-most, black one. May have owned it at home on the right-most. Not sure.)

Segues into the latest game, Return to Monkey Island. Opens with an older Guybrush Threepwood telling a story to Boybrush. Nailed this feeling in the first part, for better or for worse. Pays a bunch of homeage to the earlier games. Likens it to Tales of Symphonia 2, for those that have played it. Talks about the past with every named person. Constructed a museum containing items Guybrush had (and even a few puzzle solutions).

Carries a heavy air of change as well. Replaced the old pirate leaders with new ones. Caters to a less rowdy crowd at the Scumm Bar now. Closed several stores. Sees a going-out-of-business sale at the International House of Mojo. Cannot buy a ship (because of Stan being in jail). Feels like a grandparent talking about standing still in a world moving on.

Expresses something similar in a developer note when you beat the game. Knows the developers for what they did in the past. Wants to recapture the past (and finish the story).

Found the first three parts of the game a little lacking. Enjoyed some of the dialogue. Apologized to the swordmaster with a Forgiveness Frog. Filled it with information from around the town. Allowed any option for the last input. Chose "You scare the heck out of me". Was not side-splittingly funny, but an amusingly strange part. Cannot think of anything great beyond that, however.

Picked up in Part Four. Opened up several islands. Allowed greater exploration. Particularly liked when Guybrush breaks the crown of keys (to get the golden key in the center). Noticed some polish in the paintings and statues too. Changes from the old leader to the new leader (Guybrush). Took a screenshot of a flier made to promote limes to cure scurvy too. Chose the name and slogan (from a list of options).
Spoiler: Flier

[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games

Kind of drops the ball at the end. Brings up all the destruction and pain you caused throughout the game. Expected some kind of court scene after getting the titular Secret of Monkey Island. Chased LeChuck and the new pirate leaders. Entered a door, expecting a final confrontation, and...no. Reveals everything to be a kind of fun house that is shutting down. Snagged the key off a hook, next to the wooden standup of LeChuck, and grabbed the chest. Turns out to be a t-shirt (which tracks for Monkey Island). Shut off the lights and left after that. (Calls it out as a strange ending in-game, in fairness.)

Tried to say the chest at the end was not important. Stressed the journey, the silly jokes, and the anticipation of finding the secret to be the fun part. Agrees with that, to some degree. Does not like puzzle games that much. Enjoys Monkey Island for the dialogue and silly solutions. Robs you of the final leg of the journey, though. Wanted to beat LeChuck/a pirate leader or do a trial scene. Ends too abruptly.

On the puzzles themselves: Not too difficult. Usually had an idea of what the puzzle chain looked like. Complains about some things here and there. Tells you to find a voodoo charm called the Bite of a Thousand Needles at one point. Outright refuses to tell you anything else about it. Used one of the in-game hints on that. Referred to the multiple carnivorous plants that you used to guide yourself through a forest maze (along with mushrooms and flowers).

Verdict: 6/10? (Probably gives that score out too often.) Had some nice moments and some less pleasant moments. Would not recommend it to someone that has not played Monkey Island. Complete the first two games (or more), then maybe consider this game if it is on sale.
Stardew Valley​

[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games

Recalls Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town somewhat fondly. Thoroughly enjoyed Rune Factory 4: Special. Has never played Stardew Valley or watched more than five minutes, however. Was never opposed to the idea. Largely expected something too basic to maintain interest, especially after playing Rune Factory. Finally decided to give it a shot because of Archipelago multiworlds and a lack of other interesting games. Questioned how good a randomized version would be. Promised some kind of extra value, though, if the base game felt too simple.

Recognized some familiar systems: the same plant/harvest cycle, energy limitations, gathering your own materials for buildings, and upgrading tools. Presented a more engaging, if occasionally frustrating, fishing minigame than the old Harvest Moon. Was a definite fan of skill levels and professions within them. Included some simple combat too, which was welcome over empty mines.

Sought more mechanics to dig into and mess around with, however. Delivered on that. Designed several different farm layouts with their own advantages and disadvantages. Offers plenty of machines: recycling for trash, bait bins, crystalariums, kegs, preserve bins, tree taps, and more. Boosts stats temporarily with cooking, if desired. Equips rings for a few effects (although not enough). Discovers minerals and artifacts for a museum, typically through geodes (random drops from stone and monsters) or random special dig spots around town. Hooks you in for some longer quests once you reach Autumn for the first time as well.

Focused on the Community Center, first and foremost. Viewed it as the central goal. Prioritized anything seasonal that was required. Pushed the mines a fair amount too, as one of the other possible Archipelago goals. Fished for cash to obtain tool upgrades beyond those two goals. Maxed Fishing skill first among all the skills. Cleared the mines sometime in Fall.

Needed just three items for the Community Center at the start of Year 2: a Truffle, a Rabbit's Foot, and a Pomegranate. Bought and planted the Pomegranate Tree Sapling, only for the Traveling Merchant to sell a pomegranate not longer after. Fine. Invested a bunch of cash into upgrading the coop for the rabbit...and sniped by the Traveling Merchant again, after the final upgrade. Delayed the barn upgrade in favor of a long-term investment (Starfruit seeds). Eventually completed the barn and bought a very pricy pig. Took forever for that pig to deliver. Completed the Community Center around Summer 18 (of Year 2).

Sailed off to Ginger Island after that. Did not overly care for that area. Hid Golden Walnuts everywhere. Dislikes some of the tricks for these. Forces you to walk into areas that look like walls (obscured by leaves or trees), often without any kind of indicator. Represented a minority of Golden Walnuts, to be sure, but enough to be annoying.

Eventually took stock of what constitutes "the end" for playing Stardew Valley, somewhere near the end of Year 2. Ruled out Perfection. Settled on reaching the bottom of the Dangerous Mines, making the best sword, finishing the museum, getting all the skill masteries, and maxing out friendships. Considered a few more achievements (such as reading all the books) as optional.

Received the best evaluation from Grandfather at the start of Year 3. Forged the best sword, filled out the museum, and maxed out skill masteries by mid-Spring. Read all the books, as a nice bonus. Maxed out the last friendship in...early Summer? (Took forever to be friends with Leo. Had most others by the end of Year 2.)

Suffered terrible luck in getting the Dangerous Mines, however. Triggers it by accepting a quest from Qi. Posts two random quests every week. Did not mind other quests at first. Fueled the purchase of items for the best sword. Waited about two full seasons to see the quest, however. Branched out to other goals while waiting.
  • Shipped 15 of each crop. Not a big reach. Grew a variety for quests.
  • Shipped every item. Eyed the collection from the start, although not the achievement.
  • Complete all the Monster Slayer quests (slay 1000 slimes, 600 dust sprites, ...). Mainly needed Pepper Rexes. Ran through Skull Caverns several times for the last 20-ish.
  • Completed the raccoon quests. Would not have done this, if not for the quest taking so long to show up.
  • Cook every recipe. Barely crested 10 recipes prior to Summer of Year 3. Ignored it because of cooking being unnecessary and also requiring some specific fish. Completed this during and slightly after the Dangerous Mines quest, but more on that in a moment.

Finally accepted the Dangerous Mines quest on Fall 1. Put more effort into it than a simple reskin. Reused the layout, yes. Added new monsters, upped the number of monsters, and changed the scenery a little. For anyone familiar with only the normal mines, see:

[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games

Mentioned cooking while on this Dangerous Mines quest. Still had four recipes left at the start of Fall. Needed:
  • Two Eels (a Spring/Fall fish) for two recipes. Rained during the quest, conveniently. Popped out of the mines and bought some Eel Bait.
  • A recipe. Had the ingredients. Waited for a dumb recipe for ages. Sells this recipe on the Ginger Island resort. Buys it from one specific NPC. Appears randomly at about noon. Waited about two weeks for it to happen. Had nothing else to do, for the most part. Walked out a little after 6 AM. Stood there until noon. Went to bed and repeated the process. Jumped out of the mines to check, similar to the eels. Paid off.
  • An Apricot (a Spring fruit). Failed to hold one back. Planted the tree. Never stored any. Sold the ones from the fruit bat cave too. Finished the mines quest on Wednesday. Nothing in the cave on Thursday. Lucked into an apricot on Friday. Nice.


From the Perfection Tracker:
  • Produce & Forage Shipped: 100%
  • Obelisks on Farm: 1/4 (Island only)
  • Golden Clock on Farm: No (10 million. Very no.)
  • Monster Slayer Hero: Yes
  • Great Friends: 100%
  • Farmer Level: 25/25
  • Found All Stardrops: No (never married or took on a roommate)
  • Cooking Recipes Made: 100%
  • Crafting Recipes Made: 32%
  • Fish Caught: 100%
  • Golden Walnuts Found: 121/130

Total Complete: 69% (unintentional).

Seems rather low, considering the accomplishments made. Presumes Stardrops to be all-or-nothing. Assigns 10% to the Golden Clock alone too. Could fill in a bunch of crafting recipes, but why bother?

Rates the game as...8.5/10? Maybe 9/10. Really enjoyed playing. Harbors a few complaints, like item quality causing issues (eating up extra space and requiring 5 of the same rarity sometimes) and combat a hair too simple. Looks forward to trying an Archipelago of this sometime.
Long Live the Queen

Gave this game a shot for this month's Game-Along. Watched playthroughs of it years ago. Forgot some details, thankfully, given it is a story-based game.

Controls Elodie, a princess of the country of Nova. Recently lost her mother, the former queen. Stands poised to inherit the throne. Must survive until then, however.

Selects classes to level up a variety of skills, from Composure to Foreign Intelligence to Divination to Swords. Uses these skills to pass simple checks in the story (such as if Skill >= 40). Unlocks extra dialogue, options, or information from successful checks. Suffers things like worse approval and potentially death from failures.

Cannot quite pick classes as easily as you want, however. Deals with Elodie's mood throughout the game. Experiences emotions like Afraid, Cheerful, and Lonely. Influences Elodie's mood primarily through weekend activities, but occasionally story events too. But why is mood important? Adds bonuses and penalties to learning based on Elodie's mood. Learns Medicine skills slower when Angry, but faster when Lonely.

Praises this game for all the different ways events can play out. May explore a forest, encounter/avoid assassins, and fight a war based on some of your decisions. Glances at one of the later weeks (arguably one of the better examples). Did the nobles declare a civil war on you? And do you have a hostage? Did you explore the forest with someone? Did they go into the forest alone? Did you tell this person's parents about their plan? Did you break off your engagement...and which one? Became queen a few times to try to see more story (and died a few more times).

Highlights some of the skill-up flavor text too. Found it interesting. One quote:
Flattery Level 70 said:
A certain class of dramatic personality believes utterly that they are ugly and unpopular, even if this is untrue. Flattering their appearance will make them pull away and mistrust you. Instead, compliment their intelligence; this tends to be their weakness.

Suffers from becoming a game of trial and error, though. Contains zero randomness. Figures out some common death spots over time. May head down a different story path...only to die to a surprise Herbs check. May be difficult to switch Elodie's mood to learn the skills you want over time too. Learns how to manage mood, for the most part. Wishes for better UI on what moods influence without being in said mood.

Criticizes the skill balancing a little, on another note. Finds some skills fairly useless, like most of the Animal Handling skills. Calls for two skills in the game precisely once each. Considers Lumen skills phenomenal, on the flip side.

Would recommend checking it out, either by watching a playthrough or playing it yourself. Cautions about this game's length, however. Reaches endings pretty quickly. May only take...two hours to win? Drops on repeat playthroughs. Will probably not get more than 10 hours of gameplay out of it unless you want to view a lot of different paths. Consider that before forking over the cash.
Last edited:
Five Game Solo Archipelago

Decided to write down an Archipelago game. Covered one before. Chooses to write down more about the specifics and gameplay. Begins with a quick primer on Archipelago games.

What is Archipelago?
Start by imagining a standard game of Pokemon Red. Heads to Pewter City to battle Brock for the Boulder Badge, then Misty for the Cascade Badge. Heads to the SS Anne for the Cut HM later.

Randomizes all of that. Flings all the items throughout the game, with some means of logical progression. Might find the Surf HM in Virdian Forest and the Soul Badge in Mt Moon. Opens up Cinnabar Island, which may be where you need to go to progress further in the game.

Now take it one step beyond that. Mixes up all the items in multiple games. May grab a Bow and Arrow from Brock, which you need for Eastern Palace in A Link to the Past.

Uses the words "item" and "check" interchangeably. Finds multiple items/checks in Mt Moon, for example.

Unlocks hints by getting a certain number of checks too. Set it to unlock one hint for every 10% of the game's checks you get. Tells you where the item you specify is located (in which game and where).

The games: Selected Pokemon Red, A Link to the Past, Slay the Spire, Terraria, and Stardew Valley. Selects any combination of supported games, including multiples of a game. (Never tried Stardew Valley, by the way.) Must complete all of them to win. Releases all of a game's remaining items upon clearing the individual game's victory condition.

Played all of these games locally, with no other people or connecting to a server. Swaps between games as needed. Will cover the rules and tweaks of each game as they come up. Jumps into it for now.

Stardew Valley
Led with the newest game first. Wanted to make sure everything worked, more importantly. (Took some time. Downloaded the stuff for this earlier. Updated everything since then.) Plays this on version 1.5.6, also (not the latest).

Rules and Tweaks
  • Win condition: Complete the community center
  • Farm type: Random
  • Starting money: Rich (5000)
  • Sell prices: Normal
  • Entrance Randomizer: Off
  • Bundle randomization: Remixed (may contain thematic changes, remixed, or custom ones)
  • Bundle price (number of required items per bundle): 40% Cheap (1 less item), 50% Normal, 10% expensive (1 more item)
  • Seasons: Randomized (Must find other seasons.)
  • Cropsanity: On (Earns an item for harvesting a crop for the first time)
  • Backpack: Early progressive (Will find the first upgrade, then the large upgrade early.)
  • Tools: Progressive
  • Skills: Progressive
  • Buildings: Progressive cheap (1/2 cost for the check. No cost for the first building, if found.)
  • Festivals: Easy
  • Elevators: Progressive from previous floor (Gets an item from each mine floor. Must progress through the mines for the check.)
  • Arcade: Disabled
  • Special Orders: Town board only
  • Quests: Minimum (7 help wanted + ...story?)
  • Fishsanity: Exclude Hard Fish (Checks for fish. Only for fish below 80 difficulty.)
  • Museumsanity: Milestones
  • Monstersanity, Shipsanity, Cooksanity, Chefsanity, and Craftsanity: Disabled
  • Friendsanity: Every 4 hearts. Starting NPCs only.
  • Movement buffs: 4-8 in the item pool
  • Luck buffs: 4-8 in the item pool
  • Traps: Disabled
  • Multi-day sleep: Enabled and free
  • Experience and Friendship multiplier: Double
  • Debris: Half
  • Quick Start: Yes (free automation items at the start)
  • Gifting: No

Consists of quite a few options. Will not be quite this long for every game.

Begins in Summer. Remains stuck in that season until another is found. Rooted through some packages on the ground (from Quick Start) for 4 Quality Sprinklers, 5 chests, 2 Autograbbers, 2 Autopetters, a Telephone, and a few other things. Good. Appreciates those sprinklers in particular. Cuts down on watering time significantly. Happily wears the free Iridium Band too (+10% attack, magnet, and light).

Glanced down birthdays. Likely labels these NPC friendships as "in logic". Makes do with daffodils for the first two, at least.

What else? Excluded Pufferfish, Octopus, and Super Cucumber among the Summer fish.

Ended up on the standard farm. Planted the free wild seeds. Looked for people to talk to to begin the friendships rolling (plus the Introductions quest). Burned energy on chopping trees, smashing rocks, and digging up an artifact. Received some progressive key cards for Silph Co, but nothing immediately nice.

Hoped for an early Shipping Bin. Saw no sign of it. Checked all the shops. Found a Boulder Badge for super cheap. Bought a progressive Coop and Barn for a pittance. No Shipping Bin, though. Also notes the Volcano Dungeon back exit among Robin's blueprints. ...Is Ginger Island accessible? Did not exclude it. Normally unlocks it after completing the community center. Figured it would be off the table.

Finished the Introductions quest. Got Poppy Seeds. Bleh. Not particularly useful, other than raising farming skill and friendship with Penny.

Thankfully found a progressive fishing rod from a simple Help Wanted quest (gather 20 stone). Opens up the world of fishing and decent income (via selling to Willy). Fished up a progressive sword for Link to the Past from a Sunfish. Welcomes that for sure. Cannot get too many fish, however. Limits you to sub-50 difficulty fish with this fishing rod. Works just fine for increasing fishing skill, which was the Magic Mirror for Link to the Past at level 3 fishing.

Turned in three artifacts. Got the recipe for the Desert Obelisk. Was pretty pleased about that. Bypasses the bus entirely. (Did not need to get the wizard's ink either.) Provided a great source of powerful food: Cactus Fruit. Heals a ton. Uses that and coconuts for a few gifts, as a bonus. Nothing in the shop, however.

Got trolled by the mail. Said to look in Aginah's Cave (a Link to the Past place) to unlock the Community Center. Thought you unlocked the Community Center a few days in. Felt like it was taking a while. Opened up on its own, though.

Realized something rough around now. Looked through the bundles. Definitely goes to Ginger Island, likely by obelisk. Requires Magma Caps for one of the bundles. Contained some other rough bundles too, like Slime Eggs. Almost certainly needs a bunch of Foraging skill because of the gold star quality beach shells. Might have started something way too long.

Copy/pasted the bundles from the spoiler log.
Spoiler: All Bundles

Community Center (Dewy):
[Pantry] Rare Crops Bundle (2 required):
1x Sweet Gem Berry
1x Ancient Fruit
[Pantry] Animal Bundle (5 required):
1x Ostrich Egg
1x Void Egg
1x Duck Feather
1x Golden Egg
1x Truffle
1x Large Goat Milk
[Pantry] Garden Bundle (4 required):
1x Tulip
1x Poppy
1x Blue Jazz
1x Fairy Rose
1x Summer Spangle
[Pantry] Slime Farmer Bundle (3 required):
1x Tiger Slime Egg
1x Red Slime Egg
99x Slime
1x Green Slime Egg
[Pantry] Brewer's Bundle (4 required):
1x Pale Ale
1x Wine
1x Green Tea
1x Beer
1x Mead
[Pantry] Artisan Bundle (6 required):
1x Apple
1x Green Tea
1x Beer
1x Cherry
1x Banana
1x Wine
1x Truffle Oil
1x Jelly
1x Peach
1x Apricot
1x Goat Cheese
1x Mango
[Crafts Room] Quality Foraging Bundle (3 required):
1x Cactus Fruit (Gold)
1x Nautilus Shell (Gold)
1x Oyster (Gold)
1x Rainbow Shell (Gold)
[Crafts Room] Winter Foraging Bundle (4 required):
1x Crocus
1x Winter Root
1x Nautilus Shell
1x Crystal Fruit
[Crafts Room] Beach Foraging Bundle (4 required):
1x Sea Urchin
1x Nautilus Shell
1x Oyster
1x Mussel
[Crafts Room] Fall Foraging Bundle (4 required):
1x Blackberry
1x Common Mushroom
1x Chanterelle
1x Hazelnut
[Crafts Room] Mines Foraging Bundle (4 required):
1x Purple Mushroom
1x Red Mushroom
1x Earth Crystal
1x Frozen Tear
[Crafts Room] Island Foraging Bundle (2 required):
5x Magma Cap
1x Magma Cap (Gold)
[Fish Tank] Master Baiter Bundle (2 required):
100x Bait
1x Magnet
[Fish Tank] Fall Fishing Bundle (4 required):
1x Anchovy
1x Shad
1x Midnight Carp
1x Super Cucumber
[Fish Tank] Winter Fishing Bundle (4 required):
1x Halibut
1x Tiger Trout
1x Sturgeon
1x Perch
[Fish Tank] Night Fishing Bundle (3 required):
1x Midnight Squid
1x Bream
1x Walleye
[Fish Tank] Tackle Bundle (2 required):
1x Trap Bobber
1x Dressed Spinner
1x Cork Bobber
[Fish Tank] Trash Bundle (4 required):
1x Soggy Newspaper
1x Broken Glasses
1x Driftwood
1x Broken CD
[Boiler Room] Demolition Bundle (3 required):
5x Cherry Bomb
1x Mega Bomb
2x Bomb
[Boiler Room] Treasure Hunter's Bundle (5 required):
1x Topaz
1x Ruby
1x Jade
1x Diamond
1x Emerald
1x Amethyst
[Boiler Room] Adventurer's Bundle (2 required):
10x Bat Wing
5x Coal
10x Bone Fragment
99x Slime
[Bulletin Board] Field Research Bundle (4 required):
1x Bream
1x Magma Geode
1x Chub
1x Purple Mushroom
[Bulletin Board] Chef's Bundle (6 required):
1x Miner's Treat
1x Pizza
1x Spaghetti
1x Hashbrowns
1x Dish O' The Sea
1x Salad
[Bulletin Board] Enchanter's Bundle (4 required):
1x Void Essence
1x Rabbit's Foot
1x Fire Quartz
1x Super Cucumber
[Bulletin Board] Dye Bundle (6 required):
1x Red Cabbage
1x Corn
1x Apricot
1x Rhubarb
1x Blueberry
1x Green Bean
[Bulletin Board] Forager's Bundle (2 required):
50x Blackberry
20x Common Mushroom
50x Salmonberry
[Vault] 25,000g Bundle (1 required):
25000x Money
[Vault] Carnival Bundle (1 required):
2500x Star Token
[Vault] 5,000g Bundle (1 required):
5000x Money
[Vault] 2,500g Bundle (1 required):
2500x Money

Struggled through the mines with the base pickaxe and no sword. Mainly went for copper. Spotted two big Link to the Past items in the blacksmith's upgrades: Fire Rod and Pegasus Boots. Could not pass those up. Wanted to spend the remaining 3000 gold on the Starfruit from the Luau (to put into a Seed Maker later). Could not pass up those. Will probably redo Summer anyways.

Really hoped to get a better Fishing Rod, a sword for the mines, or a better Pickaxe. No luck on those. Received some fancy items, however: the Return Scepter (free teleport home whenever) and the Golden Clock (less farm debris + manually advance time). Never got either in a normal playthrough.

Started feeling slow in progressing. Only has Blueberries and Poppy Seeds at the moment. Bailed a day after the Luau. Grabbed a Progressive Slingshot (terrible), a Flash HM, and Cane of Somaria (Link to the Past) before switching games.

Link to the Past
Usually goes in order of most to least checks at the start. Experiences the randomizer more that way, if that makes sense.

Rules and Tweaks
  • Win condition: 80% crystals + kill Ganon, 10% Master Sword pedestal + kill Ganon, 10% Triforce hunt + kill Ganon
  • Mode: Open (Skips the opening of escorting Zelda.)
  • Glitches: No
  • Dark Rooms: Requires Lamp
  • Pyramid: Goal (open if Ganon is the goal. No Agahnim 2 required.)
  • Crystals: Random-low for Ganon's Tower, Random for Ganon. (Note: Could still be a high number for random-low.)
  • Triforce pieces: 30-40 available. Divide that by 1.5 for the number of required.
  • Entrance shuffle: No
  • Big Keys, Compasses, and Maps: 5% original dungeon, 5% own dungeons, 10% own world, 70% any world, 10% different world
  • Small Keys: Original dungeon
  • Key drop shuffle: Off
  • Items: Normal item functionality and pool
  • Enemy health and damage: Standard
  • Progressive items: On (Swords, Bows, Gloves, Shields, Armor)
  • Swordless: No
  • Dungeon counters: On
  • Retro bow and caves: Off
  • Hints: Full
  • Scams: Off (Knows what items some merchants have.)
  • Boss shuffle: 20% none, 50% basic, 20% full, 10% chaos
  • Pot and bush shuffle: Off
  • Enemy shuffle: 50% on, 50% off
  • Killable thieves: 50% on, 50% off
  • Shop item slots: Random (Turns between 0 and 30 shop items into checks)
  • Shop cost: 50-150% of normal. Costs rupees, not other resources.
  • Capacity Upgrades: 20% off, 30% on, 50% on combined.
  • Bombless start: 50% on, 50% off. (Needs a "Bomb Bag" before being able to carry bombs, similar to Ocarina of Time.)
  • Random medallion for Turtle Rock and Misery Mire
  • Fake boots: 50% on, 50% off. (Mostly a speed increase without the functionality of the boots.)
  • Traps: Off
  • Timers: Off

Another long list of rules. Is a pretty well-known game for randomizers, though.

Noticed something odd immediately. Shows the Triforce Hunt tracker at 0/1. ...What? Should be a lot higher than 1. Does that just mean get the Triforce from beating Ganon? Never appeared before. Set it on "Normal" for the display. Also never had a chance of Triforce Hunt in there, to be fair.

Went through the standard opening checks. Wound up with the enemy randomizer setting on. Has some benefits. Carried a fish near Kakariko to the bottle vendor. Gives you a nice assortment of resources. (Also, no bomb bag shuffle.) Popped into some shops. Contained no Archipelago items. Noted the 52 rupee bombs (usually 50), so near standard prices.

Found Stardew Valley's Key to the Town, Sunday Traveling Merchant, and three new crop seeds (but no useable ones). Notably found the Cascade Badge and Cut for Pokemon. Sees Rock Tunnel in that game's future.

Headed into Hyrule Castle for the front of the escape sequence. Snagged a prize in the first chest: Stardew Valley's shipping bin. Thank goodness. Also found another fruit tree seed too, but none that yield fruit in summer.

Finished that and walked to Eastern Palace. Pulled a Hammer in the back of Sahasrahla's hut. Already got a Moon Pearl from Kakariko. Almost accesses Dark World. Needs a glove next.

Encountered quite a hint. Earns the Lamp by completing Stardew Valley's Fresh Fruit quest. Triggers that in Spring of Year 2. Does not know if it needs to be your fifth season and/or if Spring is required. Placed that super late, though. Lowers the odds of the dark rooms having anything significantly.

Tried out the dark rooms here anyways. Strays out-of-logic, but eh. Got nothing good from that. Died in the dark room heading to Armos (after grabbing some cash). Declined to head back in. Walked away with a major item, however: the Rod of Discord for Terraria in the first chest of Eastern Palace. Covers that when it comes around to Terraria.

Exhausted all the checks in Link to the Past. Evidently stuck the dungeon big keys in their own dungeon. Received quite a few items, but not a combination that progresses Link beyond the standard opening checks. Time for a switch.

Pokemon Red

Enters with three badges (Boulder, Cascade, and Soul) and two HMs (Cut and Flash). Feels pretty novel, despite being the vanilla progression stuff. Never gets Cut and its badge this early.

Rules and Tweaks
  • Win condition: Beat the Elite Four
  • Badges for the Elite Four: 10% 6 badges, 20% 7 badges, 70% 8 badges.
  • Key items for Elite Four: 0
  • Victory Road unlock: 4-7 badges
  • Route 22 gate: 3-6 badges
  • Viridian Gym: 0-7 badges
  • Cerulean Cave: Random badges, random key item requirement
  • Route 3 access: Beat Brock
  • Fossil choice: Any items
  • Second fossil option: 3 fossils
  • Experience All: Start with
  • Early Parcel
  • Badgesanity: On (Adds badges to the item pool.)
  • Badges for HM moves: Standard
  • Tea: On (Like the FireRed/LeafGreen Tea. Gets you past the gate guards.)
  • Extra Key Items: On (Requires a new item for Safari Zone, Rocket Hideout, Cinnabar Mansion, and Power Plant. +4 items to Rock Tunnel.)
  • Silph Co card keys: 25% on (split), 75% progressive
  • Extra Strength boulders: On (Blocks the Route 11 gate and Route 13 path)
  • Hidden items: Not randomized
  • Prizesanity, Trainersanity, Dexsanity: Off
  • Oak's aides: 1-30 Pokemon each
  • Stonesanity: On (Adds the evolution stones to the pool.)
  • Door and warp tile Shuffle: Off
  • Rock Tunnel: Requires Flash, logically
  • Fly: 50/50 on one free location. One guaranteed free location from the Town Map.
  • Blind trainers: 50% totally blind, 50% chance of partial blindness (50-100%).
  • Level scaling: 10% off, 50% by spheres (think of spheres like progression), 40% by spheres and distance
  • Experience modifier: Double
  • Wild Pokemon: 40% match base stats, 40% match type and base stats, 20% full random
  • 1-to-1 area mapping: True (Replaces all instances of a Pokemon with the same Pokemon.)
  • Randomize starter: Full random
  • Randomize static Pokemon: Full random
  • Randomize legendaries: Full random
  • Catch 'em all: Off (Should have made all Pokemon available. Whoops.)
  • Pokemon stats: 20% shuffle (same stats, just in different spots), 80% randomize (same stat total)
  • Catch rates: Random. Minimum catch rate of 100-200.
  • Trainer parties: 40% match base stats, 40% match type and base stats, 20% completely random. Can have legendaries.
  • Moves: No rebalancing. Fix bugs (like Focus Energy)
  • Movesets: 50% prefer types, 50% completely random. 100% start with 4 moves.
  • Transform: Ditto only.
  • TMs: Randomize moves. Reusable. 80-100% compatability for same type, 50-75% for a Normal move with a non-Normal Pokemon, 30-80% for other types
  • HMs: 90-100% compatability for same type. 100% for normal type HMs. 30-80% for other types.
  • Move types, Pokemon types, and type matchups: Standard
  • Shops: 90% normal, 10% better (larger inventory baseline)
  • Poke Doll skip and Bike Gate skip: Patched
  • Traps: Off

Forgot how many options were in Pokemon Red. (Skipped some minor options for the previous two. Listed most here.) Gets shorter from here onward.

Gladly withdrew Oak's Parcel from the PC and walked towards the lab. The three starters: Eevee, Zapdos, and Goldeen. Would have been happy with Eevee, as a Pokemon with good base stats. Was not going to pass up Zapdos, though. Started with Drill Peck as a kicker. Eyed up its stats. Looked pretty even still, with Attack being the best (not including Hitpoints). Probably just shuffled the numbers, not redistributed them.

Ooh. Apparently got a Spore TM from Stardew Valley. Cannot learn it on Zapdos, sadly.

Discovered the results of a few more random settings quickly. Encountered a Weedle on Route 1, indicating randomized Pokemon with the same base stats. Needs 8 badges for the Elite Four, per Dewy (the rival, named after the Stardew Valley character, the real final boss of this whole Archipelago). Flitted by trainers without a battle, indicating completely blind. Definitely got full random enemy trainer teams, as evidenced by a Mew on one. Rolled the standard shops.

Checked the Viridian City gym. Does not know the badge requirement. Apparently met it. Tangled with the first trainer to see the level: 22, double Zapdos's level. Indicates it being a little ways into the logic, but not too far. Defeated the Metapod lead, but not Lapras. Saves this for later.

Picked the way to Pewter City clean. Unfortunately requires 24 Pokemon for a progressive armor upgrade for Link to the Past. Definitely wants that. (Is not that skilled at it.) Chucked balls at Pokemon along the way. Leans towards a low minimum catch rate. Broke out of too many balls (admittedly at full health). (Post-game edit: 184 minimum catch rate. Really?)

Beat Brock's level 9s no problem. Peeked into Diglett Cave. Caught a level 12 Slowpoke and noped out for now.

Skipped right past the gauntlet of trainers to Mt Moon. Wandered into a level 16 Nidoran female. ...Strange. Why is this so high level? Tends to be lower. Cannot be later in logic. Accesses this from the outset. Must be scaling levels by spheres and distance. (Post-game edit: Nope! By spheres.)

Exited Mt Moon with a Stable for Stardew Valley (nice for movement speed) and a Mansion Key (for Cinnabar Island) at the fossil choice. Not bad.

Never took Misty for a caffeine person. Handed over a Coffee Machine after winning.

Cleared out the area north of Cerulean, Vermilion City, and the Viridian Gym after a backtrack. Was clearly being funneled into Rock Tunnel. Preferred to finish everything before that, just in case. Yielded nothing major. Regretted not buying Super Repels for Rock Tunnel. Hit so many encounters. And why were there level 11-13 Meowths? Why is that lower level than Mt Moon? Grabbed the Friday Traveling Merchant for Stardew Valley in there, at any rate.

Popped into Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town. Holds plenty of items. Wondered more about the levels, especially after Rock Tunnel. Hovered around 21-22. Should find a Silph Scope soon, in that case. (Saw the Silph Scope accessible after the Elite Four before. Found it in an 8 badge Cerulean Cave, versus a 7 badge Elite Four. Made the ghosts higher level than the Elite Four.) Seriously got a fourth non-Summer fruit tree from there. Literally found all the non-Summer fruit trees. Picked up some Ancient Seeds, which are a great, renewable money-maker. (Fall only, though.)

Continued down the logical path to Celadon City. Beat Erika. Nothing major. Hit the wall in Pokemon. Time for another switch.

Runs on version 1.4.3(?). Not the most recent one. Plays on Journey Mode on a small world, typically with the difficulty at Normal. Bumps it up to Expert sometimes for a Treasure Bag. Could get pretty ugly if you play pure Expert. Faced Duke Fisheron once, right after beating Plantera (no dungeon access, no Golem, no Goblin for accessory stuff). Would have been a hard wall, most likely.

  • Win condition: Defeat Golem
  • Exclude locations: Big Booty, Rainbows and Unicorns, Don't Dread on Me (Fills those with unimportant items.)
  • Achievements: Exclude Grinding (Excludes fishing ones too.)
  • Fill extra checks with useful items
  • Additional mod: Upgraded Research (Cuts the required research number to 1/4 the normal, mainly.)

See? Much shorter. Gets checks from defeating bosses and achievements. Excluded the three locations for being kind of grindy (0.1% chance for a key, same chance for a specific key + 1% drop chance on unicorn, and 10% chance for a tough miniboss during a Blood Moon.)

Chose Golem for being kind of longer, but not as bad as the Moon Lord. Includes a lot of slow things with Moon Lord goals (lots of invasions).

Needs only a few things to access Golem:
  • Hardmode
  • Plantera boss flag
  • All three mechanical boss flags (to beat Plantera for the pyramid key) OR a Rod of Discord (a possible item for teleporting in).

Already got the last item on the list. Could be in for an early Terraria finish. Notably earned zero boss flags and a handful of items from all the gameplay before this. Does not restrict the game too badly, though. Mainly gets NPCs from pre-Hardmode boss flags.

First order of business: make some housing. Built five standard newbie rectangle houses (all connected) and called it good. Rolled Corruption randomly on the seed. Ran into it pretty quick. Engulfed the desert entirely (unless there is another). Found the dungeon in the middle of the snow biome. Delved into some big trees beyond that. Hoped to see a gnome (for the achievement), but no luck. Also hoped to get Hermes Boots. Checked every visible chest along the left side of spawn. Nope.

Sufficed for some quick exploration. Set about on knocking out basic achievements: almost die to a fall, make an anvil, and make a crafting table. Expanded the apartment building (basically amounts to that) to 15 spaces while it was dark. Suffices for the run, probably.

Okay, what about the right side? Immediate jungle. Has never seen it so close. (Discovered later it extended below spawn, close-ish to the Underworld.) Proved to be an excellent jungle for this. Found a tunnel connecting to a beehive. (Might count as Surface level.) Saves searching for that.

Explored further. Found some Hermes Boots in a chest. Wore those immediately. Got the achievement for surviving your first night, which was Link's Hookshot. Nice, but not progression yet.

Finally crafted an anvil. Unlocked the Island North Turtle for Stardew Valley. Means Volcano Dungeon access. Needs that...eventually. Would get absolutely shredded there.

Hit progression by building a rope to the top of the map: Link's progressive glove. Opens up a huge amount of Dark World, in combination with the shiny new Hookshot granting a way to dark Kakariko.

One more amazing part of the jungle: knocking out some tough checks. Found a natural Dead Man's Chest. Is not very common to see. Also rode a minecart rail to kill a monster for another check closeby.

Felt satisfied by that jungle exploration for now. Broke a Shadow Orb and got the Arms Dealer in the apartment. Bought a Minishark. Serves as a good starting weapon. Dug down after that for more achievements (Spider biome, Underworld). Collected enough hearts (2) to be able to get infinite. Felt okay with going to max health and mana now.

Realized it was night, from the Underworld clocks. Decided to take on some bosses. Ran over to the Dungeon to trounce Skeletron with the Minishark + Tungsten Bullets. Whipped out the summoning item for Eye of Cthulu and beat that. Planned to deal with the Eater of Worlds next. Flashed the dreaded notification of a goblin army approaching. Hates this event. Would not call it too hard. Spams you with it until you find the post-Goblin Army flag. Stopped there for the (real-life) day.

Resumed here again. Still had a few quick-ish things left. Connected to the local game server. Spat out four items for other games from achievements that did not award stuff the day before. Noticed going to the bottom of the map gave nothing. Figured it was an update change. Contained nothing important, though.

Chose wisely in coming back. Looted a progressive fishing rod from the Eater of Worlds. Opens up a lot more fish (and profit). Repaired the minecarts by fishing in the underworld, which is a nice movement assist.

Triggered a meteorite to fall by beating Eater of Worlds (or smashing an orb?). Wanted to find that immediately. Appeared in a very unusual spot: in the leaves of two living wood trees. Could have easily missed that. Stopped to turn a gnome to stone, thankfully. Crafts the Star Cannon with this meteorite. Flattens any pre-Hardmode boss with this, thanks to an unlimited supply of fallen stars for ammo.

Reports little else from further achievements and bosses. Beat Queen Bee, Wall of Flesh, and Deerclops. Checked everything except the surface glowing mushroom biome. Set that into motion, though. (Could speed up time, but eh.)

Link to the Past (visit 2)

Wanted to see what Dark World yielded. Paid off quickly. Visited Hype Cave first (the Dark World cave below where Link's house is). Handed over Post-Plantera and the Strength HM.

Had one other goal in mind: the goal itself. Trekked up to the Pyramid for the sign that states the goal: 3 crystals and beat Ganon. Okay. Not too long and not messed up.

Popped into the Dark World shops. Found only one Archipelago item: a very overpriced 180 rupee Antidote for Pokemon. Rolled really low on shop slots, apparently.

Swung through Village of Outcasts into Thieves' Town. Encountered some issues in there. Received very little survivability so far. Rocked 5 hearts (total), green mail, no bottles, no cape, and no blue cane. Contained plenty of monsters that hit pretty hard (and, appropriately, some thieves). Was not completely helpless, though. Carries the Bombos medallion and an easy magic source (large magic stun drop), plus the Master Sword.

Made it to the Big Key Door after a few deaths. Poked into the boss room. Nothing. Indicates Blind as the boss. Maybe vanilla bosses? Died shortly after between the monsters that normally pop out of the sand in the desert and spikes. Maaaaybe later.

Completely spaced on Skull Woods (until writing this). Checked more overworld stuff. Proved better than the dungeon, with a Thunder Badge at one of the mirror checks.

Chose to go out-of-logic once more by going through dark areas. Navigated Dark Cross (the dark chest in Hyrule Castle) successfully. Also climbed the mountain. Made it through unscathed, despite the enemy shuffle. Received a Blindfold (for Terraria) from the old man, ironically.

Saw no reason not to hop into Tower of Hera. Climbed to the top to find...Helmasaur King (the Palace of Darkness boss). Not vanilla bosses after all. Knew this would not go well. Managed to break the mask. Inevitably died on a tail swipe.

Passed on another boss attempt for all the items on east Death Mountain. Grabbed some more useless Spring seeds and a movement speed increase for Stardew Valley, but not much else from that out-of-logic jaunt.

Almost left Link to the Past. Gave King Zora another go. Died once to a Beamos set up on the way. Figured more liberal use of Bombos would prevail. Skirted around all the trouble to King Zora. Sells Starfruit Seeds for 500 rupees. ...Shoot. Cannot resist that. Was sub-100 rupees, though. Farmed cash at the underground hideout with 50 rupees in it, followed by the Houlihan Room (an error-prevention room with ~200 rupees). Never tried that trick before. Worked first try. Bought the Starfruit Seeds, then savescummed the money back. Sends the check still.

Slay the Spire
The final game. Sticks this last in the cycle because of good odds of being able to beat it now. Depends a lot on the ascension level and seed, however. Always gets the same random seed (so the same stuff from Neow at the start, plus more). Struggled pretty hard in a past heart run. Saves your progress after beating the Act 1 and 2 bosses too, if you want it.

  • Win condition: Defeat the Act 3 boss
  • Character: Ironclad
  • Ascension: 1-10
  • Final Act (Heart): No

Earns a check on the dropped card of both bosses (rare) and every other card reward. (Notably will not get a card from those battles.) Also replaces boss relics and normal relics with checks. Totals 15 checks on normal card draws, 2 rare card draws, 10 normal relics, and 2 boss relics. Does not affect the shop at all.

Cannot ignore this game any longer. Locks in some predictions now. Bets on a season and at least one backpack upgrade for Stardew Valley. Expects to see Terraria's Hardmode here. Would not be surprised to see Surf for Pokemon. Filled the rest with money and hearts for Link to the Past.

Did not care for Neow's choices. Picked a random rare card: Exhume. Bleh. Looked at the items sent to Slay the Spire. Was pretty bare: four normal card draws, one rare card draw, and a boss relic. Zero normal relics. Chose the only +energy boss relic (2 wounds at the start) over double potion effectiveness and card draw for taking damage. Selected Demon Form (+2 strength every turn) for the rare card. Considers that okay. (Hoped for Barricade.) Recalls several Pommel Strikes (damage + card draw) for the common cards.

Randomed into Ascension 7. Adds more elites, deadlier everything, less healing from bosses, starting a little hurt, and stronger normal enemies.

Views Archipelago Slay the Spire as quite different, in feel, to the standard game. Begins strong from the early boss relics and rare cards. Ends weak because of not getting much else after that. Gains little personal benefit from fighting elites. Encourages you to fight things, also. (Personally prefers the ? locations.)

Thrashed everything in Act 1 on the back of Demon Form. Blocked while the strength racked up. Upgraded Demon Form, as well as an Armaments card (upgrades your whole hand). Always liked one of those cards. Earned a solid relic the way (Sunflower: +1 energy every 3 turns). No good items for other games yet.

Started taking more damage in Act 2. Found no good multi-hit cards (or multi-target) to really leverage the strength gains. Really needed more card draw. Ended some hands with excess energy because of wounds or Flexes. Outscaled the boss of Act 2 for the win. Was pleased to get Post-Goblin Army in this act. No progression yet, however.

Only got uglier in Act 3. Limped along from encounter to encounter. Hovered under half for a lot of the act. Resorted to a full heal at the cost of 10 max hitpoints. (Was at 5 hitpoints at the time.)

Reached the Act 3 boss, despite the difficulties. Faced the Awakened One, which has two phases and gains strength if you use Power cards like Demon Form. Worked against the upgraded Metallicizes (+4 block) which formed the defensive strategy. Drank a Duplication Potion to double Demon Form. Saw no other win condition than that. Offset the boss's strength boost with Disarm (-2 strength). Proved wholly insufficient, however. Never made it to the second phase.

Reloaded at the start of Act 3. Went no better. Opted to start from scratch, knowing what was ahead.

Ran the same seed. Receives different results by doing things in a different order, however. Chose 1 rare card of 3 for a curse for Neow's offer: Feed. Increases your max hitpoints by 3 if it kills. Considers this an excellent card for this point in the game. Doubled down by picking a second Feed for the Archipelago rare card draw. (Evidently missed a second relic grab from last run: Frozen Egg. Auto-upgrades Power cards you put in your deck. Good in a vacuum, but mean with the final boss.)

Feasted hard in Act 1. Probably went over 100 max hitpoints. Prioritized monsters and shops (to drop the curse). Absolutely idled in a fight for Feed to come around.

Noticed the deck's flaw in Act 2: no real winning cards. Remembers Clothesline, Uppercut, and Rampage. Lacked much else. Barely defeated the Act 2 boss after a long fight.

Realized a possible strategy, somewhere around the end of Act 2: Headbutt + Rampage. Plays Rampage. Powers up. Uses Headbutt to draw it again. Hardly seemed viable, given only one Headbutt and one Rampage in the deck. Seemed to get them together reasonably often, though. Looted another (upgraded) Rampage somewhere in Act 3. Better than nothing.

Challenged the Act 3 boss with 138 maximum hitpoints. Spent 10 max hitpoints again on the full heal too. Came prepared with something for the boss this time: two upgraded Disarms. Dropped its strength by 6. Hit for a mild 2x4 damage (1x4 when weak) and 12 on a single "big" hit. Clears those at the start of the second phase, however. Lucked into the second part of the strategy at the right time: duplicated Rampage into Headbutt while it was vulnerable. Built those up in the slow phase 1. Ripped off half its Phase 2 health from that. Delivered the final blow next turn, or the turn after.

Game #1 complete. Final time for that particular run: 41:37. Scored 911 points.

Releases all the remaining items when you beat the game. (Would never get them otherwise.) Contained...no progresion. Appreciates the Galaxy Soul (kinda) and the Stardrop, sure. Expected far more useful things in here. Where are they?

Time for some hints. Only needs one more item for Terraria. Prioritized that.
  • Hint #1: Terraria's Hardmode at Link to the Past's Zora Ledge. Saw that on the way to the Starfruit Seeds. Requires the Flippers. Where are those?
  • Hint #2: Link to the Past's Flippers at Stardew Valley's Treasure Hunter's Bundle. ...Oh boy. What does that bundle want?

Stardew Valley (visit #2)

Only played half a season. Must have some good checks left in the opening area.

Walked outside. Obtains checks through the mailbox. Contained 122 items. Where is this "early" progressive backpack?

Triggered a second wave of checks from going through the mailbox. (Gains a little friendship for raising skills.) Saw a Silph Scope flash by for getting Willy to 4 hearts. Checks out, since Willy has a birthday at the very end of Summer. Gives Pokemon something to do, technically. Cannot enter Saffron City to do Silph Co without the Tea, unfortunately.

Zipped around the map much quicker between minecarts and a movement speed boost. Used the newest major item, an improved fishing rod, to look for new fish. Notably fished up a Flounder to unlock the Fall season. Nice. Left enough time to plant a crop of Starfruits before the close of Summer too.

Mentions one other thing. Received a single garden pot. Technically allows you to grow anything out of season. Collected, like, 10 non-Summer seeds. Dreads the idea of that being the intended progression. (Admittedly has multi-day sleep, but still. Suffers friendship decay.)

Evidently hid all the good stuff in the museum. Finally earned a progressive backpack for 10 donations. Coughed up a pickaxe upgrade (the first one) at 15 donations. Finally. But where is the decent weapon? Hates the slingshot.

Grabbed a Marsh Badge from leveling mining to 4 and a progressive mail for Link at level 6 fishing. Helps both of those games. Spotted the Fly HM among the new tool upgrades at Clint's. Focused efforts on that and bought it. Theoretically opens up Pokemon. Could be the logical access to Saffron City, Cinnabar Island, Fuchsia City, or Victory Road (from the back).

Frowns. Wants a Silo. Worries less about animal feed with it. Automates animals easier. Costs 25000 gold and 75 Hardwood, unfortunately. Will not have that kind of cash for a while. Does not even have an axe upgrade yet. Sees a bottled Fairy for Link in the same shop. Picked up the Bug Net in Slay the Spire. Pairs well for survivability. (Did not buy the bottle yet, however.)

Caught the last few fish of the season. Jumped back into the mines after that. Broke all the crates and barrels around, hoping for a weapon. Finally panned out with a weak level 1 dagger. Relied on the Slingshot and Napalm Ring before this. Barely killed anything because of the minimum range (or something causing stones to just pass through the target). Could not do tons with this dagger (typically 1-2 on the void spirits, 3-4 on bats).

Finished growing the parsnip in the garden pot. Yielded Boat Repair (Ginger Island access) for the quest and the Cape for Link to the Past (a nice safety item) for the crop harvest. Seems awfully important for a Spring-only crop. Might have been intended progression. Became even crazier than that. Led to the "Build a Coop" and "Craft a Scarecrow" quests. Grabbed a progressive glove and a progressive bow for Link to the Past for that. Opens up quite a bit with those.

Continued finding good items. Bought a progressive backpack in Stardew Valley for 6000 gold, plus the other progressive bow for 1200ish. Might be able to beat Link to the Past soon-ish with that.

Delved further into the mines with the new dagger after that. Only now completed the "Kill 10 Slimes" quest. Risked dying to get to a big pack of crates and barrels. Passed up the staircase down to an Archipelago item to do it. Dropped to maybe 5% health with no healing items left. Regrets absolutely nothing, though. Pulled a Forest Sword (level 3) from the crates. Is not that great for this level in the mines. Hits for double digit damage on monsters, though.

A few more finds:
  • Winter on level 60 of the mines. Turns to a cold area right then, rather appropriately. Definitely needs that to fill a few bundles.
  • Special Request Board at 20 museum items. Why is there so much good stuff at the museum?
  • Skull Cavern Key at 10 hearts with Demetrius. Stands zero chance there, but nice.

Was really struggling for money at this point. Still has pretty bad tools and no greenhouse. Could probably reach the Ginger Island farm via the Parrot Express (unlocked already). Costs 1000 gold per trip, though. Cannot afford that regularly. Decided to finish Terraria after sticking the gems into the Treasure Hunter Bundle for Link to the Past's Flippers.

Link to the Past (visit 3)
Update: 6 hearts, Master Sword, blue mail, silver arrows, no bottles, half-magic, and a Cape. Should be able to beat dungeons with this. Saves that for later, with more health. Grabbed Terraria's Hardmode at Zora Ledge, plus the two waterfall faerie checks.

Terraria (visit 2)
Smashed some demon altars for the new ores. Noticed it was raining. Chose to grab a Nimbus Rod with legitimate rain. Discovered the Corruption very close by, at the hill to the east. Started getting Corruption enemies by going a little too far from the house (to avoid critter spawns). Took a screenshot of the map.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games

Ran past the Corruption towards the beach. Sprinted past the glowing mushroom biome. Apparently finished. Got the achievement for that: the Island Obelisk in Stardew Valley. Siiiighs. The one remaining check. Well, whatever. Did not play that many days on the second visit. Still helps a ton.

Turned off infection spread. Probably threatens a good portion of the jungle. Is not too bothered by it, though.

Found the goblin NPC almost immediately. Appreciated not having to hunt for them. Crafted some Mythral armor. (Grabbed Adamantine. Was thinking of other things.) Stocked up on souls of light and night, plus the ingredients for potions and spider fangs for a summon.

Needed some Hardmode weapon to fight Golem. Never unlocked the dungeon. (Checked. Only got five boss flags, which is pretty low.) Looked up the Super Star Shooter's recipe: just the base weapon and Hallowed Bars. Easy peasy. Teleported to the beach and made the most disrepectful, low-effort "arena" consisting of about one row of 10 wood platforms. No campfire, heart lanterns, sunflowers, or anything. Beat the Destroyer after dying, likely because of the Nimbus Rod dealing the last bit of damage. Collected those bars and headed to the main base.

Actually prepared for Golem, unlike the Destroyer. Spent ~30 platinum trying for a good modifier on the Super Star Shooter. Took Lucky, Menacing, or Warding on the accessories. Had no really stellar accessories: beginner wings, Spectre Boots, Shark Tooth Necklace, Paladin's Shield, and the Lava Charm or something. Zipped into the pyramids, after some exploration for it, and built two lines of platforms with campfires and heart lanterns everywhere.

Beat the Golem pretty handily. Never fell below...half hitpoints? Considers that one of the downsides of this goal: the weak boss. Might have been better to go for the Moon Lord in a larger multiworld like this.

Game #2 complete. Released all the items. Contained no real progression for anyone. Got some seeds, including a Rare Seed, which is needed for one of the bundles. Other than that? Filler stuff.

Pokemon Red (visit 2)
Now at 6 badges. Must be able to do something here. Headed into the Pokemon Tower. Rescued Mr. Fuji. Nothing good for that. Moves the Rocket out of the way of Silph Co, though.

Taught Fly to Paras. Looked at the map locations: nothing new. ...Is Pokemon walled again? No Tea for Saffron access. No Basement Key for the Rocket Hideout. No Rainbow Badge for the Strength boulders blocking the way to Fuchsia. No Surf for Cinnabar Island, the Pokemon League, or Cerulean Cave.

Typed in !missing for the remaining checks in Pokemon. Missed the post-route 22 rival Oak item and the Pewter scientist. Nothing good on them, though.

Okay, then. Flew around and caught a bunch of Pokemon for the Link to the Past's Red Mail. Seems time to return there and maybe beat Ganon?

Link to the Past (visit 4)
Now at 8 hearts and Red Mail, but nothing else new. Never bought the bottles in Stardew Valley.

Prioritized Thieves Town first. Remembers the Dark World Bomb shop saying it was a crystal. Knew the boss (Blind) was beatable too.

[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Just the standard enemy shuffle room. Did not benefit that much from Bombos here. Was more scared of the rollers initially. Crosses over each other at the entrance.

Looted the Cane of Byrna (blue cane) from the Thieves' Town Big Chest. Performs pretty well versus Blind. Did not really need it (or use it, for that matter). Was not the smoothest Blind fight, but good enough for a crystal.

Completed the blacksmith chain. Made sense to head into Swamp Palace. Hoped it was a crystal and beatable. Spent the time for a thorough looting. Took a good amount of chip damage from monsters here and there.

The boss of Swamp Palace: Mothula (Skull Woods' boss). Aced this battle, thanks to Swamp Palace's boss arena being much simpler than Mothula's home arena. Received a crystal for it. 2/3 crystals.

Cashed in two hints. Wanted Tempered Sword (red sword) for Ganon. Potentially clears a dungeon for the last crystal and grabs a sword in the process.
  • Progressive Sword at Stardew Valley's Anchovy. An easy Spring and Fall fish. Does not want to change games, though.
  • Progressive Sword at Stardew Valley's Have Another Baby. Yikes. Definitely not getting that. (Note: Thought you had to use the Wedding Ring, which needs Iridium Bars, a lategame item. Not as bad, but still not accessible now.)

Passed on doing bottle hints. Knew where three bottles were in Stardew Valley: one as a bundle set completion, one for sale at a reasonable-ish price, and one at the bottom floor of the mines (120).

Knew Eastern Palace was a crystal. Should be relatively quick with no other items left. Found vanilla Armos Knights in the back. Stood no chance versus silver arrows. Crystal 3/3.

Decided to give Ganon a shot, without the Tempered Sword. Was in for a small surprise. Heard about needing Master Sword spins for beating Ganon without Silver Arrows. Needs the spins to hurt Ganon at all also. Held the Cape at the ready for quick damage dodges (2 hearts of damage for basically any hit, out of 8 hearts total).

Reached the final phase. Ran out of magic, unfortunately. Burned a ton of magic trying for the torch glitch with the Fire Rod, even with half-magic (no Lamp, sadly). Felt within reach, however.

Attempted Ganon...at least ten times, before getting the victory. Lived until the last phase a few times. Fell once. Ran out of magic a second time. Only took one hit on the winning attempt.

Game #3 complete. Filled the backend of the other two games with boring stuff. Hopes for better this time.
  • Progressive Watering Can x2 (at Turtle Rock Laser Bridge and Palace of Darkness boss) and Progressive Hoe (at Ganon's Tower)
  • Five crop seeds and a new fruit tree for Stardew Valley
  • Progressive weapon for Stardew Valley (another slingshot?) (at Mire Shed)
  • Bottle at Superbunny Cave. Could have gotten that quickly. Would have made things so much easier. Thought about going up dark Death Mountain.
  • Surf HM (at Ganon's Tower). Nice. Unwalls Pokemon. Wonders how many crystals it was to enter.
  • Rainbow Badge (at Ganon's Tower, validation chest at the very top). More stuff for Pokemon. How many things were in Ganon's Tower?
  • Bicycle (at Ice Palace Big Key Chest) and Poke Flute (at Desert Palace Big Key Chest). Gets around that with the Rainbow Badge, although likely sooner, logically.

Looked at the spoiler log quick, out of curiosity. 1 crystal for Ganon's Tower. So, in...wait, not in logic yet. Did not have logical Death Mountain access (no Lamp or Flute).

Sits at one item (the Earth Badge) away from completing Pokemon. Makes sense to hint.
  • Red's Earth Badge at Stardew Valley's Farming Level 3

Psh. Says how little farming has happened in Stardew Valley. Spent most money on sending items, rather than investing in low-profit seeds.

Stardew Valley (visit 3)

Only 61 items in the mailbox. Expected more.

Discovered the progressive weapon to be a level 2 dagger. Worse than the current weapon, but a weapon.

Plunked down the Island Obelisk immediately. Planted 19 different seeds. Will be quite a payout of items when those come up.

Reached Farming Level 3 and 4 from the Starfruit seeds. Sets Pokemon ready to go.

Poked into the Volcano Dungeon. Deals a lot of damage to someone with +1 defense/+1 immunity boots. Still has the weak sword doing 1-12 damage.

Planned to stick around longer. Ended up taking a break on the last day of Summer. Why not switch to Pokemon, then?

Pokemon Red (visit 3)

Owns all eight badges, as well as all the HMs. Runs into a problem of levels now. Expects fairly high levels on the Elite Four, given the eight badge requirement. Stands at level 32 on Zapdos right now. Should be able to find a decent high level somewhere.

Went into Cerulean Cave first. Only 4 badges for entry. Level 35 on a Dewgong at the entry. Increases deeper into the cave, but probably not by that much, given that badge requirement.

Played the PokeFlute for the Snorlaxes. Caught the level 41 Scyther with Defense as its highest stat, followed by Special (ignoring whatever HP it had). Eh. Just Drowzee for the other one.

Perhaps in Victory Road? Was unimpressed by the rival fight with level 22 Pokemon, followed by level 22 outside of the Victory Road cave. Found more mid-35s on the first level. Increased to 44-47 later on. Eh. Caught some, including a 47 Poliwhirl. Did not find the Water Stone yet, however.

Picked up something else in Victory Road: the Rocket Hideout key and the Power Plant key. Followed the trail to the Power Plant. Ought to be good level, between sphere and distance from Pallet Town. Met a level 52 Dratini at the door. Definitely caught that. Investigated all the traps. Added a Chansey and Oddish to the roster.

Pulled the Power Plant catches out of the box and evolved them with Rare Candies and a stone.

  • Dragonite: 177/109/107/160/120 (level 55)
  • Vileplume: 155/77/123/99/107 (level 57)
  • Chansey: 136/11/24/121/283 (level 55)
  • Zapdos: 160/95/86/86/80 (level 38)

Apparently shuffled Chansey's normal Hitpoint stat to its Special stat. Really risks it with that Defense stat, though.

Learned Surf and Flamethrower on all three. Chose Dragonite as the main, largely for one reason: Spore. Could not teach that one to Chansey. Came with the benefit of starting with Thunderpunch, on top of not being as risky.

Level 56 on Lorelei's first Pokemon. Saw two eeveelutions on their team. Used a simple Spore and X-item stacking strategy. Could not really stop that.

Continued with that strategy the whole way. Took some damage from Weezing, who survived a +5 Surf. Spent the last three Rare Candies on Dragonite. Handled the rival and their level 70 starter (now Seaking) no problem.

Game #4 complete. What spoils did Pokemon hold?
  • Traveling Merchant day in the Mansion (plus a discount). Also a Secret Key for Blaine's gym in there. Mansion B1F - West item. Is that vanilla? ...No. Normally gets that in the northwest. Replaced the Solarbeam TM, probably.
  • Progressive Coop, Pierre's Missing Stocklist (buy crops in any season), and a Progressive Pickaxe in Rocket Hideout.
  • A cute baby, a movement speed increase, Spring season, and 5000 gold in Silph Co.
  • Another Traveling Merchant day on Monday
  • Professor Snail Cave from Sabrina. Wondered why that would not open. Figured something like that.

Nothing really good for anyone else, beside some health for Link to the Past and kind of the rare card draw + relic for Slay the Spire.

Still no axe upgrade. Placed all four somewhere in Stardew Valley. Maybe on the crops? Or the many Fall fish?

Stardew Valley (visit 4)

Returns to the final game. Finished, like, 3-4 bundles out of 30 or so.

Closed out Summer, finally, with the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. Bought the Island Farmhouse there for cheap. Chose Fall as the next season. Saw plenty of Fall Forage-related bundles.

What important things are still missing to complete these bundles?
  1. The Slime Hutch. Cannot find Slime Eggs until then. May have the slime egg press recipe, though.
  2. Cooked food. Could be problematic. Unlocked the kitchen, but not many recipes. Hopefully buys some of these. Got the Queen of Sauce for recipes too.
  3. Red Cabbage and maybe Rhubarb?
  4. Another Coop upgrade for Rabbits.
  5. Void Egg or Golden Egg. Cannot access the sewers. Never got a golden egg as a reward.
  6. Money. A lot of it. Needs it for animals, the money bundles, and maybe blacksmith upgrades/the Traveling Merchant.

Holds off on hinting for now. Likely gets something from all these crops and Fall fish.

Finished some easy bundles. Crafted the bombs for a Progressive Axe (finally) and stuck in the Purple Mushroom for some Red Cabbage seeds. Solves at least one problem.

Refocused in-between playing. Needs raw cash more than anything. What is a good way to do that? Fishing? Goes kind of slow without bait. Could hint for a new fishing pole. Probably makes more sense, out-of-game time-wise, to forego Friendships, outside of birthdays. Instead, multi-sleep for Starfruit and/or Ancient Fruit Wine. Needs to build up some cash for the Starfruits first, not to mention get kegs. Means more tappers and more wood. Solves some of the immediate cash problem with fishing for new fish.

Found Link's Flute from a Kale harvest. Puts Ganon's Tower in logic (not that it matters). Reeled in a new fishing pole by catching a Walleye, which is needed for a bundle anyways. Discovered two progressive weapon upgrades between a crop and a fish, handing out a level 6 dagger and a level 8 club. Accepts the club over the level 3 sword.

Wound up doing extra checks. Lacks too many things necessary to win to ignore everything. Got a Pickaxe upgrade from doing the Mayor's Shorts quest. Made the mines and Volcano Dungeon even more appetizing.

Sprinted through the volcano, occasionally stopping for Magma Caps (for a bundle) or Iridium Ore. Actually got a Prismatic Sphere. Hoped that would become a Galaxy Sword, but alas, no. Randomized that too.

Picked up a nice weapon from a chest, on the plus side: a level 12 dagger. Dislikes daggers because of their poor range and small hitbox. Overlooks its faults for the damage. Reached the top of the volcano. Found...an ugly baby in a chest. Nothing good from floors 85-120 of the Mines either, for the record.

Received the Hops starter (for one of the brewing bundles and a quest). Mentions a Tulip Bulb from level 9 fishing, which then led to the Coop upgrade. Placed that pretty deep in logic.

Realized the cooked items bundle was not that bad. Purchased several from the saloon.

Worked on special orders that were reasonable during all this. Included Robin's Request for 80 Hardwood. Forked over the Slime Hutch for that. Yeesh. Becomes even worse when you only have the Copper Axe. Cannot logically access the Secret Woods for daily mahogony stumps. Saved up all the stumps around the farm for this, thankfully. (Also got a ton of hardwood via the mahogony trees on Ginger Island.)

What items remain that are completely out of reach? Sewer Key/Golden Egg and Rhubarb seeds. Sounds like hinting time.

  • Dewy's Rhubarb Seeds at Winter Fishing Bundle in Stardew Valley

Simple enough.

Finally went into Skull Caverns. (Got a Foraging Level just for using the key. Whoops.) Went down to floor 25 after a try or two for a Progressive Axe. Made that one annoying to get.

Crafted a Slime Egg Press after one of those Skull Cavern dives (for more Fire Quartz). Got a free green egg for building the Slime Hutch. Needed a Red Slime Egg, which is a 9.5% chance. Only had enough slime for one shot. Hit the jackpot and got the Red Slime Egg. Installed Mushroom Boxes in the farm cave for finishing that. Felt pretty mean after just completing a different bundle with 20 Common Mushrooms. Spent a decent amount of time wandering around, checking the Secret Woods, and the Ginger Island mushroom cave for those.

Entered season #3: Winter. Caught that Perch for the hinted Rhubarb Seeds, along with the only other available Fishsanity fish (Squid).

Almost reached the end. Describes the bulk of Winter like this: Get up. Maybe give the animals more hay. Look at the Traveling Merchant for items (now at 2 artifacts per day). Teleport to the beach. Check for Nautilus Shells. (Needed three for bundles, including a gold-star quality one.) Took over halfway into Winter to find it. Continuing checking for the gold-star Oyster.

Delved into the volcano dungeon maybe three times in Winter? Tried for either the Ostrich Egg in the floor 9 chest or the journal scrap for the Ostrich Egg. Grabbed the scrap first. Notably picked up an unneeded Tiger Slime Egg along the way.

Saw some good profit from a modest amount of kegs. Bought a pig and rabbit in mid-Winter. Keeps the hay cost down, while still being ready for a better season. Forked over the 32500 gold for the cash bundles after the Night Market concluded.

Did not stop doing some quicker checks, such as birthdays and events. Hoped for a Golden Egg, Sewer Key, or some Foraging levels. Of note:
  • Dwarvish Translation Guide from 8 hearts with Harvey.
  • Progressive House from buying a painting. (Listed the Abandoned Jojo Mart bundle in the spoiler log. Worried about needing this. Nope.)
  • The final Farming level from Midnight Squid. Also unlocked the Greenhouse from getting enough skill experience for Fishing Level 10. Buried that so deep.
  • A Golden Egg from 8 hearts with Evelyn...and a second Golden Egg for 10 hearts. Earned both at the same time from giving a loved birthday gift. Hid them both there? What?

Hit go-mode with those eggs. Continued doing events and birthdays for possible Foraging levels. Skipped to Summer, the fourth season played, once those were all over.

Opened up the barn door for the pig. Spawned a truffle within seconds, right at the door. High five. Collected a Rabbit Foot waiting in the autograbber. Combed the beach for either a gold-star Oyster or a gold-star Rainbow Shell. Scored the oyster on day 3. Plugged it in the win.

Game #5 complete. Released the remaining 108 items, 70 of which were for Stardew Valley. Notable remaining items:
  • Progressive Pickaxe at the Tub o' Flowers recipe.
  • Link's Lamp at the Fresh Fruit quest. (Knew about that one.)
  • Progressive Axe at the Fish Stew quest (an easy Winter fishing one). Accepted that quest near the end. The other Progressive Axe at the Strong Stuff special order.
  • Forging levels at Mayor's Need (Truffle Oil quest), Aquatic Overpopulation special order, and the Iridium Axe upgrade. Sheesh.
  • Rusty Key (sewer access) at Biome Balance special order.
  • Pokemon Red's Tea at the Tropical Fish special order. Why were the special orders so stacked?
  • Removal of Glittering Boulder at 95 museum donations, removal of Railroad Boulder at 50 minerals, and Progressive Shed at Dwarf Scrolls. (Hit the 70 donation milestone, for the record.)
  • Junimo Hut at Iridium Hoe upgrade. Saw this. Was not forking over 25000 gold, especially since almost nothing was on the main farm (and they do not gather if you go to bed early).
  • Bridge Repair (for the Quarry) at Iridium Pickaxe upgrade.

Hit level 10 in every skill except Foraging (at level 9), in terms of checks. Received levels 9-10 in everything except Foraging, coincidentally, which was at 7.

Played Stardew Valley kind of inefficiently. Burned so much cash on sending checks. Should have grown that money first. Ideally plays another game first to pass on halfway decent seeds and upgrades before beginning Stardew Valley.

Would be interested in sticking Stardew Valley in again, but with some changes. Likely spent as much time there as the other four games combined.
  • Thematic bundles, not remix. Keeps it fresh, but not too long.
  • Exclude Ginger Island 50-75% of the time. Wants seasons to be a little more important. Accepts the occasional island visit or early greenhouse, just not all the time.
  • Either remove Friendsanity OR change it to 5+ hearts and at x4 gain. Feels less bad about sleeping multiple days that way, but also reducing the number of checks there. Or maybe Bachelors only with x3 gain?
  • Remove Special Orders, or put it on a low chance. Takes really long for some of them.
  • Skill gain at x3. Figured x2 might be a little low. Went with the default.
  • Tool progression at Progressive Cheap (2/5 the normal cost). Costs a fortune for the later upgrades by default, in this timeframe.
  • Museumsanity: Maybe put it on 50/50 between none and milestones. Mitigates some of the craziness by the Traveling Merchant getting museum items with the correct upgrade. Likes caring about donations. Stinks if something good is at a lot of donations, particularly with Ginger Island off. Costs a lot before the discount upgrades, though. Saw a fan going for 42000 with the upgrades. Scooped up some cheap sub 1000 artifacts, though.

For other games: Moon Lord goal (for 4+ games) and switch crystals for Ganon to random-high.

Had a good time overall, also. Looks forward to the next one of these.
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Dug up an old game from childhood for this month's game-along. Fiddled around in the introductory areas in some games back then, including this game. Was content constantly restarting, for whatever reason. May have gotten walled or something, then restarted later? Shrugs. Probably beat this once with a guide.

Centers around the titular Zak McKracken and three others. Must save the world from aliens trying to making everyone stupid. Flies between cities to collect all the parts to save Earth. Swaps between characters during play, similar to Maniac Mansion. (Was directed by someone who worked on Maniac Mansion. References the game at least...three times?)

Relies heavily on humor throughout the game. Sees the aliens disguised in Groucho Glasses and a ten-gallon hat with holes in it to see. Meets Elvis at one point. Draws a lot with a yellow crayon. Would not say the jokes landed, personally. Says that less because of it being bad. Simply remembered the game's goofiness far too well. (Watched a longplay of it a few years ago. Helped to remember things, most likely.)

Praises this game, at times, for allowing multiple solutions to a puzzle. Blocks you with a loose pile of dirt in one section. Cleared it with...a monkey wrench or a golf club. Becomes friendly with Elvis by giving them a guitar or a fan club membership. Punishes you for killing an animal (which can be avoided) by forcing you to wait at one part of the game. Found that interesting.

Mentioned fiddling around in the game earlier. Was particularly enamored by this shop.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Offers quite a few odds and ends, all of which can have some use. (Planned to say the rope in the toolbox not being used. Glanced at a guide. Apparently uses it somewhere in Zak's apartment as an exit. Sounds vaguely familiar.) Displays an item or two for sale to the left too. Scratches a very particular itch of many odd items with some niche use, similar to Earthbound.

Contains several missteps as well. Shows its age at times like this. (Released this game in 1988, the same year as Super Mario Bros 2 and 3, Dragon Quest 3, and Mega Man 2.)
1. Renders a game unwinnable without realizing it. Tells you bluntly that anyone dying makes it impossible to win. Fine. But what about using an item incorrectly? Creates a map with either a piece of torn wallpaper OR your phone bill. Could pay your bill and use the wallpaper as kindling, however. Never tells you you effectively lost. Also loses by washing your breadcrumbs down the drain without disconnecting the pipe first.

2. Overuses mazes and dark places too much. Would not call the mazes super complicated, after looking at a map. Often loops back on itself, though. Disorients you pretty easily. Usually brute forces it, which is not great. Navigated too many dark sections by a small amount of light around your cursor. Includes some mazes.

3. Hiding the items a little too well. Stuffed a lot in your apartment. Must click the "What is" command to scan the environment for things to interact with. Take a look at this screenshot:
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Obtains the torn wallpaper in this room. Forgot it when going through the apartment originally. Do you know where it is?

4. A minor gripe. Spoilers this because of it being at the veeeeeery end of the game.

Will say it is not a very long game. Beat it, with some help from a guide, in 4.7 hours, according to Steam. Recommends watching the game. Might find its quirkiness interesting. Finds it harder to say to play this game.
Contraption Maker​

Received this from the random number generator this month. Never played this game before. Remembers an old game like it, made by the same developers: The Incredible Machine.

What is this game about? Involves making Rube Goldburg machines to complete some task. Drop a ball on a hamster cage to cause the hamster to run on its wheel. Hook that up to a conveyor belt to make a bowling ball move. Send that bowling ball into a pair of scissor to cut the rope holding a balloon down. That kind of thing.

Fiddled around in sandbox mode, way back when. Barely touched the puzzles. Presents some clear condition that you have to fulfill with a specific set of pieces. Considers that the closest thing to completing this game. Admits to being no big fan of puzzle games. Tolerates physics-based puzzles more than traditional ones. Worst case: Averaged 10.5 hours to beat the main story, according to HowLongtoBeat. (Almost chose it for the 10 hours or less month, if not for that.)

Starts off simple, as one would expect. Leaves obvious holes to place something. Might spot an empty outlet far away from other things. Ought to plug something in there.

Became tougher as the number of pieces at your disposal increases, not to mention the map complexity. Varied the puzzles pretty well, in a sense. Presents multiple, little obstacles in some puzzles. Solves some as a more linear chain of events. Tosses everything at once for some of the harder ones.

Felt a little too tough at the end. Snapped a screenshot of the official solution of one such puzzle. (Shows you the official answer after beating it. Looked up this solution, for the record.)

Wore kind of thin by the end. Blames that more for being puzzle-adverse, rather than the puzzles themselves. Kind of enjoyed beating puzzles with unintended methods. Bounced something just so or used pieces as blockers.

Beat 250 puzzles total. Looked up the solutions for 12 or so. Not too bad. Joined 1.7% of players with 220+ official puzzles solved. (Suspects many players preferring Sandbox Mode over the puzzles. Says 48.6% with the achievement for beating one official puzzle, which includes the tutorial puzzles.) Took 17.8 hours to do, with maybe an hour of that idling. Questions what HowLongtoBeat considers "Main Story" (10 hours, 34 minutes) and "Completionist" (16 hours, 8 minutes). Shrugs.
Atelier Ryza 1: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout

Enjoyed crafting stuff in Rune Factory 4. Heard about the Atelier games for a while. (Just showed a new entry in the recent Direct, coincidentally.) Focuses more on crafting in these games. Rated this as a good entry point in the series, so sure.

Story basics: Centers around Ryza and her friends Lent and Tao. Learns about alchemy from two strangers who started investigating their rural village. Builds a secret hideout in the wilderness. Discovers some evil monsters nearby, who begin causing problems for their village. Sets out to close the gates spewing out these evil monsters.

Describes the story as generally light-hearted and a little too simple. Sees a lot of Ryza not wanting to work on the family farm/chores, Klaudia getting her first friend, and some run-ins with the local bullies. Veers off that occasionally, such as the tone shift of Lent's drunken father beating him. Avoids going too in-depth on that, which is believeable. Definitely surfaces a few times in the conversation, however.

Okay, but what about the crafting? Creates stuff via a web-like structure. Requires some material to start off. Splits off in 2-3 directions once you add that. Asks for things like an ore with a fire element. Might improve your item quality, add traits from the materials (like +Attack or Puni Slayer), and occasionally other effects. Acquires more recipes by going down a certain path too.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games

Was not completely happy with the crafting. Offers several useful functions, such as auto-craft at low/high quality, sorting ingredients, indicators for accessible new recipes, and adding more to an existing item. Removed a lot of potential stumbling blocks. Felt simple enough to fully understand a few hours in. Some of the issues:

  1. Felt a little too fiddly at times for the payoff, however. Needed to remake certain materials (ingots, cloth) a lot. Distrusted the low-quality autocrafter to not eat up the last of a resource or use way too many materials (always uses the maximum number of materials).
  2. Spent too much time looking at the in-game guide or help menu. Told you too little about materials in the guide. Displays information about the tool you need to gather it. Good. Tells you the area to find it in too, but not the subarea, which is wildly unhelpful. Designed about four subareas per area, each with their own map. Likens that to saying to look for Pikachu in West Province in Scarlet/Violet. Covers a huge area.

    Another point of mild irritation: effect names for everything. Did you really need to call these effects different names?
    • Healing Taste XS: Eat to marginally recover HP and reduce Stun Gauge.
    • Soft Texture: Heal HP. Increases with higher Core Charges.
    • Forest Stream S: Heal HP. Increases with Tactics level.
    • Dancing Dust S: Heal HP and reduce Stun Gauge. Heals more with more buffs.
    • Food Mixture S: Heal HP. Increases with Tactics level.

    Typically relates to the item (such as Soft Texture being for...pudding?). Appreciates it in terms of flavor. Meant checking the help menu regularly, as a negative.

    Forced some traits from materials to not work with certain crafted items, on a similar note. Understands that at times. Never expected +Item critical chance to help on a piece of armor. Reared its head unexpectedly too. Allows Attack Charge and Attack/Defense Charge on a weapon, but not Defense Charge. Prompted several trips to the guide to figure out why at times.
  3. Asked for annoying materials at times. Calls out the gathering tool recipes on this, mainly. Sinks something like 4 Fishing Rods and 4 Scythes into a single Fishing Rod + Scythe combo tool with gathering upgrades.

  4. Affected the way you play too little. Certainly impacts how strong your equipment is. Adds a ton of stats if you know what you are doing and trick it out. Considers varying levels of +Attack, +Defense, +Speed, +Hitpoints, and +Skill damage a little boring, though. Never found the different roles (Offense, Defense, Supporter) very impactful either.

    Leads with a positive example first: most of the damaging items, such as bombs. Offers more damage on path, status effects on another, and maybe fewer core charges on a third path. Cannot grab everything at once. (Could rebuild it and fill it out completely, however, at the cost of more resources.) Makes a choice about what you want out of your item.

    Compare that to weapons, which have only one effect (like heal 1 hitpoint per attack) and straight stats. Could stick things like Puni Slaying (100% critical rate versus Punies) on your weapon via materials. Still fights exactly like at the start of the game.

    Wrote the above paragraph mid-game. Forgot about weapon forging. Promptly re-forgot about it after seeing the system. Puts more effects on your weapon, such as a burn chance, by forging it with an item. Problem: Bears no relation to the item. Example: Forge a weapon using Energianica. Gives the weapon Comforting Timbre S (or better), which has a chance to gain additional AP. Bases your Comforting Timbre rank on how much you improved the Energianica's Amateur Melody ability (which is Regeneration HP and recover AP).

Touched on combat a little. Operates on a real-time turn-based system. Builds AP by doing basic attacks. May use that AP to use special attacks OR raise your Tactics level. Adds one more hit to your basic attack per Tactics level, which translates to more AP. Tacks on additional effects to your special attacks based on your Tactics level too.

Felt okay for boss battles, maybe. Became a slog with normal battles, particularly if you do not get a first strike (start with enough AP for Tactics Level 2). Attacks for sad damage at Tactics Level 1. Only gets good damage generation at Tactics Level 3+. Spends a lot of time building, only for the battle to be over shortly after. Really needed an instant win feature.

One other combat issue: an enrage-type mechanic. Gave this to pretty much all monsters past the first area or so. Surrounds itself with a red aura at around 30-40% health. Kill it fast (by using a ton of AP for a special attack just for this mechanic) or take a bunch of damage. Expects a monster hitting for maybe 15% of Ryza's health (single-target) to lop off 50% of the party's health with an enraged attack. (Will not hit very hard if you were taking 1 damage per attack, though.) Accepted this for bosses and minibosses, but not every random weasel that crosses your path.

Wrote up a lot of criticism. Still looked forward to crafting new stuff and slowly figuring out stuff and investing more time into crafting (versus throwing in any material with the right element). Rewards you well for putting in the effort, at least in terms of how strong you are. Would not really recommend this game, though, unless you really like this kind of thing. Would not call it a bad game. Identified too many areas of improvement to be interested in picking up the next game in the series. May be worth revisiting the series after a few more iterations, however.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (again)

Picks this game up once more, after two years on the shelf. (Posted the last Three Houses playthrough exactly two years and one day ago.) Already completed all four routes. Left most of the church units untouched, however. Decided to devote a playthrough to them.

Route: Blue Lions
Difficulty: Hard Casual
Downloadable Content: Yes
New Game Plus: Allowed
Character Restrictions: Cannot recruit Golden Deer, Black Eagles, Anna, or the Abyss characters. Must use all the church units.

Class restrictions:
1. May only qualify each character for one class per tier (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced + DLC, and Master).
2. Forbids more than one person per Advanced + DLC class and Master class at a time. (Example: Allows two people to become Assassins. Cannot both be Assassins at the same time.)
3. Permits newly recruited characters to swap off their initial starting class for a new one in the same tier. Cannot use the mastered skill from their starting class, if so.

Explore restrictions:
1. Cannot do most things requiring Activity Points. Exceptions: White Heron Cup dance lessons, Faculty Training/Advanced Drills, and for any quest below. (May or may not cost an activity point.)
2. No Fishing, Gardening, Advice Box, or returning Lost Items. Allows feeding animals, because why not?
3. Allows only mandatory quests and unlocking quests (such as for shops, battalions, and so on).

Battle restrictions: Paralogues, mandatory Battles, and unlocking quest fights only.

Other restrictions:
1. Finish battles in a reasonable timeframe. Means not fighting for 90 turns for skill points. May still dawdle to grab all the chests and/or defeat all enemies.
2. Cannot use the C-rank Lord battalions or any B/A-rank battalions until the mission before the time skip.
3. Cannot purchase stat levels, support ranks, or mastered skills from past playthroughs.

Notable permitted things:
- The Chalice of Beginnings, Crests, and instant A+ Professor rank
- The altar in the Abyss
- A full battalion barracks. Includes several Paralogue rewards involving restricted characters.
- Save-scumming exams

Formulated a rough class path for every character, per usual. Wound up doing this, if memory serves.

Byleth: Myrmidon -> Pegasus Knight -> (Skip) -> Falcon Knight
Dimitri: Soldier -> Lord -> Warrior -> Unique Class
Annette: Monk -> Mage -> Dark Flier
Flayn: Monk -> Priest -> Dancer
Cyril: Fighter -> Brigand -> War Monk -> War Master
Manuela: Priest -> Thief (backwards) -> Trickster -> Mortal Savant
Hanneman: Mage -> Warlock -> Dark Knight
Seteth: Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord
Catherine: Swordsmaster -> Assassin
Alois: Warrior -> Brigand (Backwards) -> Grappler
Gilbert: Fortress Knight -> Great Knight
Shamir: Sniper -> Brigand (Backwards) -> Sniper -> Bow Knight

Did not quite fill all the possible deployment slots with church units. Added Dimitri, who is required for most missions, and Annette, who is related to Gilbert. Also took along some other Blue Lions as adjutants.

Funneled most early-game experience to Byleth, Dimitri, and Annette. Never planned to use the others late-game, except as adjutants. Still managed to beat the Chapter 4 Death Knight, thanks to the gambit that allows you to survive an attack on 1 hitpoint. (Will not save you for the entire combat, notably. Criticaled Dimitri down to 1 hitpoint, then killed him on the second hit. Rewound that, obviously.)

Realized Byleth was taking the top spot on kills by Chapter 5 or so. Carried the Chalice of Beginnings for one, which allows counterattacks at any range. Increases your ability to rack up kills considerably. Served as the team's only flier until after Chapter 7 as well. Sent Byleth off to priority locations (chests, enemies with items, vulnerable NPCs) alone while the rest of the army dealt with the other side. Tanked everything pretty well, including arrows.

Ran into troubles in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion (Chapter 7). Prevents you from using Cyril, Catherine, and Shamir. Brought the army down from 7 to 4 + Mercedes healing + level 1 weenies. Tasked Byleth with flying up the middle while the rest of the army swung over to Claude. Handled quite a bit (the nasty pegasi, Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Marianne, and probably more), but at the cost of almost dying. Survived with maybe 3 hitpoints before flying out for heals from the main army.

May have foreseen a glaring problem with this team, if you have played the game before: Hunting by Daylight, the first post-timeskip map. Battles almost solely with Blue Lions students on this map. Barely used any of them in battle. Scatters everyone across the map to boot. Tried to ease the difficulty slightly by allowing units to equip stronger battalions on the prior map.

Wound up not being too bad, minus some unlucky low-percent gambit hits. Gained a respectable number of levels on Ingrid and Felix through being adjutants. Placed no-one anywhere too precariously either. Kept Ingrid, Felix, and the level 3ish Sylvain in place for most of the map. Gave Ingrid and Felix possibly their only kills of the game at the end of the mission.

Finally activated Dimitri's build a few chapters later. Combines Battalion Wrath with Battalion Vantage. Passed him the Chalice of Beginnings from Byleth. Tossed a Killer Lance on too. Results in Dimitri going first when an enemy attacks and criticaling 100% of the time (or close) from any range. Wipes out those annoying Bolting/Meteor mages attacking from 10 spaces away with ease. Stayed away from gambits, static defenses, and monsters, however. Potentially knocks out the battalion, which is annoying to maintain at 33% health or less. Led to a string of MVPs for the next few maps, regardless.

Probably ran into the most difficulty at the Gronder Field map, among all the post-timeskip maps. Played it a little wrong, to be fair. Hoped for the Golden Deer and Black Eagles to attack each other more, similar to the pre-timeskip version. Noooope. Practically teamed up and attacked simultaneously. Rewound a few times to get the units facing the Golden Deer out of some trouble.

Dislikes the final map of the Blue Lions route. Gives Edelgarde two 30-range attacks. Extends nearly across the whole map. (Left the two far corners out of range.) Limited the number of units it felt safe to use. Mainly relied on Byleth, Flayn, Cyril, Maneula, and Catherine, due to their sub-20% chance of getting hit by that. Eventually retracted that huge range at the end to just...8 or so? Piled on to defeat Edelgarde in a single turn.

Missed all the worldbuilding that Three Houses did, especially after playing Engage. Appreciated things like seeing Lord Arundel pre-timeskip, then coming back as a notable figure. Involves all the various noble houses quite often. Typically never goes super deep into them, sure. Liked the idea of navigating many factions within a single kingdom. Never played out as much as it should have in choices/battles, but oh well. Put together a nice story, at least on the Blue Lions route.

Says fewer nice things about the class system. Balanced them kind of poorly, such as Mortal Savant and Falcon Knight. Left Pegasus Knights in the cold for an Advanced class. Promotes grinding way too much via stat upgrades for class qualification, plus some very strong skills on some. Prefers Engage's boring classes over this.

Presented a decent challenge, overall, with the restrictions. Rarely saw 0% hit chances, unlike in Engage. Remained mindful of gambits, which have a minimum 20% chance of hitting. Actually wound up using gambits pretty rarely, for whatever reason. Indicates some level of feeling safe enough to save that resource, most of the time.

Leans towards Engage for replays. Fiddled too much with minor things like lessons and repairing weapons. Bogged down the experience. Felt nice to play through again, however.

Ends on some unit thoughts and playthrough stat stuff. Spoilered it. Fills a lot of space, vertically-speaking.

Spoiler: Unit Thoughts

  • Byleth: An absolute monster. Had the highest Speed (43) and second highest Strength (39) in the army. Helps to be ~6 levels above most, but still. Will never dethrone Byleth with performances like this.

  • Dimitri: Solid the whole way through. Credits the solid Speed stat (35), plus the highest Strength in the army (42) for the first half. Tanked and fired back very well. Became a one-shot machine in the second half with Battalion Wrath + Battalion Vantage. Stayed on 3 Battalion HP for the last...eight maps? Maybe longer.

  • Annette: The biggest surprise. Used Annette once before as a Bolt Axe / Lightning Axe Wyvern Master. Felt kind of underwhelming there. Probably helped to face non-Maddening enemies this time. Had just enough Speed to double with Wind sometimes. Scored a bunch of criticals too. Helped to have the +1 range staff and +1 black magic range ability on top of being a flier as well.

  • Flayn: A dancer. Nothing more. Dodged well enough. Was a little risky to be too close to danger, though.

  • Cyril: Only really shined at the end, after getting War Monk's +20 avoid skill. Lacked enough avoid to be a good dodge tank until then. Remained useful as a fist-user before then, at least. Handled a little better than expected. Benefits from class stat boosts more than most (probably?). Did not have access to that in this playthrough.

  • Manuela: Jack of all trades, master of none. Hurt Manuela, in the end. Tried for decent damage by going Mortal Savant with a Levin Sword. Struggled with hit problems, as the unit with the lowest Dexterity (18). Was not that good at dodging either, despite having the second highest Speed growth in the game (the same as all-star Petra). May have been better staying a Trickster and going all-in on avoid. Shrugs.

  • Hanneman: Not that good. Could not double anything with a terrible 16 Speed. Did not even have the highest Magic stat either. Became more useful in the Dark Knight class. Could have really used extra spell range from the staff Annette had.

  • Seteth: Just kind of there. Took hits okay. Dealt okay damage. Never particularly excelled.

  • Catherine: Faded somewhat as the game went on. Acted as a pretty good dodge tank, though, so long as no gambits were around. Messed up by not training her in Flying for Alert Stance, also.

  • Alois: Not great. Lacked in stats across the board. Had only 32 Strength, which is 1 higher than Catherine. Really needed more Speed and Dexterity.

  • Gilbert: Felt like the best Great Knight so far, which is not saying much. Tanked physical units effectively, however. Experienced awful luck on level ups. Barely saw any Defense levels. Bumped up Speed maybe 3 times, which is pretty impressive for a 20% total growth as a Great Knight.

  • Shamir: Alright. Appreciated the huge range. Basically performed like Hanneman wanted to. Made plentiful use of Monster Blast for breaking monster shields. Downside: Needed to backtrack for Brigand's Death Blow. Spent a while doing that. (Gains class experience slowly as a player phase backline unit.) Sped it up by making Shamir Dimitri's adjutant.

Spoiler: Playthrough Stats

Total time: 28:08

Not bad. Spent 27:04 in Silver Snow under a similar ruleset. Likely watched more supports in this playthrough. Tacked on a little extra time with Faculty Training/Advanced Drills too.

  • Byleth: 17
  • Dimitri: 8
  • Annette: 3
  • Shamir: 3
  • Catherine: 1
  • Manuela: 1
  • Cyril: 1

MVPs in order

Racked up almost all of Dimitri's MVPs in the last third of the game. Activated Battalion Vantage + Battalion Wrath with the Chalice of Beginnings, most likely.

(Gave up on connecting the MVP with the chapter. Tells you the title of the chapter, but not the number.)

Byleth: 386/250
Dimitri: 254/175
Annette: 219/163
Cyril: 200/104
Catherine: 167/87
Shamir: 127/82
Manuela: 103/51
Hanneman: 95/50
Alois: 67/44
Seteth: 76/41
Gilbert: 98/34
Flayn: 44/21
Felix: 9/5
Ingrid: 4/2
Sylvain: 1/1
Mercedes: 3/0
Ashe: 1/0
Dedue: 0/0

Yeah, no surprise on the top unit. Had ridiculous stats the whole way. Notes the top 3 excluding all the church units. Held a pretty decent chapter advantage.

Only two paired endings: Dimitri + Dedue and Byleth + Sothis. Chose Sothis because of no other options. Actually got the ring this time, at least.
Neverwinter Nights - Wyvern Crown of Cormyr

Picked an old game for this month's Game-along. Runs on the Dungeons and Dragon's 3rd Edition system. Carries a lot of similarities to 5th Edition, though. (Disclaimer: Barely played 5th Edition.) Still has some familiar feats, skills, and whatnot. Deviates mainly in subclasses, of which there are really none of in 3rd Edition. No cantrip spells or rituals either.

Will not play the full campaign. Chose a module that was added essentially as paid DLC back in 2006. Amounts to a boxed adventure, as opposed to a full campaign. Selected this module in particular for not being in the Diamond Edition for the PC. Plays this on the Switch instead. Was not impressed with the Switch version during a brief time prior. Will see how a full adventure goes.

Chose the gender and race randomly. Got a male, half-orc character. Advised picking a martial class in the module's description. Decided on the Barbarian class, because what else would you make a half-orc? Fits with the Game-Along theme better too, as a non-Good class. Chose a fairly standard stat distribution (high Strength and Constitution, dump mental stats). Named them Vrudash from the name generator. Offers very basic avatar customization: two body types, a dozen or so hairstyles, tattoos, skin color, voice, and a couple others. Went with a light green skin tone instead of the default tan.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Take a moment to admire those glorious 2002 polygons. (Released this game about 2 years after Majora's Mask and less than a full year after the Gamecube, for reference.) Does not really look that bad, in-game. Typically never zooms in that close.

Bumps you up to level 6 immediately. Noticed the Weapon Specialization feat requires 4 levels of Fighter. Normally dislikes multi-classing. Kind of wants that feat, though, for flavor if nothing else. Supposedly pairs well with Barbarian, so sure. Went 5 Barbarian / 1 Fighter for the time being, with future levels going to Fighter until level 4 in that. Miiiight have already selected Weapon Focus: Greataxe by now, because what else is a half-orc barbarian going to use?

Opens with the farm you were working at getting raided by bandits. Killed everyone inside while you were away. Vowed revenge. Hit up the next town for help and equipment first.

Is not a big fan of the Switch controls already. Only presents a mouse cursor when paused. Opens doors and loots stuff by hitting A with the thing you want to interact with right in front of you while not paused. Can be a little fiddly with multiple interactable objects, but not too bad. Retained the PC issue of characters standing at doors doing nothing when they should be opening it, as a sidenote. Almost felt nostalgic.

Another bit on Switch controls: no hotkeys. Normally sticks useful things like spells, potions, or abilities on hotkeys. To use an ability like Knockdown: face the enemy to select it, press ZR to open the radial menu, go down-right to...abilities?, then go whatever direction for the ability. Becomes kind of tedious. Thank goodness for not playing a spellcaster. Discovered how to set quickslots on the ZL menu later. Was still more of a hassle than PC.

Talked with the townsfolk. Received zero help from them. Wanted to smash the matron's face in in order to free a slave. Ended the quest after failing to Intimidate (which is quite easy, due to using Charisma instead of Strength). Could not afford anything, so off to the next town.

Walked down the road and immediately got swarmed by bandits. Guesses maybe a 6 on 3? Died two or three times. Did not bode well, given the game was already on Easy difficulty. Remembered Rage was kind of really important for barbarians at that point. Found it in the ZL radial menu. Won much easier then.

Introduced something new to Neverwinter Nights in this module: mounted combat. Allows you to ride a horse, give it armor, and presumably fight from it like the bandits did. Found a free horse. Figured it probably took a feat to do well, though. Tried to tell the horse to stay put. Discovered no such option. Increased the reins or whatever to the maximum to try to keep it out of combat. Did zero good as the horse died the very next combat. Whatever.

Realized losing the horse was kind of unfortunate not long after. Forces you into a jousting tournament. Costs money to buy a horse. Forked over a good amount of cash for a new one.

Put a lot of attention into the jousting minigame...kind of. Picks the location on the shield where you want to attack first. Chooses your posture next, such as leaning left/right or how to position your shield. Earns 1 point by breaking the opponent's lance, 2 points for hitting the opponent's helmet, and 3 points for dismounting the rider. Declares the first to 3 points the winner.

The problem? Offers no counterplay. Never knows what the opponent will choose, except in the tutorial. Thought it might hint at the opponent's move in the dialogue before the joust. Nope. (Indicated some possible hints in the chat. Never found any.) Won every match by picking Fess Pale and Steady Seat.

Will not delve too deeply into plot stuff. Involved trying to figure out who was behind all the raids, including the one against your farm. Describes it as...okay? Led to questions about who is on what side and what one of your former companions are doing. Half-ignored that and chose whatever option led to beating up more people.

Experienced rough times with most sidequests. Called for social skills or searching, neither of which Vrudash excelled at. (Eventually found the searching one. Needed to turn on Search Mode, which was hidden in the menus.) Limited the opportunities to be evil or chaotic.

Describes the combat as inconsistent. Careened between easy and very difficult. Beat everyone in one plot section without breaking a sweat to hanging on with single-digit hitpoints in the next section. Loved throwing tons of enemies at you. Screenshotted one big battle.
[PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
Regretted not picking Great Cleave so hard. Learned it from this fight, at least.

Mentions one other unfair difficulty spike: Bodaks. Is a type of undead. Hits pretty weakly in melee. Possesses the ability "Death Gaze", however. Hits in a cone area. Was a DC 14 Will save versus instant death. Guess what barbarians are bad at? Will saves. Had a +1 naturally, up to maybe +3 from...something else. Meant a 50/50 chance of instant death. Typically fired off two of these each. Faced two Bodaks. Restarted a bunch of times trying to either get that 1 in 16 attempt or to not get targeted as much. Prevailed after maybe 8 tries.

Was not the last time facing them either. Walked into a pack of five Bodaks later. Somehow managed that with fewer deaths. Likely fired the bulk of the Death Gazes into the companions, who were far more resistant. (But not immune. Oh, and also permadeath for companions...maybe?)

Circles back to another Switch point. Faced more issues that just poor UI. Crashed 4 different times (three times from trying to load a save, once some other time). Soft-locked three times. Could not escape a door trigger constantly flinging you back to the previous area. Got stuck in a pause menu another time. Straight-up could not leave a building because of the transition for it not existing. Wonders if those two transition softlocks happened in the PC version or not. Maybe? Heavily advises against buying the Switch version, at any rate. Crashed only once in 300+ hours of Pokemon Scarlet versus 4 crashes in 10-ish hours, for reference.

Scored you on your roleplay at the very end. Ended with 64% of the total points. Passed on some obvious evil options for not making sense to take. Example: Found the person paying for the raids on farms to happen. Chose between looking the other way for gold or bringing the person to justice. Obviously should have taken the gold for alignment. (Actually tried to extort them as much as possible.) Turned them in because of that being the best revenge option possible.

Overall rating: Not great, even if it was the PC version. Would not recommend it. Recognizes the makings of a new addition to a game: a new prestige class, mounted combat with a minigame, several sidequests, an okay plot, and paying more attention to alignment. Put effort into it. Fell apart from the difficulty swings, weak choices, and uninteresting characters. May view it kind of negatively from the base game being a little underwhelming nowadays (from memory, at least).

Edit: One final afterthought: Battled some golems near the end. Hated them in Baldur's Gate 2 for being super-resistant to everything. Guesses these golems to be pretty resistant to everything too. Gave you a mace designed to kill the golems in this adventure, however. One point to this adventure.
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Cave Story+

Chose Cave Story+ on Steam for this month's Game-Along theme. Heard about this game vaguely beforehand (and before Archipelago). Probably saw a character or two, but nothing else. Checked it out a little before picking it too. Took the game's recommendation of Easy difficulty.

Describes the gameplay as simple enough. Runs, jumps, and shoots through various areas with a variety of weapons. Levels up weapons by collecting drops from enemies, to a maximum level of 3. Loses weapon experience upon getting hit. Gives you unlimited ammunition that recharges, with the exception of the missile launcher (which is a drop).

Worked pretty well, mechanically. Switched between weapons to suit different situations. Favored the Fireball (and somewhat the Polar Star) for the first half. Became a big fan of the Machine Gun in the second half, both for damage and general movement. (Discovered the vertical lift it gave at level 3 pretty quick. Helped a ton for one boss near the end.)

Was satisfied by the boss fights as well. Learned the patterns after a short while. Wishes for a slightly less stiff jump, though. Felt a little like old-school Mario physics. Was not ideal for dodging lots of projectiles.

Paid attention to the story at the start. Waned as the story went on. Expected some plot twist with the red flowers. Seemed pretty straightforward after a while. Saw no reason to continue scrutinizing. Partially blames two more things, both stemming from impatience:
  1. Kind of poor direction. Did not talk to every single generic-looking NPC. Really expected to you do that. Also got stuck after not realizing you had to talk to a defeated robot on the ground.
  2. The bigger offender: backtracking. Went back and forth in the first half of the game a lot. Respawns alllll the monsters whenever you change screens, such as entering a building. Happened in most of the first-half areas. Basically completed some areas 2, 3, or even 4 times. Grew old really fast. Absolutely sunk the game. (Became far less prevalent in the second half.)

    Was already irritated by the end of the Bushlands. Points to the Sand Zone as the area that cemented the sour taste. Tasks you to find dogs. Alright. Found one dog. Could not pick up more than one. Probably needs to deliver these dogs at the end of the area, right? (Wrong. Missed the generic-looking NPC who said to take a dog earlier. Interacted with the dog they point you to too, without picking it up, to make things worse.) Added another thing to the pile of woes upon facing this:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Crawling through games
    Questioned whether or not this pillar ahead was foreground or not. Colored it like something you could jump on. Just went through places with stuff you could move behind, though. Raised the stakes by placing instant-death spikes around it. Ended up jumping for the far side, losing confidence mid-jump, touching the top edge of the pillar, and accidentally walking off into instant death.

Bets on Cave Story+ feeling like a better game when you know exactly what to do and go. Carried the feeling from the bad first half through the end of the game, however (despite improving and using far fewer instant-death spikes). Was not a very long game, on the plus side. Beat it in 4.4 hours with a Normal Ending. Was not interested in going for the True Ending.