You might like to know that Pikasprey played this game today as part of his Mystery Box series.
Yay, Pikasprey acknowledged me beside that block on twitter (pleez PIkasprey it was just the heat of the moment. I just couldn't handle your awful take. It won't happen again, pleez).
Since everyone who plays this is asking, yes, the hack is beatable. If you want proof, open the hack in Advance Map and check the scripts on the road.
As long as you are on the actual "road" part of the road, it counts the amount of times you cross this map. After enough crosses, it warps you to the end area. If you go to the beggining, the counter resets to 0.
The reason I know it works is that I tested the hack by making the counter go every step on the road, making the process much faster.
In the actual hack, there are just more steps between the counter, making it much much longer.
The estimated time without speedup or taking the "broken steering" mechanic into account is 7 hours and 45 minutes.
Also if you turn back just for 1 tile at an unfortunate part of the road (the part that the game acknowledges as the beggining of the road), you will immediately go back to Tuscon, resseting the counter in the process, so be careful about that broke mechanic.
No, it's not worth the effort to make it to the end, don't even try. It even less climactic as the original Desert Bus and not in a "funny haha le epic" way. If you want to spoil what happens, check the script that is at the end of the road in Advance Map.