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Do you have a disability?

I have seasonal allergies so I guess that counts


Nobody better bash me for this.

Dude, You're almost my exact replica, except that i always try my best on everything. Yeah disabilities? I wear Glasses because of some sort of inherited eye condition. I also have no control over my earwax, I'm hyperasomthinawatchamcallit?. Also ,I type wierd, i use the index and thumb most of the time and almost never the ring finger.
Not really, I used to have mild asthma but that's like a few years ago.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — predominantly inatentive.

I don't regard it as a disorder at all.
The only disability I can think of is my seasonal asthma D:

I have seasonal allergies so I guess that counts


Not really, I used to have mild asthma but that's like a few years ago.

very Nearsighted *holds out hand and stretches out arm* anthing past that is a big blurr...

I think I MIGHT have a mental problem at times though >.>


These are not disabilities, okay? Disabilities are what keep you from getting a job or being able to live by yourself, even being in a wheelchair. Asthma and Allergies dont stop you from these activities.

I wanted to make that clear to everyone. D:

I have allergies too and I dont consider them a disability because I can still do things. I have borderline autism/Learning Disability/ADHD and I cant cook, I hate the stove, I cant pay bills, I cant drive, I suck at money, and I have trouble getting a job (even though i have one)
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Well, it's not nearly as bad as a few years ago but I have social anxiety. I hated being public, I thought everyone was judging me at all times, and I could barely make eye contact with anyone. It was bad x_x And at times, I'd get so worked up that I'd literally have a panic attack and almost make myself sick. But, I've really been fighting it the past few years and I am improving a lot :D
I have asperger's, but it's not really a disability if it's worked with from an early age. There's really no difference socially between myself and others, other than the fact that I tend to care less about social rules. I am not, however, oblivious to them. I'm just somewhat reckless. If it's not worked with, though, it can be really bad.

The rest of my family has something, though. I know my birthmom has bipolar disorder, and random people in my family have stuff like ADHD.
These are not disabilities, okay? Disabilities are what keep you from getting a job or being able to live by yourself, even being in a wheelchair. Asthma and Allergies dont stop you from these activities.

Oh yes it is, severe or permanent Asthma is considered a disability. (lucky mines just mild and not permanent, and notice how I put "Not really" at the start of my post).
Disabilities doesn't stop you from living by yourself or getting a job O_O Of course they can range from tough and uncontrollable ones like Paralyzation, Down Syndrome and etc which you need someone to look after you but there are light ones such as Autism, ADD, and many more, they don't stop you from doing other things in this world.
I got hemiparesis, look it up and have fun...
Btw, disabilities don't stop you from getting a job, they just limit you to what you are able to choose.

Oh wow, that's a new one! o_o

Anyway, I guess Asthma could be disabling, because you have trouble with sports, right? Or doing things that require lots of breathing if you arent really careful. o.o

I dont see allergies a disability unless they make you really sick or something. I mean they can be treated with medication to keep them under control and from getting worse.
I don't have any disabilities. Just some allergies but they don't count as far as I'm concerned.
I'm legally blind! :D
My vision is +400/20, but that can be corrected with glasses.
It's not much of a disability really ^-^;
I have (mild) asthma, that's pretty much it. It's partially a good thing, since my year-mates can't force me to run during sports day in our school -shot'd-

It's gotten better over the years, but if I do lots of running, well, something bad happens >.>
I have aspergers, a form of autism... but it's V-E-R-Y minor compared to most other cases >.>;
100% OCD which sucks and I'm starting to think I'm bipolar as I'm starting to see the world a whole different way.. if that counts.
Nothing that would be considered a major disability but I do have a couple of health issues, which would at least prevent me from serving active duty in the armed forces. Not that I ever wanted to join the army anyway.
I really dont' ahve a severe disability that would cause me to not walk or anything like that. I don't think I have a disability that really shows, everyone has something wrong with themselves its just that some have bigger problems than others. I guess I'm not a healthy eater. o.O;;