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Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

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  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013
    EDIT: Somehow when I posted the rp starter, it killed my setting paragraph. ^-^;;;; Gimme a second to fish it up. -feels stupid- ^^;;;;

    Mika's profile is up

    Whoo hoo! after four hours of writing, it's done~

    First off, before I start the description rules and sign up sheets…

    To Showgan Rpers who may be interested in joining:

    Yes I do reference Maxie and her relationship with Mika in this roleplay desc and plotline. (Not just once, several times) No, it has nothing to do with your plotline Alter. I am not taking Maxie away from you all and I did not take a thing from your plotline. I know better than that. :3 This is just something Charon's been after me to do for a really really really long time and out of lack of better things to do outside marching band, I gave into her pleas (I'm also a really big sucker) so blame any confusion on her. :3 Not me.

    Quick Info​

    This Rp is heavily based on the Caberallo (I can't spell this stupid word, gomen ne) Yellow Manga series when it comes to the "Viridian Power" both Yellow and Lance posess. If you don't understand it, read the final two books in the series, they have the scans in the manga section I believe, and you'll get it. It's not that hard to understand and it's described repeatedly. You can't miss it.

    This is also my first rp I've lead here. Please bear with the poorly organized description. ^^; I'm learnin.

    Drache Memoirs​

    Time Stamp: 21:00

    [Recording] Blackthorn, executive officer of the Dragon Training and Breeding department and one of the three Special Ops recording

    The reconnaissance mission went as well as we'd hoped. After meeting with our contacts in Pallet and Pewter it seems the Elite Four really has no clue as to where our HQ is located, aside from the fact it's on this side of Saffron. They're simply running around like those police idiots, bsing they know where we are when they couldn't find us in a crowd of twenty.

    This is excellent news considering how defenseless we are right now with half the grunt squads in Hoenn, repairing Magma and Aqua's damage to the Black Market sector. When those morons decided to revive something even Giovanni wouldn't touch, they obviously weren't thinking about the effects it would have on our men in area. Thanks to all the publicity Lance and his G-Men groupies got it, the police and the Stone Family have cracked down hard enough on us that we've all but lost our influence in Hoenn.

    As for my fellow Executives, Zion is somewhere in Johto answering a distress signal he didn't want to answer as it's most likely a branch of the local police thinking they can remove us from one of our territories and Fujimi is somewhere near Mossdeep, keeping an eye on his girl friend as usual. Moron doesn't understand that it's simply a stupid idea to date the daughter of Steven Stone in the first place.

    As for me?

    Tomorrow's the second-year anniversary of the day the tsunami destroyed an entire continent. Alarayne was removed from the history books two years ago tomorrow, it was dubbed a forbidden discussion in Rocket life because of my role in the happenings and it was also the day I lost the first non-rocket friends I'd ever managed to make.
    Just recently, I found out one of those friends, Luna, is officially dead. They found her body on the beach of Slateport a week after everything happened and were able to use some new technology to prove who she was after a year or so of pondering. As for the second… as for Maxie…No one knows. They never found any trace of her… nor did Giovanni let them try any longer than a month. Couldn't let the world know about…

    Shoot I'm getting off track.

    We've got bigger concerns than my friggen memories.

    We were told last week that tomorrow, we're getting the new batch of recruits. We, the Executives in the Special Ops department. Apparently, they're not your average grunts, these are already full fledged trainers Giovanni somehow managed to catch in his net. They're being divided up between me, Koji and Raven. We've been told our old sections are being formed up again with these idiotic recruits as the "fighting force of the next generation" that through these recruits, Rocket will take its place on both the capitalist charts and the Black Charts.

    This is what he feeds the recruits

    This is not what we, the SO's, know to be true. To us, this can only mean one thing. We've been around long enough now to know Giovanni never shoves freshies into our hands. He gives them to people slightly higher than grunts as, according to him, we're too good for that. However. if something imminent is approaching and that imminent something could run through our ever-growing grunt force like a law mower to an overgrown lawn, it would only seem natural he would give them to the best to get them into shape more quickly.

    He also said we might be getting kids from the lab.

    With Magma and Aqua gone… The only thing I can think of that fits this description is the G-Men. If that is correct… that can only mean Lance is coming. They are preparing to take us down, to take me out, before any more continents are destroyed.

    But… it wasn't my fault…

    No... I'm the reason Gullwee...

    Didn't I try to make it stop…?

    I couldn't ignore its voice

    Its pained voice.

    "we want to return to the ocean."

    "Send us back to the ocean."

    How could I deny those agonized cries?

    The land was being destroyed, taken up by humans for development. The humans weren't even aware of the dragons living in the cavern benethe their towns, the cavern hidden just under the surface of the planet.

    They simply wanted… release

    I don't remember releasing the seal

    I don't remember anything beyond those final days.

    When did they take over?

    I don't remember…

    I don't remember anything…

    [End Recording]

    Quick Synopsis of Plot

    It has been two years since Alarayne's destruction. Most people do not even know it ever existed. Those that do say a shadow from the high ranks of Team Rocket was involved in the continent's destruction, that the lives lost in the inevitable tsunami caused by the seal's release was all because this shadow released the seal, even though there were those that tried to stop this shadow from doing so. The shadow is called a murderous monster, a creature of the night with mystical powers one would only hear of in picture books. School Teachers call it a fairy tale, that the whole notion of a continent existing between Hoenn and Kanto is nonsense and how oh so many scientists have studied the waters and found nothing to support such preposterous stories.

    But those in the high ranks of Team Rocket know it existed. They know one of their own caused its downfall.
    Speaking of the program, dubbed Landfall, is grounds for immediate dismisal and or imprisonment. Desperate to protect his gem from harm, Giovanni has kept these rules enforced to prevent any shame and unwanted attention from falling on Mika, his adopted daughter and the heiress to the Rocket name.

    But the seal was released

    And recent rumours state it was not the only one

    Knowing this would cause further harm, Lance, the Former Leader of the Elite Four and the current leader of the Pokemon G-Men, has ordered Team Rocket to be dismantled and the head three executives, along with Giovanni himself and the head of the laboratory department, to be brought in alive. He stated to the press that the horrors of Rocket would soon come to an end, and the people of the world would soon be able to live in peace.

    With war between the two superpowers seeming immient, Giovanni has ordered the reconstruction of Team Drache, Makurayami and Oblivion, to give the company and the organization a fighting chance at survival. Unable to sacrafice his grunt manpower and he knew full and well no amount of time would make them into his prized three, he stepped into the public eye, hiring new recruits from three places: The Lab Productions, the Award Circle, and the Formers pool. Rumour, however, has it, that there are traitors among the freshies, spies for the G-Men….

    Meanwhile, voices continue to haunt those sensitive to them

    The Seals are calling

    Will they be answered?

    The quickie synopsis
    :3 And the simple version!

    You have been called on to save TR from complete destruction. Little do you know, there is a trip planned to the sight of the Kanto seal in which your team, Drache, will be instructed to release the seal which is guarded by a G-Men Unit. However, this information is not yet known. :3 Giovanni's a little sneak and likes to keep his plans secret til the last available moment.


    As of right now, the setting, which will be described in more detail once I get the first post or so started, is mostly going to consist of the Team Rocket Building (Completely underground mind you) and the Kanto Region. Later, more settings might be added, it depends on interest levels. Have an idea for a mission; post in an OOC or through pms. :3 Your ideas are important to me~

    You Are?

    You are one of three people:

    A New TR Trainer

    You are accomplished in some mannor, (However, you are NOT an Elite Four Winner. A collection of Gym badges, winning small tournaments and/or Pokemon Contest Wins are examples of your accomplishments. Nothing big or I stab you e-e. -pets spork sweetly-), and jumped at the chance to skip the hard poor-paying grunt levels for a chance at the big leagues

    A Lab Offspring

    Expiramented on, you have been transformed from human, to super human. Mimicing the powers of the Viridian Bloodline, you are able to communicate with Pokemon through telepathic communications and your reaction, be it in battles or scenariors, is twice that of a human. However, if you chose to be one of these people, please note your character needs to be unstable. You have little to no memory of life outside the lab, nothing outside of rituals and schedules etc.

    Please note

    I will be EXTREMELY picky on these character sheets. I do. Not. Tolerate. Powerplaying and/or Godmoding. The reason Mika is of the bloodline is to prove she has a weakness. If you think you're going to control pokemon and what not, think again.

    A Former's Child

    You are a gym leader's child or a child of a former TR executive. As for your character, have fun. You can be reluctant or joyful, I don't care, just go into detail under your history section

    And… if you so wish…

    G-Men Spy

    A spy for the government, you came into the TR program as an accomplished trainer but your true objective is to lead the G-Men to the TR base, to take and arrest your leader (Mika) and turn her over without being caught

    Being caught would result in imprisonment… if not worse… (I don't kill characters tho. Against TOS. -nodnod-)

    Please Note I need one of these to start. :3

    FYI, every recruit is under Mika's command. This does not mean I powerplay, it just means my character is superior to your character IC Rank alone. x3 She's your semapi in the training room but your friend in the cafeteria.

    And now it's time for everybody's favorite section!

    (Taken from Alter Ego's AD Roleplay with Corrections)

    (I'll take 'em down if you want me to Alter, they're just perfect. o_o)

    1. Follow all standard RP section rules (Self-explanatory).

    2. Just to stress this; no powerplaying, godmodding, bunnying, or character control of any kind! If I see someone's character doing as much as raising an eyebrow without the creator's consent (Please note the word consent) then the person responsible will be warned, once, and if the violation is repeated then that person will be kicked out of the RP.

    3. Bunnying. If you're going to be gone and your friend is in the rp and can play them IC, then ask YOUR FRIEND to take over said character. I don't want to bunny anybody (Aside from Charon because I /know/ her extremely well) unless I absolutely have to.

    4. No posting beneath four lines. I'm serious about this one, if you can't manage four lines of coherent english then please don't sign up, I'm looking for people who can RP in proper detail, because short, flat, and emotionless posts just ruin the mood of an RP and have the tendancy to infuriate me.


    Sally followed Charles closely til nighttime. Then it got cold so she turned and said to ty "warm me up" and the charizard moved to warm her up. Then she yawned and said "the sky is so beautiful when it is cold like this and i like it lots" turning towards Charles she flashed him her killer smile

    Yes it /has/ four lines, but it looks like something my sister wrote in third grade when she was learning how to type paragraphs. If this is all you can type (Chat speak, which is u = you r = are etc, is included in this) go find a different rp. You will be rejected without remorse.

    5. Mind your spelling. If you have trouble spelling, don't just blame it on english not being your first language (It isn't Alter Ego's and his English is better than mine (and I am native speaker person) nor does he ever complain about it being difficult) but I will accept the minor mistake here and there. I misspell a lot and if you can tolerate me, I can tolerate you. ;3

    6. If I tell you to edit a post, you will edit it or I will consider that post as a not-there post. =3 And I will ignore it. I don't do it a lot, I like it when people add to my plotline, just not accesively.

    7. Read the rules and read the plot. Clash with me and I stab you. With this spork. That doesn't like you.



    Sign-up Sheet​

    Age: MATURE 12 year olds + (Be realistic and I don't have a problem with you age wise.)
    Gender: (Male or Female… or an It if you absolutely must…)
    Appearance: (Please write it in proper detail. You are allowed to have a LINK to a picture to SUPPORT your PARAGRAPH of DETAIL but if you post a picture on my board…. -shakes fist-)
    Personality: (Paragraph. Flaws and Qualities. Simple enough)
    Pokémon: (For this I will DIRECTLY Quote Alter because the following is the best I've EVER heard someone describe this section of a sign up.)

    Alter Ego said:
    Please try to use common sense when filling out this field. Your character can be a fairly experienced trainer, yes, but if I see something along the lines of Metagross/Milotic/Tyranitar/Salamence/Gengar/Swampert then I'm going to fluke you straight off. Your character is allowed to bee fairly experienced, but not a friggin' trainer god. Maximum four Pokémon, all of which should not be their last evolutionary stages in that case, and NO LEGENDARIES. Also, NO MINDLESS DRONE Pokémon, they need personality just as much as your character does.
    You heard the man. Obey. @@
    History (Optional): (No League Champs but follow what I said under whatever your character is and write accordingly.

    Also note that it can be fun to not fully expose your entire character history on this sheet. Leave some mysteries!)
    Other (Optional):
    (If you don't know what this means, go eat a poisoned banana.)

    (I kid. If you don't understand it, ask. :3 I'll answer.)
    RP Sample:
    (Everyone is expected to provide a sample. It can be a link, it can be fresh from your brain. It needs to be long, it needs to show me what you can do. Please note I'll judge you on this section more than ANYTHING ELSE.)

    My Profile

    Name: Mika Blackthorn


    Gender: Female

    Class: TR Executive (Blackthorn Gym Heiress NOT current gym leader)

    Speciality: Judo, Aikido, Computer Hacking and Dragon Type Pokemon

    Appearance: Her elegent emerald green hair and her shimmery amber-like eyes are by far the highlight of her appearence. It flows softly against her strangely pale skin and rests just short of her pelivc bone. It is not however, worn down unless formal occasions require it to be so. Her hair is almost always up in a high ponytail on the top of her head, a few strands falling out and framing her young looking face. Though she has spent many a year in the sun, aside from her well built body, one couldn't tell that she'd ever been out of the house. Her skin is a light cream with a gentle blush against her cheeks.

    Her body is very well built, there isn't even the slightest hint of fat on her stomach, arms, thighs, anywhere though she constantly states that there is as an excuse to train her body more than she probably should. Her arms and legs especially are well defined; she's not the pansy she knows she appears to be.

    Clothing: it trully depends on what she's doing. When training, she can often be found wearing only a pair of gym shorts and a standard solid colored t-shirt, clothing that wears well and can take alot of sweat and damage before crumbling. When she's actually doing her job however, her attire is much different. Instead of the shorts and t-shirt, she's known to wear a pair of black shorts with a sleeveless dark green trenchcoat that's zipper zips down instead of up. Her hands are almost always, even when training, covering in a pair of metal plated fingerless gloves. As one would figure, she's not shabby with a needle and tends ot update every single artical of clothing she owns to make it more moveable and to add the emblem of whatever group she belongs to the clothing in some sort of way or another that stands out. However, if the need came for formal attire and wearing Kimono was rather unplausable, she might be seen in a very plain but elegant spagetti string dress. This though, is quite rare for her. She prefers to wear Kimono in such occasions but it isn't always exactly plausable.

    For shoes, she wears a pair of mid-shin high black almost combat like boots with excellent grip on quite simply any terrian stray of ice. For training, she'll wear simple flat soled tennis shoes. She carries a tan messanger bag that is slung over her shoulder

    Personality: Mika's ideal conversation is as follows





    Unfortunately for her, most conversations don't follow along these lines. She absolutely hates talking to people more than is needed and cannot, absolutely cannot, stand hyper active obnoxious little girls who just don't understand the meaning of the phrase, "Shut the hell up!" She's almost always percieved as a shady character and she honestly wouldn't have it any other way. She dislikes people in general but understands quite clearly that she has to deal with people and work with them even though her first thought is to always go about it solo. She doesn't, however, tolerate any bad talk about the people at Blackthorn Gym, specifically when it relates to Lance's takeover. That will get the instigator punched in the mouth.

    When she is around people she trusts, which is a very small almost nonexistant number, she tends to open up more and is less prone to silence around them.

    History: Coming tomorow, my computer ate it. -.-;

    Other: As she is the bastard child of Lance and Clair, she has inheirited some of the viridian bloodline. However, she is almost never able to control it beyond a certian point and it often consumes her, causing the three mental breaks she has had in her young troubled past.

    Pokémon: Ages used are the human equivilant. You do not need to provde this; I chose to do so because it explains my pokemon's character more. ^^; The reason mine are all fully evolved is because she's an executive. You can have a few at the final stages... if they can be beaten.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Kureno

    Age: around 15

    Specie: Flygon

    Personality: Kureno, Kuro for short, thinks he's the tough cookie in Mika's party. When out of his pokeball, he takes the "gangsta" pose against the wall and often gives the "whatcha lookin at me for" apperence, which is almost always hillarious because he simply does not look as intimidating as he tries. He is, however, one of Mika's more powerful types and hardly ever leaves her party aside from when he's being handed off to be healed and what not.

    History: Kureno was hatched from an egg Mika bought off a vendor in Slateport

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Tari

    Age: around 19

    Specie: Altaria

    Personality: Tari is a very shy pokemon who thinks she can hide behind a bush and not be seen. Very young for her age, she is often considered immature but she is honestly just naive. Once in battle, her mood is unpredicatble and Mika often has problems keeping her in check. She has a strange obsession with shiny objects and is drawn to them like the opisite ends of a magnet. These items often end up in her cloudy wings and are a royal pain to de-tangle.

    History: Tari was saved from the bush of doom by Mika during her Hoenn escapade.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Tina

    Age: 28

    Gender: Female

    Specie: Dragonite

    Personality: Tina is the substitute mother for Mika. She snaps at the child for a stupid move, coddles her when she's sad, protects her from danger, she's like a paid body guard. She was Mika's first pokemon, a pokemon given to her back home when she turned four. She has seen Mika through all her experiences and is understanding of all her little quirks

    History: She was Mika's first pokemon, a pokemon given to her back home when she turned four, a gift from her father, Tina has not once left Mika's party and her trainer feels naked with the familiar ball around her neck.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Mizu

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male


    Personality: Mizu, like Tina, is very level headed. He's a very calm pokemon which is in sharp contrast to the general stereo type of a Kingdra. He likes to sleep in the sun, swim, fuss over Mika and battle. Other than that, he doesn't really care about much. He can be a bit of a prankster if he's around Kari too long though, Mika often has to keep them on seperate sides of her belt to prevent them from plotting something ebil and malicious (Like spraying Koji with a blast of water before delivering one very nasty thunder bolt just to see his hair spike without gel)

    History: Mizu was caught via a fishing rod and almost knocked poor Mika out of her boat when he was caught as, at the time, he didn't like the idea of being in a pokeball for the rest of his days.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Kari

    Age: 9

    Gender: Female

    Specie: a very evil little Plusle

    Personality: Kari is the poster child for manipulating pokemon. She can be the most adorable little thing one moment and then, a second later, you notice you're without a wallet and whatever ketchup you have on you. She sneaks her way into your heart though and is known to crack even the most rock-solid of trainers every now and then.

    History: Kari snuck into Mika's bag one afternoon and fell asleep in it. She's been with Mika ever since


    Yes I know she's late in. << She had stuff to do so HA.

    Name: Gullwee
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Class: Mika's old friend
    Speciality: Handcrafts, Bird Pokémon communication, handling avian creatures.

    Appearance: She stands at 1,70m and is quite well built. Not to say she's an athlete, who she is far from, but she definitely couldn't be defined as "thick" or "chubby". Let's just say that if you compared her form to one of those social popular girls you'd see around high-school, you'd get pretty close. Her skin colour is a very light brown, coloured naturally due to sun exposure. Her hair has a chestnut brown colour, and it usually hangs loosely, flowing down her back until it reaches her chest. Occasionally, if the winds blow harshly, she'll tie her hair up in a ponytail. Additionally she has blue eyes that seem to sparkle with light and life whenever she is in a happy mood.

    Clothing: Everyday clothing for Gullwee varies. It depends on the weather, really. If it's raining, she dresses accordingly, choosing wind and waterproof attire of any colour and shape she can get her hands on. However, if it's not raining, and there are no chilly winds, she can often be seen wearing something entirely different. Nowadays, her favourite clothes are a white sweater and a trendy brown jacket. She is also very fond of dark blue jeans.

    Gullwee has never had any need for formal clothing. None have ever called her to anything important, so she has nothing suitable for special events. However, she's found out that clean skin and a comb does wonders. And to finish it all off, she usually wears a handcrafted necklace with a crystal, feather-shaped pendant.

    Shoe-wise she isn't very unique either. For herself, she's chosen a pair of running shoes with a good grip on most surfaces. And that's it.

    Personality: Admittedly, Gullwee is a bit timid. Okay, so she's more than that. She's very timid. She's not to be mistaken for a coward, though, as she can be quite defensive in the right kind of situations. Nonetheless, the girl faces difficulties if someone rejects her. She will turn anywhere for comfort and guidance if that happens, and usually forge bonds with the one who helped her rebuild her self esteem.

    To make up for that, though, she's quite sociable. When holding tight reins on her fear and timidity, she can tell great epic tales or funny stories, capturing her audience. So to say, she'd make a great spokesperson, despite being insecure as heck.

    Though, admitting to her timidity? Heck no. She's not openly doing so, except to her birds, which care about her regardless of that. And that is all there is… or most of it, anyway.

    History: Gullwee has always liked birds. She was born in Mossdeep City and spent her first six years there, living with her family. At the age of six, she was sent to Fortree City Gym, where she was taught directly under Winona personally. The girl learned all there was to know about avians – how to tame them, how to feed and properly care for their health and well-being, and how to see the potential of each individual bird at an early stage. Additionally, Winona taught her a wide variety of battle strategies solely for avian use, seeing great potential in what was quickly becoming her favourite pupil.
    At this time, everything looked bright for Gullwee. She was happy, kept close contact with her family, and had the opportunity to show the world her burning passion for all things feathery each and every day. Yet when she was ten and a half, a trainer came on a visit, carrying a Pidgey in their arms. The bird was mistreated and not very healthy. This was the first of many birds that were delivered to them in this condition. Naturally, Winona became concerned. Gullwee was also infuriated, and determined to investigate, she snuck out of Fortree one night, setting out to find out of this mystery. Eventually, she stumbled across Kir the Spearow. They became friends under dramatic circumstances and have travelled together ever since.


    Pokémon: Gullwee has a small team consisting of three Pokémon she is very fond of.

    Name: Kir
    Age: 5
    Gender: Male
    Specie: Spearow

    Personality: Very protective, determined and squawky when agitated. He is able to survive in battles far longer than he should, due to his determination. Hardly anyone have seen his softer side, where he is cuddly, affectionate and gentle.

    History: Kir was born outside Fortree City, raised to be a flock leader by his parents, Siren and Kai. He was then found by someone, and offered as a gift to Gullwee.

    Name: Falcon
    Age: Two and half a decades. Possibly more. What's sure, though, is that she's experienced a lot in her lifetime and gained quite a few valuable experiences.
    Gender: Female
    Specie: Pidgeot

    Personality: Silent and calm, she is one to judge the situation toroughly before she acts. Also, she is quite a hen, protecting the ones close to her as if they were hatchlings. She is never-tiring in flight.

    History: Falcon's place of birth and her heritage is unknown, and for great parts of her life, it was unknown to her that she had a sibling. She was born as a Pidgey, she lived a fairly normal life until she got caught by a rookie trainer named Cassidy, whom she stayed with for great parts of her life, under the name Strawberry. Eventually released, she took residence in Fortree City, where she met Gullwee one day. They bonded closely, and the bird was even re-named. However, recently, on one of their journies, Gullwee and Falcon soon found out that she had a brother, who was raised as a Military bird. His name was Sarge.
    She found great joy in that discovery, and despite the fact that the two live separately, Falcon seems content with her situation, still following Gullwee around.

    Things to note about that bird, is that she was never caught in a Pokéball while serving under Gullwee. She has always flown freely, and takes pride in the fact. Also, she has a remarkable silver badge attached to her chestfeathers. This was a gift from Winona.

    Name: Amber
    Age: 2
    Gender: Female
    Specie: Growlithe

    Personality: Typical puppy. Fiery and hyper. Cuddly, loving a treat, and very loyal.

    History: Falcon found her one day and wanted her for dinner, and Gullwee profoundly denied the Pidgeot the pleasure of eating the poor thing. They've stuck together ever since.

    People Signed Up​

    1. YoshiRiRu
    2. Alter Ego
    3. Charon
    4. Chibi-chan
    5. Clow
    6. Lily
    7. Hawkie
    Last edited:


    Latios lover
  • 13
    Name: Jae Anderson


    Gender: Female

    Class: G-men Spy (Heir to the Ecruteak City gym)

    Speciality: martial arts skills, telepathy, Ghost and dark pokemon

    She has long white hair even though she is only 17. She wears a white seleveless top and baggy blue pants. With a black belt that holds her pokeballs and other gadgets as well. She has tanny colored skinny and big dark blue but clear eyes. She wears a necklace with a rainbow colored feather hanging from it with a worn rope around her neck. It is said the feather was one of few that Ho-oh left behind after the tin tower was burnt. She wears black gloves and a black headband that stands out against her white hair. And normal blue and black gym shoes.

    Personality: She has a very mysterious personality. She barely talks to anyone, perhaps it could have been what happened in her childhood that caused her to have such a personality. But if you ever talk to her the most you can get out of her is a shake or nod of her head.
    Funny, though she communicates well with her pokemon yet she backs out when others try to communicate with her. She always keeps a lowered head and is unbelieveably shy. But when she needs to get something done, she will come out of that hard frozen shell of hers and gets it done even if it means risking her own life.

    She is the daughter of Morty Many people talk behind her back saying rumours of who Jae's mom was. It was mystery, Morty never spoke much of Jae's mother to anyone. But why they were forced no one knows. Being the only child, others would think of it as fun. But to 17 year Jae it was a nightmare, no one to talk to caused her to close herself up in her mind and heart.

    Jae not knowing motherly love or who or what her mother did, Jae turned to her father for moral support and for motherly love. Though it was difficult for Morty, but whenever Jae asked about her mother, Morty would eventually change the subject.

    Causing her to wonder more about her mother and what she did to make her father hate her so much. She even ran away from home many times to hide in the ruins of the tin tower. And that was how she met an already fully evoled Gengar.

    Using her ability to communicate through telepathy, gengar became her best friend. That explained why she ran away from home so many times causing her father to worry. Gengar helped Jae get back at the kids that picked on her by pulling pranks and such.

    After a while, Jae taught Gengar that it was wrong to do so. Pranking them once is enough and with Jae's teachings, Gengar devoted himself to her and became Jae's first pokemon eventually.

    Other: She somehow was experimented on not even her parents were sure how. But when they found out she had such a telepathic ability they kept a distance from her as well.


    Gengar: Male - Shadow

    Personality: He is very mischievous and loves to pull pranks on people. He refuses to go into his pokeball and can get rebellious if Jae forces him to. He never misses a good laugh or misses a chance to pull a prank even if its someone he doesn't even know!

    History: He would rather not speak of his past or why he resided in the tin tower.

    Absol: Female - Kyra

    Personality: She is laid back and calm, she obeys and hates Shadow very much. Because of her laid back attitude, when Shadow plays a prank on her. She gets annoyed and normally ends up fighting with Gengar when Gengar calls her a chicken that is.

    History: Jae found Absol injured one day when she was out in the forest, later on she found out Absol had been exiled from the group of Absols she was travelling with. Her injury was from the battle she had with the leader of the group. She vowed she will get back at the leader someday.

    Gardevoir: female - Reyna

    Personality: She is willing to risk her life for Jae if that kind of time and needs come. She is serious and hardly every smiles or laughs. Shadow will only listen to Reyna strangely. Perhaps its because of Reyna's attitude acting as if she was the eldest of them.

    History: When Reyna was a Ralts, she came to Jae at her own will strangely one day when Jae was walking home from school. Perhaps it was Ralts ability to see into the future that brough Reyna to Jae. Reyna would not tell Jae when she asked though.

    Misdreavus: Male- Somber

    Personality: Somber, Somber, she named him right. Somber is so hard to get him to cheer up or even be in a good mood. Even the craziest prank Gengar does to Somber cannot even make Somber giggle.

    History: Jae had heard Somber's crying one night right outside the city, in the open plain where she was training with her pokemon. Somber's crying pierced right into Jae's heart. After learning Somber had been abandoned by its trainer, Jae automatically took Somber in, though it took the longest time to gain Somber's trust for Jae.

    RP Sample:
    Ecruteak City- Afternoon
    A young girl no older than 17 stood in front of the Ecruteak City gym staring up at the blazing sun. She closed her eyes sighing softly at the peacfulness around her. She opened her piercing blue eyes to the bushes and shook her head, "I know its you gengar." She said through telepathy.

    She felt a cold breeze and Gengar was standing by her with the most mischievious smile on his face. "I thought i told you no more pranks." She communicated sweeping away the leaves that have fallen marking it was the beginning of fall. "Its too peacful. I need some excitment." Gengar communicated back.

    Jae chuckled and cotinued sweeping away in thought, after she was done. She walked over to the tin tower, which was where she went everyday after her duties were done for the gym and school. She crossed her arms walking into the ruins of the tower and sat down on the ground and closed her eyes.

    She always loved to sit there in the ruins of the tower and listen to all the noise outside and take a break from the blazing sun outside. Gengar travelled through the walls boredly.

    "Gengar is right...........its almost too.......peacful........i have a hunch.......a hunch something big is happening beyond Ecruteak." Jae said softly looking around her surroundings. Gardevoir popped out of its pokeball floating by Jae, "you are right....my mistress..." She communicated shortly staring down at Jae.

    Jae walked over to the opening and leaned softly against the side of the door, "but what....?" She said out loud staring outside at the fall scenery.
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    xX~Lord of the Storm~Xx
  • 263
    • Age 32
    • Seen Jan 27, 2016
    OOC: Jeez! How has nobody signed up for this? This is incredible.

    Okay, here goes.

    Name: Blue Genjineko

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Class: New TR Trainer

    Specialty: Negotiation skills, and fast Pokemon.

    Appearance: When you look at Blue, the first thing you'd notice is his eyes. A radiant crystal blue (which earned him his name) color stands out like a lighthouse to a ship in a storm. His eyes are easily his best feature. However, unfortunately, the rest of his body isn't anything TOO fantastic. His arms are not muscular, his abs are not rock solid, and his pecs are not bulging from his shirt. However, he is by no means fat - at 5'11" he stands tall and lean over most other people that he knows. His dirty sand colored hair is untamable - it just loves to dangle in front of his eyes whenever he needs it NOT to. Because of that fact, a pair of goggles hold the hair just above his browline, where it is held at bay, for the most part.

    Apparel wise, he loves to wear layers. Usually, what he wears is simple enough; a T-shirt with various logos and slogans on them, all of which is covered with an open collared shirt. If the overshirt has a pattern, it'll usually be very plain, perhaps tartan or even just simple checks. His pants are usually either a pair of ripped up jeans, or gray cargo pants, the ones with a thousand pockets, and you can never remember where you put the thing you needed. He owns one pair of shoes; a pair of all-black hi-tops with neon green laces, riddled with tears and rips. He carries with him a standard pack, configured to his liking, with an extra pocket for his Pokegear.

    Personality: Blue may be the coolest guy you'll ever meet. He's extremely laid back, and even if he isn't THAT amazing, the way he talks, he'll have you eating out of his hand within 15 minutes. He's a smooth talker inside and out, and can usually convince people that what he's saying is true, even if it's a complete and utter lie. He suffers from a minor superiority complex. He's always been an accomplished trainer, and therefore, rarely takes a challenge seriously. He isn't one to brag or boast, because he thinks he doesn't have to; EVERYONE already knows how cool he is. When the snap hits the fan, though, he'll be the first one to take action. When disaster strikes, he becomes a powerful leader, and his sharp wit and mind are put to work. His personality really molds around the situation - he can be cold and cruel, or happy and carefree. It really just depends on the scenario.


    Sneasel - Male - "Lash"
    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality - As a Pokemon, Lash is useful, alright, but as a partner, Lash is indespensible. He is very humorous, and can always put a smile on people's faces. Also, as a Sneasel, he can get into heavily secure places in a ninjaic style. He knows a lot about most places, and can read maps excellently. He loves to explore, and loves to climb, be it rocks, trees, or the enemy. He has a vast knowledge of medicinal herbs and natural remedies, so he has Artemis keep a pocket in his pack open for such remedies.

    History - When his previous owner died during the WAR, Lash was lost, searching for a new owner, who he happened to find in Blue. Blue and Julian (his old trainer) were friends in Goldenrod, before he became enlisted in the WAR, so he gladly took Lash under his wing.

    Battle Strategy - Lash is all about trickery. Moves like smokescreen, and haze are some of his specialties. Eliminate visibility, and then strike from behind with crushing attacks.

    Scyther - Male - "Scyther"
    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality - Scyther is rock solid. He cannot be tempted away from his leader, and is loyal to the death. Strangely, although he is relatively young, his blades are riddled up and down with scars. Nevertheless, he is a fast, but deadly adversary.

    History - While on the way through Kanto in an effort to find a good place to study, (this is before he had decided to stay in Saffron) Blue stopped in Fuschia City. While leaving the town at night, he spotted something moving around in the bushes. A young Scyther was found, practicing cutting small branches with his still developing blades. Blue missed no opportunity to capture it.

    Battle Strategy - Scyther is a master of confusion. Double Team, Agility, followed by devastating Slash attacks.

    Dodrio - Male - "Dodrio" or sometimes "The Stooges"
    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality - Like most Dodrios, Dodrio's heads are usually arguing. When they aren't, however, they are very friendly, and love to joke around, their slapstick comedy earned them their latter nickname. In battle, however, they are ALWAYS in synch, and use their tripled brainpower to execute lightning fast complex maneuvers.

    History - When on his cross country tour along Kanto, he managed to capture a Lickitung. But alas, it was useless. A pokemaniac on the prowl saw him battling with it, and frantically offered a trade. Blue couldn't refuse.. (and didn't really want to, anyway.)

    Battle Strategy - When Dodrio fights, they go for straight up power. Tri-Attack, Drill Peck, and Agility. Strike them down hard and fast before they can even get an attack in.
    Lanturn - Female - "Lady"
    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality - Lady is the only girl on the team. But she makes up for it with immense ferocity when she battles. She makes an excellent underwater scout, and can surf almost as fast as a motorboat at full speed. Outside of battle, Lady is as much of one of the guys as the rest of them, laughing, joking, fighting.. you name it, she can do it.

    History - Plain ol' captured in Vermillion City, off the west coast.

    Battle Strategy - Lady's approach is that of intimidation. Straight ahead attacks followed by quick, painful attacks, strike fear into the hearts of enemy pokemon, giving Lady the one second that she needs to take down an opponent.

    Spoink - Male - Spoink
    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality - Spoink is always bouncing, not just for it's physical need, but he just loves to do it. He's always happy, and can always lighten up the team with his jokes and happy demeanor. When he fights, his power is a bit over his head, so he ends up knocking himself down whenever he attacks.

    History - Spoink was captured by an unexperienced youngster, who couldn't really control him. So when Blue walked by with his radio on, Spoink liked the song so much, he just walked away, and followed Blue. By the time he realized he was being followed, it was too late to return the pokemon to the youngster, so he took him in for himself.

    Battle Strategy - Spoink, while not yet a full fledged battler, is none the less, a survivalist. His ploy is to taunt the enemy into a rage, and then retreat, causing the enemy to charge forward, right where Spoink wants him, and then can devestate them with psychic attacks.

    History: Born and raised in Ecruteak City, Johto. For the first 13 years of his life, he lived a very rural life. His parents owned an old inn off the outskirts of town, where he spent most of his childhood, being homeschooled by a woman from Olivine, where he learned everything he needed to know. When he turned 15, he decided to study abroad in Saffron. With a hug and a kiss from his parents, he hopped onto the magnet train in Goldenrod en route for Saffron City. That was the last he ever saw of them. Nobody know where they went. They simply disappeared. When he went back to the Inn, it was abandoned, and up for sale. He spent a few months there trying to convince the mayor not to tear it down, and finally got a young couple to take care of it - Mark and Nancy Consel, along with their son, Artemis. From there, he went back to Kanto to try and find a permanent place to live, travelling the cities, and collecting gym badges as he went. He ended up back in Saffron. However, his satisfaction for saving his old home was shortlived - after 2 months back in his shoddy apartment in Saffron, the fact that his parents were missing really hit home, and he spiralled into a deep depression. He contemplated suicide for several weeks before being discovered by a group of guys who liked to frequent the bar. After they got him back on his feet, they mentioned to him about a problem they were having, regarding.. their organization. And such, Blue joined Team Rocket.

    Other: Blue carries around a Pokegear, which can be used to contact him. Through spending a lot of time with his pokemon, he can understand them quite well. He also has 5 of the 8 Kanto badges.

    RP Sample:Slateport City - 5:30 PM

    Slateport - a massive staple of Hoenn's power and money. As Julian stepped out of Earl's Pokemon Academy, (which happened to look exactly like the Goldenrod branch, complete with the horribly done neon sign of the spinning fat man, and broken window on the 2nd floor.) he realized that he had never, ever, been to Hoenn at all, let alone Slateport. Suddenly, he felt very afraid, and insignificant. Suddenly, an odd, high pitched voice sounded out behind him.

    "Hallo!! You look lost, yes?!" Julian wheeled around, and found himself face to face with a large man.. and he seemed to be spinning. Julian was taken aback for a second, but looking up at the neon sign, he made a few assumptions.

    "Um.. I guess... are you Earl?" The fat man shook his massive face in an enthusiastic nod. "Why, yes! Have heard of me you?" Earl queried, almost psychotically. Julian took a step back.

    "Um, I guess so.." The man named Earl took a step forward and made a grab for Julian. "I help you with pokemon, yes!?" Julian yelped, and took several steps back. He started to panic a little. "Uh.. no. I need.. um, directions to Rustboro city.. if you please." Earl threw his chubby arms in the air, and spun around twice in rapid succession. "YES! Exploration, always excellent! To for get to Rustboro city..."

    Earl drew a large piece of paper from his pocket (How he managed to fit it in there, Julian wasn't exactly sure.) and also extracted a vibrant purple crayon, and began to draw a crude map of the surrounding area. "Well, my young friend, if take you this road, and go into cave, you make to Rustboro soon!" Earl handed the boy the map with a monstrous smile, but when he opened his eye to extend his hand in farewell, Julian had already bolted away from the huge man that he was sure had intentions to eat him.

    "Huff... Puff..." Julian panted as he leaned against the wall. He took out his PokeGear to check the time, but as he did, it began to buzz and flash. [NEW EMAIL!] is what it proclaimed. Julian opened the message, and it went something like this..

    "To All Team Trainer Members,

    For the past few days, we have encountered a massive world problem known only as the virus. It has transformed many people, and some Trainer members, into hybrids, a combination of humans and pokemon. Although the hybrids seem to have retained their essential humanity, many people in this world still fear them and wish to kill them. We cannot allow that...

    ...All Trainer members who have not been infected and are stationed outside the Kanto and Johto regions are asked to report your status to Trainer Headquarters at Rustboro City. All traveling members of Trainer should also report to Rustboro City personally for further orders. Any members already on missions do not need to report in...

    ...We will get through this and we will succeed as a team. The world is depending on us and I am sure we will not let it down. Let's fight for freedom, fight for glory, and fight to win!

    - Directory Harry Kim

    "Harry Kim..." Julian mused. "I remember hearing about him. He was really high up in the progression, but I don't remember exactly what position he held." He closed his Pokegear, and headed north through Slateport.

    It was a lot bigger than he thought it was. It wasn't like Saffron, there weren't busses or trams that ran through the streets like in his home city. "Well, let's see." He reached for his belt, grabbed Asura's pokeball, and tossed it into the street. The girafarig emerged from the blinding light. <Yeah, what?> the pokemon grumbled crossly. <I was trying to fix the bow in my hair.>

    "You can do that when we get to Rustboro." Julian responded simply. "I need transportation, alright? Willing?"

    <Yeah, I guess so. But if you mess up my hair..> Julian laughed before she could finish, and hopped on her back. Girafarigs are surprisingly strong and fast. Before he knew it, he was galloping through the city. In about 20 minutes time, he was in the open field again. He stopped for a minute to let his steed rest.

    "Team Trainer.. Harry Kim.. the virus.. what is this all about, anyway? Why am I so drawn to Team Trainer? He barely told me anything about it, and the next thing I know, I'm in a different country. I don't have anything to rely on except some crazy fat guy's crude map (which was basically purple lines. You had to use your imagination.) and this email from this 'Kim' guy. This is so crazy.." he thought to himself.

    "What do you think of it, Asura?" The pokemon did not reply, too entranced with it's own reflection in the water. "Then again," he thought, "I know exactly what she'd say;"

    <You're just crazy, Julian.>

    "Maybe she's right." he thought. "Maybe I AM crazy"

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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Nyah, is it just me or does Jae's profile have several striking similarities to Mika's (Surname from a town in Johto, both set to inherit a gym, similarities in the personality field, both offspring of two famous people, both specializing in martial arts and computer hacking...)? Seems like a bit too much to be coincidence. x.O Anyways, the plot looks nice and my RPs are practically on a standstill so...yish. Count me in. It's a wee bit late around here, though, and I don't think I can get together a good sign-up in the three minutes of computer time I have left, so could I reserve a spot, please? Pretty please? =3 I should get the profile up some time tommorrow. ^-^


  • 1,186
    {ooc| I LOVE YOU MIKA!!! |D
    *snuggle snarf*
    I'll post a sign-up as soon as I can- but come on MSN, darn you! I'm torn between using Maxie or another character... xP And I want to ask you questions. Hmmm}

    Name: Maxie Hart – previously 'no.5'
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Class: An EX Lab Offspring
    Speciality: Not much, save attacking people. She does not use 'martial arts' – more brute strength. She is adapt at using poison, too.

    Appearance: Maxie is an odd looking girl. She has a very thin, angular face, and a jutting chin which gives her a determined, hardened look. She isn't ugly, far from it, but there is a sort of roughness about her. Her face is scarred, especially around the face; a cruel welt runs from the her upper right lip to her jaw bone. She has a good figure; lean and slender, with a slight curve to her silhouette.

    She dresses in baggy jeans, a white shirt with yellow-and-gray pinstripes, and a faded-green knitted vest. She wears a chain around her neck with two dog-tags on, but these are normally hidden beneath her t-shirt. In her back pocket she also keeps a locket - however, all that is ever showing is the chain.
    Maxie also wears large, leather gloves that go half-way up her forearm, and big skate-style trainers. Her hair is a dull shade of greyish black, and almost always tied in two stubby plaits. When down, it reaches just past her shoulders. This is very rare, however. Maxie's eyes are a light shade of purple, streaked with strains of black.

    Personality: she is a hard-faced, arrogant girl, with a short temper and a vicious streak. Maxie is the sort of person that would cut her nose off to spite her face, and always has to have the last word.
    She is also extremely compassionate, and adores her friends and pokemon. She hates all the way, and loves all the way. She would her put her life on the line to save a stranger, as long as they didn't answer back. An extremely proud creature, Maxie holds a grudge; once you offend her, you've got an enemy for life. Her whole life, she's only forgiven one person; Mika Blackthorn, her old enemy.


    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Fang (m)
    Species: Crobat
    About Fang has three sides to him; the timid, shy side he shows to strangers, and the manipulative, cold side he shows to both enemies and Maxie's close friends. He can seem malicious and resentful, and is often jealous of Maxie interacting with other people. He is excellent at guilt-tripping Maxie and persuading her to his way of thinking, and often turns her against people for his own beneift. He also has a loving side, one that he only displays to Maxie, but its rarely seen in public. He loves her deeply.
    His history is unknown; he cannot remember anything before Maxie saved him, but has dreams...

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Fort (m)
    Species: Nidoking
    About: A steady, calm pokemon, who is brilliant at tanking as well as going on the offensive. Very gentle off the field, but Maxie's main battler. Caught by Maxie as a Nidoran, he is very dedicated to her.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Minerva, a.k.a Little Minz (f)
    Species: Sneasel
    About: A scheming, conniving little pokemon, Minerva is clever and wry. She uses her small size to spy or steal.
    Maxie caught her. She's an adept battler, obsessed with her own speed and niftyness.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Persephone, a.k.a Sephy (f)
    Species: Ralts
    About: Quaint, cute and charming. 'nuff said. She was given to Maxie by Luna of Alarayne. A living sentiment of Maxie's deceased best friend. She's still a baby really.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Pakka (f)
    Species: Arbok
    About: A fierce, vicious pokemon that enjoys taunting others. She's a typical poison type, but adores Fort. The pair are close friends. She likes to tease him, but is over-protective of him even now he's evovled.

    History (Optional): If you're in the Showgan roleplay with me, you might not want to read this... as it sort of... gives away some of Maxie's plot xD feel free to, though. I'm putting it under spoiler tags so you don't read it by accident. I hate it when that happens.

    Other (Optional): She has an incredibly close bond with her crobat, thought to be the result of experiments. They can communicate perfectly, and feel each other's physical pain.
    Maxie is highly toxic to other humans and pokemon, hence the gloves.
    Her poison is also slowly weakening herself, hence her reliance on the Rockets for drugs and treatment.

    RP Sample: Oh Miiiiiika, do I have to? *whinges* You know how I hate these things.
    Go check out 'Showgan', fools.
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  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013

    o.o Woah. I dinna expect this. ^^;;;

    Okie, Alter, it's you... so reserved

    Charon: finish your bloody profile and you're accepted

    Jae: Seriously. Alter's dead on. You simply copied my character for hte most part and your rp sample is lacking in length and correct diction usage. (Which by the way, is important as every time you use incorrect diction, a kitten somewhere dies) Come up with something more original or you're staying rejected

    Kaishen: sorry but no. There's a reason Mika's Lance's daughter, it's part of the plot. Huge humungo part of the plotline. You could be of Blackthorn Clan decent... and if you want that you need to pm me as you need to follow a few guildlines I can't widely brodcast. :3

    Clow: Okay, you're... somewhat related to Alter PC wise and he can't stand the people I loath rp wise (He's less tolerant than me... which Charon can testify is quite the scary.) so I'll give you a reservation

    YoshiRiRu... wow. Your rp sample and the amount of detail is proof enough you are worthy of my Drache goodness. <3 accepted
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Nyah, thankies Mika. I hope this character doesn't dissapoint. I came up with him a bit after being forced of the comp and have been honing him ever since. ^^ Oh, and Clow, since you're riding on my name you better make that sign-up A+ material, ya' hear? xD

    Name: Seymoure Graye (Usually called 'Sem' or 'Number 17')

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Class: Lab Offspring

    Speciality: Stealth and reconnisance as well as battling multiple opponents at once. (Only simulated situations this far, though)

    Appearance: While Sem quite clearly identifies himself as male, his light frame and voice (Which distorts to a high-pitched falsetto when he raises his voice) do make him come off as somewhat androgenous at times. His hair, grey due to the side-effect of early experiments performed on him and usually kept hanging free, is rather long, reaching a fair bit below his shoulders at the back while a few strands fall over his face and clear blue eyes at the front. As Sem has spent most of his life cooped up within four walls, his skin is very pale in colour, except for a peculiar tanned spot in the shape of the roman numeral XVII on his right forearm.

    As clothes go, Sem usually wears a hooded sweater, dark purple in colour, on top of a rather worn white t-shirt as well as a pair of jeans which are a size or two too large for him and consequently have to folded up a bit. Even so, they mostly obscure the black shoes he wears on his feet from view. Finally, and most importantly, there is the Psychic Supression Device (PSD for short), a small, silver-coloured ring of metal attached to his left earlobe which can be handily passed off as an earring for the casual observer (See 'Other' for details).

    Personality: Somewhat timid and withdrawn, Sem's social skills have been left largely undeveloped due to his isolation from virtually everyone except his pokémon and the small group of people assigned to work on him and because of this he usually keeps his sentences short and simple, avoiding unnecessary conversation with everyone except his pokémon (The latter being primarily handled through telepathy). His silence is not, however, a matter of not wanting to talk as much as not knowing what to say, and once he gets to know someone a bit more he can actually be quite social. Still, crowds do make Sem uncomfortable (Both out of habit and because of reasons explained in 'Other') and he usually feels most at ease when in the company of only his pokémon or, better yet, only himself. He also has a habit of brooding over things to the point of growing utterly obsessed with them, and his current number one obsession is definitely getting to see the outside world.


    Psyduck "Marsh" (Male)

    A carefree and social pokémon - in fact, almost a polar opposite of his trainer - Marsh's own psychic powers are weak, even by Psyduck standards, and some have hyphotized that this missing power was transfered to Sem during his operation. There is little evidence to back this assumption up, however, due to the seemingly complete dissappearance of Mandall Graye - the scientist responsible. (See 'History') and most of the files related to the operation and the complete blank that both parties share concerning the procedure. Whatever the case, however, Marsh and Sem share an extremely tight bond, and the Psyduck, with his open and rather simple mind, has turned out to be the perfect vessel for the boy to channel his still largely uncontrolled psychic powers. Consequently, it is very rare to see the two separated and Marsh is, thus far, the only true friend that Sem has managed to make.

    Metang "Hex" (Genderless)

    Originally a simple assistant drone among countless others in the laboratory, Hex was rush-evolved and consequently reprogramed to serve as a more durable and reliable battling partner and status tracker for Sem. The Metang's carefully ordered and coherent thought process allows for relatively easy "interfacing" with Sem's brain, serving well not only for the purpose of psychic communication but also for monitoring any unusual changes in activity and passing them on quickly. Through the constant contact with a human mind, this Metang, dubbed 'Hex' by his trainer, has also developed something akin to personality and free will, now vaguely identifying itself as being male. The underlying programming still remains, however, and consequently Hex still remains highly servile by nature, experiencing trouble in taking action on his own. He also finds the concept of disobeying his trainer, or anyone registered as a 'user', quite out of the question. Nonetheless, the Metang has still developed a curiosity for the world around him - no doubt influenced by his trainer - and has, slowly but surely, begun searching for a better understanding of this strange phenomena called 'personality'. In contrast to his trainer, Hex is unfailingly patient, however, and is never one to rush decisions. After all, what do years matter for a machine?

    History (Optional): A lab offspring by origin, Sem's entire life has been spent in a variety of laboratories and simulated areas with no contact to the outside world save the selected information provided by his 'creator', an aging scientist by the name of Mandall Graye. Sem's childhood was by no means an unhappy one, however, as proffessor Graye, his social life long since sacrificed for the development of his research, was a lonely man at heart, soon developing an attachment for the boy in his care and treating him as something between a pupil and a son, educating him in a variety of subjects which he believed would be beneficial as well as teaching him to control the powers granted by the operation and under his care Sem learned more or less everything that he knows about the world today. Events of the outside world and the boy's own past were a complete taboo, however, and so Sem had no way of preparing for the sudden assault of Rocket grunts on the lab, nor the consequent search for the missing proffessor (Which turned out fruitless). With his original 'creator' gone, Sem was transfered into the care of a far more clinical scientist and his team, one quite loyal to the original plan of drawing out the full potential of the boy's graft. After a few weeks of initial confusion and difficulties with handling the new strain, Sem's life soon slipped back into a routine - if not quite as comfortable a routine as his previous one and seemed to be staying that way, as his powers, while quite formidable, were quickly labled 'volatile' and the actual work was handed to more controllable subjects, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and with the team's current situation being what it is, it didn't take too long before the high-ups decided that it was time for number 17 to start earning his keep, risk or no.

    Other (Optional): The aim of the project Sem was in was to create a new generation of psychic warriors akin to Sabrina of the old elite triad, but although the operation certainly enhanced the boy's psychic capabilities to a considerable level, it did little in the way of allowing him control over these abilities. Even after years of rigorous training and control excercises, Sem still can't weild more than a small fraction of his powers without suffering backlashes and needs to wear a suppression device to keep them in check. Even with suppression, he is still capable of sensing the presence of minds, a handy ability for scouting, but rather inconvenient in larger crowds where the sheer mass of thoughts can cause him headaches or, if the PSD is not on, disorientation, hallucinations and eventually loss of consciousness.

    He can also link his minds with those of his pokémon to the extent that he becomes one with them, blocking impulses of pain and fear and allowing them to fight longer, harder, and fiercer than they should be capable of. This is a dangerous practice, however, as it places a great strain on Sem's mind which leads to severe headaches and can easily drop him into a prolonged state of deathlike coma.

    Theoretically, Sem is also capable of linking minds with any sentinent being, but the consequences of doing so are completely unpredictable and presumed to be highly dangerous, and probably lethal, so this has never been attempted.

    Finally, on the subject of unsovled mysteries concerning Sem are the peculiar 'memories' he has of the outside world and things which could by no means have happened to him, coupled with strange dreams of things he should have no way of imagining up, dreams experienced as if through another person's eyes...

    RP Sample: Nyah, I do have a fresh one in mind, but I've already spent an insane amount of time typing this, so I'll add it a bit later, okay? For now, just look at Ancient Dynasty. ^^

    Sample up and running, m'am. *Salute*

    Sem breathed out, a lonely half-sigh of a sound which perished unheard in the black veil of silence around his senses, imposed by the heavy steel helmet which had been put on him for that specific purpose. A slight tingling at the back of his mind told him that there were still people out there, but in here, within the strict little domain his head resided in, there was nothing but him and the steady beating of his heart, the dull, stinging warmth of the thick gloves that deprived his hands from their sense of touch, and a slight constriction around the wrists where they were tied together. The boy shifted his weight slightly, a brief lapse in the monotony before the motion suddenly began, a steady elevation upwards, a rush of fresh air across the small part of his face which the helmet hadn't covered and then...

    "Begin test."

    The operator's voice was kindly transmitted into Sem's ear, although in all honesty the boy could have done without it. He could already sense the creatures surrounding him...three of them were keeping a wide berth, slowly closing in in a circular motion...Houndours, or possibly Poochyenas, judging by the undertone of caution in their thoughts, but the others...well, he would just have to find out, wouldn't he?

    "Marsh..." he muttered quietly, the sound of his voice completely lost to his own ears as he reached his right hand as far as he could, closing it around where he assumed the object to be and flicked it outwards. Granted, he couldn't see or feel it, but the thoughts of his old friend were hardly foreign for him.

    Meanwhile, two other presences approached, with far less hesitance than three first ones, and a good bit more anger.

    "Poison types?" the boy suggested to his Psyduck.

    {Yeah} the water type replied - Sem could practically see the enthusiastic nod before his eyes - {They're...whatsitnows...umm...Baroks? You know...slithery thingumwhats, the small ones? They're all angry and hissing and stuff.}

    'Ekans...' Sem confirmed, nodding slightly for himself. It made sense, Marsh was no match for snakes with his crippled psychic powers while Hex would be at a disadvantage against the fire-based Houndours. He would not only have to know where his opponents were but also which was which, 'What a treat...' he thought bitterly, a bead of sweat running down his forehead and across his nose as he prepared for the strain to come, 'You're really trying to outdo yourself today, aren't you, Heddiger?'

    {Input commands?} Hex asked in his usual metallic monotone, having just appeared from his pokéball and taken in the situation.

    "Hex, Metal Claw on the one in front of me! Marsh, get behind Hex and use Water Sport!"

    A rush of moving air and then rage, pain. One of the presences retreated, another tried to lash out from the side. Three drawing closer, testing him, evaluating him...thoughts of anticipation from someone further away...

    "Hex, Reflect then Psychic to my left. Marsh, Water Gun on the one behind me!"

    One of the presences reeling back...more pain...three advancing...Sem bit his lip in frustration, there was no way he could avert them all by regular commands, and Heddiger knew it, satisfication bulging up around the man's mind like a nasty infection while Sem's heartbeat quickened, pumping faster and faster, harder and harder, throbbing like a headache...and then the lunge came, a voiceless shriek erupting from the boy's mouth as sharp little fangs dug into his wrist, the pain nearly paralysing him.

    "Marsh, Water Gun! Then Icy Wind on my wound."

    Relief rushed through Sem's body as the burning pain was removed, a pleasantly numbing cold taking its place. Meanwhile, the Houndours' presences withdrew and began moving again, preparing a new strike, new ones entered the field, fresh ones. There was no way he could take another hit like that...it was now or never...win or lose...imprisonment or freedom...freedom...

    The boy shut his eyes, even though this was completely meaningless since they saw nothing anyway, allowing his mind to wander, wander and mix.

    Suddenly, the world was back, twofold, in fact. Sem raised an arm tentatively, observing the stubby, yellow Psyduck's paw with its sharp little claws, a new set of emotions rushing in and combinig itself with his old ones. There was no time for idel musings, however, and so Sem took a deep breath, feeling the water build up inside him before he unleashed it in a burst at his nearest oppressor, lashing out with the claws in follow up before he shifted again, a metallic arm swung against a nearby Ekans with terrifying momentum, another switch...trapped in the embrace of an agitated serpent, the slow constriction around his chest, the terrifying hissing...the beat of his heart, panicked and frantic. He growled, unleashing all the psychic energy he could muster outwards, to harm, to kill...it wasn't exactly lethal, but the grip loosened, he switched again, grasping the Ekans firmly around the throat with a metal-clad arm, the venomous fangs trying helplessly to pass through the thick plating, a switch...Houndours...small and yapping aggitatedly. More water...rapid heartbeat...a headache...someone calling a name, his name, her name, their name, whose name? The voice was pleading something, to stop? Or not to stop? Did it matter? The world blurred in front of Sem's eyes...a furious slash forward...a soft whimper...was it a Houndour? And the sight of something large falling, slowly, softly...Sem spent another few seconds of blissful ignorance watching his body fall down before the friendly darkness closed in on him again.

    The next thing Sem knew was light: not the violent, blaring electric light of the laboratory but a soft, gentle, warming kind of light. The air was warm and fragrant, a pleasant breeze playing around him, causing strands of something soft and green to dance in front of his eyes. Disoriented though he was, Sem felt none of the usual fears and anxieties he usually experienced in foreign places, instead he felt calm, safe...leaning back lazily as he allowed his gaze to follow a flock of Tailow busily darting after insects in the air. His mind felt filled with trivialities, musings about catching one of the Tailows to train in secret, wondering if anything interesting was happening, contemplations on what today's dinner was going to be...it all felt odd, but at the same time natural...somehow.

    Just then, a woman's voice broke the silence, calling out a name which Sem didn't quite catch but somehow recognized.

    "Coming, auntie!" the clear, if somewhat reluctant, reply, and specifically the voice which delivered it, suddenly made Sem realize what was going on, a revelation which was easily confirmed by quick glance at his right wrist. No, he corrected himself, not his wrist; hers. He was having one of those dreams again. Sem let out a disgruntled sigh as the body rose up to a standing position, although the sigh could just as well have come from her. Well, judging by the feelings she was going through it probably came from both.

    "That's it..." he found himself muttering in adolescent rebellion, as the body continued moving towards the garden of a nearby house, "The next time I agree to weed out a stinking garden it's going to be under official surveilance and a court order...thank goodness it's only one more week until-"

    {Neural activity increasing...53 per cent of regular level}

    Sem squinted, the world and the peaceful little town around him beginning to dissolve into a blurr of colour and sound.

    {79 per cent of regular level...}

    "Please don't take me away..." the boy mumbled quietly, "I want to weed the garden, please..."

    {84 per cent...)

    Not yet...

    {93 per cent...}


    Sem jerked forward, a sharp jolt of pain at the back of his head announcing his return to the waking world, and a very startled Marsh leaping backwards at the sudden motion and nearly falling down from the boy's stomach.

    {Neural activity restored} Hex announced.

    "Thanks a bunch..." Sem retorted sarcastically, rubbing his head with his left hand - for the right one ached quite considerably - as he slowly leaned back again, feeling the small, hard, but definitely solid pillow of the lab bed at the back of his head, which, he now noticed, throbbed with a hefty headache. The room was a very small and plain one, its furniture consisting of the bed he was lying on, squeezed into the far left corner, a small medicine cabinet equiped with a lock which was located on the right-hand wall, a strange metallic device with three bags containing liquid on it, one of which was further attached to a thin tube, the other end tightly attached to his right wrist, a small chair on which Sem's clothes had been carefully stacked (a somewhat uncomfortable garment made of some cotton-like material, white with small blue spots on it had been pulled over him in their place) and some kind of monitoring device or the other which went beep at regular intervals.

    "Ah, number seventeen, you've come to."

    Sem blinked, now acknowledging the other human in the room for the first time and consequently recognizing her. It was one of Heddiger's lab aides, a constantly dour-looking, and overly tidiness-obsessed woman of around thirty, whose black hair tied up in an almost painfully tight knot at the back of her head and whose eyes were even now observing him with a mixture contentment at his recovery and dissaproval of his continuously sloppy hair. She had never been one to suffer messes of any kind, something which her quite strikingly spotless lab coat attested to.

    The boy nodded, albeit rather curtly, as his head was still sore, a thought suddenly springing to his mind while the aide busied herself with checking the readings on the mystery device.

    "Wait. The trial-what became of-?"

    "You passed." the aide replied montonously, "Although why you're so persistent about getting into active duty when most of the labborns would give an arm or leg to get your position is anyone's guess. Right arm up."

    "Passed..." Sem repeated, absent-mindedly following the instructions, "When exactly do you think-"

    "Don't know, don't care." she replied, "My job is to stitch you lot up; not send you out to get pummeled again. That admin she-biatch will deal with that, don't you worry. Now lie down and get some rest. You suffered quite a bit of physical trauma from that little outburst of yours and it's still not fully recovered."

    "I..." Sem paused, turning to adress Marsh in a low whisper, "...was I really that bad?"

    {Sure were...} the Psyduck replied, nodding seriously, {All twitching and screaming and holding your head and stuff, that was scary.}

    {Most irregular behaviour.} Hex confirmed in his usual neutral tone.

    "But I finished the battle?"

    Marsh shifted uncomfortably, {Well...} he began, {...yes, you could say that...}

    {Complete devastation.} Hex clarified, seemingly oblivious to his partner's reluctance.

    "The restoration crew won't be forgetting you for a while, that's for sure." the aide finished, carefully filling up a needle with clear liquid and grabbing a firmer hold of Sem's arm, sticking the needle into it, "You'll be asleep in a minute or two." she added matter-of-factly, "After a couple of hours you'll be up again, no doubt you'll get your beloved assignment by then."

    Sem had half a mind to object, but the liquid certainly was fast-working stuff, his mind already becoming clouded with blissful emptiness and his head slumping down on the pillow with a single thought in his mind...



    Whew, finally done. I had a feeling I'd get carried away on the RP sample and I did. Hope this is satisfactory. ^-^
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  • 1,186
    {Fwah. I've edited her outfit (ZOMG!) and added a history, but put it under spoiler tabs so people from Showgan don't read it accidently xD That happened to me with Ruby, and completely spoiled the game.

    I love Blue and Sem. Awesome characters. This roleplay will...rock. Ja.}


    The Freshmaker!
  • 10,027
    Oi! I'm printing out the SEVEN pages of this to reread over it again! This sounds extremely interesting and I would love to join this *if time allows me*. My sample will be up by tomorrow, if this RP isn't overly crowded and if you allow it @_@ Well, yeah. I'll probably be joining this~


    ◕ ‿‿ ◕ double rainbow.
  • 3,329
    May I reserve a spot? x.o; If, of course, the space permits..this sounds very interesting~


    The Freshmaker!
  • 10,027
    OOC: Please excuse me if I OOC some questions later on; I don't know much of the manga...but I do know a reasonable amount.

    Name: Kaiyo Natsume (Kay)

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Class: Former's Child (Sabrina)

    Specialty!: Psychic and Dark attacks, she's a quick-witted thinker, hiding emotions, ESP.

    Appearance: Kaiyo has inherited the dark ebony hair that her mother, Sabrina has and stands at a height of 5"6. Her eyes are a dull purple but brighten up to a violet with emotion. Kaiyo wears her hair down and is cut very similar to her mother's; she has bangs on the front with wisps of hair in front of her ear. Kaiyo's skin is somewhat tanned and still has a smooth appearance to it. Her tone is deep and mature, even when she's being lighthearted. Her bust size is average for a sixteen-year-old girl and her physical state is full, (due to her passion for running); though she does appear a bit dainty.
    She has a thing for turtlenecks and anything black. Accordingly, she likes black turtlenecks. Around her neck is a circular pendant with an opal-like Moonstone in it. She also is a fan of boot-cut jeans :3 This is her usual attire. Her athletic attire is a black sleeveless sports-top with a pair of cerulean running shorts. She likes dark-brown mountain boots too~

    She loves being around others, she loves having company, but she fails at engaging in conversation whatsoever. Her replies are terse; her eyes show barely any emotion except for her usual serious manner, which gives her a wrongly suggested 'I-don't-need-to-talk-to-you' air. The one thing she could change about herself is to become more social. Her perfect conversation would be just watching others talk without having to eavesdrop. She barely expresses her opinion either unless she finds it necessary. She has a long lasting temper; though when insulted, she hides her emotions, which are usually a feeling of guilt because she's usually not scolded. In Pokemon battles, she's extremely hard to read; seeing her only real emotion is being serious. She does smile more around her Pokemon and likes to ramble on to them and a few select others about her life and troubles. She's pretty reserved, but loves to lurk around conversation.


    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality: Xyxi is always serious and strives to win. He's extremely obedient only to Kaiyo and is her best Pokemon. Failure is nothing accepted to him and he never shows sympathy for his challenger; each battle requires it's best.

    History: Kaiyo's first Pokemon, he was given to her by her mother when she turned ten. They're been together since then.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality: Mieu is very childish and likes to bring out Kaiyo's playful and fun loving side. She's energetic and is friendly towards most people.

    History: One day when Kaiyo was out for her typical run, Mieu followed her back home. She later began to stalk her. Eventually, Kaiyo became friends with Mieu~

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Personality: Famy is just cute. She walks cute, she talks cute, she emits cute. She's extremely dramatic in battle and loves to pull on your heartstrings. She loves attention and wants Kaiyo to be more open to others also. She's overall a drama queen.

    History: On a trip to Goldenrod with her mother, an Egg was bought for her when she was looking into the Lottery Prize Store. She had always wanted a Mareep, and so, out of kindness, the stranger bought it for her. It turned out shiny too~

    History : Kay is the heir of the Saffron Gym as the daughter of Sabrina. Her bond with her mother isn't the most obvious, but it's easy to tell that Kaiyo is her daughter. Though she was born in Saffron, she's been to Johto and all around Kanto on certain trips with her mother. She isn't very familiar with Team Rocket either, nothing is really explained between Sabrina and Kaiyo unless the other person brings it up. Because Kaiyo's never questioned about TR, Sabrina never informed her about it. That's just the way it worked~ As for her inheriting the gym, Kay's style is more on feeling and perception than on calculating weaknesses and tactics. She enjoyed watching matches at the dojo when she little, and has been running with them in marathons. At fourteen, she tried her luck for working as a clerk at Sylph. Co, but it didn't work out well. She's still yet to beat Sabrina though, which will then secure her position as immediate heir.

    Other : She LOVES cute things. Anything cute makes her want to touch it. She' isn't very tolerant of gore either. She also has a very very small amount of ESP inherited from her mother. She can move and lift a small sized object or two from a certain distance; nothing huge.

    RP Sample: *moans* ;;


    "Hai?" The younger girl of sixteen turned to look up towards the older woman who had called out to her from the second story of the house. Jogging in place and with her hair tied back into a ponytail and her Flaffy beside her, Kayio waited patiently for what the woman would say.

    "Hai! Yes, yes, yes! You wouldn't believe what I just found the other day dearie!" The woman exclaimed from the window, "I've found yet another piece of my collection! Could you believe it?! Oh, come, come. I don't think I can yell like this any longer!" She chuckled, disappearing from the window. Kaiyo wiped off the sweat from her brow and began to jog back over towards the older lady's house. Why she hadn't called out to her on her way towards the house was beyond her, but either way, she was happy to see her neighbor, or as the older citizens called her, Copycat.

    "Fllaaa…" Famy squeaked with a painful trot. The Flaaffy began to walk unbalanced along the sidewalk, her tounge lolling and her panting obvious.

    "Flamy, it's not going to kill you, Ms. Kat's probably found something interesting. Keep up, will you? You look like you've been abused or something." Kaiyo said with a light chuckle in her impassive voice. Flam wagged her tail a bit and began to trot after her trainer again. Kaiyo smiled to herself. Flam was great entertainment on a brisk dusk jog.

    When Kaiyo had finally reached the house, she put her hands against her knees and began to recover the charisma she had lost backtracking. Within the next few moments, Copycat opened the door with one hand, the other against her knee and also holding a pink object. The Copycat had copied her fatigue; or maybe she came down the stairs to fast… Lifting her head up and giving a small bow, Kaiyo questioned her on the item in her hand.

    "What's the pink item? It's my old Clefairy doll! I haven't seen it in ages~ You know, they don't make these anymore, so I've heard~" Kaiyo examined the doll in front of her. It's beady eyes and it's huggable expression seemed to come together with it's creamy pink fur and curly tail to make the cutest doll she'd seen yet.

    "It's adorable…"

    "It is adorable!"

    "Could I… touch it?"

    "Ah! Of course you can! I was going to give it to you anyway. I know you like my dolls, so maybe we can start our own collection and collect em' all! You know what I mean?"

    "I understand…" Kaiyo took the doll from the Copycat with the utmost care. It was so fluffy… "...Arigato."

    "No problem! No problem! Just take good care of it, mkay? We'll create an army!~"

    "An army."

    The Copycat gave a sly grin at the dark haired adolescent. "I'm supposed to be the one to repeat things here. Don't be copying my trademark, okay? Now hurry up before it gets dark and my Clefairy gets cold. Go on now, see you later Kay!" Clutching the Clefairy in one arm and waving with the other, Kay continued her jogging. As she began, she realized that Flam hadn't been following her, but had stopped and fallen asleep right when she had turned her back.

    "Come on now, Flam. It's getting dark you drama queen." She said, fluffing the wool on the top of the Flaaffy's head as she began to pace onward. Flam gave a squeak of annoyance, but soon trailed after her.

    I'm never good with topics for Rp Samples. Forgive me if this was nothing but fluff. x.x
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  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013
    :3 Teehee. Alter you make me look pathetic with that rp sample. You be accepted

    Charon, you pwns girl. <3 and I answered your email accepted

    Chibi-chan I <3 the Sabrina daughter thing as in the manga she's the daughter of a Rocket. XDD thank chuuuu! accepted

    Lily, I looked over stuff you've done. :3 You are worthy of a reservation spot.

    All we need now is a G-Men Spy person and we're ready. :3


    I foresee.... A bright future
  • 427
    Name: William "Will" Archer

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Class: G-men Spy

    Specialty: Under cover work (He real gets into it, at the moment, he has a better chance of getting arrested, then getting caught.) Balanced training (Basically working with multiple types of pokemon, and knowing how to balance there weakness. ) Tech (basically he's Tech savvy, and knows how to use all his G-man gear well, and can proudly learn to use the Rocket gear nice and quick.

    Appearance: Will's feature that stands out is his orange hair, which is short, only reaches to the very top of his neck, and spikes down word, it's also bit of a darker Orange. His eyes are a very light shade of brown, which he has found through personal experience, a lot of girl like. (XD, couldn't help myself.) He's quite handsome, but a tad short for his age, about 5 foot 4, and he can get a bit irritable about this, so I wouldn't comment about it (What, so I took a little inspirations from Ed with this, I've never seen an other char do it, and I personally found it funny as heck XD)

    As for what he wears, well, he prefers not to stand out to much (This is just a habit, because his specialty is undercover work.) so his attire is fairly normal. He were a long sleeved red shirt, with wide ends. He wears black jeans, with the bottoms in tatters, they are his favorite pare, and have been through a lot. As for shoes, his black sandals have been fine in the past.

    As for a uniform, He wears the hat, but only when told to, and even then he wears a black Bandana with a Large red R on it, he prefers to just wear the bandana. His gloves, un like the standard Rocket gloves, only cover his hands, and are finger less, but are still the standard grey. He still has the normal shirt, but prefers to wear a sleeves grey shirt, with a short sleeved jacket, with the R cut down the middle (It is formed when the jacket is zipped up.) The pants are the same as an average Rocket, but Will prefers to wear normal black boots, and not the grey ones that go up your leg.
    Finally, in both outfits, he sometimes wears classic black shades, which were actually given to him by the G-men, it takes pictures, and shows messages, an d a few other things.

    Personality: Will is just simply, a great guy to be around, he's pretty up beat, and can bring everyone's mood up, it had happened before. He simply won't let bad things vase him mentally most of the time, unless he's doomed. Despite this, Will has a very short fuse, and is quick to start a fight, he has always had trouble with important people that he needs to stay on the good side if because of this, when the stakes are hire though, he can usually pull through, with a snarl, and a sigh. He love all of his pokemon, but if they feel like play a prank on him, he won't hesitate to whack them upside the head, but none the less, there bond is quite strong. An interesting thing about will, is the fact that he doesn't see things in black and white, that may be one of the reason's he is in the undercover field of work.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Pokémon: Name: Mako

    Gender: Female

    Specie: Gardevoir

    Personality: Mako is, usually a sweet calm creature, in fact, she's usually the one to hold Will back, but she can also be angered as well, so there are times were it's the other way around. She is very intelligent, and can communicate with human telepathically, this has made her part of the family back home.

    History: Caught as a still young Kirlia, it was easy to tell she was smart, it didn't take long for her, and Will to get to talking, and using the art of deception that got him his job, he tricked the pokemon into a ball. She was quite mad at first, but found this could be fun, and became the first, and strongest member in Will's team.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Pokémon: Name: Quake

    Gender: Male

    Specie: Gravaler

    Personality: Quake, is more of the relaxed type, he battles when he has too, and does what's needed of him, but after that, he's just going to relax, eat, and sleep, this can be somewhat annoying but will can handle it, it's also how he earned the nickname, "Rock covered Snorlax."

    History: Once just a Geodude, he was actually pretty easy to catch, he was so lazy at the time, only through friendship, and hard training, did they reach a compromise, to fight when it's needed, and to relax during everything else, if he'll ever grow past his lazy ways is unknown

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Pokémon: Name: Sven

    Gender: Male

    Specie: Absol

    Personality: Though he can not speak, unless through Mako, he has been noted as the sarcastic type, which can get on Mako's nerves a lot, and other pokemon for that matter. Despite this he really is a good guy, just a bit rough around the edges, he doesn't talk to the other pokemon much, and Battles hard, he's kind of odd to tell the truth.

    History: A pokemon that actually saved Will from an avalanche, why'll he was exploring a mountain for rare pokemon, it seems he found one, and after he was safe, he challenged the Absol, it wasn't very easy, but in the end, he one, catching a rare, strong, and valuable pokemon.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Pokémon: Name: Aqua

    Gender: Female

    Specie: Wingull

    Personality: The firecracker of the team so to speak, she's always ready to get up an go, this might be because she was raised in a flock of Taillow (In History.) This makes her go after more then she can handle, which can make here a handful at some times, but her sprit can often lift the group up.

    History: Found, flying with a flock of Taillow, Will confronted it, as Mako played translator, it was always confused why it looked so different, and why it could spit water, while the others couldn't. Mako explained that she was a wingull, and this brought the bird pokemon down, it not wanting to go back to the flock now. Will feeling bad, happily invited it too the team, this made the wingull smile, she, wanting g to join the team, just acting sad to get invited, this shocked will, this pokemon just conned a conner.

    History (Optional): Will has always lived in Oldale Town, the town between Norman, a strong GYM leader, and Professor Birch, being able to live close to these two really got Will interested in pokemon, but before he got his licenses, he found another talent, he was an excellent con. It wasn't just acting, he could take a whole different personality if he had too. At first it was great, but after pulling a few larger cons, not right away, but after, it made him feel horrible. After that, he deiced to take up pokemon training, while he earned a few badges, it wasn't really what he wanted to do. At some point, he joined up with the Pokemon Police, this was very close to what he wanted to do, but not quite close enough. Later he found the G-man, now that was perfect, after displaying his skills, he was quickly sighed up, and now about to head to his first advanced mission, nothing like his others. He was going to put his heart and soul into this, and not mess up, if at all possible, and who knows? Maybe have some fun on the way.

    Other (Optional): As I've said, Will doesn't see things in black and white, he sure there are plenty of, at heart good Rockets, and he would make sure they would get off easy, or let them escape even if it cost him his job.

    RP Sample: (This is from, as sadly dead RP, The Land of The Mightyena, A few of you probably remember this, anyway here's a link. https://www.theud.com/pokecommunity/showthread.php?t=70526 )

    Atop a tree Shadow, one of the stronger Apprentices, and the oldest Poochyena laid on a well leafed tree branch. He was sound asleep, snoring softly, has he dreamed. An old Mightyena approached him. Shadow smiled and moved closer. "Grandfather." Shadow said addressing the Mightyena. "It's nice to see you ShadowPaw, how is your mother." The adult wolf said softly and causally. "She's doing fine, I don't see here to often though, I spend most of my time with the younger Mightyena, after all I will be viewed as I was thoughs many mouths ago, a pup that had to be protected. How is father?" The small wolf replied. The elderly Mightyena seemed to be impressed with it's grandchild's progress. "He is fine and wish's to see you soon." The Mightyena said, then decide to change the subject.

    "Listen Young ShadowPaw, you seems very loyal to the pack, but your mind seems to be full of thoughs out side are forest. Why is this." Shadow was a bit nerves to say what he was about to say, but this was his grandfather, he was very open minded, and even if he didn't agree, could he even tell the pack? "Well…. Why do we have to dived this land into fourths? Why can't we share the land, or at least be welcomed into others, as guest?" The Mightyena smiled at shadow. "Ah young ShadowPaw, just as intelligent as any pack member your age, yet filed with pup like wonder, no matter how old you get, no matter if you decide to change into a Mightyena, please, for me, keep that wonder." As his grandfather finished Shadow felt a bit insulted, but understood this was a complement. "Well forbidden or not, your best bet to meet a Mightyena from another pack is to go to the Crystal Pool, I'm sure there are other Mightyena that feel the same way as you do, you may also get to see your father in the pool. " Shadow smiled nuzzling his grandfather. "Thank yo…"

    Shadow was interrupted with Sonaraku yell, Shadow, surprised fell out of his tree. "Ow…. What the…" Shadow turned to Sona. Then walked over to here. "What is it this time Sona, other pack members getting to you again? I've told you if I can be one of the top apprentices in the pack so can you." Shadow could tell it was something else. He then thought, could it be? "Was it a dream?" He asked
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    ◕ ‿‿ ◕ double rainbow.
  • 3,329
    [posting what I have so far, cause I need to sleep, so this will be saved~] =D;;

    Name: Sayuri Kin

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Class: G-men spy

    Specialty: Observation, ability to remain impervious to emotions. Sufficient skills with outdoor activities. All very subtle.

    Appearance: Clear oceanic eyes grace her pale face, marginally chiseled from past experiences. Locks of ebony swish about delicately, hardly an obstacle in her vision, except for the shorter hanging strands seldom obscuring her left eye. A secure black vest and matching cargo pants hug her lithe, willowy figure; clad whole in black, it's no surprise her shoes are also of the same shade. Extra pockets are seen artificially stitched on to the pants, containing various equipments necessary for her own sense of safety. Thick working gloves finish off the ensemble. Overall she exudes a healthful atmosphere of what one would expect for such youth.

    Personality: Silence is one of Sayuri's perpetual virtues. She hardly speaks to strangers, let alone interact, and seems to have adopted a resolute taciturn demeanor. Her dispassion serves as an invaluable asset during times of pandemonium. For reasons of her own Sayuri chooses not to perform tasks with much empathy, but rather, with an austere strictness often coming at odds with others, but she harbors no interest. Her intelligence is also something to note: Sayuri's ample mind capacity enables her to quickly remember and process random information. Although her hoard of knowledge is relatively average, common sense and practicality empower her success. If there is one negative thing, it is Sayuri's inability to be flexible and allow opinions in her one track minded nature. She believes solely in her own words and chooses to do things her own way (not in the sense of egotism, mind you), lacking the necessary trust and perception to break free of her little globe.


    Vaporeon :: f
    Personality~ Silent, much like Sayuri herself. Vaporeon is very well mannered and is also quite conservative; it listens obediently and gets the job done with little to no complaint. Highly intelligent and analytical, it's very obvious Vaporeon is the picked favorite of Sayuri's team, although why she chose to give it no name is a mystery.
    History~ The first Pokemon Sayuri received as an Eevee, however overused that is. The two have been together for a while now, and Eevee had chosen to become a Vaporeon itself.

    Mawile :: f
    Personality~ Cynical, sadistic, and quite possibly a sociopath as well as an extreme perfectionist. Chiste is incredibly vain and proud of its skills, but by all means the vanity does not go to waste; in battle, Chiste is ferocious and shows no clemency at all. It dislikes almost every other creature, especially another one of its kind, and seems to love taunting and jeering, feigning innocence.
    History~ Normally caught in some cave. Showing discontent at first, Chiste has gradually began to respect its trainer, one way or the other.

    Abra :: m
    Personality~ Quite boring. Tal doesn't really do anything except sleep, and...sleep. However, Sayuri uses Tal to her own advantage to teleport away from predicaments impossible to escape otherwise. She rarely uses it in battle, as it only sleeps and has relatively low attack strength from the lack of experiences.
    History~ Frustrated by the lack of teleportation, Sayuri caught an Abra relatively easily and hopes to evolve it into an Alakazam, only to find it utterly impossible.

    Ghastly :: m
    Personality~ Acts like quite the whimsical child. Shuu is naturally curious and friendly, loves mischief and is generally unaffected by cruel words.
    History~ Shuu did not want to be caught at once, and after a tireless chase and battle, it finally conceded. Currently, it does not seem to want to evolve.

    History (Optional): Optional.

    Other (Optional): *eats a poisoned banana* ;-;

    RP Sample: Will edit.
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    Can You See My Bleeding Eyes?
  • 28
    Ok, for the record I love you and I don't even know you. Our expectations on roleplays are nearly exactly the same and out tolerations are very limited on who we pick to join. I absolutely love it when I can find a very strict roleplay.

    Anyway, here's my sign-up sheet, hopefully it is not too late!

    Name: Hisoka Tsuzuki
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Class: Not a new TR trainer, but not veteran either.. Experienced? (also the grandson of Hoenn's Elite Four member, Drake) [if the last part is not accepted, I shall gladly change it]
    Speciality: Pokemon with dragon-like qualities, Tai Kuan Do, and grapic design
    Appearance: Hisoka has chin length golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes, when not in uniform he typically wears a jean jacket over a solid orange tee with jeans and his pokeballs across his belt. When training in Tai Kuan Do, he wears a typical black and red sparring uniform with his black belt strapped around his waist, pokeballs are attached to the belt. When in uniform, he wears the typical black trousers, black jacket over a white shirt with the TR 'R' on the chest with white gloves and boots.
    Hisoka's face and 'off duty' wear
    Hisoka in uniform (just imagine James's top colored black)
    Personality: Hisoka is the typical strong but silent type. He may seem sweet and innocent, but if you call him that he'll knock you off your feet before you can finish the sentence. Hisoka is very introverted and doesn't speak much, giving him a sense of mysteriousness especially with such bright hair and eyes. He may seem like a very hateful and spiteful person, but once you get to know Hisoka he is actually pretty decent guy to know. He is especially kind to his pokemon, which have endured the same tragic events as he as, and they comfort him as much as he does them.
    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Age: 17
    Species: Charizard
    Personality: Very outgoing, but only when he's alone. When around other people he acts like the tough guy, making himself look bigger than he really is and keeps his arms crossed in front of the chest.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Tsubasa
    Age: 20
    Species: Gyrados
    Personality: Contrary to popular belief, Tsubasa is a very nice and sweet Gyrados, hardly ever getting angry. She's typically seen caring and acting like a mother to the rest of Hisoka's pokemon.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Name: Exotic
    Age: 13
    Species: Tropius
    Personality: Exotic is a very mysterious pokemon, not letting on anything about what he feels or thinks. His loyality is unquestioned though, but even Hisoka has trouble figuring out what Exotic is thinking.

    Drache Memoirs | The Five Seals

    Age: 6
    Species: Bagon

    (I SWEAR I'll finish this as soon as possible, right now I have to go and get ready for work.. Hopefully you'll like as far as I've gotten.. ^_^)
    RP Sample:


  • 1,036
    • Seen Feb 11, 2013

    Mmm. >> Cry_Blood you need to greatly improve your profile or you're out. I like the Drake's grandson idea... Alot. but if you can't whip the profile into shape, you're out. Look at Chibi's Profile for around what you need. Alter's is excellent but that's alot and we're not all amazing like him. :3

    I'll reserve but if you're not up-to-par by Friday, you're out.

    Lily, finish up when you can, but you are accepted

    ZOMB Clow so sorry for forgetting you. T-T You be accepted


    Nya. >> coming. As Charon's about to maul me
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  • 1,186
    *mauls Mika* It's 3:10 PM, school's just finished (I'm in the IT lab) and there's no roleplay post...*crosses arms* I'm very disappointed in you, young lady.
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