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Draconia School of Mythology [Registration]

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Finished my sign-up. xO

*facedesk* I don't know why I made it that long. xD I apologize for the crap quality of the history though, I was all creative'd out by the time I got to his history. </3
I have completed~~ *hoho*

Now, off to do a tedious pile of writing called the ESSAY!~
Tell me if you need moar though.
It's funny how short Seth's sign is compared to Fleur's. Anyways, they're both done. Do you want this thread made into a sign-up / discussion thread? I think it would probably be best... XD

I agree with Asch. All the signups are very huge since you are having like 20 characters and you need like 50 lines of information. A signup thread would be a very good idea.
If I have enough time, I just might finish dis xD.


Name: Enkel Joans
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire, though it doesn't really count. Enkel is much to naive to be a vampire, she so refers herself as a "Wine Drinking Lady." Enkel still enjoys sucking other people, but would rather give them a written note first. It usually says "I'm gonna' suck your blood ♥." Enkel is always a trustworthy vampire, and always fulfills her word. Though in the bright house of Coca, it merely is a disguise for Enkel's assassin business, which has been funding the Joans family for many many years. But Enkel is only an ordinary vampire, where she only sucks people's blood, and can turn others into a vampire as well. Though, Enkel is still always in the center of attention, mainly for the fact of her naive nature she has, and her special ability to get herself in a lot of trouble.

Element: Light
House: Coca
Description: (5+ lines)
Personality: (5+ lines)
History: (5+ lines)
Weapon: (Two maximum)
Other: (Anything else)

Name: (Be creative…nothing like Spot)
Description: (I will allow pictures for this one)
Personality: (5+ lines)
Other: (Anything else)
Awwright...I'm almost done with my profile. Clothes will be added in short order, just need to figure them out. xD Anyways, if there's something wrong with this profile then tell me and I shall fix. ^^

Name: Evanel Lindblom
Age: 17 (He looks about 14, though)
Gender: Male
Species: Half-nymph (Half-Alseid, to be specific)
Element: Psychic
House: Nidhogg

Description: It doesn't take much more than a glance to note Evanel's unusual heritage. His frame is slender and delicate with a petite nose, adding a slightly feminine touch to his appearance, and his skin is completely smooth and flawless, a pleasant shade of light brown in color. His eyes are almond-shaped and of a vivid electric blue color, and those who look directly into them - it is said - will eventually be entranced, though whether this is true or not is anyone's guess. Evanel's hair is of a dark green color, reaching to about shoulder-length at the back and a bit above his eyes at the front, usually kept in that stylishly messy manner that most people can only obtain through hours at a hair salon. His small ears have an ever-so-slight point to them, though it's doubtful that there is any elf in his bloodline.

Clothing-wise, Evanel isn't anything that peculiar, usually wearing a light but fairly durable shirt and a pair of snuggly fitting cargo pants, typically in varying shades of green or other foresty colors with a light brown fanny pack for carrying objects around his waist. Adding a slightly more eccentric touch to his clothing is a makeshift belt made of intertwined plants he wears around his waist, though the specific plants vary with the season and are replaced often as the frail accessory wears out. Perhaps most strikingly, Evanel's feet are always bare, regardless of temperature or terrain. Apparently, he finds wearing shoes to be about the most uncomfortable thing imaginable, and not even Zynthre or his mother has been able to nag him into changing his mind about the subject. The soles of his feet seem to be tougher than those of your average human, however, so he seems genuinely unbothered by terrain.

Personality: Seemingly as light as light-hearted can get, Evanel's basic personality seems to be that of a child. He's always on the lookout for fun, adventure, and excitement in no particular order and seems to regard rules and regulations of all sorts as guidelines at best. Evanel delights in peculiarities of all kinds, be they funny words, accents, people behaving oddly, or just something that looks amusing to him, typically bursting into a fit of light, melodic laughter, regardless of whether it's socially reprehensible. He also enjoys pranks, schemes, and wordplay of all kinds, particularly if it can shock or confuse those around him, and the fact that Evanel can strike anyone, anywhere, at any given time with one of his crazy new inventions tends to annoy all but the most jovially minded. For all his tactlessness, Evanel has also mastered the art of being infernally endearing. Whoever gets angry with him will be subjected to the most sincere, melancholy pair of puppy dog eyes you ever saw, accompanied by an elaborate apology delivered in a heart-wrenching 'pity me' voice, possibly with a side-order of tears. As a result, most of his pranks are just dismissed with a grumpy 'never mind' and few have it in them to hold a serious grudge against the half-nymph.

On the positive side, Evanel does take pride in spreading mirth, be it by the tunes of his ocarina or through one of his countless pranks, and as long as you're fortunate enough not to be the target of his pranks and don't place to much value on peace and quiet he can be quite invigorating to be around. Evanel always seems to have a smile - or at the very least smirk - on his lips, passing most grievances with a light shrug. To his mind, life's too short for worrying. Despite his usually innocent and air-headed behavior, Evanel does have a sharp mind, however, and he is a lot more insightful than most people give him credit for. Despite technically being late teenage, he still acts like a child, mostly because he finds others' reactions to such behavior to be most amusing. Capricious and manipulative, he sees nothing wrong with exploiting others for his own ends as long as he doesn't cause them any serious harm and can be as cutesy and adorable as you can imagine if he believes that some fun will come out of it. As far as Evanel is concerned, the rest of the world is basically there for his personal amusement, and he intends to play it for all its' worth.

History: Not much is known about Evanel's origins. He was delivered as a baby to the doorstep of a completely ordinary family in suburban Espoo, Finland. There was no note or explanation of any kind, just a particularly adorable little child with bright, electric blue eyes and a wooden ocarina. Dutiful as they were, the couple took Evanel in and raised him as their foster-son, but it didn't take long to discover that there was something not quite right about him. For one, there was the name; both parents were positive that they hadn't planned to call anyone 'Evanel', yet for some inexplicable reason the name rolled of their tongues whenever they addressed the child, and the oddities didn't stop there: even though he had yet to master speech, it seemed to take Evanel barely a month to master playing on the ocarina that had accompanied him, and by the time he was at school enrollment age the instrument was his constant companion. Granted, Evanel was an odd child, but his parents loved him nonetheless and failed to suspect anything when, after a good night story, he innocently asked whether or not he could keep a dragon if he just happened to find one. Blissfully unaware of what she was getting herself into, his mother laughed and agreed.

The next day, at the tender age of seven, Evanel delivered as he had promised, and Zynthre was introduced to the household. Needless to say, his parents were far from thrilled at the prospect, but Evanel held her mother to the promise, and - to be perfectly frank - neither parent had the guts to shoo away a mythical beast. From there on, family relations grew increasingly strained as Evanel took up bringing his new pet with him everywhere, sometimes disappearing into the countryside without as much as a word of warning, only to reappear a few days later, in full health and chipper as could be. It was at this time that other oddities began to surface as well: the child took up the most unnerving habit of answering questions before they were posed, the tunes produced by his ocarina started gaining unearthly undertones, and he even exhibited a knack for predicting events with disturbing accuracy.

Soon thereafter, on a seemingly regular morning, Evanel suddenly got up from the breakfast table and went to pack his bags without as much as a word. Disturbed, his mother pursued him, but before she could get an answer out of the boy, Evanel most uncharacteristically gave her a hug and said his goodbyes before disappearing, dragon in tow. A few minutes after he had left, a letter of invitation was delivered to the Lindblom household, dictating that their foster-son was now ready to attend a certain academic facility of considerable repute...

Weapon: Evanel isn't much into weapons, but the closest thing would probably be a small, wooden ocarina carved with decorative leaf patterns, which he always carries with him. While the instrument in itself doesn't seem to have any particular properties - aside from being very well crafted - it serves as a focal point for his kindred psychic powers, and the tunes it produces mislead and confuse those who hear them, creating misjudgments in direction and distance of sounds and sometimes even disrupting the listener's sense of balance or creating minor illusions. When it comes to actually dealing physical damage, Zynthre is the one to call on.

Other: Due to his heritage, he has a knack for hiding in the wilderness and can move effortlessly even through nearly impenetrable undergrowth. Sometimes he also hears words before they are spoken and remembers things that haven't happened yet, but the content of these visions seems to be trivial at best.

Name: Zynthre
Gender: Male

Description: Zynthre is, he will have you know, not scrawny but compact, and no he would not like to have a ridiculously large wingspan and all that bulk which you could never fit anywhere anyway thank-you-very-much and who would want to breathe fire and accidentally light a curtain or something? Well, you'd never catch him doing something like that. Standing at about 4,1 meters while on his hind legs but barley reaching above 2,5 when on all fours, Zynthre's body is shaped much like a newt's, with a long, thin, pointed tail which is nearly three meters at its full length. When necessary, this tail can be detached to allow escape or otherwise shock the foe, but it calls for quite a dire predicament for Zynthre to accept such a maneuver. His body is covered in shimmering, forest green scales - save for the underbelly where the scales are of a slightly lighter hue - and his eyes are pear-colored, shaped like those of your average lizard. Zynthre's wings bear quite a striking resemblance to those of a bat, being partially translucent save for the area around the bones, and protrude from the area just before his front legs, bearing a camouflage pattern of varying shades of green. When not in use, the wings are folded securely against his back, taking very little space. His feet, much like those of most dragons, are clawed, though unlike the most Zynthre can retract his claws when he sees fit.

Personality: Quite the opposite of his master, Zynthre is trite, formal, and has quite the appetite for sarcasm. He hates loud noises, unnecessary activity, and 'frivolous business' of all kinds and takes his duties as a 'guardian' very seriously. Needless to say, there has been quite a bit of tension between him and Evanel, but the dragon feels duty-bound to serve the child he was chosen for, and thus remains obedient - no matter how much it vexes him. Seemingly in constant grouching over something, Zynthre never seems to be fully content with anything; the glass is either half-empty, completely empty, or at the very least sloppily cleaned as far as he's concerned. His prime needs are peace and quiet in large amounts, and anyone who denies him either of these two is in for a barrage of sarcastic remarks. Zynthre is rather self-important, however, and likes to show off his knowledge, so should someone ask him a question - preferably with a few flattering adjectives related to his mighty stature - he might actually be pleasant, especially if the subject is that of his heritage. (13th successor of a line of mighty guardian dragons, he'll have you know)

Most of the time, the remarks about his appearance - a subject on which Zynthre is very touchy - are far from flattering, however, so needless to say, staying on good foot with him is tedious at best. He is knowledgeable, however, and a surprisingly fierce fighter.

Other: N/A
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Heh heh, I think the 'is this still gonna go on' was aimed at me XP...I had this tendancy of disappearing heh heh ^_^;; Yeah, its still gonna go on, and if you could Dai, it would be cool to put this as a sign up thread, I'll create another for the actual RPG and another then for lessons, character and mission info.

Just gonna do a quick check list and say who's been accepted thus far:

Uzumaki_Naruto: Accepted
Alter Ego: Accepted
Archsage: Accepted (Fleur)
Archsage: Accepted (Seth)
Chibi-chan: Accepted
Glajummy: Accepted
Shiney: Accepted (Though I know, you wish to edit)
JBCPeace: Accepted
Shadow Yue: Accepted
ACC-M: Accepted
Hero of Time Link: Accepted
Stardust-Kumo: Accepted (Even though you still need to change Phenia to Draconia)
Mizuki: Accepted
Random Fan: Accepted
Rena: Reserved

Rena: Your character so far is interesting, I hope you finish her ^_^ RESERVED

Okay, thats all good, everyone so far is accepted with one reservation =D

Fire: Use the power of hot flames to physically attack your opponent. (JBCPeace, Spaces: 1)
Ice: Use the power of snow and ice to freeze your enemies in they're tracks. (Shadowfaith and Archsage Spaces: 0)
Water: Use this watery power to drown your enemies and trap them. (Shiney, Spaces: 1)
Earth: Use this strong power to crush your targets. ( Glajummy, Spaces: 1)
Lightning: Use this energy to stun and shock those that oppose you. (Hero of time Link and Stardust-Kumo, Spaces: 0)
Poison: Use this power to slowly damage your foes. (Mizuki, Spaces: 1)
Psychic: Use this power to air your friends, read minds and pick up objects. (Alter Ego, Archsage, Spaced: 0)
Air: Use this power to slash and cut at your foes flesh. (Random Fan and Chibi-chan, Spaces: 0)
Dark: Use the shadows to do your bidding. (Shadow- Yue and ACC-M Spaces: 0)
Light: Use your healing powers to aid friends and blind enemies. (Uzumaki Naruto and Rena Spaces: 0)

Fafnir: Shadowfaith, Stardust-Kumo, Archsage (Sapces: 2)
Orochi: Shiney, JBCPeace, ACC-M, Mizuki and Chibi-chan (Spaces: 0)
Nidhogg: Alter Ego, Glajummy, Shadow Yue, Hero of Time Link and Random Fan (Spaces: 0)
Coca: Uzumaki Naruto, Archsage, Rena (Spaces: 2)
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Job done well Archsage! Hahaha... I know I shouldn't be saying this... but i hope we start soon! I'm getting a little hyper about this hahaha... Oh and was it me or was PC down for the past week? Maybe maintenence?
*Raises hand* me like Dragons...

Name: Remmstein Kragen ((I just love calling them Remmstein so strong!))
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire (Like in Moonlight, not like in the books, if you need info just ask MOONLIGHT ROCKS!)
Element: Fire
House: Fafnir
Description: Remmstein, has deep red hair and Burning purple eyes. ((or in two days whatever)), those eyes show absolutely nothing. He has not a wrinkle not a blemish on that perfect well tanned, super firm, super formed body of his. All 5'10", 170 lbs of it. Small freckles are the only imperfections on his skin, they travel along his back in the shape of a dragon, that is why he wants to be a dragon rider.
Personality: Remmstein's personality was answered once when he was interviewed by a man claiming to wish to know the ways of the vampires. Remmstein said this, "Garlic, is good on pizza. Crussifixes, Holy water, they're good if you like that kind of stuff. Silver? Well, I have this gorgeous silver ring on my finger all the time, nothing has happened to me thus far. Sunlight, Hurts like... yesterday." In short, Remmstein tells the truth no matter how boring or unpleasant it may be. He is normally quiet so you might not hear from him at times or even know what he's up to until he's standing right next to you.
History: Remmstein was born a vampire, as rare as he may be he does not expect any special treatment he knows that his very existence is a rarity but he doesn't like to much much of a fuss about it. He was born in the woods far away from anyone and anything. His mother raised him alone because his father was killed during the war between Vampires and Werewolves. All his life he has been taught to hate those flee bitten, drooling, immortal wannabes, and now he hates them more then ever.
Weapon: A long black lance. about 17 feet long, and very heavy, for any normal human.
Other: Naw. unless sexuality is an issue.

Name: Anguine
Gender: Male
Description: Anguine I loves me a dragon that is still arriving when he gets there.
Personality: Anguine is a very vain creature, he thinks that the only people that should be allowed to talk to him are beautiful people, he stick his nose up at anyone else. Of course what he thinks is beautiful might not be what you think is beautiful, if you even want him to look at you, it would be best to wear a Dragon Pendant made of solid gold, if it's gold plated he'll know and he'll try to freeze you with his Ice Breath. He enjoys only the finer things and will never eat anything that isn't perfectly seasoned, this makes Remmsteins job of feeding the great beast almost more then he can bear, of course, the friendship is well worth it. Anguine is a strictly friends for life kind of dragon.
Other: Nope, except that he gets really bad crushes on all female dragons.

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...Is it too late to sign-up?

Name: Venia Acies

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Element: Water

House: Coca

Description: Venia is relatively short, at 5'3'', and is of average weight. She has pale skin and long, sleek, forest green hair. There are (backwards if she's facing left) 'L' shaped strands of hair that extend an inch beyond her face right before her ears on either side of her face. They are held up by two aqua beads at the top of each strand. Her eyes are narrow and pupiless, with ice-blue irises. Around her neck is a golden ring, to which a pendant with a blue orb is attached. She wears a loose, long sleeved shirt, with a gradient purple going from light at the top to dark purple at the bottom. Venia has blue-dyed leather bands around her wrists which have a flowing, silvery, piece of cloth that is 3 feet long sewn to each. When Venia is walking, the cloth gently flows behind her, and if she is running, spinning, dancing, or if it is windy, the cloth expands to look like gossamer wings. Her pants are very long and baggy with the same gradient pattern as her shirt, and are held up by a rope made of the same material as her "bracelets" tied off at the side. For shoes, she wears simple woven sandals. Occasionally, she will wear a green scarf.

Personality: Venia has a very estranged personallity. She'll often be daydreaming or simply staring off in to space, and has a loose grip on reality. Venia generally can get along with people however, provided they don't mind her not paying attention to half of the things they say. Her personallity changes greatly when she's doing something that she finds entertaining, however, such as magic or fighting. Then she becomes very alert and moves with utmost grace and dexerity. She shows how clever she can be, and that she's a decent tactician. She wasn't put in Nidhogg for the fact that she doesn't show her clever side that often. One of her favorite things to do is put one hand on top of the other, wiggle her thumbs around, and say, "Awkward turtle."

History: Venia's parents were both caring and wealthy, and as such, Venia was raised very spoiled for most of her life. That changed, however, when her mother died. Her father decided to remarry, and while his new wife was beautiful on the outside, she was twisted on the inside. She had Venia's father spend more time on her than Venia, and Venia became to learn to value her friends, as she essentially lost both of her parents. Her personallity had always been aloof, but her step-mother hadn't helped that at all. Her best friend is currently her dragon, Valkus, who has sort of become Venia's outgoing side.

Weapon: Despite having the water element, she carries a weapon called "Gaea's Whirlwind", which looks like a normal scythe, except for the fact that the pole is petrified wood, and there are vines growing on it. (Scythes seem to be somewhat popular here. D: )

Other: Venia posseses a beautiful, musical voice, and is skilled at singing. She's also able to pick up just about any kind of instrument and be able to figure it out in a couple hours, if not minutes. Her favorite type of intruments are strings, as she'll often start playing and singing simultaniously.


Name: Valkus

Gender: Male

Description: Here ya go. ((I actually didn't feel like drawing something myself today. Which is wierd for me.)) In his smaller form, he looks like a foot-long lizard-version of himself. He'll generally sit on Venia shoulder in his smaller form.

Personality: Very unlike Venia, Valkus is very attentive and has an excellent memory. In fact, he's so easily amused, he actaully sat around one day and started watching paint dry. He tends to help Venia remember things, as well as sharing Venia's interest in combat and magic. His attitude towards others is somewhat obnoxious or awkward, although he's just trying to make new friends for Venia. He's generally looking out for Venia and acting in her best interest. Occasionally, he'll start ranting, or maybe even have a violent outburst, but he's usually very tolerant.

Other: Valkus is severely arachnaphobic. (scared of spiders)
Uzumaki_Naruto: Accepted
Alter Ego: Accepted
Archsage: Accepted (Fleur)
Archsage: Accepted (Seth)
Chibi-chan: Accepted
Glajummy: Accepted
Shiney: Accepted (Though I know, you wish to edit)
JBCPeace: Accepted
Shadow Yue: Accepted
ACC-M: Accepted
Hero of Time Link: Accepted
Stardust-Kumo: Accepted (Even though you still need to change Phenia to Draconia)
Mizuki: Accepted
Random Fan: Accepted
Rena: Reserved
JBCBlank: Reserved
MidnightDragon_249: Accepted

JBCBlank: Your gonna need to finish it before I can make any sort of decision okay. RESERVED at the moment.

MidnightDragon: All good, Accepted.

Fire: Use the power of hot flames to physically attack your opponent. (JBCPeace, and JBCBlank Spaces: 0)
Ice: Use the power of snow and ice to freeze your enemies in they're tracks. (Shadowfaith and Archsage Spaces: 0)
Water: Use this watery power to drown your enemies and trap them. (Shiney and MidnightDragon_249 Spaces: 0)
Earth: Use this strong power to crush your targets. ( Glajummy, Spaces: 1)
Lightning: Use this energy to stun and shock those that oppose you. (Hero of time Link and Stardust-Kumo, Spaces: 0)
Poison: Use this power to slowly damage your foes. (Mizuki, Spaces: 1)
Psychic: Use this power to air your friends, read minds and pick up objects. (Alter Ego, Archsage, Spaced: 0)
Air: Use this power to slash and cut at your foes flesh. (Random Fan and Chibi-chan, Spaces: 0)
Dark: Use the shadows to do your bidding. (Shadow- Yue and ACC-M Spaces: 0)
Light: Use your healing powers to aid friends and blind enemies. (Uzumaki Naruto and Rena Spaces: 0)

Fafnir: Shadowfaith, Stardust-Kumo, Archsage, JBCBlank (Sapces: 1)
Orochi: Shiney, JBCPeace, ACC-M, Mizuki and Chibi-chan (Spaces: 0)
Nidhogg: Alter Ego, Glajummy, Shadow Yue, Hero of Time Link and Random Fan (Spaces: 0)
Coca: Uzumaki Naruto, Archsage, Rena, MidnightDragon_249 (Spaces: 1)

OKAY! I'm gonna start this RPG. There are two spaces left, if no one wants them then I'll create another character and someone else is also aloud to create another character. The ones that have reserved places, please either finish them as soon as possible, or give up the space. I'm not gonna chase people until I think you've had plenty time.
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