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Completed Event E&M Quizarama! Complete!

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 34,101

    Entertainment & Media

    I will be hosting a different event each day during the GT - 14 daily events in all - spanning a range of subjects covered by the E&M section (Film, TV, Music, Books, Sport etc.)

    The rules are simple:

    ★ Every day I will post a new event in the second post of this thread. I will also bump the thread with a link to it.

    ★ Teams should confer and discuss the questions and possible answers before submitting.

    ★ It is supposed to be a fun way to bond with your teammates, so please NO GOOGLING the answers.

    ★ Teams will get points for every correct answer, plus bonus points for various achievements along the way:

    Best Day Ever - FIRST team to score 100% in a round
    - 10 Points
    - Claimed by Team Gears

    Chain Reaction - FIRST team to score 90%+ for 5 rounds in a row
    - 15 Points
    - Now unobtainable

    Glass half full - Score 100% in 7 rounds (doesn't need to be consecutive)
    - 20 Points
    - Now unobtainable

    Chillin' in the 90's - Average 90%+ correct answers for the whole event
    - 25 Points
    - Now unobtainable

    Clean Sweep - Obtain 100% correct answers for all 14 rounds
    - 50 Points
    - Now unobtainable

    ★ You will find the closing time in the daily post. Once your team has agreed on as many answers as possible for that day's event, one member of the team should submit them to me before the deadline either:

    On the forum via Private Message
    Or on Discord at hoshinoakari

    ★ I will accept each team's first set of answers only.

    ★ The most important rule of all: HAVE FUN!

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    That's it fam!

    14 days of intense and ridiculously close competition is finally over! Both teams gave it their all and were tied going into the final round. Normally 17/20 would have been enough for an Apricorn victory but Gears posted an incredible 19/20 in the last event to take overall victory by just 2 points!!!

    Only 1 achievement was successfully claimed (by Team Gears) without which the result would have been different. Both teams came VERY close to claiming other achievements but ultimately fell just short.

    You can find all events and answers below if there's anything you want to go back and have a look at.

    Congratulations on your victory Team Gears, and thank you both teams for the truly epic competition, it's been fantastic to watch!

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    Team GearsTeam Apricorn
    Event 1: 15 Points *
    + 10 Points for
    "Best Day Ever"
    Event 1: 15 Points *
    Event 2: 15 Points *Event 2: 12 Points
    Event 3: 10 Points *Event 3: 10 Points *
    Event 4: 4 PointsEvent 4: 10 Points *
    Event 5: 9 PointsEvent 5: 7 Points
    Event 6: 12 Points *Event 6: 11 Points
    Event 7: 12 PointsEvent 7: 13 Points
    Event 8: 11 Points
    + 5 Bonus Points
    Event 8: 8 Points
    Event 9: 8 PointsEvent 9: 9 Points
    Event 10: DNSEvent 10: 10 Points
    Event 11: 3 PointsEvent 11: 0 Points
    Event 12: 5 PointsEvent 12: 6 Points
    Event 13: 4 PointsEvent 13: 12 Points
    Event 14: 19 PointsEvent 14: 17 Points
    Total: 142 PointsTotal: 140 Points

    * = Maximum score

    Completed Events / Answers:
    Event 1
    Event 2
    Event 3
    Event 4
    Event 5
    Event 6
    Event 7
    Event 8
    Event 9
    Event 10
    Event 11
    Event 12
    Event 13
    Event 14
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    Both teams got a perfect score!!! What a start!

    Team gears takes an early lead though thanks to claiming the first achievement of the event as a result of getting their answers in first. This is shaping up to be an epic contest!

    You can view the results of yesterdays round under the leaderboard here

    Ready for round two fam? Today you will be tackling a good old anagram round. You can today's event in THIS POST
    Team Gears keep up their 100% record through round 2! Apricorn were not far behind either with only 3 missing answers! Well done both teams!

    You can view the results of yesterdays round under the leaderboard HERE

    Will our teams be able to keep up this crazy pace? Maybe a crossword will slow them down! You can today's event in THIS POST
    Another maximum score for both teams! What a battle!

    Let's see how long you can both keep this up for! ;)

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Today's round is all about literature! You can today's event in THIS POST
    Another maximum score for Apricorn puts them only 3 7 points behind! Not sure what happened to Gears when they were on such a roll ;(

    Edit: Gears did submit parts of some answers just as I put the answers up so there's no way they could have seen them in time so I have awarded them their points 😊

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Today you get to show me how well you know your sports! You can find today's event in THIS POST
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    Sorry for the delay! YouTube let me down disastrously so I had to make alternative plans, then my internet refused to connect... I'm starting to think Arc and myself share an internet provider!!!

    Our intrepid teams navigated a very tricky sports round with 9 & 7 out of 12! Congrats! 😊

    Our changeover time will be back to normal today to match the other trivia events.

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Today sees the return of music trivia but with a twist... You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
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    Our teams once again gave it their all, scoring 23/24 between them! Amazing!!!

    In fact Apricorn and Gears have been so close during this whole event that they are only separated by the 10 points Gears gained from claiming an early achievement otherwise it would be a dead heat right now!

    Speaking of achievements, their perfect score in round 6 sees Gears once again take the lead in the tight race to the "Glass half full" achievement.

    Both teams have narrowly missed out on "Chain Reaction" so far. With the scoring being as high as it is, "Chillin' in the 90's" is very much still on, although "Clean Sweep" is now unfortunately unobtainable.

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    This is the day you TV fanatics have been waiting for... You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    As we reach the halfway point, our epic tussle continues with Apricorn narrowing the gap to Gears by another point! Well done both teams for the 13 & 12 out of 15! I need to up my game!

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    FINALLY... the Name That Tune round has come back to E&M Quizarama! You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    Suddenly there's a gap! Gears correctly named 11 films while Apricorn got 8 right in the last round. With the small bonus Gears won by naming the most artists and titles, they are now stretching away slightly.

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Ready for another crossword fam? Well here is one anyway ;) You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    And back it swings! Apricorn wins another round but Gears only dropped a single point!

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Today you are tasked with identifying artists and songs, but of course it's never that simple... You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    With 9.5 out of 12 (rounded up to 10) Apricorn identified nearly all of the artists and songs from the pictures I chose! Amazing!!!

    Unfortunately Gears did not submit anything ;(

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Today is another sports round, but this one is UNUSUAL... You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    Gears makes up for yesterday's no-score by winning the sports round! Apricorn unfortunately posted their own no-score today to allow the gap to creep back up to 9 points with 3 rounds left. I was very, very, tempted to give Apricorn a ton of bonus points for their creative answers though!!! 😊

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    Today is film time once again, this time stills though, rather than sound! You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    The see-sawing continues with Apricorn bouncing back to take the film stills round by a point! It is still soooooooo close with two rounds left!

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    How well do you know your TV co-stars? You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck!
    This year's edition of Quizarama has been an epic rollercoaster of a journey with both teams being incredibly close overall!

    Well it just got closer! With 4 points for Gears, and 12 points for Apricorn (actually 11.5 rounded up... it wasn't Hilda ;) we now have a tie once more going into the final round!

    You can view the results of yesterday's round under the leaderboard HERE

    What better way to attempt to separate our heroes than with a good ol' music round? You can find today's event in THIS POST

    Good luck everyone, and may the best team win!
    14 days of intense and ridiculously close competition is finally over! Both teams gave it their all and were tied going into the final round. Normally 17/20 would have been enough for an Apricorn victory but Gears posted an incredible 19/20 in the last event to take overall victory by just 2 points!!!

    Only 1 achievement was successfully claimed (by Team Gears) without which the result would have been different. Both teams came VERY close to claiming other achievements but ultimately fell just short.

    You can find all events and answers under the final leaderboard if there's anything you want to go back and have a look at.

    Congratulations on your victory Team Gears, and thank you both teams for the truly epic competition, it's been fantastic to watch!