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Eevee Mania - Hunt for Evo's

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((OOC: I will post first destinations soon and please use the OOC thread :) ))

Anton first looked at Joan Sky,

"Joan, I will give you your details in a minute, i realise that this will be a hard and arguous task that lies a head. Through the Proff. Comm., i will tell you where your eeveelution has been sighted and that is where you will look. your first destinations will be sent in a minute once our scientists have registered everything up to the network."

Then he looked at Elizabeth,

"I would assume that you would lie to the authorities about what is happening. If in the case you are caught, you need to ditch our equipment so that you cannot be traced back to us. When they conclude that you are not aiding us they will let you go if you make a believable story that you did not know about the laws, they can't do anything if it comes to that. However, if you have been detained then it is up to you to figure out how you are to get out of the situation. You seem like a smart and resourceful Dragon Tamer so it shouldn't be too hard." he said smiling.
The Professor Communicator was an impressive piece of technology- small enough to be slipped inconspicuously into Ethan's pocket, but still with several handy features and constructed entirely out of glossy, stainless steel. Impressive indeed. The Evo Ball, while no less grand, failed to inspire awe in Ethan- more like depression. As he cast his eye over the room again, he noticed a discernible lack of other Bug-type Trainers...and he wasn't much of a fighter and a hunter. He bit his lip worriedly. Even if it had a ninety percent chance at catching Insecteon...there was still that ten percent...

And suddenly, the professor was speaking again. Ethan snapped back to the present, and listened. So, they had gotten some information on these elusive evolutions...

He looked at the picture of Insecteon. Unfortunately for him, the picture was blurred. That meant speed. A large protuberance, that resembled Heracles's horn, was perched on the head of Insecteon. That meant power. The creature was colored with vivid greens and reds; it was not the "hide-and-hope-they-don't-see-me" coloration of prey bugs, but the "back-off-if-you-eat-me-you-die" coloration of poison. All together? That meant bad.

Tentatively, Ethan raised a long arm and said, in a soft voice, "Eh...question. Are we allowed to share our findings with other members of this...investigation, and enlist their help if the time and situation is convenient? Or the less people that know, the better?"
Anton this time turned to the bug catcher, Ethan Press.

"Ethan, it is entirely up to you wether you ask for help from other applicants and up to them to help you. Often though, many of you will be in different parts of this world chasing your different evolutions but if you have the chance then sure, why not. we are all here to help."
Dave turned back to the Proff. "So we have info on what they look like and where they could be, but do we have anything else, like attacks, behaviour or food they eat? This could help us think of possible traps to set and ways to counteract their attacks" Dave asked the Professor. "Another thing, transportation, do we have to make our own way to the locations or are you providing anything?"
Janice moved more into the general group so that she could take her Evo ball and the technological device that the professor had decided would be beneficial to their search. The other hunters had fair questions, and the answers given to them answered some of her own that she would surely have later on. At the same time, some of these people were genuinely laughable. Any occupation besides mastery of the Poisonous made absolutely no sense to her. Dragon tamers, perhaps. But Bird types were food for her Pokemon. She was glad she had not released Pythe or Serpentine for this occasion; they would surely scent the avian creatures on their trainer and attempt to get them. When they wanted something they were impossible to placate until they had achieved it.

And what of these people traveling with their parents, of all people? She had to oppress a snort of derisation. How could they expect to find an incredibly rare Pokemon when they couldn't even travel alone yet?

But as Master Koga had said, it was not her place to consider the ways of others beneath her own. Though they found this path most appealing, others may not be capable of mastering the ways of the Poisonous, of silence and stealth, of slow death.
"Dave, that is a good question. The first answer, once the Comm.'s are online then i will insert this USB drive into them, it has info on your different pokemon that updates all the time. secondly, we cannot make it look like we are helping you or have anything to do with you in anyway so you are going to have to make your own way there sorry."

Then a small beeping echoed in the lab.
"Finally, the Professor Comm.'s are online!" Anton exclaimed.

"First of all, Elizabeth Anderson and Raydin Seam, please step forward." The two came up to the front where Anton stood. Anton then stuck separate USB drives into their Prof. Comm.'s.
"This has all the information of Komodeon on it, eating habits, behaviour, etc. Your first sighting was in the Dragon's Den, Blackthorn City, Jhoto. Go there now." He said. They thanked him and left.

"Next, Silvio Vargas and Rocky Markov, please step forward." The two came up to where Anton stood with their partners and Anton again inserted two different USD drives into their Comm.'s."This has all the information of Fissureon on it, eating habits, behaviour, etc. Your first sighting was in Route Three, between Pewter and Cerulean City, Kanto. Go there now." He said. They thanked him and left.

"Dave Mills, please step forward." He came up to where Anton stood. Anton inserted another USB drive into his Prof. Comm. "This has all the information of Metaleon on it, eating habits, behaviour, etc. Your first sighting is the Power Plant, Route Ten, Kanto. Go there now." Dave thanked him and left.

"Janice Spears, please step forward." She came up to where Anton stood. Anton inserted another USB drive into her Prof. Comm. "This has all the information of Toxeon on it, eating habits, behaviour, etc. Your first sighting is in Celadon City, Kanto. Go there now." She thanked him and left.

"Joan Sky, please step forward." She came up to where Anton stood. Anton inserted another USB drive into her Prof. Comm. "This has all the information of Soareon on it, eating habits, behaviour, etc. Your first sighting is the Spear Pillar, Mount Coronet, Sinnoh. Go there now." She thanked him and left.

"Ethan Press, please step forward." He came up to where Anton stood. Anton inserted another USB drive into his Prof. Comm. "This has all the information of Insecteon on it, eating habits, behaviour, etc. Your first sighting is in Petalburg Woods, Hoenn." Ethan thanked him but before he could leave, Anton grabbed his attention, "I have told my nephew to meet you at Petalburg City, in the PokéCentre. Can you give him this Prof. Comm., Evo ball, Nav. Card and USB drive, please? It would mean heaps thank you."
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(Even though yours isn't done i'll post this before I go)

"Right transport there, where ever there is going to be" Dave thought to himself, he snapped his fingers "My sisters Pidgeot, I'm sure she'd be happy to lend her to me after all I did for her" he continued to think. "Wait, do I tell her about all of this, since she has the biggest mouth this side of Kanto" he thought. He inspected the comm once more "Well the updates bit was good at least" the comm lit up as it came online, receiving information instantly about Metaleon. Dave skimmed the info on the comm "Mountain areas, away from humans, high defences, ally with other pokemon of it's type" the comm also flashed up with more pictures of the pokemon, all be it out of focus and from a distance. "So this constantly updates you say? Awesome" with that Dave recalled Tech, and picked up his bag, "when can we get going on this then?"
((@Blasto King: he did, but he coupled him with Silvio because they're the same Trainer class.))

Ethan's mouth formulated a swear as Professor Stagg listed the locations they were going to- and to his dismay, he realized he was the only one going to Hoenn. So much for his mooch off of others plan...

As he walked up to receive the USB drive, contemplating how to solve this new dilemna, he mumbled a quick "thanks", before turning back to his seat. But before he could take one step forward, Anton tapped him on the shoulder. "I have told my nephew to meet you at Petalburg City, in the PokéCentre." the professor said. "Can you give him this Prof. Comm., Evo ball, Nav. Card and USB drive, please? It would mean heaps. Thank you."

Ethan gave Anton a weak smile, and slipped the four items into his pocket. "Well, I don't think I can say no." he answered, and rejoined Heracles in their little corner.

His brows furrowed in thought. The nephew of a professor would be a great help indeed...it seemed that he had struck out once, but hit a home run next. Except...

Ethan jogged back up to the professor and asked, "Uh, Mr. Stagg, sir? How will I know your nephew? I mean, plenty of people go to the Petalburg Pokemon Center daily...how will I know which one is him?"
Rocky started to talk to his dad
"um dad?"
"yes i know you want to go alone"his dad replied
"you may go. but promise me you will be careful"
"yes father i shall and i will bring Fissureon home tamed and all"
As he finished talking he walked over to Silvio although he knew not a thing about him.
"So how are we getting to route three in Kanto?"he asked Silvio.
Anton looked at Ethan and thought, "This boy has a point, he is very sharp indeed."

"Ethan, when you go up to the desk, look to your left, in the corner by the bookshelf. My nephew will be in the corner seat. of the table, waiting. Do not make it out like you know him but instead drop a pokeball, on accident then as you go to pick it up mouth the word 'Uncle'. He will understand then meet you upstairs. You got it?"

"Good luck and safe travel." Anton assured him.
((OOC (I know I should use the other topic but I'll forget if I don't do it now), where is Aomori in relation to the other regions?))

Dave walked out through the corridor of the building out a side exit "Power Plant, last time I was there I found Voltz, I wonder how much it has changed". Dave walked down the road, inspecting the Comm as he went "Now to make a call" as he went through the menus trying to find how to make a call, eventually finding it and calling his sister. After a short convocation she agreed to lending her Pidgeot to him, Dave using the reason that he needed her for competition to win a rare egg. After a long walk, he arrived outside the large chrome and metal doors of a newly developed pokemon centre, where he could call her on the video phone and have Pidgeot's pokeball sent to him by his sister, which she did, even thought she wasn't totally convinced by his story. The call ended, so dave let Pidgeot out of it's ball, to find that it had a purple bow tied around it's neck "Well at least I'll recognise it if we get separated". Russ jumped up onto Pidgeot and started to play with it "Hope you don't mind that Pidgeot, Russ here is very playful, and it looks like he likes you" Dave laughed. Dave jumped onto Pidgeot as it opened it's wings "To the Power Plant!"
Joan, who had been grinning since she was told where to go, grinned even more as she stepped out of the building. Torry looked at his trainer and grinned with her. She made sure to walk quiet a distance away from the building, since this whole thing was suppose to be a hush hush operation, then took out a Dusk ball.

"Come out, Fluffy!" Joan shouted as she threw the ball up. In a flash of dark light a large, balloon like Pokemon appeared. The Driftblim floated over to his trainer and nuzzled against her happily.

"Alright, Fluff, I'm happy to see you too," Joan said with a smirk, gently pushing the Blimp Pokemon an arms length away from her. She then returned Torry to his own ball, and looked back to Fluffy. "Okay big guy, I need you to take me over to the Spear Pillar on top of Mt. Cornet."

"Drift?" Fluffy asked, tilting his head at his trainer.

"Yeah, I know it's really tall," Joan said. "We don't have to get all the way up there. You can just take me as high up as you can and then I can climb up with Swift or Diana. Okay?"

"Drift!" Fluffy said, then wrapped two of his cloth like arms around Joan and, when the right wind came, flew up into the air. Joan grinned widely as she looked at the racing ground below her, excited to finally getting this show started.
Nodding his head in thanks, Ethan turned. That seems like a rather complex way to recognize a friend, but the man is a professor. I'll just do as he says. Secrecy is of the essence. Ethan thought. He clicked his tongue towards Heracles, and the Heracross (who had been busy examining the ceiling) clicked back before loping to Ethan's side. He caught the door as a girl, a Bird Keeper by the looks of it, left.

He went through just in time to see a Drifblim float away into the sky, and a little farther off, a Pidgeotto that was by now only a small smear of color in the azure expanse of the sky. Ethan reached into his pocket, and after a moment of digging through all the clutter, drew a Level Ball. Bouncing the ball on the ground to set the auto-release, Ethan patted Meg on the back- quite a feat, seeing how the Yanma was flitting back and forth. He let his hand fall, and sighed. If only Yanma were strong enough to carry people.

He looked around wistfully, wishing the taxi that had brought him here was still there. He was also wishing that he could own one of the bikes chained to the side of the building. He was even hoping for one of those clunky desert scooters to just fall out of the sky. But no.

He felt in his cluttered pocket and noticed a depressing amount of cash. He could go fight another trainer for more...but he'd probably end up losing. An odd job might raise some dough, but that would take time. There was just enough to ride one of those fancy subways they had just built connecting the main regions, factoring in meals...and he could always camp under the stars.

"Come on, guys!", he said in cheery voice that didn't fool anyone, including bugs. "We're walking to Hoenn!"
((ooc:what am i supposed to do infinate meditate hasnt posted in like ever?))
Obviously Janice could not think of any immediately available method of getting to Kanto. She did not have a Pokemon that could fly, and she did not know when the next ship would be leaving. Therefore she had to make a difficult decision.

'Master Koga, forgive me,' she thought in shame. It was not the way of the Poison master to train other types, but she knew there were Swellow nearby, and she knew they could easily lift her the needed distance in far less time than any of the other methods of transportation available to her. If Victor could forgive her, she supposed, she could forgive herself. After all, Master Koga was not unreasonable. And did he ever have to know? Though it pained her to think of keeping things from her hero she supposed there were more important things at hand.

With one last quick glance around the room she exited. Brilliant sunlight greeted her outside, along with a common layout for towns where professors resided. There was a path leading to the south, and one to the west. Which one ought she take? She chewed her lip and looked back and forth between the two. Finally, she heard the sound of a Swellow singing coming from the one to the South. That was what she needed to make her decision. Swift strides led her down the path and away from the town.

Once swallowed by the wilderness she slowed and released her most trusted traveling companion from the confines of his capsule. The Nidorino landed gracefully on all four feet, especially for his size, and glanced up at Janice questioningly. Although she retained a stoic expression Victor had been with her long enough to know when something was on her mind.

"We must procure a bird, Victor," she said slowly without breaking stride. He snorted and flattened his ears.

"I know. I do not like the thought any more than you do. But we need a way to move quickly, if we are to find this Pokemon. And now we need to get to Kanto. There is no ship that can get there faster than a bird."

He sighed deep in his chest, letting her know that he agreed. With the support of Victor she could get through this, she knew. She pulled the black bandana over her mouth and nose and began to scan the trees with her eyes. At first, all she saw were branches and leaves but finally she caught sight of a Swellow.

"Sludge Bomb, Victor," she said calmly. He opened his mouth and spat a horrendous sphere of purple liquid at the Swellow. It screeched as the ball made contact and fell out of the tree, twitching from the immediate poisoning. Apparently Victor was far more experienced than it was, though that was no surprise. She had been training with him since they were both small.

She threw a generic ball at it and caught it immediately. Though she wanted to take off now she knew it was not suitable for flight, as the poisoning would weaken it periodically. Therefore a trip to the Center was in order.

Forty five minutes later after it was all done, the Swellow was ready for flight. Janice recalled Victor and gripped the part of the wing joints closest to the body.

"Now, I only ask you to make this trip once," she told it. "After this you're free to do as you like."

It cooed discontentedly but took flight all the same, with her clinging onto its back.
Pidgeot took off with Dave and Russ on it's back. Dave was lucky that he had a tailwind, which would save a lot of time on the flight. "So if we fly over to Sinnoh, rest there for a few hours and then continue to Kanto, sound like a plan Pidgeot?" Pidgeot nodded and picked up the pace, flying past a flock of Skarmory "That's unusual for them to be out here, they should be up in the mountains, and we're now over the sea, and it isn't migration season for them". Dave, Russ and Pidgeot continued towards Sinnoh, after a while passing over a few small towns on the southwest of Sinnoh, before arriving at Jubilife City "That'll make a good place to stop" Pidgeot swooped downwards towards the City, trying to avoid a helicopter, then tall buildings and Radio Masts when the got lower down. They landed in a large green park inside the City, part of which was closed off and had police equipment in the area, Dave quickly walked past, out of the park into the city "Wonder what's going on.." Russ shrugged. Dave found the local pokemon centre, and rested there for a while, before heading out to find a pokemart to buy supplies. He found the mart, two roads away from the centre. He walked in and brought a few basic supplies, a few varieties of pokeballs including heavy balls and quick balls to name a few.

They left the mart, and let Pidgeot out of it's ball, and got onto her "Let's go!" Pidgeot took off, swooped up and soared ahead. A long time later they arrived in Kanto, on the east end of route 9. "Okay Pidgeot return, we'll walk the rest of the way". They walked along the waterside path, watching many water type pokemon playing and living together in the water peacefully together, however the mood changed the closer they got to the power plant, it was once again abandoned after it was refurbished to power the kanto-Johto train, due to a massive overload destroying the machinery. rather than fixing it again, they decided to use a greener source of energy, using wind turbines from around the Pallet area.

((OOC Sorry if I got to Kanto a little quick, wasn't much else that could have happened on the journey to make it longer))

"Oh crap crap CRAP!" shouted Xarel as he busted through the doors of Professor Anton Staggs's office. He then bowed and had a red face.

"I am sorry, but I had to finish some things up at my job at Fuego Ironworks first. The new guys weren't able to lift the iron ore into the furnace," said Xarel as he started breathing heavily. He was still wearing his uniform and his white hard hat, but at least he had all his stuff with him. Xarel then straightened up and smiled. "Sorry I'm all dirty. Comes with my job. I promise I will not be late to any meetings ever again."

For some reason, whatever Xarel said was a cue for Lairon's Pokeball to open, revealing the silver and black Pokemon.

"Lairon!" shouted Lairon as it looked around the office. He then saw the Professor and backed up until he was behind Xarel. Xarel then took a step back, tripping over Lairon and landing on his butt.

"Ouch," he said as he gave Lairon an evil look.
Anton looked at the late arrival, he was in a state of distress so he thought to calm his tensions.
"It's fine Xarel, the others have just left and there is no rush, just take care. Here is your Prof. Comm. USB Drive with all the data of the eeveelution on it. Here aswell is a Nav card, it shows locations of sightings and evo ball, ninety percent capture rate on eeveelution only. Take this card aswell, it has a recording of the whole briefing but once you have seen it destory it throughly."

Anton passed the trainer his items, "Good luck, and dont get caught."
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