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Help Thread: Event Organisers: Getting Started

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 9,063
    Event Organiser
    Info Thread

    Hey Event Organisers and welcome to Get-Together 2023!

    In this thread will be some information for those who are new to the Get-Together (GT) and organising events for it. We'll tackle some potential issues/questions you may have and detail a few things about the event itself in our FAQ below, so hopefully coming up with your event goes as smoothly as it can.


    This place looks scary, where am I?

    For those new to the Get-Together and/or hosting their first event, this is the place where you will be creating your event in detail and sprucing it up, ready to be displayed as a fully-fledged event when we start the Get-Together! Your events, once completed, will be posted into the Get-Together Stage, where the events will officially take place.

    Feel free to post whatever is required, however we do ask that as much information about the event, how it works and the such is included in it, to make our lives a bit easier! If you're super stuck, as an EO veteran myself (along with all of the Management team), we will be more than happy to help you with any questions!

    How long is the Get-Together?

    The Get-Together runs for approximately two weeks. This year's GT will be running from August 12th - August 27th.

    Does my event need to run throughout the whole two weeks?

    No! Your event can run, within reason, when you want it to. If you want it to run daily (so like Video Games Trivia, Who's That Pokémon?, etc.) or over the whole 2 weeks (like Cutest Profile Challenge, Arcade, etc.) then it's entirely up to you, just make sure to specify in your event post. If you're a little unsure on whether your event might clash with something, please feel free to checking our scheduling thread.

    Where can I host my event?

    You can host your event on just the forums, just the Discord server, or both! If you wish to use the Discord server, please post in this thread so we can set up a role to ping people, and the Moderoids will get this organised for you. The Discord serverwill also have a hub for the event, with a channel for each team as well as places to post event updates and the such, so if you need to use it, please feel free!

    When creating your event just specify where you'll be hosting it and what you will require, so we know if it can feasibly be done.

    So my Event requires/has multiple hosts (judges, etc.), what do we do?

    So some events will require more than one host to run, and that's OK! If you haven't already organised this, just post in the thread if you need some and generally other EOs will fill the spots. If however that doesn't look like that's the case, or you have specific people in mind to co-host with you, that's OK too! As long as they are specified within the post, let one of the GT Management Team know and we can then add that person to this forum section (and #event-organisers channel on Discord), so you can all plan together etc.

    What determines if an Event is OK or not?

    That will be us in GT Management! We'll have a baseline of criteria to determine if anything needs changing, which will include things such as:

    - Does the event seem feasible in its timeframe (for example, having someone answer 10 questions a day is OK, having them answer 100 a day is not).
    - Does the event look like something people will want to partake in (for example, hosting an event for a popular game such as Smash Bros. or Mario Kart will be OK, hosting an event for an obscure game such as Devil Dice will not be OK).
    - Is the event accessible for users (for example, an event that requires users to get very specific programs will not be suitable, whereas something that can be easily accessed via a browser etc. will be OK).
    - How will points be distributed for the event and does this tally up with things such as the duration/difficulty/complexity of the event.
    - Has relevant formatting etc. (including CSS if desired) been implemented, to make the thread easier to read?

    Throughout the next few weeks or so we will then poke you to advise if changes need to be made. If everything looks OK, we'll then mark your Event as Approved - you're all good to go!

    Points? People expect prizes for this?! How do they work?!

    Fear not, we've mostly done the hard work here for you, this is mostly making sure that your event will contribute to the global cause, which is teams earning points to win. In terms of assigning points to your events, we've set a guideline below of generally what we'd go for, however feel free to use something different as long as you can sufficiently explain why it is being used.

    Daily Games/Short Events:
    Winning a game: 10 points
    Participation Points: 5 Points per person

    Long Events:
    1st Place: 150 Points
    2nd Place: 100 Points
    3rd Place: 50 Points
    Participation: Either 10 Points or at EO's discretion

    Are Achievements making a comeback?

    Most certainly!

    For those that did not participate last year, Achievements are conditions that once met, will score whichever team gets them first some bonus points (just think of the Steam achievements all the games have).

    Think of it as a small way that people who may not think they're the best at events can still contribute towards the effort! This is something that you don't HAVE to do and we may as Management look at an event and discuss some with you that we think could fit. If you're still unsure, here are some examples below:

    - Having X no. of participants in an event (either say 5 points for every event this is in OR a larger amount but can only be redeemed once).
    - Maintaining 1st place in an event for the longest (for things like Arcade etc. where leaderboards can change).
    - Having at least 2/3 of the top 3 in a team over X events.

    Again these are not mandatory, but a little twist we'd thought we would put in and therefore maybe something that could be introduced into your events.

    If you're stuck on what qualifies for the above, we're more than happy to help, just pose the question in your post and a member of GT Management will get back to you.

    This concludes the EO info thread. If there's anything else I've missed, just message one of the GT Management Team (we'll show up at the top of the section).
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